
Story by King Of Rondo on SoFurry

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By King Rondo

God I hate slow days.

I always end up being used by the lowest of the low.... The cops.

There's one in particular who's not too bad who particularly enjoys my company; a hunky husky by the name of Isaiah Madrid. Don't ask me how an Alaskan husky got a name like that. I think he explained it at one point, but I wasn't much paying attention. He comes by every Thursday, EVERY Thursday, never missing a one. So, as of that, I work myself around him. He's big, tall, super muscular, blue grey fur, icy gray eyes that is at complete contrast with his personality, which is warm, kind, rough at times, but incredible to say the least.

It always struck me as odd that a guy like him didn't get an equally good girl. We always finished up and talked for hours, just talked, about the week, work, state of things, the kind of things friends talk about. We'd even occasionally go out and get a drink, after work of course though.

Me, I'm an eight or so foot tall elephant, heavily muscled from the constant effort of my career, simple elephant coloring. I usually wear skimpy clothing, flashy colors usually. In my spare time, I watch movies, go to bars, and just hang out, when I'm not working that is.

Any who, back to my sterling narrative.

It was a slow night, Mondays and Wednesdays always are. No one usually notices the super buff elephant on the corner wearing skimpy clothing and OBVIOUSLY trying to get someone (even though said elephant is one of the most famous man whores in the entirety of New York City, guess its just the Monday night blues. No one except a couple dogs, a cat, another elephant, and an overly sexed up Doberman.

I decided to head home to my pretty nice penthouse above an Italian restaurant, I got it by doing some favors for the owner, hint, hint, nudge, nudge. And have furnished it for the working whore, big bed, rubber sheets (for those overly busy nights), couple couches, a nice entertainment center for my own personal pleasure (no pun intended), and a well equipped kitchen.

Here's my schedule:

  1. wake up and take a shower at about five o'clock (pm, I'm nocturnal, so are the crowds)

  2. get dressed (scantily, comes with the job) five thirty

  3. head down to my usual hang-out, seven

  4. get a few customers, anywhere from seven ten, to six in the morning (I work long and hard [again, no pun intended])

  5. go to bed at seven in the morning

Occasionally I head out to the grocery store to pick up some food, and go clubbing with friends, but that's rare, not because I don't have friends, but because I'm pretty much taken over by my job, but I don't mind at all.

Thursday rolls around, a couple hours before Madrid comes by, a super long ass limo pulls up in front of me, now, I occasionally get the more...Affluent crowd, so this wasn't what struck me, it was who was in the back of it.

An absolutely drop dead gorgeous bovine was sitting there, in the absolute back, massive muscles clenched tight in a business suit, horns reaching the ceiling, causing him to have to duck a bit.

"Hey" was all he said.

That was more than I could, because my mouth had suddenly gone totally dry.

He opened the door and I stepped dumbly in, drooling over the gorgeous creature sitting a few feet away, muscles chorded tightly, even though he was sitting relaxed.

"So, I hear that you're the best... "Escort" in town. I'm on a business trip so we'll have to make this quick, can you handle that?" his voice was creamy and smooth like liquid silver, deep and strong.

Again, unable to speak, I simply nod dumbly.

"I've got a pent house suite that I'm going to take you to, and then you do what you do best."

Raspingly, I respond, "what did you have in mind?" my voice breaks and cracks several times throughout that simple question.

"Oh, you'll have to see when we get there; I don't like to give away surprises."

I nod.

Throughout the ride, I can't keep my eyes off the bovine, his muscles, his smooth, thin fur, his giant bulge, all of it simply fascinates me in a way that no other fur has ever done.

When we reach the hotel where he's staying, my mouth drops.

"What? Never been uptown before?" he asks, the hint of a chuckle in his voice.

We walk in and ride all the way up to the top floor, in an elevator. While on the way, I start to smell a wonderful spicy fragrance, mixed with slight B.O and a drop of cologne, culminating in an intoxicating scent that causes my head to spin.

I must have made some noise at the scent because the bovine gives me a strange look, then we reach his floor, the top. We walk out into a long hallway, ending in a closed door on either side, one a stairwell, the other is obviously his room.

We walk toward his room and he pulls out a card key, before opening the door and ushering me in.

The room was beautifully furnished... in the standards of ritzy hotels. A plush carpet, lots of chairs, window skylight, balcony overlooking half the city, several different rooms, giant bathroom, guest bedroom (doubted we'd have anything to do in there), master bedroom separated by French doors, drink bar by the kitchen, and a GIANT TV screen.

Again, my mouth drops and the bovine comes up and gently pushes it closed, smiling down at me even though I'm by no means a shorty.

"So, shall we get started then?" he grins devilishly and starts to unbutton his suit.

"Now... I'm going to use you like the bitch you are, and you, are going to deal with it, you will not fight back, you will obey, and most of all... you won't speak." He says, still unbuttoning his suit.

I wince slightly at his tone, but look down at the floor and nods.

"Now, get undressed. You won't need your clothes anymore." he pulls off his suit jacket and sets it on one of the chair and starts on his tie.

I comply without hesitation, removing mine quickly, and then kneeling on the floor in front of him, waiting for his next order.

"Well, seems like you already know the procedure... good." He continues unbuttoning his clothes, agonizingly slow, deliberately trying taking his sweet time.

Finally, after what seemed like forever, he pulls off the rest of his clothes, but me, still kneeling on the floor, doesn't see what he's got beneath the suit.

"Bitch, stand up, slowly and put your hands behind your back. Turn around and don't look at me." He walks off into the guest bedroom and returns quickly, but I don't see why he left, my back to him, arms clasped behind my back.

He walks closer, soon standing a few feet behind me, just standing there, breathing softly. I feel his looking me over as he stands there.

He whispers to himself, "good... very good... he'll do quite nicely."

I sense him moving closer, feeling his body heat against my back, not quite touching, but close, a hairs breadth.

He bends down close to my ear, his smoothly furred chin resting lightly on my shoulder.

"Now, you're going to be tied up and gagged, the previous rules still apply bitch, no looking, no noise, and no disobeying, or you'll SORELY regret it."

He takes a teasing lick at my cheek, making me shudder slightly as he moves away, his hot breath on my back as he ties my hands tightly, effectively keeping them from any movement at all. He finishes and bends down and wraps his massive arms around my chest, again, resting his chin on my shoulder.

"Ready bitch?" he asks mockingly as he licks again.

He steps away and suddenly lifts me up, cradling me deftly as if I weigh nothing at all, depositing me unceremoniously on the comfortable bed.

"Now is when the REAL fun begins! well... for ME anyway!" he laughs wickedly, the sending a slight stab of fear coursing through me.

"But before we begin, I'm giving you permission to look upon me." I roll over awkwardly, arms still bound behind my back.

I stare at him, eyes wide, jaw slack, tongue most likely hanging out.

He's even more gorgeous than I thought!!!

Muscles, muscles, and more muscles! He's absolutely COVERED! But that's not what really caught my eye, his member was! It was gigantic! Bigger than ANY I had ever DREAMED about! (And I always have super erotic dreams) it was dragging on the floor! And his legs were at least four feet tall! And a good three feet was still dragging! And don't even get me started on the thickness!

"I see you like what you see. Well the pity for you is..." his image blurred suddenly, the room put in stark contrast as his body starts to turn fuzzy, becoming a no shape, just a blob of color.

Suddenly though, the blob defines itself, coalescing into the shape of a fox, a small fox, about four or so feet tall, not incredibly muscular, nor distinctive in any particular way... except he still had the horns of the bovine... and the member.

A bolt of fear courses through me again, I scoot as far away from the miniscule figure as possible, panic and terror running through me. I try to scream, but nothing comes out, but a thin whisper of air, barely audible even to me.

A cruel chuckle escapes the fox. "scared I see, I wonder why, a little fox daemon like me scaring the big strong elephant fit to leaking!" the same voice escapes the fox as the bovine.

I try and break the bonds holding my arms, feeling the material biting cruelly into my flesh.

The fox is grinning sadistically and climbing slowly up into the bed, crawling slowly toward me...closer... and closer.

"I'm sure you're wondering what I am," he says, still grinning, "and since I'm going to have my way with you, I might as well tell you. I'm a daemon, a shape-shifting, sex loving, and sadist daemon. And you" he gently pokes a finger at me, "are now going to be my slave." He laughs cruelly again.

I cower more, but regain enough common sense to lash out at him with a kick, connecting hard with his shoulder, knocking him sideways.

I take the chance and run full out for the door.

I reach it and realize... How the fuck am in going to turn the handle!?

A thin, evil chuckle emanates from the bedroom as the fox daemon saunters in slowly, tail swinging slightly, member dragging between his legs.

"Feisty. Good. Always makes a good host."

"H...ho....host?" I ask shakily, scared shitless.

"oh...yes... forgot to mention, I'm going to be taking you... and you, are going to be the mother of my offspring."

I must have fainted because the next thing I knew, I was laying on the bed, head propped on a pillow, looking at the daemon at the foot of the bed.

I try to move again, but realize that my legs have been bound to the frame, arms still behind my back, chest secured tightly, completely immobilizing me.

He grins and licks his lips, lifting his cock up to rest on the bed, stroking it like it was a pet.

"Are you ready? Heh, doubt it, but I'm coming anyway." He chuckles at his sick joke, still stroking his member, which starts to thicken and harden visibly, inching its way towards me.

I whimper and try to scoot away, but the bindings are too tight for any movement other than a few inches to either side.

The daemon climbs up on the bed again, cock standing at full mast, six feet, it hanging directly above my chest dripping pre in giant gobs onto my muscles before sliding backward, over my chest and cock, down between my legs.

"I'm going to enjoy this." He moves down and forward, moving his two foot thick member toward my decidedly large entrance, stretching it farther than ever I thought possible.


I scream in pain at the utter agony of that awesome cock pushing into my hole.

He growls and snaps, cutting my screams off, leaving me to writhe and convulse on the mattress as he continues applying pressure, pushing his cock farther and farther inside me.

"Heh, well, got the tip in!" he giggles cruelly after what seems like an eternity of torture, but hidden deep, a trickle of pleasure breaks through the pain.

He grits his teeth and pushes more, causing me to tense and whisper more.

At the time, all I felt was the pain of that gigantic slab of meat in my tail hole, but in retrospect, I'm sure I felt my insides tearing and ripping at the massive intrusion.

"You know," he says panting, obviously enjoying my torment, "none of the other slaves I've ever had have survived the insertion of seed. Wonder if you'll be the first." He chuckles sadistically and pushes more, furthering my pain, again though, a larger trickle of pleasure permeates the agony, causing my own member to twitch and start to harden, against the pain.

"Oh? You're enjoying this too!" he chuckles again and forces more of his demonic member inside of me.

I struggle as much as possible, trying to rid myself of the pain, praying to all the gods I knew of to just kill me and end it right then and there.

"well since you're the first to actually enjoy this..." he reaches down and hooks a furry paw around my semi erect member, slowly, agonizingly, jerking its five foot length, rubbing it with long, gently strokes, making it hard in seconds as he continues to push the remaining few feet of meat into my hole.

I grit my teeth hard, wincing in pain and pleasure, my member starting to seep little amounts of pre onto my chest, tears dripping from the corners of my eyes as my ass is ripped even harder by the demon.

He chuckles more, jerking faster. "You ready?" he grins sadistically

"Too bad." He slams the remaining length of his massive meat into my abused hole. Even through the bindings, my body heaves massively, my muscles tearing at the sudden unwanted intrusion into my much too small hole.


He yells in pleasure as he FINALLY hilts into me, my tears dripping down onto my chest.

After an eternity, his panting slows, and he grins again. "Gods above and below your amazing! NO one's survived that! Maybe I'll.... KEEP you..." he says, still panting. The only sound I can make is the agony ridden whisper, my member still amazingly hard, dripping larger amounts of pre onto my muscles.

He starts to pull out, causing my belly to shrink, his meat scraping hard on my insides, making me twitch and close my eyes in pain and pleasure as he continues jerking my long cock.

"This pose bores me...." he smirks and roughly slams the rest of his meat inside me again, causing another seizure of pain. He grabs me around the chest, my cock digging into his silky furred neck, making me pre more, as he lifts me up as if I weighed nothing and carries me to the main room. He sits on the couch, me impaled on his demon pole.

Tears are flooding down my eyes, pre practically shooting from my tip as he smirks up at me, placing his paws beneath my legs; he slowly lifts me up, pulling his pole out agonizingly before he viciously slams me back down, sending tremors of pleasure dulled pain.

My member fires off pre into the air like fireworks, some landing on the demon, which sizzles and boils away, as if his fur were incredibly hot.

"GODS YOU'RE TIGHT!" he slams me down again, working into a harsh and fast rhythm of vicious rape.

For the first time, I notice the bonds have loosened, enough for me to reach up and start stroking my own massive cock, shooting even more pre into the air, making my back arch in pleasure, the pain dulling slowly, being replaced by pleasure as he continues to viciously fuck me.

I must have clenched my hole in pleasure because I felt large amounts of hot pre filling my hole, accompanied by his loud grunting as well as more forceful fucking. The heat of his body and pre filling me, flooding through me, intensifying my own pleasure as I continue to shoot more and more pre all over myself, some landing on my face, which I lap up thirstily.

He bends toward me, never slackening his harsh pace, and starts to lick along my five foot length, leaving a trail of tingling electricity in the wake of his long tongue.

"OH GODS!!" I yell, not realizing that I'm able to speak again.

The tingling makes my cock throb hard, sending shots of pre upward, some even hitting the ceiling ten feet in the air, leaving large wet spots on the textured plaster.

He continues licking, digging his claws harshly into my rump. Gods, even THAT made it better! I was shooting pre like fireworks in July, my orgasm so close.... a feathers touch would have sent me rocketing over the edge, but no matter how I tried, I could not for the life of me go over.

As if reading my intentions, the demon chuckles and says, "I'm not FINISHED with you, but.... soon...."

Sweat is pouring from his fur, some dripping onto my legs as he continues licking my cock, driving me crazy with pleasure, the heat and tingling spreading even more. Where his sweat touches, a slight and pleasant burning sensation appears.

He grins sadistically and pulls my steel solid meat, and places the very tip in his fanged mouth making me shudder and moan loudly, large shots of pre obviously shooting direct down his throat, but he gives no indication of discomfort, on the contrary, he fucks harder, moaning around my member, making it vibrate and increasing the pleasure exponentially.

He slowly starts to swallow it, pushing it down his hot, tight throat. He swallows occasionally, making his throat clench my cock, sending large waves of pre and pleasure through me and down his throat.

I sense an urgency in his movements as he reaches a fever pitch in his violent fucking, making me shudder and yell in pleasure, my cock almost hilting in his wonderful maw.

He chuckles again, and raises a paw and places it flat on my chest. Instantly, the area around his paw bursts with a feeling of white hot fire. I scream in pain, inadvertently slamming my whole cock into his stomach, he keeps his paw there, the skin of my chest darkening as if being burnt; he raises me one final time and slams me down with all his strength.

I thought I felt his cock somewhere around my throat, I know I felt the cum that blasted through me up there for sure. Every inch of my insides was flooded with his literally white hot daemon seed. More and more and more he flooded me, my belly engorging farther and farther as he continues to blast into me.

At the first blast of his seed, I fire off my own, straight into the depths of that daemon's chest, the pain in my chest totally forgotten as the pleasure of the experience doubles, triples, even quadruples as he floods me more and more and more.

I'd lost all track of time when I eventually feel his, and my, cock stop sending of seed. By then my belly was... huge to say the least. The daemon slowly pulled off my softening cock, letting it easily slide from his throat.

"Good bitch" he said, looking me over, his gargantuan cock still buried in my hole.

He slowly pulls me off of it, raising me up higher and higher, with me flopping uselessly, totally spent.

"You're one of the best I've had in... gods CENTURIES! Heh and the first to survive, let alone ENJOY it!" he smiles and lays me on the couch, rubbing the scorched flesh of my chest. I feel a slight burn there, in the shape of a pentagram. I'd been magically branded... marked as his... but at that point, I didn't mind at all.

"It seems like you and me will become very close" he says, leaning forward, close to my face, "VERY close indeed" he finishes with a soft chuckle, and a faint lick on my cheek before my consciousness fades totally.



for hasani on FA
