Trust Me - Chapter One

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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#1 of Trust Me

Sometimes in order to overcome our greatest fears, we have to face them head on.

This story contains M/M sexual acts and a precursor to spanking play (next chapter) between consenting adults.

Trust Me - Chapter One

Robin hadn't had a happy childhood. He didn't like to talk about it, but the story was sadly fairly typical. His mother was a drunk, and his dad was violent. They hit each other, they yelled, they screamed, and they spanked. Boy oh boy, did they ever spank.

For years Robin had carried the scars of his childhood torment, that which his family had so neatly and innocently referred to as discipline. Those scars came predominantly in a mental form, breeding a young adult who was skittish and fearful of anyone who so much as raised their voice in jest, and who, before the age of twenty five, had no less than four clinically diagnosed nervous breakdowns. When his closest friends shared this fact with their loved ones, their first response was normally along the lines of 'Dude, I got spanked and it didn't mess me up'. The sad fact was though that while spanking was the accurate definition of what Robin's parents had done to him, it had been more than that. Far more, and far worse. Sure they had bent him over their knee and slapped his ass, sometimes bare handed, sometimes with a paddle. But it had been no short, sharp corrective punishment for a wrongdoing. These were beatings, pure and simple. Smacking, spanking, beating his rear end until it was a mass of welts and bruises that ached for weeks, by which time fresh spankings would doubtlessly have been applied over the top.

But why, then, hadn't Robin been rescued from that obvious abuse when his teachers saw him unable to sit down?

The answer was simple. He had been home schooled.

It had been a childhood from hell in every respect. The kind of nightmare that would scar a person for life if they had to deal with it alone.

And indeed, up until just a few days before his twenty-seventh birthday, that had been how Robin's life had progressed. A scarred, scared individual roaming through the wild world unprotected and unprepared. Yeah he may not have looked it, his lean, muscular body rippling from his multiple gym visits each week. Yeah he may not have seemed it to his co-workers, the most dedicated and hard working employee in the office. But on a personal level, in what little personal life he had, Robin was a wreck, and that was putting it kindly.

Then, like a fairy-tale prince, Conner had entered the picture.

Conner was gay. So very, very gay. He was small, lithe and bouncy. His voice flamed with a sweet southern drawl, and just to complete the look he wore a pink stud earring in his left ear. If he had been the fox, rather than Robin, the image would have been perfect. As a raccoon however he seemed more than happy to over-compensate for the lack of stereotyping.

On the day these two males had met, they hadn't liked each other. In fact they'd more or less hated each other; Robin finding Conner far too loud and confrontational in his openness, and Conner seeing the fox as nothing but an uptight prude who was still in his heart, if not in reality. Thanks to a mutual friend however they'd spent the best part of a day together, and by the time they were at the dessert course of their restaurant dinner Robin was bashfully laughing at Conner's lewd sense of humour, while the raccoon was beginning to see a little twinkle in the back of the fox's eyes; a quiet but desperate wish for someone to help him learn to laugh, and smile, and love.

Over the following three and a half years their relationship, for that was what it rapidly became, blossomed. Robin blossomed too, and while he was never the life and soul of the party that his boyfriend so delighted in being, he began to finally live the kind of life he'd always imagined impossible; not a perfect one, but a normal one. He learned to tell when someone was joking around with him, and how to react when it seemed that they weren't. He learned not to flinch or whimper whenever someone shouted or made sudden movements in his immediate surroundings. He learned to interact socially not just with the friends he'd already made, but with people he didn't even know yet. And of course, he learned how to be a good boyfriend.

Thus it came to pass that on Conner's twenty seventh birthday, several months before Robin was due to turn thirty one, the two males sat in bed together. Both were naked and aroused, with the lithe, twinkish raccoon kneeling astride his big strong fox's stomach. Conner's tail twitched back and forth as he watched Robin reaching under the pillow beside him, drawing out a flat package wrapped in soft, colourful paper and tied with a pink bow. Its bushy, ringed tip drifted across the head of Robin's stiff erection, and made the fox growl happily as he handed his boyfriend the one surprise birthday gift which Conner hadn't already discovered and torn open while rummaging around the house over the past week.

"Before you open this, Conner... I just need you to know something, okay? I know you were joking when you talked about this, if you even remember it. But, just remember what you told me the first time you took me to bed with you. If I can't face up to living life, then I don't deserve to live it. With everything I've been through, everything I've had done to me, and everything I missed out on because of that... I've always felt like I'm playing catch up with my own life. If I can do this though, and if you're willing to help me... I think I'll be able to put myself ahead of the game."

The raccoon nodded sincerely at his lover's comment, but before long a roguish smile crossed his muzzle.

"You're a sweetie, I know that, but you talk far too much. Now shush and let me open my gift before I stuff you with something to keep you quiet."

Robin glanced downward at the raccoon's seven inch erection, the long, rather thick pole of pink flesh throbbing gently as it rested against his white furred torso. He blushed, and kept his muzzle firmly closed as he watched with a degree of trepidation as Conner open up his birthday present.

Pulling off the bow and tearing the paper aside, it barely took five seconds for Conner to reveal his gift. It took him another few moments though before he realised exactly what it was, and when he did, he dropped it like it had stung him.

The raccoon glared at Robin, and with a soft growl of frustration pulled himself away from the fox and scrambled off the bed.

"No. No, you did not just give me that as a birthday present, you... you fucking idiot."

By the time he realised how stupid a reaction that had been though, turning his head back towards Robin in time to see the fox's eyes filling with tears, it seemed too late. He couldn't take it back, and could only let slip a soft whine of his own sorrow as Conner began to sob, the butch, buff fox rolling onto his side and curling into the foetal position as he began to weep and sniffle openly. Conner climbed back onto the bed just seconds later, and practically flung himself down upon Robin's body, embracing his boyfriend tightly and kissing him on the back of his neck. Neither one of them spoke, not that Robin was in any state to do so, and for almost thirty minutes they lay there, still nude but having lost any signs of the sexual arousal that had been building between them ever since they awoke almost an hour ago.


When Robin finally spoke, he did so in a voice that was barely holding itself together, cracked and ragged with emotion.

"I just... I love you so much, Conner. You've always told me I could trust you with anything. Anything."

He had. He had said that to Robin so many times, and meant it too. It took a lot to earn the fox's trust, and the raccoon delighted in being able to earn it.

"Fuck. I know, Rob. I know I've said that, and you know that I mean it. But... this, when I said that, I really was kidding around. I never really wanted to do that to you. After everything you've told me. After everything I know you've been through..."

Lightly, and with an innocence that would have seemed impossible to any other couple, Conner dropped one of his hands down from where it was resting upon the fox's flank and cupped one cheek of Robin's buttocks. He squeezed the fox's ass gently, lovingly, and kissed Robin on the back of the neck for a second time. Robin whined, but not mournfully or fearfully as he might once have done. It had taken a lot of work, and a lot of training, but little by little Conner had turned the touching of his ass from a terror inducing nightmare into a sweet gesture of the most intimate affection.

Slowly, Robin rolled over so that he was facing Conner. They bumped noses, kissed, and their matching sets of brown eyes gazed deep into one another.

"Why the hell would you want this, Robin? Why in god's name would you want me to... to spank you?"

That word. It sent a tremor of fright down Robin's spine even now, and knowing what his lover had been through, it made Conner sick to his stomach too. He wrapped his arms around the fox's waist once more, and pulled Robin so close that their sheaths touched. A few more tears trickled down Robin's face, and Conner kissed them away urgently. His boyfriend sniffled, and shamefully, sorrowfully he gave the reason that had been burning within him for the best part of two months now.

"B-because, after all that you've shown me, all you've taught me, I... I'm fucking sick of being the way I am. I'm not afraid like I used to be, but I don't think I can do this, face this... my past, my demons, whatever you want to call it, without you."

Conner sighed heavily, nodding, but still far from convinced.

"Isn't there any other way though? Anything else we can do to... to put that all behind you, once and for all?"

Even as he asked that question, he knew the answer in his own mind. No. No, of course there wasn't any other way. If Robin was truly going to overcome his fear, and whether that was possible at all was by no means certain, then that was likely to be the only way.

Sure enough, the fox shook his head.

"When we first got together, you told me that I could trust you every time you touched me and I flinched, or shied away. After a while, I did, and now... now I do. I trust you every day, and you don't even have to say it. But I know that it's not just a one way street. I know that you trust me too, Conner, no matter how much it might seem like I rely on you, and that you look after me sometimes. Well, this is one of those times when I need you to show that. I really need you to trust me, Conner. To pick up that paddle, and trust me."

Lying close by, Robin's gift to his lover remained untouched but at the forefront of both males' minds. It was a paddle. A paddle obviously bought for one use and one use alone. Upon later inspection, the raccoon would notice a pair of initials carved into its broad, varnished wooden face; the initials of himself and Robin. Thus it wasn't just a paddle, or even his paddle. It was their paddle. For now though Conner didn't so much as glance in the direction of the offending item, and kept his gaze fixated upon the man who had given it to him.

"I... I will. I promise, I will, and when I do, I'll do whatever you want... I mean, whatever you need me to do with it. But not now, Robin. Not on my birthday, please."

The fox blushed, hanging his head.

"Yeah. I guess that was a bit of a stupid idea. I'm sorry."

A hand touched Robin's chin a moment or two later, lifting his face upward and reuniting his gaze with Conner's own sparkling eyes. The raccoon shook his head, leaned forward, and kissed Robin gently upon the tip of his nose, then again on the lips.

"Don't be sorry, Rob. Just... just hold on, okay? Let me get used to the idea for a few days, let's take some time to figure out what we're gonna do and how we're gonna do it before we rush into anything. I know I'm normally the kinky one pushing you into doing things, but this is... it's not just another sexy accessory. Not to you, at least."

Robin whimpered softly.

"But... what if I wanted it to be?"

Conner's eyes widened.

"Really? Is that really what you want us to do? Turn... that into some sort of play?"

The fox winced, but he nodded nonetheless.

"Yeah. A lot of the stuff I used to be afraid of, I started to enjoy when I realised I could do it with you. So why not this? Why not... s-spanking."

He spat that last word more than he said it, and closed his eyes immediately afterwards, burying his face in Conner's shoulder. The raccoon cuddled him close, and kissed him on the top of the head fondly.

"I'm so proud of you."

It may have seemed a strange thing to say, almost unprompted, but in fact there was a very good reason for Conner to praise his lover. That word, the 'S' word, was Robin's 'Voldemort'. It was a word he simply did not say, too frightened by it and the power which it held over him to dare give it form with his own breath. Indeed in their three years together this was only the third time that Conner had heard his fox say that despicable word, and though he had by no means done so without pain, it was the first time that it hadn't reduced him to a completely broken, sobbing mess.

Another long period of silence followed, the pair just holding one another at first, relishing their wordless intimacy, then growing a little more bold and tender as their fears and more negative emotions began to fade, the residual adrenaline of their intense conversation turning itself to more pleasant matters. They kissed again, not for comfort or reassurance, but for love and excitement. Tongues wandered back and forth, noses rubbed and hands drifted over cheeks and torsos and other cheeks still, located much lower than those which glowed upon their faces. The first real sound to escape either one of them, the soft smacking of their lips aside, was a sharp gasp from Robin as Conner rolled him over onto his back, pinning the larger, far stronger fox with a devilish grin. A happy moan swiftly followed as one of Conner's hands disappeared between their cuddling bodies, and soon enough there was pink flesh protruding once more from Robin's sheath as the raccoon squeezed and stroked the fuzzy pocket with his fingertips.

"Tell me what you want..."

Despite Conner by far being the most confident of the pair, he did have something of a submissive streak. At first this had been something of a sticking point in their relationship, since even when Robin had started to approach the idea of sharing himself sexually he had done so with a level of fear that made anything but the most passive of advances on his part impossible to achieve. Conner had swiftly learned how the fox's mind worked though, and had found a delightful little loophole that allowed him to play the submissive role he often craved without Robin having to actively do anything. Now of course the fox was willing and able to do a lot more, but they still often fell back into their old habits out of comfort, and the knowledge that strange as their way may have been, it worked.

"I want... I... I want you to ride me."

Robin could never bring himself to grab Conner by the hips, throw him down on the bed and drive his lubed cock deep into the raccoon's waiting, oh so willing ass. He could however tell his lover what he craved deep down, thus allowing Conner to fulfil his submissive urges by making Robin's wishes come true. It certainly didn't hurt that Robin loved to bury himself balls deep in Conner's rump, particularly since there was nothing that made the raccoon hotter than the idea of his boyfriend fucking him raw, or any situation which led to the same outcome for that matter.

All it took for the lovers' shared dream to come true was a little shifting around on the bed, the paddle which had come so close to de-railing their long, loving birthday morning together tumbling off the edge of the bed and landing on the floor as Conner scrambled over towards the bedside table in search of lubricant. There it remained, not forgotten but put to the back of both males minds for at least a little while, and as Conner handed his partner the tube of slippery heaven and backed up towards Robin's hands, flagging his tail and presenting his rear for inspection and preparation, he wiggled his ass invitingly; relishing thoughts of the pleasure which was soon to surge through that portion of his body, about as far from pain as one could get.

Slowly and carefully, much like everything he did, Robin applied the lubricant to his fingers, and from there to Conner's rear. He groaned softly as the raccoon reached around himself and spread his cheeks wide apart for Robin to behold, exposing his pink pucker which was spotlessly cleaned, a rather thorough shower and cleansing having been conducted shortly after Conner first awoke in preparation for this very eventuality. It was Conner who cried out loudest though, his eyes bulging and his own erection throbbing violently between his legs when he felt not a cool pair of lubricated fingers rub up against his pucker, but Robin's warm, wet tongue.

"Oh fuck... oh fuck, Robin! You gorgeous whore..."

The fox chuckled, blushing warmly as he lapped gently at Conner's ass. He knew better than to stick his tongue through the raccoon's winking rosebud, having learned that lesson the hard way early on in their sexually explicit adventures. However, ever since Conner first exposed his ass to the fox's explorations, determined to prove to Robin in those early days that he was willing to place his faith and his body in his boyfriend's hands, the two males had shared a rather intimate love of the act of rimming. It took a lot of work to get right, a lot of cleaning and a lot of trust on both furs' parts, but Robin in particular had come to love it dearly. It filled him with pride that Conner would let him get so close, so intimate with a part of his body that to this day Robin was still nervous about exposing to anyone, even his deeply beloved and trusted boyfriend. To kiss those furry cheeks, to lap at the pink pucker which led into regions that made him feel so good, so often, it was a beautiful thing for Robin. Thus he lapped at his lover's ass on and on, drinking in Conner's lewd but giddy compliments, just waiting for that inevitable moment to arrive.

Sure enough, it happened less than two minutes later.

With a deep groan and a ragged, breathless huff of pleasure, Conner tore his ass away from Robin's eager tongue and turned his head back over one shoulder, glaring feverishly at his mate. His eyes were wild and his face lit up with a hungry grin. That expression used to terrify Robin, but now it only served to reassure the fox that he was doing a good job of driving his lover mad with desire.

"You've got ten seconds, you handsome hellspawn. Then I'm coming for your cock, like it or not."

The horny raccoon span round on all fours and crawled up the length of Robin's legs, groaning and shuddering in delight as he watched Robin finally apply a thick coating of lubricant, not to his lover's ass as had been originally planned, but directly to his own stiff six inches of fox flesh and the barely swollen extra inch of knot beneath. By the time he was in place Robin's shaft was lubed and glistening, and with the speed and casual nature of truly long term lovers the two males lined up their bodies and set to work without further ado.

Robin's eyes widened slightly as he felt Conner's pucker against his pointed cock-head, straining for a moment, resisting, then opening up and taking in the first half inch of his shaft. The raccoon grunted, happily, not in any true discomfort, and wriggled his rump for a moment before pushing down further. His muzzle fell open and his eyes glazed over, a satisfied cry escaping his lips when he felt Robin slip into him fully, his ass opening up oh so willingly around the fox's cock and sliding down, down, down until Conner could suddenly feel his trembling cheeks coming to rest upon Robin's thighs.

"Oh god... Rob..."

Conner could barely breath as he pulled himself up a few inches and dropped back down, several inches of the fox's stiff cock dragging across his prostate and sending white hot pleasure shooting through his entire body. Steadying himself against the fox's torso with one hand, he grabbed his own cock with the other, squeezing it in time with his next wave of movement. He threw his head back and grunted happily, a sound that devolved into a fit of giddy giggling. His head sank down again soon after, glazed, half-lidded eyes coming to rest upon Robin's own blushing, smiling face. Conner loved sex. There was no other way of putting it. He loved how good it felt, and how good it made the man he loved feel. Robin had been through so much crap in the earlier part of his life, it made Conner feel... not proud, but right, validated in his own life choices that he was now in a position to make Robin so happy that the fox couldn't help but cry out in ecstasy.

Swiftly and shamelessly the raccoon began to ride Robin's body, bouncing rather forcefully up and down on the fox's rigid shaft as he masturbated himself in time with Robins 'thrusts'. Beneath him Robin gasped and shuddered while Conner's back passage clutched tight around him, so hot, slippery with the lubricant he'd so liberally applied but still so enclosed and vicious in its grip on his cock. He felt his own hips beginning to buck upwards against Conner's motions, watched as his hands rose, trembling from his sides and grasped the raccoon's hips instinctively, pulling Conner down harder against him. So often his nerves made him forget how much stronger he was than Robin, his over-compensation to avoid confrontation leaving him with a body that while still lean and not obscenely muscled, was tight and strong as a steel spring. It was times like that however which the raccoon adored, for there was nothing he loved more than feeling Robin truly lose himself in the moment, especially when it meant giving him a good, hard fuck in the process.

Deep, savage groans and guttural cries of pleasure rang out between the pair, reassuring, arousing, further exciting their rampant passions as they fucked. Robin could feel his knot swelling slowly but surely, beginning to tug on Conner's pucker with each deep, full-length thrust he made into the raccoon and escaping with a soft, wet pop each time his lover's hips rose. Had he been in his right mind he would have stopped thrusting immediately, fearful of hurting Conner and leaving it entirely to the raccoon to set the pace. With his eyes closed and his mind elsewhere however, blissfully ignorant of what the body to which it belonged was up to, he bucked harder and faster with each passing moment, his claws digging into Conner's lean but naturally broad, womanly hips and driving the horny male astride him absolutely mad with pleasure.

"Oh Robin... oh fuck, w-what's gotten into you?!"

Conner wasn't complaining by any means, far from it, but the fact remained that even considering the confidence boosting effect that a rush of sexual endorphins could bring Robin was being really forward with his sexuality right now. More stunning though, overtly shocking even, was the fact that when the fox's eyes sprang wide open a handful of thrusts later Robin did not reign himself in, simply staring down the length of his body at the trembling, masturbating, whimpering raccoon, and uttering a frantic whisper of nervous excitement as he continued to plough his shaft between the furrows of Conner's rump.

"W-when you spank me..."

Tears filled the fox's eyes as he spoke those words, or rather, one of them in particular. But even as those pearly drops glistened and trickled down his cheeks, he kept on thrusting, gasping, shuddering in ecstasy.

"...I want to cum. I want to cum so hard that I can't think about my ass burning in pain without getting horny. I'm sick of being shy. Sick of being afraid. I want to be like you. You're my hero, Conner."

A long, lingering whine of happiness escaped the raccoon, and he found himself blinking away tears of his own even as he tossed his head back and yelped feverishly in pleasure.

"Oh... oh god... you sappy little bitch, I love you. I love you now, and I'll love you every moment I spend paddling your sweet little ass..."

Fear flashed in Robin's eyes, only to be overwhelmed by bliss as Conner flung himself down upon the fox's ever more engorged knot, taking it with a feral snarl of mixed pleasure and discomfort. There was no more thrusting now, just rocking, humping, grinding as they lay locked together, both their cocks drooling in eager readiness for what was still to come. Robin whimpered in gleeful disbelief at the very words he felt tripping off the tip of his tongue, and cried out to Conner, begging shamelessly.

"More! Please, t-tell me more. I... I want it. I really want to know!"

The raccoon had to think for a moment, but only a moment. He'd always loved talking dirty, and it came so naturally when he was lost in the throes of passion with Robin that it was little effort to extend it to a normally off-limits topic. He stared down at the writhing, gasping fox, and growled savagely.

"I'll slap your ass raw, then kiss it all better, inch by inch from cheek to cheek. I'll smack you with the flat of my hand till you're hard and drooling all over my lap, and the second you tell me to stop, I'll take you in my arms and hold you so close. I'll tell you I love you while I spank you with our paddle, and when you scream and howl, it'll be because you're cumming all over me, so happy, so horny. Trust me, my sweet slut. I'll make you feel so good, and when you're done, if you want, you can do the very same thing to me. You can spank my ass till it burns, and I'll love you for it all the more, because I know you won't go too far, just like you know I won't. You can trust me, and you know you can, because I know I can trust you too, my love."

Robin sobbed, so overwhelmed, so happy, so completely and utterly swamped by pleasure. His knot swelled to its fullest girth, causing Conner to grunt and whine as his well-worked ass was stretched to the max around that thick bulb of sensitive nerves. The raccoon arched his back, and pawed feverishly at his own cock when Robin let slip an ear splitting howl of euphoria. Hot cum boiled out into Conner's tight ass, and mere seconds later thick, white ropes of seed lashed out across Robin's own stomach as Conner came too, joining the fox in his moaning, shuddering state of rapture. Conner's eyes were wide open as he came, and while glassy, blurred with pleasure, he never once removed his gaze from Robin's lust-stricken, goofily grinning o-face. The fox's eyes were closed though, lost in fantasy, and it was with visions of Conner bending him over his lap and spanking him with a firm but loving paw that Robin rode out his orgasm, each wave of giddy sensation more glorious than the last.

In the dying seconds of their shared climax, Conner released his still drooling cock and leaned forward, sandwiching his throbbing shaft between himself and Robin with a heady growl. He kissed Robin firmly on the mouth, not seeking tongue, not at first anyway, and let slip another, softer sound of his feral satisfaction when the fox's eyes fluttered open before him. He smiled. Robin blushed deeper still. Now Conner slipped Robin the tongue, and his lover happily accepted.

On past occasions, Robin might have apologised for being too rough or losing control. He might have chided Conner for letting him get so carried away, or become slightly upset over things he had said, or indeed what the raccoon had said to him in return. The raccoon did not let that happen on this occasion though, keeping his lover's mind and body one hundred percent focused on him for the time being. He slipped his arms beneath Robin's body, rolling them over on the bed not once, not twice but three times, grinning as the fox's eyes widened and Robin began to push back. A playful wrestling match ensued, hampered somewhat by the fact that the two males were still tied together by Robin's knot, but equally enhanced by that very same fact of the fox's biology. Robin pinned Conner down, tickling the raccoon's flanks and driving his boyfriend into fits of giggles. The raccoon in turn ravaged Robin with a fierce kiss, taking the fox's breath away and using his weakened, softened state to pin him down in spite of Robin's obvious strength advantage.

By the time they fell still for long enough for coherent thoughts to enter either one of their minds, Robin's post orgasmic afterglow had already set in, wiping away any nerves or recriminations he might otherwise have found himself dealing with. Thus as he lay beneath Conner some short while later, blushing and sighing contentedly whilst the raccoon kissed his chest and nibbled playfully upon his nipples, his mind was strangely empty of worries, particularly strange given the subject that had been weighing on his thoughts for the past few weeks.

He knew that his gift to Conner, the paddle, was still around here somewhere; hidden from view but still waiting for him. But right now, for perhaps the first time in as long as he could remember, that knowledge didn't seem to be able to scare the fox.

In fact, sexually satisfied as he was, it almost excited him.

Part of him had been awaiting this day and those to come for months, ever since the thought first occurred to him. The chance to free himself from that ultimate cause of so many of his fears and woes. It was a tantalising prospect.

Now, however, it was more than that. More than a chance to channel the source of his fears into something benign and tender.

He was going to be spanked.

He was going to be spanked, and impossible as it sounded even in his own head, he was almost looking forward to it.

By Jeeves