Story by Skoonk on SoFurry

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#2 of What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger

First installment of that really long acronym. Please leave a review and/or constructive criticism. Enjoy!


God why can't they just let me sleep? I feel like I haven't slept in an eternity.

"Jason, c'mon you need to wake up."

I felt slight pressure on my right hoof as someone gently shook it. I groggily opened one of my eyes and saw what looked to be a young, male, peacock doctor trying to wake me. When he saw me open my eye he beamed at me. I wondered why him seeing me awake made him so happy. I also wondered where I was.

I slowly opened my other eye and saw that I was in a hospital room. I knew that because everything was white and the smell of disinfectant was currently assaulting my nose. I also knew that because I had something large and very uncomfortable stuck up my urethra.

I tried to turn my head to get a better bearing of my surroundings, but as soon as I even tried to use the muscles in my neck my head throbbed like I had just been sucker punched. The doctor brought his feathered claw down on my shoulder and said in a calm voice, "Easy there, buddy. That's not going to feel good. Just try and talk for me."

I looked right up at the doctor who was still smiling down at me and said, "What happened?" The doctors face fell. He looked away and drummed his fingers on side of my bed. He cleared his throat and stated, "Why don't you tell me what you remember." I shifted my eyes back to looking straight ahead and sighed. I closed my eyes, then it all hit me at once.

My eyes shot open and the only word I could whimper out was, "Mommy," before I broke down. The doctor was standing awkwardly as he watched me cry over my dead mother; he didn't even try to comfort me, the bastard. After a few minutes of me sobbing I was suddenly hit with another flashback.Bang, bang, bang, bang. I sucked in a huge breath and screamed.

This was too much; I couldn't handle it. The memories of my father standing in my doorway dripping with the blood of my mother wouldn't leave me. It was especially vivid on under my eyelids. The only thing I could do was sit there and cry and scream. The young doctor tried to calm me down but I was ignoring him. He shouldn't try to calm me down; my father just killed my mother. I gasped and slid my paw down to the rough patch on my stomach. He tried to kill me.

I looked up at the doctor with my eyes wide and my noise dripping and chocked out, "What happened to me?" The doctor withdrew and looked very shaken. He let out a long breath; he refused to make eye contact with me. I asked again, in a forced voice, "What happened!?" He finally looked at me, but quickly looked away, "Jason," he sighed, "Jason you were shot." I just snorted. "Holy shit really?" I quickly retorted sarcastically. "I thought maybe this," I ripped the sheets away exposing my young bruised body, "this was from an appendectomy!" The doctor frowned at me; clearly not amused.

He took the sheet and tucked it back under me; hiding my small catheterized sheath. "Jason," he said in a stern voice, "there is no need to talk like that. Yes you were shot. What else do you remember?" But I didn't want to remember, I wanted to forget. I wanted to forget the look in my father's eyes as he stared me down; gun pointing straight at my brain. I wanted to forget my mother's last word, "Run." I wanted to forget that this all happened. I wanted to disappear and curl up in a corner and cry and never face the truth again.

But instead I groaned, and told the vibrant doctor what I knew. He nodded his head; apparently my heinous reiteration satisfied him. I glared at him. He went to the front of my bed and picked up the clip board that had been out of sight. He said quickly, "You lost a lot of blood." I snorted again and said, "Yeah getting shot where I was will do that to you." He pursed his lips and looked up at me; he was trying to hide something, was it pity or was it sympathy? "Jason do you have anywhere else you can go."

I rolled my eyes and thought for a minute; where could I go? I finally sighed and looked up at him and said bitterly, "No. I don't have any place to stay. And personally I think I'm better off with nowhere then with my murdering drunken father and my self-inflicting mother." He frowned at this. I asked him, "So when can I leave?" This he actually smiled at, "What makes you want to leave so bad?" I looked into his kaleidoscopic eyes and whispered sweetly, "To kill myself of course." All the color drained from his feathers at these words. I smiled to myself triumphantly when he coughed.

He cleared his throat awkwardly and looked down at the papers again. I looked around the room during his moment of silence and noticed several things: no one had left me anything which wasn't a big surprise, in such a small town people tended to avoid the gays. I also noticed that I at least wasn't paralyzed from blood lose. I flexed all of my muscles and wiggled my toes and fingers. And finally I noticed an ache. If I concentrated enough on it and let it take over my body it rendered me completely nonfunctional. It was almost like an off switch that brought me out of the real world into into the world of pain and suffering.

I realized that my painkillers must be wearing off. I rolled my shoulders and sat up. The doctor looked up at me again; his eyes flashing as light was reflected off of them. I sat there and stared into his wonder filled eyes. It was like stained glass had been shattered in them and all of the pieces were different shapes and colors. Right in the middle I could see his bead-like pupil looking at me curiously almost like I was a puzzle that he was desperately trying to find the answer to. I sighed and attempted to remove the wires that were keeping me chained down.

The doctor clicked his beak and quickly walked over to me; stopping me by grabbing my hooves. I look up into his eyes and he chastised, "Jason you can't leave yet. We need to hold you for observation." I rolled my eyes and said matter-of-factly, "Hey, my parents are dead. That means that I'm the only one who can call the shots, and I'm saying let me outta here."

The colorful avian clicked his beak again in frustration. He started walking over to the door, but stopped when he heard me laugh. He turned around and suspiciously asked, "What's so funny?" I chuckled and laid back down and closed my eyes. He sighed and opened the door and was about halfway through it when I murmured, "You just have a nice ass." The bird came to a screeching halt and the door managed to close right on his tail feathers. I smiled to myself as I fell asleep to the frantic sounds of a bird trying to free it's tail, but before I did manage to fall asleep I yanked the catheter out of my dick and released a big sigh of relief.

I woke some time later and realized that it was night from the lack of light shining into my room through the windows that stood guard over my bed. All the lights were off and the only noise was the quiet whirring and beeps of the machines attached to my pubescent body. I groaned and let loose a big stretch. I grinned happily as I ran my hooves up and down my body scratching gently. I smelled something musky and sweaty. I thought that there was some perv in here watching me, until I lifted up the sheets. My horse cock hadn't been milked in quite some time, and now it was beginning to swell from lack of release.

I giggled quietly and ran my hoof up and down my partially exposed member. I groaned as the pleasure crackled under my skin and penetrated my body all over. I grasped my swollen testicles and rubbed them around and around. I threw my head into my pillow and bit down as I let out a whiny; I didn't need that beautiful bird coming in here and witness me in such a provocative way. _The doctor!_I groaned and bit into my pillow again as my hand grasped around my flare and washed my pre all over the sensitive tip.

Just imagining that bird coming in here and seeing me in such away made my sheets shoot up as a bullet of pre-cum was fired from my erection. I wasn't fully hard yet and I knew that once I got there I wasn't going to be able to go back without cumming. My heart monitor was beeping like crazy and I realized that if I wasn't careful I would easily get caught. I glanced at the door and saw something that looked like a simple deadbolt. I ripped my sheets off of my sweaty and sticky body and tried to stand up but a jolt of pain ran up my arm. I looked back and saw that I had nearly ripped out my IV. I nickered in irritation and ripped it out of my arm and the coppery smell of blood accompanied it out of my body, along with a sharp prick of pain.

I shook my arm and just walked it off. I quickly walked over to the door and smacked at the lock. My penis had finally finished emerging from its cave and it proudly stood a good foot in length. I ran back and jumped onto my bed and nearly knocked it down. I felt a sharp pain where I was shot and quickly checked my stitches. I gently ran my hoof over the mangled flesh and felt only a little blood. I shrugged and just told myself that I needed to be careful otherwise I'll end up in here longer with another hole in my body.

My dick was pouring out pre-cum like a fountain. I grasped both of my hands around my member and rubbed the lubricant into my vascular skin. I whinnied again as the geyser released another blast of pent up pre-cum; showering down on my like a warm musky rain. I lifted my hips up to kill two birds with one stone: I could hump into my slick and and with my other hand I could easily finger myself all at the same time, and I did exactly that. I managed to penetrate myself after dropping my full weight down onto my fingers a few times. I increased my tpm (thrusts per minute) as I felt my climax charge into me at a roaring boil. I finally managed to jab my prostate a few times when I let loose a raucous whiny and the boil finally spilled over the edge, sizzling and crackling.

The downpour of my horse semen came with a righteous fury. I quickly thrust into my inadequately sized paw and rubbed at my prostate while I finally came. I sat up and thrust my cock down some so that some of the semen being catapulted from my urethra hit me smack in my mouth. I moaned and groaned as I spread my legs and vigorously and forcefully finger fucked myself almost into a second orgasm. I was panting and sweating heavily when my fire hose's pressure dropped and my downpour turned into a light drizzle. I gasped for breath and checked my stitches again to see that I hadn't ripped them. I smiled and nickered in satisfaction. I had kept my eyes close for the duration of my orgasm, and finally opened them when I began to feel the blood leave my erection.

I gasped at what I saw: his horse jizz covered almost all of the expensive appliances that had been hooked up to me; monitoring and feeding me what I needed to get better. I slowly sat up and chuckled to myself, "Looks like I have some cleaning up to do," I tentatively sniffed the air and my deflating erection stopped immediately as he inhaled the tantalizing scent of sex. I groaned and ran a sticky paw over my quivering shaft one final time before getting to my hooves and stripped the bed of its moist linen.

I happily swished around some of the cum that I had managed to capture in my mouth as I used the soiled sheets to clean the now sticky and (hopefully not) ruined hospital equipment. My stitches were acting up a bit so I had to hobble over to the window to open them up. I released the locks on them and threw them open. The wind happily entered into the smelly room and retreated just as fast as it had entered, only taking the scent of my recent orgasm with it. I silently laughed to myself and thought that maybe the wind wanted some alone time with me too.

I looked at the soiled sheets that I had left on my bed and sighed, "What the fuck am I going to do with them?" I thought aloud. I scratched my muscular rear and just shrugged my shoulders. I sauntered over to the door and flipped on the lights hoping that I would find some clothes or at the very least a hospital gown to cover myself with. I walked back over to my bed and huffed in frustration. I seriously was not in the mood to go for a midnight strut through the hospital in nothing but my birthday suit. I dropped to my hands and knees, praying for there to be spare sheets or anything under my bed. I saw that the space under my bed contained nothing dust bunnies and empty space. I grunted and slowly stood back up. "Seriously?" I thought to myself. "How can there not be anything for me to where here?!"

I slapped my palm to my face and stomped back to the door. I saw something silvery wink at me under the fluorescent lights. I bounded forward, hoping and praying for it to be a closet or someplace where linen was stored. I grasped the slippery knob and turned with a surprising amount of enthusiasm and force. I threw the door opened and looked in to find that God had answered my prayers. Only not really. It was a pathetic plastic grocery bag sitting amongst the various cleaning products. It housed the clothes that I had nearly died in. My eyes shrunk down as the horrific memories ran through my brain like a rapid over boulders. Tremors overtook my body; I realized the horrible aching sensation was back.

I could barely stand up. I had to get out of here I thought to myself as I quickly grabbed the bag full of evil memories and threw on the tattered and bloodstained clothes. I looked down at the pants I had put on and groaned, "Really? Did I really have to piss myself?" I shook my head and released an exasperated sigh. First I piss myself, then I jack off in their germ free room, I wonder what I'll do next. I shrugged and rolled my shoulders again. My neck was really stiff and I couldn't figure out why. I closed the door to the closet and walked over to the door to my room. I quickly unlocked and slowly opened it.

I stuck my nose out of the door and sniffed. Again, the only thing I smelled was disinfectant and the faint scent of horse sweat and sex. I stumbled out of my room and gently closed the door behind me. I started to tip-hoof down the stark white hallway when I heard a noise. It sounded like a monster was behind me growling. My eyes widened; I knew that noise. It was the growl my father always made whenever he was angry. I started to gasp for breath; trying desperately to find the strength to turn around and face him. I counted under my breath, "1, 2, 3." I whipped my body around and nearly fell to my knees at what I saw: nothing. I fell on my butt as the paranoia quickly left my broken and battered body. I could have sworn I hear something in here; something stalking me; something looking for blood.

After a few minutes I clambered to my feet in a cold and clammy state. They lights were on in the hallway, but they had been dimmed. I slowly began to walk forward; I couldn't help but look over my shoulder one last time before I rounded the corner away from my room. I blinked several times as my eyes adjusted to the new, much brighter hallway. I glanced around and saw some comfy looking chairs where I guessed patients would sit and wait in until they were called. A nurse station located a little ways down, and was right in the middle of a big circular room.

I was about to walk past the station, but when I got about 15 feet away from it I heard someone making noises. I walked a little closer and saw what looked like a colorful sack writhing on top of a figure dressed in all white. I gasped as I realized that that colorful sack was the peacock with those gorgeous eyes and fine ass. His feathers were fanned out and it looked like he was dancing. I heard a gruff male voice, "My God, do you know how beautiful and hypnotic your feathers are?" I heard a ruffle next, and I would have to guess that the gruff voice just ran his hands through his velvet feathers. I got down on my paws and knees to muffle myself, and slid a little closer to them. The closer I got the more I began to notice details that I couldn't before: the bird was naked which took me completely by surprise; the peacock's beautiful form danced around and around; forcing me, and the other male, to stop and stare at him. I also noticed that the owner of the gruff voice was a muscular lion. His golden mane was buffeted from the bird moving and twisting so swiftly. His shirt was opened up and the birds hands couldn't seem to remove themselves from his bulging pectorals and abs.

The psychedelic color storm rotated himself one last time before coming to a stop with his feathers concealing his nude from, and blocking part of his face like a veil so that only kaleidoscopic eyes shown. My jaw had dropped to the ground long ago and it seemed that the feeling was mutual with the lion. The lion slowly stood up; the peacock moved his feathers so that the lion had a full view of his magnificent body. I was desperate to get a good look at his full form, but if I stood up I would be caught immediately. The peacock wrapped his feathers around the lions back; cocooning himself with his cat. They were now encased in a feather case that looked almost impenetrable from the outside.

I carefully got to my feet. I then slowly walked over to the station and was about 10 feet away from them when the mass started to move. The plumage receded and I was practically face to face with them. They were locked in an embrace, their lips moving soundlessly against each other in a passionate kiss. The only emotion they seemed to feel was pure, unadulterated, love. The lion finally broke the kiss and released a loud, love filled purr as he placed his head underneath the bird's chin.

I saw the peacock giggle as his lover's mane tickled him. He moaned slightly as the lion crept lower; traveling down his feathered body only stopping to kiss it every few inches. At this point a small puddle had formed under me; half of it drool, the other half... well you know. I was so tempted to push my way through those dense feathers and help that gorgeous lion out, but at the last second the peacock let out a squawk and the lion resurfaced giggling like a school girl. The peacock helped him get up, and pulled him back into a loving kiss. I wasn't able to see what the lion had done on account of the peacock's feathers concealing all but their heads and chests, but I had a good idea that that was just a taste of what was to come.

They began to shift back a couple of inches and I noticed that there was a door a couple feet behind them. I smiled to myself; this was the opportunity I was looking for. The peacock laughed and reached a hand behind him and slowly turned the chrome colored knob. The lion let out a playful growl and pushed the peacock through the door. He laughed and pulled back his feathers, exposing the powerful lions nude form. An audible gasp escaped my lips when I saw him. My mistake immediately was caught. The lion's ears flicked as the sensitive hairs picked up my loud inhale. He stopped mid step and sniffed deeply. "Fuck! Oh fuck, oh fuck, fuck!" is the only thing I thought. I knew I was caught now.

How could I have been so stupid?! Here I am, in urine and blood soaked clothes, my cock had virtually popped the small buttons off of my pants and I had leaked a good amount of pre through my them. The lion released a bloodthirsty growl; the hair on the back of my neck stood up and my skin prickled as I started to perspire. The lion closed his eyes and sniffed again. He snapped his eyes open and swung his head in my direction. His eyes opened wide when he saw me. I smiled meekly and offered a nervous wave. I was taken aback at what he did next. The intimidating look was immediately replaced by a humored look, layered with lust. He walked around the counter and crossed his arms across his chest. I chocked when I saw him. His chest was a rich mahogany red mixed with brilliant gold. Bolts of gold shot down his chest and sides, making him take on the form of Adonis. His sheath was, not surprisingly, plump and full, with his balls hanging low and swollen; clearly desperate for release.

My jaw was gaping as he slowly approached me. His tail was wrapped around one of his legs and was sliding up and down his calf like a snake. As he got closer, I noticed that his eyes were peculiar, but not like the peacock's. They were a brilliant purple hue, like that of lavender or nightshade. He purred as he approached my submissive pose. He knelt some and slowly extended a paw. We never broke eye contact.

I took a nervous breath and gently slid my own moist paw into his powerful one. He helped me up and his eyebrows shot up as he took in my appearance. I smiled sheepishly; I didn't know if it was the huge bulge in my pants that caught him by surprise, or the state of my clothing. A quick movement caught my eye and I glanced over to where I first found them. The peacock had put his feathers down and was sitting in a chair; eagerly watching us. The lion cooed, "Poor baby! What happened to you?!" I took a shaky breath and was about to reply, when the bird chirped in a high pitched sing-songy voice, "Non of that now love. He has been through too much and this is not the time nor the place for him to face his demons." The lion smiled warmly at me and purred deeply once again. A look of confusion took a hold of my face. I asked the peacock, "What do you mean? What demons will I have to face?" He and the lion laughed gaily. This only made my pulse increase and my skin prickle again as a cool sweat formed.

"Time will reveal everything, love," the bird gently sang. "but for now, let us play." The lion grinned mischievously at his bird and turned back towards me. I raised my hooves up and took a step back; not knowing what the avian meant by play, and I wasn't sure that I wanted to know. The lion licked his lips and pulled me onto his muscular frame. "Those eyes," I thought to myself. He smiled again and pulled me into a kiss. It was the same kiss that I had witnessed him give to his peacock: warm and loving. There was no rush or force behind our lips meeting. It was as though we were two old lovers who had finally been reunited after decades apart.

I sighed into his lips and wrapped my arms around his frame. My hooves landed on his toned ass. I gently dug my fingers into them; tenderizing them as preparation for the fun planned for the near future. I heard the avian chirp, but I didn't turn to look over at him; I was lost in the lion's haunting eyes. They almost seemed to glow like they were made with an alien material. I gasped out loud; I hadn't noticed the lion's paws, which had been rubbing up and down my sides, find there way to my filling sheath and hardening member. It was then I noticed that my clothes had disappeared off of my body, but I didn't really think about it. He left one hand down there, and the other he put around the small of my back; pushing me into him for a deeper kiss.

He had to lean down a bit because he was a few inches taller, but that just seemed to heighten his pleasure because I gripped his rear even tighter; spreading his taut cheeks apart as my fingers inched towards the treasure buried beneath. His tongue jumped down my throat when my fingers finally reached their target. Holy shit he was tight! We were kissing like we hadn't eaten in weeks, and our faces housed the only edible sustenance a mile around. My dick had finally dropped and was exchanging fluids with his own spine ridden penis. It seemed that the more heated our mouths acted, so too did our cocks.

I finally had to pull back to breathe. I was gasping for the breath and the lion stood there chuckling. The colored specimen had crawled up on the desk to get a better view of our naughty actions. I noticed he was sucking something off of one of his feathery fingers. I could only imagine the thrill he got from watching his lover exchange saliva and preseminal fluid with a complete stranger. I glanced over at the bright bird as the lion sauntered over to him. He smiled as he approached, and they met again in a deep and vehement kiss. My rock hard erection began to dribble at a faster pace than before. I let my hooves travel down and began to entertain myself as they became preoccupied. My head flared and shot out some nectar as they began to get a little more dirty.

The bird climbed over the counter and attached himself to the lion. The lion's eyes popped as he took the bird's dead weight without any warning, and they fell on top of each other on the bright white floor. The avian released his plumage again; surrounding him and the lion so that they were again alone in a fluffy cocoon. I snorted in disappointment and I quickly saw a hand jut out of the thick feathers and beckon me to join them in their private quarters. I clomped over and put both of my hands on the dark feathers. They were softer than cashmere and blended with each other like water. I bent down and pushed the feathers apart and poked my nose into their world.

I gasped and stood up: I was in a rainforest. The heavy, moist air softened my coat and beaded on my waterproof fur. The smell of the damp earth, thriving vegetation, and humid atmosphere made my head spin; I've never been in such a peaceful place. I looked forward and saw an oasis with a small island directly in the middle. The huge and overbearing trees kept out any and all natural light. The only light source were big fat fireflies floating lazily through the heavy air. One came close to me and I noticed that it would slowly shift from color to color. I looked back a the oasis and saw the lion and peacock rocking back and forth on top of each other. My erection seemed to fly me over there. As I was walking towards them I saw an assortment of different flowers. When I walked by them they would shoot out a mist. The first one that I walked by shot out what smelled like a rich and creamy vanilla. The next one released a wonderful coconut scent that stuck to my moistened fur and followed me all the way to my awaiting partners.

The soft bedding they lay on was composed of what looked like mainly clovers and other small vegetation. The peacock was riding the lions rough cock with incredible enthusiasm. I walked over and gasped; the peacock's cock was huge. It came to a stop at about 9 inches and was tapered at the end. The lion wrapped a paw around him and slowly rubbed him off as the bird carefully took him deep into his bowels. When the bird rose up he would have a look of determination and stress on his face, but marveled when he slid down onto the powerful pool. The lion had his eyes closed and was grinning to himself. He increased his rubbing pace and the bird fell on top of him and met him in a kiss. The lion wrapped his hands around his soft ass and pulled and pushed him off his dick. He would come out about 7 inches before shoving himself right back in.

I immediately went over as quickly as I could. My stallion libido took over and I stood over them jacking off to their sex noises and scents. My flare was releasing copious amounts of pre-cum which I used as personal lubricant. I shoot a couple rounds onto the two fornicating figures, and the lion opened his eyes and saw me. He grinned and swirled his fingers in my preseminal fluid and quickly brought his digits to his lips. He sucked on them while looking me straight in the eye. The peacock threw his head back; I guess the lions spines had finally got to him. He opened his eyes and I screamed: his eyes were burning coals. I looked into them and it was like looking into my own personal hell. I had fallen onto my butt and I was scooting back into some vegetation when I realized that the vines had wrapped themselves around my appendages and forcefully held me still. I struggled against them and released a horrific scream at what I saw next: both the lion and the peacock's eyes were burning embers inside their skulls. They were grinning ear to ear with large pointy teeth poking out of their mouths. I was hyperventilating and my heart was pounding when they separated from each other. They turned their demonic faces toward me and started to slowly crawl over. I screamed again and tried to kick them away but only managed to tighten the straps that held me down. They were whispering something, "Jason. Jason. Jason!" I closed my eyes and gave one final kick. The vines retreated from my form; the two beings screeched like they were in pain and quickly scooted away from me as well.

I was beyond confused, and I kept hearing my name over and over again. Their sinister voices echoing in my ear, "_Jason, Jason, Jason,_Jason!"

I opened my eyes. I was in my hospital bed and the peacock doctor was standing over me shaking my arm.

I slowly looked around; I couldn't believe that had all been a dream. "Jason, are you okay?" the doctor asked me in a concerned tone. My head spun around and I looked into his stained glass eyes that appeared to be cutting right through me. I let out a nervous chuckle and said, "No. No I'm not okay." and fainted.