Defenders of Evodusai Part 12

Story by Mizucharoshi on SoFurry

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"These five will do," I said handing the profiles back to

Haless. As he looked over the chosen folders I politely excused

myself and walked away gracefully. Once I calmly closed the door

behind me, a childish grin spread across my face. Sprinting off to

the mess hall with thoughts of relieving my belly from its emptiness,

I turned left through the doorway only to find the place nearly

empty. Cursing under my breath, I almost left until I heard the sound

of someone calling for me from across the room. Waving a friendly

blue paw around, Liru was smiling and chewing on something that

looked delicious. Heading over, I was overjoyed when I discovered a

tray of fruits that Liru prepared for me. Slurping at her paws as I sat down, she picked up a chesto berry

and crunched into into it merrily. "Haless told me to get you some

food since he wanted to discuss some things with you privately,"

she said after swallowing. Rolling an apple around in my paws, I

leaned in close and bit into it. Eyes widening at the sudden

sweetness filling my mouth, the intensity of the flavor threw my mind

into a world of bliss. Time passed by slowly as I enjoyed every bit

of this wondrous fruit. Before I knew it, the apple had been

completely consumed. Going through the rest of the food in the same manner, I patted

my belly and squeaked out a tiny burp. Liru had already taken the

tray back to the wash station where a gardevior worked in. Handing

the tray over to the elegant looking pokemon, Liru thanked her and

began her return. As she made her way back to the table, a flash of

brown traveled past her and bolted towards me. Before I could react,

this pokemon that I now recognized as an eevee collided head first

into my chest. Together we tumbled towards the ground, rolling on top

of one another until we were finally stopped by crashing into a wall.

Both of us just laid there, confused and in pain after going through

such an unusual ordeal. Liru screamed from afar and appeared next to

me in seconds. "What's your problem?" she shouted towards my

brown furred attacker before we both noticed a note that the eevee

held in its mouth. Flipping back to her feet and spitting the piece

of paper out towards us the eevee mumbled out "for you" and

rubbed her head. Picking it up, it appeared to be written in Unown. Winta, I have gone and gathered up the candidates you have

chosen for the team. Meet us at the fountain of unity and bring both

your blue scaled friend and the messenger that brought you this

message. See you soon!Intelligence Division Captain-Sir Haless the Dragonite "Oh! Does this

mean that I'm on the team?" Liru asked with a glint of excitement

in her eyes. Before I could reply, the eevee suddenly broke into our

conversation. "We were some of the few who were chosen by the Intel

captain right? Even if it isn't official yet, I'm fairly certain that

we'll all make it in." Liru glared at her. "Hey, who do you think

you are? First you headbutt my friend over here. Then, without even

apologizing to her first, you go and cut her off in the middle of our

conversation." Taken by surprise by the harshness of her tone, the

eevee tensed her muscles and glowered back. "I'm Nyami and I've

been working around here for about three years. I may be in the wrong

here so I sincerely apologize for hurting you charmander. However, as

a senior member of this organization I will not tolerate that force

of tone from some unknown junior. Besides, I answered your question

so you should be more grateful." I jumped up and clamped Liru's jaw

to prevent her from saying anything else. "Stop provoking her," I

whispered into Liru's ear. "It really was just an accident and

she's one of pokemon that I specifically asked for. Like it or not,

we're going to be in the same team together so try to get along with

her." The amount of

killing intent radiating from these two was enough to make my stomach

churn from fear. Acting as a mediator/barrier, I stood in between

these two as we walked to the fountain. Throughout this short twenty

minute walk, I could feel their piercing gazes dig into me like

daggers. When we got outside, the uneasiness lifted up a bit only to

come crashing back down when the group of four waiting by the

fountain came into view. "OY! YER LATE NYAMI," screamed a

chikorita. Launching out some vines, we were caught unaware as they

wrapped around our bodies. A quick yet forceful tug transported us

the rest of the way. Plopping us down

onto the ground like garbage, the chikorita approached the eevee with

an annoyed look in his eyes. "Ain't you suppose to be one of the

fastest round here? Would have expected you to get the job done

quicker then that." Nyami ground her teeth as she stood up and just

stayed silent. "And you two," the chikorita continued as he

focused on Liru and me. "You're both newbies right? How the hell

did you weaklings even get picked to join this team?" A cough from

behind made the chikorita look back. "Their appearance masks their

power, Ritch," the spheal proclaimed as he rolled over to the

chikorita. "The blue one had been trained and raised like a

daughter by the recon chief while the orange one managed to defeat

Mishren with her own two paws." Hearing the spheal's words, the

chikorita's attitude and demeanor changed. "Mi-Mishren, are Jorge's

words true?" the chikorita gasped as he turned towards the moping

flaaffy. "Yeah...," the pink sheep grumbled as he turned to hide

his face. Completely shocked by the news, the fire in the chikorita's

eyes flared up and he shouted at the top of his voice. "YOU MUST


Haless calmly stated sternly. His voice instantly defused the

situation and the chikorita's rage died off slowly. "I'll answer

any and all questions later, but first we must head into the base

that I received permission to use." Lifting off into the air, the

dragonite flew up towards the fountain with his badge in paw.

Clicking the badge into the brain that was etched into the fountain's

shield, the water suddenly stopped spouting from the sword's hilt. A

gentle rumbling in the ground made us all cautious but that feeling

soon disappeared when a passageway opened up behind the shield.

"Okay, follow me," Haless said after landing close to the

entrance. Unlike the other main buildings that Sofeda used, the state

of this passageway was surprisingly poor. Multiple cracks in the

walls of this tunnel and the debris littering the ground made it

appear that the place hadn't been used in years. The tunnel led us

into a trashed up room. "This place used to be Sofeda's first base

of operations," Haless said somberly. "Back when the organization

first started up, all three branches shared this space together. I

was still just a dratini back then, but I can still remember the

laughter that we all shared in these halls." Nyami, after regaining

her confidence, stepped up. "Jeez, how old are y- ack!" The

chikorita had used a vine to cover her mouth. "Shh, quiet," Ritch

whispered. "Can't you read the situation here?" Haless turned and

smiled. "It's quite alright. I'm as old as this organization so I

guess that means I'm about a hundred?" Gasps and shouting echoed

around the room when we heard this. "A hundred?!" Nyami wheezed

having broken out of Ritch's grasp. Haless chuckled. "My kind

usually live for quite some time. If you have any other questions,

feel free to ask now." Jorge the spheal

bounced forward and stared directly into the dragonite's eyes.

"What's the purpose of this team and why were we chosen to be in

it." Haless hid a faint grin under his paw and stared back to the

intelligent spheal. "With a mind as sharp as that, you could have

easily climbed the ranks in Intelligence Central. Tell me why you

decided to join Defensive Defiance and I'll answer both of your

questions." Jorge sighed. "The answer is simple. Even though my

mind is sharp, it could not even leave a scratch in the shield that

my heart had established." Haless nodded. "I see. I'll leave it

be since it appears to be personal. Anyways, the purpose of this team

is to revive the Sofeda of the past by promoting teamwork between the

current three factions. The system as it is right now will only be a

hindrance to Sofeda's main objective and is slowly killing the team.

If it continues on like this, Sofeda itself will simply collapse from

mistrust and infighting. As to why you all were chosen, ask Winta

since she was the one who picked all of you." Most of the group

turned and looked at me. "You...picked me?" the flaaffy asked.

His fighting spirit reignited and he was back to his old self again.

"Is this... some kind of a SICK joke to you?!" He went up and

picked me up by my shoulders. "Tell me, why the hell did you choose

me to be in your team after what I did and said to you?" A bead of

sweat rolled down the back of my head as I gathered my thoughts.

Looking into his watery eyes, I could tell that saying the wrong

thing would simply break this unstable fool. "The reason I chose

you and all the others..." I began, "is not because of your

strengths. All I did was look at the pictures that was taken of you

all to see if you had that certain spark shimmering in your eyes. Out

of all the candidates, the ones that are in this room right now had

that certain spark and became worthy enough to join this team. Now

please put me down, or else I'll put you back in the hospital." Noticing my grin,

Mishren dropped me and walked towards the group. Ritch got up to

protest but the flaaffy stopped and glanced back to me with a tiny

smile on his face. "If you're gonna put me back in the hospital,

I'll make sure to bring you along with me after I'm done kicking your ass."