Morning Activities

Story by diapermutt on SoFurry

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Mean tiger makes his dog boyfriend mess his diaper

The husky stirred in his sleep, vaguely aware the something was unusual before he was fully conscious. He blinked as his eyes adjusted, seeing the same old room and the foot of the same old bed. It wasn't until he tried to move his hand to rub his eyes that he discovered the first problem: his hands were cuffed to the headboard.

Mildly confused, he looked up at the top of the bed, only to be met with the grinning face of his boyfriend.

"Good morning puppy~" he cooed at the bound husky. "Did you have a nice sleep?"

The husky whined and pulled at his cuffs. "What's going on?"

"Just going to have a little fun, pup." The tiger said, running a paw over the husky's head. "Just relax."

The husky wriggled again. It wasn't that he disliked his current situation but... he had other matters to attend. "I need to go to the bathroom."

The tiger shook his head. "Excuses, excuses. Why do you think I've got this on you?" The husky felt the tiger pat at his crotch squishing the diaper that was strapped there into his junk. The husky flushed in embarrassment. It was rare they used those... the husky was shy about his interest in them and , as a result, they hadn't done much involving them, only ever going as far as wearing them under his clothes out in public very briefly.

"Sir..." the husky whined. He wasn't sure what to say, really. He did undeniably find the diapers arousing, and now that he was in them without a choice he found himself at a loss for any objections. It was embarrassing, sure, but they both knew he liked that.

"Shhhhhh," The tiger hushed his pup's whines. "Don't worry, I'll let you out soon. And what did we agree you'd call me when you're diapered?"

"Oh..." The husky flushed again, turning away from the tiger, a sheepish grin curling the corners of his mouth. "D-daddy."

"Gooood puppy!" The tiger said, ruffling the fur on the husky's head. "Now, before I let you out I want you to do something for me."

The husky was sure he knew where this was going, but he asked anyway. "What is it?"

"Just wet your diapers for daddy."

The husky whined again.

"Come now, pup. I know you can do it." He reached over to the bedside table and lifted a baby's bottle full of milk. "Here, I got you a drink to help you go."

The husky looked curiously at the bottle. Since when did they have that? "Did you buy that? How long have you been planning this?"

"Shhhhhhh, puppy." The tiger cooed, shuffling forward along the bed and lifting the husky's head. "Drink up now."

The husky found himself torn between embarrassment and arousal. He wasn't sure how he felt about being treated like an actual baby but despite all that he could still feel his cock hardening beneath the padding of the diaper. Well, the sooner he drank it the sooner he'd piss...

The husky took the nub of the bottle into his mouth and began sucking at it as the tiger tipped the bottle, drinking down the milk a little at a time. The tiger stroked the back of his head as he drank, cooing praise at the husky for being a good boy. It was still embarrassing, but the husky had to admit he found the whole thing rather comforting.

When the bottle was empty, the tiger set it aside and lay the husky back down on the bed before moving to lie beside him, resting a paw on his stomach and idly rubbing his fur. 'Good puppy. Now just wet your diaper."

Wriggling uncomfortably, the husky tried his best to relax and let his bladder go. It was easier said than done, however, a lifetime of toilet training being difficult to unlearn. He felt a fluttering in his stomach, anxiety perhaps, as he tried again to make himself pee.

"Relax, puppy." The tiger said. "It'll happen."

The husky sighed and closed his eyes, letting himself relax as best he could. This entire situation was bizarre. Pissing himself horizontally while tied up wasn't the easiest of tasks. He could feel how desperate he was, but something was holding him back.

'Try not to think about it. Just let it happen.' Easing his body again, the husky let his mind wander. Thinking about tv and video games and what to have for dinner. Finally, he felt himself start to let go, a few trickles of urine leaking from his cock, and he sighed as he let his body take over.

The trickles became a stream, and before long he was flooding his diaper with a night's worth of piss. It felt good, too, just letting it all out, feeling the diaper moisten and puff out. The tiger watched with a proud smile as the husky wet himself, giving his belly a vigorous rub. "Good puppy! Very good!"

The husky was smiling too, at the end of it, happy that not only had he finally done it but he'd also enjoyed it. He wriggled in his bonds. "Can I get out now daddy?"

The tiger chuckled. "Sorry, pup. You're not done yet."

"What do you mean?" The husky was confused. Not done yet? He'd finished wetting himself. What else-- Again he felt the fluttering in his stomach. No, not quite his stomach... he quickly put it all together.

"You... you put laxatives in that milk!"

"Would I do a thing like that?" The tiger said, his grin indicating that yes, he would precisely do a thing like that.

The husky started to pull at the cuffs now. Wetting himself was one thing but... that? It was dirty. He couldn't.

"Let me go to the toilet!" He pleaded. The tiger shook his head.

"You're wearing the toilet. Just relax, puppy, it's not so bad."

"It's gross..." The husky trailed off, feeling his bowels shift again. He was really close.

"Come on now, pup," The tiger said. He lifted something else from the bedside table and brought it over. It didn't take the husky long to recognise what it was: a pacifier.The tiger place it firmly into his mouth and held there against his attempts to spit it out. The message was clear, and before long the husky had stopped trying to remove it. It wasn't the worst of his humiliations right now and, loathe though he was to admit it, suckling on it did grant some degree of comfort.

"There we go, that's a good puppy." The tiger cooed, stroking the husky's head. "There's no need to be upset. All good puppies mess their diapers."

The husky whined. He could feel the load waiting to escape, defying his attempts to hold it in. It wouldn't be long now. He could feel tears stinging the corners of his eyes and wished he could bring his hands down to cover his face. The tiger looked down at him sympathetically.

"It's okay, puppy. Don't be embarrassed."

With a final whine the husky's resistance collapsed and he felt some of his mess push out of his ass and drop into the seat of his diaper. Raising his hips to keep it from mashing into his fur, he felt the next load force it's way out of him to join the other. He could feel himself burn with the humiliation and he subconsciously suckled hard on the pacifier as his bowels emptied into the diaper, swelling and staining it's back. Finally, after what felt like ages, the husky had nothing left to give. He lowered himself as much as he dared without pressing against the mess and looked at the tiger with tear filled eyes.

"Good puppy." The tiger said softly, petting his head. "Let me get you cleaned up."

Reaching under the bed the tiger retrieved various supplies he set up earlier before returning to the husky. He pushed the changing mat beneath his already raised butt, then started undoing the straps of the diaper. Once unfastened, he slid the used diaper away from the husky who gratefully lowered himself back down onto the bed.

"Wow, quite a messy little pup, aren't you?" The tiger joked. The husky simply whined again.

Next, the tiger took some wet wipes and began to clean the tiger's crotch and butt, giving the area a thorough clean to remove any remnants of the messy incident. The husky could help but enjoy the attention to his intimate areas but, still steadfast in his current annoyance for the tiger, did his best not to show it.

Finally the tiger brought in a new diaper, unfolding and placing it beneath the husky. "Just in case." He explained in response to the husky's glare. "I doubt the laxative effects are completely gone."

With great care he pulled the diaper together, fastening strap to strap and making sure it fit the husky comfortably. That done, he gathered up the old diaper and used wet wipes, folding them together into a package that would go into the bin.

Taking the keys from his pocket, the tiger unlocked the cuffs holding the husky's arms to the bed. Immediately they moved to cross in front of his chest. It was an unintentionally amusing sight with the pacifier and diaper. The tiger sighed and sat on the bed.

"I know it was mean, pup." He said. "Please don't be mad at me."

The husky only huffed in response. Reaching over, the tiger wiped away the dampness of the tears that remained near his eyes. "Come on, pup. Tears don't belong on such a cute face." Still no vocal reply, but his stern expression softened somewhat.

"What can I do to make it up to you?"

The husky remained silent for a while, then spoke just one word. "Pancakes."

"Pancakes?" The tiger asked. "You want to go out and get some?"

The husky nodded. He liked pancakes, but the tiger had always been stringent about eating out.

"Okay then," The tiger said. "Let's go get pancakes."

The husky smiled, taking the pacifier from his mouth and moving to get dressed. "Knew you'd fall for that one. You're paying!"

"Of course." The tiger chuckled. It was a small price to pay for such a good pup.