Somewhere in Neverland (RP Logs)

Story by Khaesho Scorpent on SoFurry

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So, a few disclaimers for this one. First of all, this is not up to my regular standard of editing. Zeph doesn't capitalize the first letter of his sentences and he has more spelling and grammar errors per post than I do per story XP. That being said, rather than serve you a horrible wreck, I put it into word, ran autocorrect, and spammed the "Use recommended change" button. It still took five minutes, even with me just spam clicking it. That means there are sure to be abundant errors where Word didn't know what was going on, but nobody seems to be reading these things, so who cares, right?!?

Secondly, Zeph is into some kinky stuff, and he insisted that Bhalzash accidentally swallow him down. The result gets a little messy, dirty, and bloody, but they both survive with nothing more than a small flesh wound and a few horrified memories. Just telling you up front.

This is the direct continuation of "Lustbug"

Khaesho Scorpent, as Bhalzash: Bhalzash pulled herself off his cum soaked dick slowly, using her hands to hold her vent closed so that not a single drop of his precious cream escaped. She slithered higher, putting a loop over one shoulder before slowly slithering down his body again. She went slowly, slow enough for her tongue to loll out and wrap around his slowly shrinking shaft to lick almost all of his cum from it in a single pass. She slithered under the table fluently and came up again on the far side of the table with the lower half of her body still wrapped around him, concealing his cock... for now. She grinned wickedly at him, and then sloooooowly started pulling herself off of him, putting a time limit on for him to yank his pants up.

zephyrnereus, as Himself: considering what the two just did, he could only wonder what round 2 might imply. Was he willing to take the risk? She practically forced her will onto him to have sex in the middle of a bar. He could say she even raped him, but honestly, he enjoyed it way too much to think it was that. All this thinking though made him forget that he was still bare from the waist down, until he felt a slight heat wave against his canine balls...

"Oh!" he yips lightly when he does notice, and he quickly yanks them up. He grunts as he ends up lodging them against his thighs, but he could go to the bathroom and fix it later. Besides, it beats getting kicked out or sent to jail...

''w-well... that was weird..." he blushes lightly. "Weird... but fun... I didn't know Naga were so... talented!" the wolf nods.

KS: Zeph only -just- got his pants up in time as Bhalzash slipped free from him with a smirk. Eddie the bartender appeared just as he did, growling under his breath.

"Bhal, I swear, when you get caught-"

She interrupted him by lunging upwards and wrapping her arms around him, kissing him for several seconds before dropping back with a giggle.

"But we weren't. I'll see you some other time, big guy. Put his drink on my tab."

"Fair enough. Just don't do anything stupid."

She was a regular enough patron that he had no problem putting a few drinks on a tab for her; she'd be back in a day or so, and she always made good on her debts, usually with interest.

ZN: The wolf watched from his seat with a huge blush on his cheeks. He took this moment to fix his pants so they stopped getting wedged against his thighs. "Uhh...t-thanks for that... and s-sorry..." he couldn't help but feel a bit guilty after what he just did. To be honest, he wasn't sure who he was saying sorry to either. His mind is still distracted by the previous events.

KS: Eddie looked Zeph over and laughed a little under his breath.

"You don't need to apologize kid, truth be told, I feel sorry for you."

Bhalzash glared up at him with mock rage. "Hey! What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means just what I said, cupcake. Wolf. You gonna go with her back to her apartment? There are easier ways to find a place to sleep."

ZN: "wha? I just need a place to stay the night while I wait for my new apartment to be prepped for my stay. I saw some of the hotels nearby online and they were way too expensive..." he shrugs. He honestly had no idea what was in store for him.

KS: Bhalzash swats at Eddie playfully, ineffectively, hissing softly past the smile on her face.

"Gods help you kid. Have fun."

With that, he strode off and Bhalzash rose from her pile. She tossed a farewell over her shoulder to her friends, but they all had a full night of drinking ahead of them.

"Come on Killer, we have places to be."

ZN: "hmm?" he wasn't sure she was referring to him. He was never called 'killer' before. Still, what the other male said seemed to echo in his mind as he followed the Naga out of the club. Why was he so worried? She may be a bit bold and naughty, but still an overall nice gal. "Thanks for having me over again... it really help me out..." he nods lightly

KS: She laughed, pulling on his arm but shivering a little as they exchanged the heated floor of the bar for the chilled metal walkway of the station walkways.

"You're welcome, that's for certain. So hard for a lonely girl to stay warm at night."

She grimaced now as the ground leeched more heat from her belly, slowly pulling her down to sub-optimal temperatures. Her apartment, luckily, wasn't too far away, but any amount of travel always made her itch.

ZN: the wolf does notice her wincing from the sudden loss of heat, so he tries walking closer against her in hopes of helping her out a bit. "You ok? It looks like it hurts..."

KS: "About like someone dumped a bucket of ice water over you. Not pleasant, and it stays unpleasant until I can get somewhere warm, unless you want to try and carry me."

She laughs again as she says it, glancing back to her twenty foot long, multi-hundred pound body.

"I live in block BGC, two down and one over."

They finished the "over" part quickly, locating one of the zero gravity shafts used for ascending and descending.

ZN: Zeph lets out a nervous chuckle when she suggested of him to carry her. There was absolutely no way he could physically carry her massive body. Once they reached the elevators, he blinks. "Wow... it is pretty close! What was that, like 3 minutes?"

KS: "Something like. It's another reason that bar is my favorite; it's perfectly situated between home and work to give me a place to stop a while and warm up. Eddie's a good friend of mine, he even has a room at the back he lets me use if I'm not feeling well and need a sick day in high heat. He's a bleeding heart, despite the macho, tough guy look he strives so hard to cultivate."

Handholds along the outside of the shaft allowed for easy traversal, and here, Bhalzash gratefully let her body splay out in the midst of the room as she started climbing down.

ZN: "Eddie? Wow, I wouldn't expect that from him..." he nods as he follows the serpent. "Honestly, when I accidentally walked into the club, I thought he was going to kick me out for not being a reptile! Also, this is actually my first time ever meeting one up close... his cheeks blush a light pink when he says the last part. "Back where I used to live, we were separated by walls, so I only ever saw reptiles on TV and internet..."

KS: Bhalzash squirms happily, looking oddly out of place yet strangely at ease in zero gravity.

"Yea, it's a weird place no doubt. It evolved outside of the grips of the different confederations, and they've worked damn hard to keep themselves neutral. It's the only place like it I've seen, and after a short and very scary episode where it looked like the reptiles were going to try and force loyalty, it was agreed that this would be a neutral ground. Guards are always dispatched in pairs, one rep, one mam, and they have to go through super strict training to ensure that they aren't prejudiced. It's a hard balance to keep, but it's a good place to live if all you want is a little peace."

ZN: "it sounds pretty complicated, but I'm glad it works out..." the wolf nods as he moves through the anti-gravity environment. He was pretty good himself, but at one moment he ends up moving too fast and bulbs onto her back. "Ack! S-sorry..."

KS: She laughs again, twisting her spine to wrap her lower coils around him and pull him from the wall, holding him inert out in the middle of the passage.

"Vicious slander! You have touched the royal scales of Bhalzash! Your punishment is to be held at my mercy for the duration of the trip home!"

ZN: he yips lightly as he finds himself trapped in the Naga's coils. He seemed a bit confused at first when the female suddenly burst out with a different tone of voice. "Uh... wha?" but then an idea popped in his head. Was she roleplaying? Maybe... he decides to go along with it for now. "Oh no! Please mistress, have mercy on a poor little wolf like me..."

KS: "Nay! Your punishment is fitting!"

She wriggles a little, shaking him slightly in her coils as she deftly continues downwards.

ZN: "nooo... what a horrible night to be punished!" he gasps and grunts as he's shaken in her grasp. Her constant movement and lack of gravity did make him a bit sick though.

KS: She heard the change in tone as he got nauseous and reeled him in, pausing at the wall so she could put both his hands on the grips.

"Really Zeph, you just fucked me in public, do you really think I'd freak over you touching my back?"

ZN: "Heh... you don't need to remind me... I think that moment is gonna be stuck in there forever..." the wolf reconsiders what he just said, quickly fixing it himself. "I-I mean, not that it's a bad thing! It was r-really fun! Although unexpected..."

KS: She giggled adorably, looking at him furtively from the corner of one eye.

"I had a lot of fun too... but there's a different reason you'll never forget tonight."

ZN: "oh? Why's that?" the male leans in as she poked at his curiosity. "Did you have something planned in your apartment? I wasn't expecting a surprise at all!" he blushes lightly and nods, beginning to wonder what she had in store for him.

KS: "Oh, it'll surprise you alright..."

She giggled evasively, but they arrived at her level, so she pulled her long coils out of the comfortable zero G and back into contact with the cold metal ground.

"Ugh. Let's make this fast, I can't wait to get back inside."

ZN: the wolf nods and quickly follows behind her, stepping onto the ground. He quickly loses balance though and he falls on his face. "Oof! Heh, sorry... not really used to the switching gravity..." he takes a moment to pick himself up and look around the building hall "so, which one's your room?"

KS: She took his hand to help pull him up, giggling at his antics despite her sudden chill.

"It's down the hall and around a few corners. This one of the experimental mixed neighborhoods, I live in one of the Heat Sinks where they dump all the heat after they strip it from the air in the mammal apartments. They set it up like that on purpose... Mammals get their chill and cold bloods get their heat. It's convenient and easy, from an engineering aspect, and it helps promote diversity."

A door at the end of the hall set the two worlds apart, and a gust of heat billowed forth as she opened it.

ZN: "really? That does sound rather efficient..." the wolf nods as he grabs her claw to help himself up. "Sounds like a very fun neighborhood... or do people just stay in their apartments all day?" the wolf lets the Naga guide him through the halls, holding onto her claw as he looked over the walls and doors of the building.

KS: "Not all day no and most people keep to their own kind either way."

As she slithered into the heated portion of the apartments, Bhalzash sighed with relief, muscles relaxing slowly as the brutal onslaught of cold finally ended. Her apartment wasn't far, a single story affair without much to single it out. It was kept warm, but not so hot as to make her "visitors" uncomfortable.

"So, Zeph, I have a question... how daring are you?"

ZN: "...daring?" he blinks at the strange question. After what he just went through today, he felt like he could take on nearly anything. "What do you mean? I've managed to come to this city, ended up walking into the hottest bar, and don't even get me started on what happened after and that spicy candy!" he lets out a rather bold chuckle and even pumps out his chest a bit, trying to show off just how manly he was.

KS: Bhalzash turned towards him with a smile that could only be described as "wicked." Her face spoke of a playful kind of malice, the kind seen in a friend who enjoys a good practical joke.

"Well, you're alone with a snake in her den... but I have the woeful disadvantage that I have not even a scrap of clothing to shield my vulnerable body! You should show some respect to your host, and likewise relinquish you clothing."

ZN: seeing that they were already in the apartment, the wolf shrugged and began to pull off his clothes. Whether it was an actual lizard habit for guests in their home or just some sort of foreplay, he honestly did not care, mainly due to the fact that he knew just how lewd this bubbly snake can be.

"Heh, alright. I'll do as you wish." he chuckles lightly, not knowing what he was getting himself into. "Does this even out the playing field now?"

KS: Bhalzash watched him hungrily, licking her lips as she did. Rather than answer immediately, she slithered forwards, wrapping herself in a spiral upwards around him before slithering away slowly, swishing her scales against his fur in a long, slow drag.

"Much better... now I can feel your fur without any bothersome cloth in the way. Come on... the bedroom's this way."

ZN: Zeph's tail stands on end, his fur poofed up from her slithering tease. His eyes followed hers as she guided him to her bedroom. He was already feeling quite hot, and although it was partly due to the room, mostly it was from her.

S-so, this is where you sleep? And where am I going to stay for the night?" the wolf asked in a taunting manner, already expecting her answer to be in this very room they stood in.

KS: Her bedroom was a simply affair; she had no need of clothes, or even very much furniture, so the space was dominated by the bed itself. There was a large pit, sunken into the ground, absolutely filled with soft scraps of cloth. They provided a supple and comfortable mattress, mimicking the soft sands her kind often sleep on in their native desert. It was large; enough to accommodate her when only loosely coiled and still have plenty enough room for Zeph. She slid easily onto her bed, pulling Zeph with her, coiling there before giggling again as she held his torso to hers.

"Mmmm so warm... Nothing better than a hot blooded man to warm my side."

ZN: this strange bed seemed so exotic; he had never even imagined that he could sleep in a pit, but with all the soft blanket scraps made it seem so comfortable. He didn't even notice when the Naga dragged him inside, and soon he found himself riding on top of her. A small blush covered his cheeks as he looked up at her, returning the smile. "Heh... it's pretty cozy...and I like your cool scales..." he nods as he lets his paws brush over the scales that had previously been forced to touch the cold floor.

KS: Bhalzash shivered slightly under his touch; her scales were cool and slick and she wound them around him to feel his fur sliding against her scales. She smiled and licked his cheek, blushing slightly for the first time that night.

"Thanks... I like your warm fur too."

Now was the tricky part. She had to convince him to do something wild... and here, she failed as often as she didn't. Yet, he'd come this far... She licked him again, tracing her tongue all the way down his chest to his fuzzy sheath, and this she lavished her attention on.

ZN: the blue wolf lets out a shiver and a moan, watching her as she slowly moved down his form. When she reached his sheath, he lets out a small yip, though he was already expecting the serpent to move in that direction. By then, his shaft was already peeking out of his sheath and able to feel the hissing tongue against his turquoise flesh.

KS: She uses her deft tongue to good use, but once he was fully aroused, she wasted no time in gobbling his dick up to the hilt. She effortlessly pushed his flesh into her mouth and down her throat, wrapping her lips around the half-swelled knot at the base. While her strong throat worked rhythmically on his shaft, her bifurcated tongue tickled and teased his knot, making the best of what she's been given. Without relinquishing her hold, she twisted, pulled her tail up to offer it to him, looking up at him with a hopeful gleam in her eyes.

ZN: feeling her throat and tongue slurping and squeezing over his pulsing member made the wolf moan out. It felt nice not holding back like he had to in the club. He stretched and spread his legs to help her reach as much as she could.

He had his eyes closed at this time, but when he felt the slight movements of her tail before him, he opens then and blushes brightly. He had an idea of what she wanted, but this was his first time with a reptile, so he had little knowledge of their anatomy. Despite this, he reached for the tail, gently pulling it against his chest as he used his paws to glide over the scales, though in reality he was looking for a certain hole.

KS: She tried to giggle around his dick, but it came out a little sloppier than she expected. Her vent was well hidden amongst her belly scutes, but as her arousal grew, two of the plate-like scales near the end of her body started to stretch apart. The first thing Zeph noticed of it was the smell; she absolutely stank of is jizz, her belly was still thick with it. She slid her tail in his hands until he found what he was looking for; a hot, needy hole still full of his cream, in need of further canine attention.

ZN: the wolf definitely knew his mark, and he quickly followed it until he found those engorged lips. he gently gave them a slow nuzzle, taking in the hot musky scent that oozed from the Naga's tail before he began to work over her soft scales with his thick tongue. He took a moment to savor the mix of strong flavors before continuing to work over her flesh, teasing her with each stroke of his tongue.

KS: Bhalzash couldn't repress the shudder of lust as Zeph started lapping his own cum from her needy cunt. His rough, broad tongue was utterly unlike most reptile tongues, in a deliciously exotic and arousing way. She continued slurping his dick, enjoying the thick taste of mammalian musk oozing from the tip, swallowing greedily as she pushed him towards an edge. She didn't push him off of it though; much as she would have loved to guzzle the cream from his cock much the way he was slurping it from her already well fucked vagina, she drew up from his breeding rod with a long, sucking pop.

"Oh, fuck yes; it's been too long since I got a good man alone with me. About that bravery thing though... how much do you trust me?"

ZN: the wolf would shudder atop her coils as he lightly trusted into her mouth with each lick she gave him. In return, he slowly began to clean out her sex, feeling his muzzle drip with a mix of their fluids as he gulped down as much as he could.

Just when he was about to finish, he heard her question and Zeph slowly pulls out. A bit of cum drips from his muzzle and her slit as he turned towards her. "Nigh...t-trust? Well... enough to s-spend the night here... why?"

KS: She licked her way back up to his face, propping her chin on her slime covered tail with her oozing cunt between them.

"Well, do you trust me enough to do something... dangerous? Those who try it don't regret it, but it can be a bit scary at first..."

ZN: "...dangerous?" he blinks lightly. His sight alternated between her eyes and her slit. "What do you mean by that? What are you planning?" she has made the male curious, able to tell by his slight change in posture, as well as his tail wagging slightly behind him.

KS: She gave her own sex a long, luscious lick before she answered.

"To put it frankly... I'd like to eat you. Not all of you, just the bottom half. Think about how good my throat felt on your penis... now envision that wrapped around your entire body. It's an experience I can promise you'll never forget."

ZN: "e-eat me?!" he felt his heart skip a beat as he heard it. She definitely had the size to do such a thing, and honestly, she had the strength to force him whenever she wanted, but the fact that she asked for it helped him actually consider it. "I, well...uh, c-can I grab onto your tail then?"

KS: She giggled innocently, smiling just adorably as she nodded.

"Only if you put that tongue of yours back to work!"

She pressed her tail against him, guiding her vent to his lips to help distract him while she slid herself down to his feet. Her coils nudged and pushed at him, laying him down on the soft bed with his shoulders propped up against one coil and her tail in his arms. She briefly brushed his paws free of dirt and dust, then licked her lips to moisten them and pressed the tips of his toes into her mouth. She stretched her jaw wide; quickly fitting his feet up to the ankle inside her mouth, then relaxed her throat to start swallowing a large meal. The first dozen inches were the hardest, but after that, his legs were deep enough in her neck that her powerful throat could start pulling, tugging and swallowing the tasty meal deeper into her gullet. She kept her eyes up and on him at all times, ready to stop and pull him out if he started to panic. Her perpetually wide eyes gave her a surprisingly innocent look, despite the fact that she was calf deep around his legs and eagerly pushing her cunt against his tongue.

ZN: Zeph would begin to feel very nervous, but as she shoved her tail onto his face, he quickly buried himself into it to try and distract himself from what was actually happening. Once his feet began to sink into the Naga's pulsing throat, she would hear the male yip lightly. His grip suddenly tightened over her coil and his muzzle buried itself deep into her plush tunnel as he reached as deep as he could into her musky tunnel. He didn't show any signs of stopping though.

KS: Bhalzash moaned through the haze of pleasure, panting through the separate wind pipe that only surfaced at the bottom of her mouth, rather than in the middle of the throat. She stopped swallowing him for a moment somewhere around the thighs, shuddering and panting as his skilled tongue brought her to an orgasm faster than she had expected. Her soaking tunnel tightened around his tongue at the sudden intrusion, squeezing and milking the rough organ as it had milked his cock not even an hour ago. Her pleasure flooded his mouth and leaked from the corners of his cheeks, liquid lust spilling down to soak his fur. She looked up and he gratefully before continuing forwards, drawing his waist and his thick cock into her mouth. Here, she stopped again, long tongue reaching up between his legs to grab at his dick inside of her mouth, coiling around shaft and knot alike as she stroked him back to the edge of an orgasm.

ZN: it wasn't until she reached his shaft when the male seemed to 'calm down'. If anything, he seemed to have forgotten what was actually happening. He moaned into her tunnel, letting his voice vibrate within her slit as he felt the tight muscles squeeze and clench over his tongue and muzzle. The pleasure had fogged up his mind once more, and the seemingly afraid wolf was now thrusting against the roof of her mouth, feeling the slick flesh of her maw and tongue glide over his length. He did not know or think about the potential dangle of moving so much within the serpent's mouth, especially since he was grinding his shaft dangerously close to her teeth.

KS: Zeph was lucky, even if his lust addled mind wasn't clear enough to make good decisions. A Naga's teeth are all on the sides of the mouth, with none in the front save for the large fangs. Zeph would occasionally feel a brush of cool, slick ivory against his dick as he wildly thrust against the roof of her mouth.

Bhalzash, meanwhile, was doing her very best just to stay sane at the moment. On a snake's mouth, right between the fangs, is an incredibly sensitive organ used to literally "taste" scents snatched from the air. It worked about like taste buds did, but with a delicacy and sensitivity more akin to a wolf's nose. Zeph was unconsciously rubbing his dick wildly across that organ, and the raw, overpowering taste of a needs male spiked her pleasure through the roof and rendered her incapably of rational thought. All they could do was keep licking his dick, keep massaging his legs with her stomach muscles, and pray that he came soon, shooting his seed right onto the roof of her mouth where she could taste it best.

ZN: the wolf would be able to hold onto the edge for a few minutes, constantly grinding and thrusting against the strange organ he didn't even know existed. But despite his struggles, the wolf soon reaches his climax, and with a loud howl into her sex, he shot his hot and musky seed right onto the roof of her maw, coating it and his hips with his cum as it oozed down and around him.

KS: As the first ropes of his thick cum splashed across her mouth, Bhalzash lost all control, hissing wildly as she came around Zeph's tongue for a second time. She gripped hard around it, squeezing it tight enough that Zeph worried for a moment that she might bruise him. Her hot lubricant flowed like a river, washing the last vestiges of his seed from her tunnel and onto his face, accomplishing nothing more than milking a tongue for seed that just wasn't coming. Her tongue, meanwhile, grabbed hard around his knot, jerking him off in time to his rough thrusts as his jizz surged forth in a heady flood, rending her mind into pieces with pleasure at the overpowering flavor of fresh wolf spunk. Her throat convulsed around his body, squeezing and stroking his lubricant soaked fur similarly to how her tongue squeezed his cock, continuing until her mind shattering orgasm started to peter out and his cum was dripping liberally from her mouth down onto his stomach.

KS: Only with a surprising force of will did she get her vagina to relax, letting his tongue slip free from her depths as she collapsed, limp and sated.

ZN: the little wolf let out a slight whimper as he felt her sex squeeze at his tongue as she tried to get his nonexistent seed from it. If anything, she might be able to milk some of his drool off his face before he managed to pull his face out. With a low pant and a sigh, he relaxes his tense body and tries to sit back and bask in the afterglow. His movement might cause his hips to pop though her maw into her throat from the constant thrusts as well as the pool of fluids around it that only tempered her to swallow it down along with the meal wiggling in her maw.

KS: When he leaned back, it pushed his hips forwards, through her mouth and into her neck. She looked slightly comical bulging around him, but with her snout nestled against his belly button, she looked up at him again with a question in her eyes. Deeper? Or do you want out?

ZN: as he recovered from his orgasm, he would slowly look down at her, though instead of attempting to pull out, he chuckled lightly and relaxed in her grip. It looks like he gave her the answer she wanted.

KS: Her throat convulsed, and she swallowed a few more inches of him. Seeing him still calm and content was all the answer she needed. If he wasn't done enjoying her throat, that was fine, she wasn't done enjoying his furry body. She couldn't really do anything to wipe his cum from her mouth, and the overpowering taste burned a hole in her mind, keeping her aroused as she continued to pull him deeper, waiting for some signal from him for where to stop.

ZN: it wasn't until his stomach and part of his chest was pushed into her throat when the wolf used his pits to hold himself in place. His arms dangled out her maw and his body wiggled lightly within her throat and belly, feeling those pulsing rings of flesh wash over him as they tried to pull him deeper.

KS: She could almost look him in the eyes now, and her eyes glinted with mischief as she stroked his entire body over. Due to his attentive tongue and her own orgasms, her vagina had been relieved of most of his cum, a most regrettable fact that she now sought to remedy.

She maneuvered her tail up to his head again, but rather than hand it off to his admittedly succulent tongue, she pushed the tapered tip into her mouth along with Zeph. Pressed hard on all sides by her slick walls, he could feel the scaly tip teasing down his chest towards his ground. The tip brushed his cock and slid right on past, pushing deeper until she judged that her vagina was more or less close to where his cock was. She tried several times to impale her belly on his meat, but working blind and under the pressure of her stomach, she failed in every attempt. Hoping to get a little help, she pushed her tail to the side until it bumped his arm and glanced up into his eyes while her own shined with need and helplessness.

ZN: the male would definitely not deny an offer from such adorable eyes, but looking down at the pulsing flesh around him, helping her meant he'd lose his grip and she would be in total control. it did take him a moment before he finally gave in to her pleas, and as he slowly dislodged his arms from her maw he felt himself sink slightly, but he used her tail to gently help himself out a bit. He slowly guided the tip down, his bulge shifting as he moved the needy entrance against his half aroused shaft. He meets and bites his lip as he guides his head inside, and he felt her muscles practically swallow it down with ease.

KS: Her greedy snatch all but gobbled his cock down, quickly sinking down past the knot as Bhalzash sighed with relief; a tongue is quite nice, but nothing could replace a good dick. Once she was seated on his flesh, his arms weren't needed, so she waited for him to pull his slimy arms out of her chest before she continued. Once his arms were safely anchoring him again, she set into enjoying her "meal" with a vengeance. Her strong stomach pulled and squeezed his entire body from the chest down, pressing her slime into his fur until he was sodden with it. Her tongue snaked up his back, burying itself in his thick fur simply because she enjoyed the taste of him. Her tail squeezed his cock into full arousal, tempting one final erection out of him for this last act. She slid her tail up and down, wilfully impaling herself on his shaft again and again. She relaxed for the in-stroke, only to clench as she pulled back, tugging and pulling on his dick as if her cunt was a hungry snake in its own right, trying and failing to swallow a delicious meal into its stomach.

ZN: there was so much going on at once that he could barely understand what was going on, only how amazing it felt. his paws would remain outside for a moment, but within minutes, he would bring them into her maw under his own will, using the thick slime that surrounded him to rub and squeeze at the tail's outer scales, and wrapping his arms around it to grind himself against her needy sex. His constant movement and the lack of an anchor meant he could continue to sink deeper into the maw until his head barely peeked out of it along with her tail thrusting against his shaft.

KS: Bhalzash moved like a well-oiled machine, all her body acting in synchronization to fuck Zeph and herself as senseless as possible. She felt his arms around her tail, relishing the moment when she stopped pumping her tail on him and he started to fuck her. As he took over abusing her already well fucked sex, she refocused all her efforts on her throat, using the muscles to massage every inch of his body in a way that only a Naga could. As her attention lapsed, Zeph's shoulders disappeared past the corners of her mouth, until only his head was left sticking out.

ZN: Zeph's own shaft ached from the constant friction it had received today, but it only added to the surrounding pleasure that he was given. This was simply out of this world, something that was impossible for any mammal to attempt without some greater aid. the surrounding heat of her throat and stomach squeezing on him, as well as the constant thrusts he gave to her tail would soon bring him to a third climax today. It wouldn't be as powerful as the previous two, but it felt just as good if not better for him.

KS: Bhalzash felt his orgasm with most of her body this time; she could feel all of his muscles tense up just as he emptied what was left of his cum into her almost insatiable tail. It sent her spiraling in pleasure for the... third time? Fourth time? Fifth? She'd honestly lost count, but was too busy enjoying the surge of pleasure as her tail clamped tight around his dick at last, finally having something it could stroke and squeeze and receives his seed in return. Her entire body convulsed in time with her vagina, rippling waves that Zeph would feel twofold through his canine cock as well as the rest of his body. In the throes of their passion, he slipped a few inches deeper. Bhalzash didn't quite notice how close he was to being consumed completely until her snout bumped against his chin.

ZN: the wolf was completely lost in pleasure. He simply moaned and grinded his hips as hard as he could against her slit as he felt it milk all of his cum to the very last drop. just as he finished, he finally lets go of her tail, loosening his grip on her, but because of how deep he was in her throat, her muscles kept him nice and close against the tail. He seemed to have no idea where he actually neither was now, nor did see seem to care. The serpent would not be able to see his face to know he was still out of it, and she couldn't feel any struggles coming from him...

KS: Zeph was entirely limp now, behaving just like a fresh kill in need of digestion. Bhalzash's mind was glazed over, strung out on pleasure, and she momentarily forgot exactly who it was that was neck deep in her maw. Guided only by her instincts, she gave a shuddering squeeze, sliding Zeph a solid foot and a half deeper inside of her. His head cleared her mouth and her tail popped off of his cock, leaking cum as it slid out of her mouth. The sensation of her tail sliding out of her maw and her sore jaw easing closed snapped her mind back to reality, and it took a concentrated effort to keep from screaming.

"Zeph! Zeph, are you alright? Zeph, talk to me!!!"

She kept her mouth and throat wide, hoping that enough air could slide down her throat for him to breath. All of a sudden, she remembered something a friend had bought her as a joke, "for emergencies." She raced through her apartment, unconsciously wiggling Zeph a few inches deeper, until she arrived at the old fashioned bellows that Kalo had given her with a laugh. She stuck the nozzle into her mouth and pumped them, wincing as she did. Pumping air into her stomach, literally inflating herself, stretched in an odd, painful way, but if it gave Zeph something to breathe, it was worth it.

ZN: the wolf soon felt the tight fleshy walls begin to constrict his head. Darkness immediately followed, and he would be awakening from his state when he noticed the lack of air. Did she just actually eat him alive?

His panic instinct quickly emerged, his paws pushing against the walls as he felt their movement guide him deeper to his doom. But then he heard an odd bubbling, and as he entered her slightly larger stomach he was quickly followed by a rush of air. He gasps and attempts to get on his knees but only manages to lift his head off the slimy flesh. "h-help!" he calls out, but his pleas were greatly muffled by her scales. At least he showed signs of life inside her.

KS: She heard him... sort of... and hoped that he could hear her too. She pumped a little more air into her stomach before opening her throat as wide as possible and calling for him.

"Zeph! Thank goodness you're awake! I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to! I swear, this has never ever happened before!"

ZN: inside, Zeph would be able to see a bit of light at the end of the tunnel, but it was so far now. He could tell he was probably inside her stomach now. What neither would expect though is that opening her throat wide enough would cause her stomach to squeeze by instinct to get rid of the bloated pain, the air escaping the chamber as an audible belch.

Within seconds, the wolf was squeezed down by her hungry walls, leaving him once more with little room to breathe as he heard then gurgle eagerly around him. "Get me out of he-mph!"

KS: The explosive and rather unlade like belch surprised her, even though it probably shouldn't have. After shaking her head clear, she felt him squirming, and for a moment, couldn't think past how satisfying a full, wriggling stomach felt. Only for a moment though.

"Zeph! Zeph, sweetie, I need you to calm down! Digestion takes a solid week to finish, as long as I keep you breathing, you'll be fine for hours."

Bhalzash pushed the bellows back down her throat, pumping enough air for Zeph to breathe.

ZN: this wasn't a moment where he could just 'calm down' with her stomach walls slowly constricting him. It would be the equivalent of telling a drowning man not to drown. But once the chamber expanded with air, Zeph would take a moment to breathe and stop his struggles.

"...I-I'm least you g-got a plan to get me out, right? A plan B in case this ever h-happened?" he could only hope his voice would go past the thick fleshy walls and her gurgling noises.

KS: Bhalzash remained silent... wanting to seem like she had a plan. The muscles in her throat and neck could push in reverse, in case she ever needed to un-swallow something, but he was past that, all the way into her stomach. Due to his extended stay in her neck, he would be absolutely soaked with lubricants... no hope of him being able to grab onto anything for her to pull him out. That left only one solution. She pulled the bellows out and belched painfully again before she could speak.

"Sweetie... Zeph... I hate to say this, but...You're on a one way ride. The only way out is... through the back door, so to speak. If I keep the bellows pumping and push hard, I can get you out... I think..."

In with the bellows, returned to giving him air.

ZN: the wolf lets out a meet as he felt the air rush out once more, leaving him alone in the dark with those tight muscles eager to squeeze the life out of him as he heard her talk. Within seconds, the walls expand and he sighs, but does not sound pleased with the serpent's answer. "W-wait... back door? And what do you mean you think?!" he did not like this one bit but he would have to do it if he wanted to escape this prison. "...c-can I at least get some light in here? This darkness is making me nervous..."

[5/16/2014 12:11:13 PM] Khaesho Scorpent: She had to suppress a giggle to keep her mouth closed. Light? To see the inside of her stomach? Not a good plan by any means. She opened her mouth with a sigh that turned into another painful belch.

"No. In fact, close your eyes. Your fur and hide might be resistant, but I wouldn't bet on you if any digestive fluid gets in your eyes. Just... Try to stay calm, and try to not move. When you feel me pound you with my fist twice, take a deep breath and hold it."

With that, she put the bellows back into her mouth for the final time. She had told the truth when she said that digestion of a large meal took a week, but she didn't actually know how long he could stay in her stomach before things started going wrong. She pushed, squeezing him further down her length even as she kept working the bellows, doing her best to give him a supply of air.

ZN: it was a great coincidence that she had swallowed him down feet first, because this meant that the constant flow of air she pumped into herself would hit his head first. He follows her command to close his eyes and not move, and soon he began to feel her walls try and clench on him as more air filled her insides. Within minutes, he would feel his feet press against a valve, indicating the end of her long stomach. Now this is where things might get a bit tricky...

KS: It took a solid... painful... exhausting ten minutes to push him through her stomach and into her intestine. She couldn't push him down fast enough, but every bloated, air filled moment was torture. Most things that passed through her lower reaches were, by then, piles of bones connected by a few strings of tendons, not full bodied blue wolves. His feet hit her anus from the inside, but she managed to calm herself enough to relax, pushing his feet through rather easily. He was going fine until she hit his knees, her poop hole starting to stretch painfully. Now was the time. She pulled the bellows from her mouth and tried to keep her mouth closed, to keep the air in her stomach. She felt sick and quest and she really just wanted to sleep, but she wasn't going to let Zeph die what would have been one of the worst deaths imaginable.

She doubled back on herself and thumped hard on the lump in her lower back, hearing a muffled shout in response. With that, she grabbed his stinking, slime covered feet and pulled. And pulled. And pulled. He'd scraped most of the lubricants off passing through her intestine, which meant his dry fur was rubbing the wrong way as she dragged him through her anus.

Ten seconds... fifteen... how long could mammals hold their breath? Honestly, she didn't know. She was at his hips, and with a painful, sharp, yank, she managed to get his hips past. His fur was stained reddish and she was sure her poor tail was bleeding from what had to be a tear, but she was running out of time. His shoulders would be hardest and most painful. She grits her fangs against the bottom of her mouth, steeled her resolve, and yanked.

ZN: what emerged from her tail looked like a mess. Matted, dark fur on one side, blood dripping clumps on another. But by the looks of it, he was breathing. Her last powerful yank actually sends him flying out of her bed pit and onto the higher ground. A gasp of air suddenly came from the mess as he slowly tried to get up.

"G-gash...I-I'm out?!" he pats over his body, as if making sure he had emerged with all his limbs. He was about to turn and thank the Naga, but he would see the destruction that was caused by their lack of preparation for the worst case scenario. "Bhal!!" he gasps and scrambles over to her. He was unsure what to do, but the wound in her rear looked pretty bad. Without much thinking, he grabs one of the cloths lying around and gently presses it against the cut to keep her from losing any more blood. He then turns to her face to see if she was fine. "A-are you ok?!" he almost made it sound like it was his fault they were in this mess.

KS: As Bhalzash finally deflated with the air no longer trapped in her belly, she collapsed into an unmoving heap, panting for breath. As Zeph scrambled to her looking like an absolute mess, she clutched both him and her torn rear to her chest.

"I'm fine, Zeph... I'm just used to my meals being slightly more digested before I can get rid of them. What about... you... You look like you were chewed up and spat back out, then eaten whole despite that."

She wasn't lying either. Her blood volume was measured in gallons due to her length, and it would take far more than a minor flesh wound to do more than inconvenience her.

ZN: "I'm ok! I'm perfectly fine. N-no problems here..." the wolf tried to reassure her, but as he looked behind her, he saw himself in a mirror. He looked like road kill, and the mere sight of himself made him gag, but he didn't want to insult her. Not after what she did to save him.

" was like a sleeping bag... if the bag was airtight made of flesh..." he honestly did not know what else to say, so he simply remained silent for now.

KS: Bhalzash started giggling, a nervous titter that escalated into full blown laughter. At him, at herself, at the situation, but mostly at the idea that she was a sleeping bag.

"Well alright then! If I was so comfy, you're Welcome to climb back in!"

ZN: he was actually surprised she considered this whole situation to be funny. He was also surprised at the fact that he actually considered taking her offer, a bright blush showing under his sticky fur. "I-I... uhh... maybe we should w-worry about your wound f-first?"

KS: She was still smiling as she inspected her tail, blushing softly as she did.

"I have a condition that my mouth is unfortunately bigger than my anus. I need to be careful what I eat, or else... this happens. It's happened before, I just need to take it easy and call off large meals for a week or two. In the meantime, you need a shower, and I could probably also use a shower. You're, uh... really filthy."

ZN: "filthy? I'm so dirty I can feel it!" the male shudders as he passed a paw over his clumped up fur. Something he did not notice though watt the fact that the majority of this time he had a hard on, which just now was beginning to recede into his sheath.

He hops off her body and stretches out, his fur twitching as some of the clumps broke off his fur and he makes his way to what looked like the bathroom. "You don't mind if I go first?"

KS: She giggled and slithered after him, hooking an arm around his waist.

"Don't tell me that after all this time, you're going modest on me! I had to get an apartment with a wash room big enough for me, but that also means it's big enough for me and someone else small in comparison. I can help you get those... hard to reach places."

ZN: "huh?" he blinks and blushes as he felt her grip around him, turning to the serpent with a small smile. "'w-well... I thought that after... well, y-you know... you would prefer a bit more room..." he gives her a slight nod as the male snuggled up against her. "...but, I don't mind c-company... I'm guessing I'm the only one who's been that close and lived..."

KS: She laughed again, nuzzling her head into the side of his chest despite the mess.

"I can honestly say that you now know me more intimately than anyone alive. I've never had anyone just... slide down like that. Everyone else has been smart enough to keep at least one arm above my mouth as an anchor."

ZN: Zeph blinks and gives off a small growl. "Heel... is you saying I'm an idiot?" he grumbles lightly and gives her side a small push, but by the tone of it, he was just kidding around now.

KS: "I would have said 'reckless' but idiot works."

The shower was extravagantly large; she was lucky she could afford the apartment. It was a walk in, or perhaps "slither in" affair, with a separate shower head on each wall. She couldn't exactly sprawl out, but it was large enough that she could get away with only a seldom staked coil. Zeph had to literally kneel on her coils, but she didn't mind, hugging him close with a giggle as she turned the water up hot.

ZN: everything seemed to go well until she turned on the water. Perhaps warm for the serpent but it felt scalding for the wolf, letting out a yelp as he hopped away from the boiling droplets.

"Ack! Too hot!" he whined a bit before reaching for his own shower head, turning the water on a lukewarm setting and letting out a sigh of relief. "Ash... much better."

KS: She giggled again, already reaching for the shelf that contained, of all things, fur shampoo. It would seem that wanting a shower after Bhalzash's... treatment... wasn't uncommon.

"Silly warm blood! Can't take anything over a hundred and five."

ZN: "grew..." he rumbles lightly before taking some of the fur shampoo. applying it to his fur, he felt all the gunk and dried blood wash away as if nothing and he gently sits back and relaxes on one of her coils. Something she might notice is the fact that his massive foxlike tail looked more like a mop, with the long fur drooping under his tail core. He gave it a light whip to sprinkle her chest with the colder water in comparison to her shower.

KS: The water might have been colder by comparison, but it was still warm enough to make her happy. Still, the flicked water made her squeal from the unexpected impact.

"Hey you! Be grateful I keep shampoo in my shower, else you'd be spending the day filthy."

Her own scales were relatively clean, but she still took an abrasive scrub and rubbed down a few of her dirty spots.

ZN: "hmm... so this means I'm not the first one really like fluffy boys, don't you?" Zeph lets out a chuckle, almost teasing her about it. After a good scrub, he washes off the soap and mars lightly as he stretches out. "Mmm... do you still need help?"

KS: She laughed, helping him rub the soap out of his bright blue pelt.

"Mum! So warm, and good for cuddling! Like an oversized teddy bear. I should be fine though, I didn't really need a shower."

She turned to inspect her tail, bleeding slowed to a trickle. With care, she washed out the wound, but really all she needed was some rest.

ZN: The male still felt guilty for causing this cut to the poor female. He leans in to give it a gentle hug and a small kiss onto the delicate flesh. "Nya... sorry about this..." he pouts and whimpers lightly, looking up at her with puppy dog eyes.

KS: She smiled, and then looked up to lick his face. She really wasn't concerned with the minor wound, the payoff in pleasure and friendship far outweighed the pain... as long as she could get a good nap in afterwards.

"Hey, I already told you not to worry! I'll be fine by morning, I'm just sleepy is all..."

ZN: "well, alright..." the male gave her a slow nod and s chuckle, seeming a bit more relaxed now as he leaned into her lick. "Mm... I think I might need some sleep myself... that was pretty awe- err, interesting..." he corrects himself, wanting to hide the fact that he actually enjoyed the ride. He wasn't a very good liar though...

KS: Bhalzash giggled again, wrapping her arms around him and pulling him snug against her chest.

"Only interesting? You seemed to enjoy it well enough at the time."

ZN: the male lets out a squeak as he's brought against her chest, his blush deepening due to her poking. "U-uh, well I d-did enjoy it...yeah, v-very enjoyable...but c-crazy..."

KS: She laughed, shutting off the water and reaching for a different knob, to blot hot, dry air.

"Well, you'll just have to call me and come back again sometime! I know I enjoyed it."

ZN: "r-really?" he blinks, giving her a slight smile. But once more, he tries to act cool and he coughs a bit as he nods. "Ok, sounds like a plan..."

Soon he felt the blast of hot air hit him, and his first instinct is to shake off the excess water. He does so with ease, but most of the water falls onto the Naga while he would end up looking like a puffball.

KS: Bhalzash squealed as she was speckled, laughing as his fur puffed our adorably. Her scales dried quickly though, and she gratefully turned off the mechanisms and slithered out of the shower towards her bed. The cloth scraps that had been soiled with blood were few, and these she simply tossed out of the pit to be washed later. An intact blanket was located in a chest of drawers to the side, and this she draped over herself after coiling comfortably in the middle of the pile.

ZN: seeing this, the male slowly follows, letting out a small giggle as he noticed his poufy fur in the mirror. Once when prepared to sleep, the wolf would follow her, crawling into the hole and snuggling up against one of her coils. "Mmm... night night..."

KS: Hot from her shower and coiled around a fluffy wolf, it was the warmest Bhalzash had slept in weeks, and she sighed happily as she pulled a fabric blinder on over her eyes.

"Nini Zeph..."