Seven Years Later Chapter 11

Seven Years Later CH. 11: Back to School         Packing up the remainder of their belongings, Kutty and Unshi both sighed out in relief. The past week that had been solely dedicated to learning about their moves had finally ended. Although they...

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Seven Years Later Chapter 10.5

Seven Years Later CH. 10.5: Overwhelming Heat        Four days of training rolled by as Team Well-Wishers laid back to melt their fatigue away. Scorch marks, mud puddles, and piles of crumbled rocks littered the area around them as proof of their...

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Reminiscing on Days Long Gone

It all started with a trip down memory lane. While revisiting a park I had frequented during the days of my youth, I saw him sitting there one cold winter night. A petite looking wolf, a thin layer of snow had accumulated on parts of his thick silver...

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Defenders of Evodusai Part 10

Going through the lobby of Intelligence Central again, I saw a couple of pokemon who were whispering to one another and pointing at us. It reminded me of our first day here which irritated me for a moment. "Is it always like this around here?" I...

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Defenders of Evodusai Part 9

I awoke with a shake and a shiver to find myself in a bed placed in the corner of an unknown room. Something about me was different, as if I had somehow been reborn. From the twitching in my tail to the wiggling of my toes and paws, for the first time...

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Defenders of Evodusai Part 8

Barely dodging a bout of electricity, I was stunned at how quick his attacks were. "Oh?" the flaaffy wondered aloud. "You dodged it? There aren't that many who could effectively dodge that. Then again, it's only that fast because I sacrificed power...

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Defenders of Evodusai Part 7

Marching along the northern path, we finally arrived at the headquarters of Intelligance Central. Passing through the automated sliding doors, the inside of this place looked very modern. The polished smooth stone floors and reflective metallic walls...


Defenders of Evodusai Part 6

"H-h-how...Did you b-b-build all of this?" I stammered out in shock. Running a paw down a section of wall, I was simply amazed. The craftsmanship on these structures were absolutely stunning. "Well, when the humans all suddenly disappeared, they left...

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Defenders of Evodusai Part 5

The soft pattering of rain gently hitting the ground was soothing to the ear. Still clutching tightly onto my long lost friend, new found instincts told me to seek out shelter. Breaking off from Liru's embrace, I took her paw and led her towards one...

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Defenders of Evodusai Part 4

"How do you--" I started, but then it all came back to me. All the fractured pieces of that one buried memory resurfaced, bringing along with it a whole range of emotions. It happened five years ago, when I was old enough to become a trainer. Since...


Defenders of Evodusai Part 3

Struggling to escape the zangoose's grip, a flash of blue appeared out of the corner of my eye. Suddenly, Truce yelped out as if he had been struck and with a thud, I was dropped onto my rear. "Come on Truce, stop messing with her," Liru growled with...

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Defenders of Evodusai Part 2

Running through the forest clearing upon all fours was just...exhilarating. The scent of freshly crushed grass upon my paws while taking in the rush of air blowing across my face all felt so natural. Eyes dilating, I knew that my senses were much...

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