The Storm

Story by Alpha2007 on SoFurry

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#1 of The Cabin

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This story involves sexual acts with two male furs. If you are not 18 years old (21 in some places) I suggest that you do not read this, but for the rest enjoy.

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**The Cabin

Chapter 1: The Storm

By Alpha Spirit Wolf and Sci the Cheetah**

Elizabeth sighed happily as she drove up to the cabin. The three of them had been driving for hours and now it seemed like it finally paid off. "We're finally here," she said to the others as she pulled up to the house. Jake and Tristan both yawned. They had napped most of the way and they were just now waking up. "You two go inside and start unpacking everything."

"Why do we have to do everything?" Jake asked.

"Because I'm heading back into town to get food and other supplies. There are two bedrooms. I'll let you two take the master bedroom. It may only have one bed, but it's big enough where even if the two of you roll around, you won't even come close to each other." Jake groaned as he got out of the car and brought his suitcase and Liz's suitcase into the cabin.

Tristan looked around himself and yawned again stretching up to the car ceiling. It'd been a few years since he'd been on one of these kinds of rides and quite frankly he wasn't used to it. He twitched his ears hearing the leopard complain like he always does, so he decided not to say anything on the subject at paw; he just went along with it. In logical sense the female was "always right." The husky got out of the car and helped lug the suit cases they all had into the cabin.

The vixen driving the car watched with a grin as the two emptied the trunk and then she was off to get the groceries. The cabin had been in Elizabeth's family for three generations and it had been refurbished several times so it still looked as if it had been built only a year before. At least, that's how it looked on the inside. The outside still looked a bit ratty, but it gave the cabin a nice home feel to it. Around the side of the cabin was a small path that lead down to the nearby lake. On the other side of the lake, there were many other cabins that were owned by a small company and they were rented out all the time. And since it was spring break, they were all full of college students.

"Well, there goes our one and only ride out of here," Jake said sarcastically as he sighed heavily and headed back inside. The interior was very nice and it was just how he and Elizabeth had left it the year before. The two hadn't met Tristan until about two weeks after they had come back. During his last stay at the cabin, Jake had told Elizabeth about him being gay. Of course, he still hadn't told Tristan. He had planned on doing it again at the cabin, but he just needed to find a good time.

The husky looked back at the car driving off and nodded lightly to what the feline next to him had said. He walked up the steps and stopped in the doorway of the cabin. He grinned lightly and made his way inside placing the luggage on the sofa, "Not to shabby if I say so myself." He walked around the luggage and sat in the free space.

"Yeah, I was here last year with Liz. That's when I...uh...well..."The snow leopard looked away. He knew that the husky was a bit of a homophobe and didn't know how he'd react to finding out his seemingly straight friend was gay. He had hid it well this entire time and he had even hid the fact that he had a crush on the husky even more. He didn't even tell Elizabeth about his crush.

The canine stretched his arms across the back of the sofa and looked back at the leopard twitching his ears lightly, "You, um, uh... what?"

Jake let out a heavy. "I...told her about me being gay..." Jake closed his eyes as he kept his back to his friend, afraid of seeing the reaction he would have.

Tristan blinked a few times and looked away from his friend taking that little piece of information in. He started to growl bearing his teeth lightly at the very thought, but it subsided a little knowing that it was his friend that said it. His claws were out and bearing into the sofa a bit until he placed them into fists. He looked back at the feline and glared but really had nothing to say at the moment.

Jake winced as he heard Tristan's soft growl. "I-If you want...I'll sleep out here tonight...I wouldn't try anything with you. I know how you feel and everything...even if you are the cutest husky I've ever met." Jake's face was completely red by now but he still refused to look over at the his friend.

The husky growled even more at the last thing his friend said as he stood up with his fists tight. He took a few steps around the luggage but stopped as he looked down to the ground closing his eyes gently trying to calm down before he did anything too rash and out of place.

Jake sighed heavily and went outside. "I'll leave you alone for a little bit...all I'm asking is that you still be my friend," the snow leopard said as he closed the door behind him. He then slowly walked down to the lake, his mind full of curious thoughts of what might and might not happen now that he told his friend the truth.

Tristan opened his eyes again and looked over to the door. He calmed down some as he released his fists sighing lightly. He turned around and went back to his seat and sat down thinking.

Jake sighed heavily as he sat down by the lake. He really did like Tristan. He was everything he had ever wanted. Except that he was straight. 'Why did I have to think that just because I told him, he'd become gay just for me?' he thought to himself. It had thought hard about how he had wanted the moment to go and in his head, Tristan would have stopped him and kissed him, rather than letting him leave. His eyes slowly began to water as he thought about how the moment had really gone.

The husky relaxed even more now that he was alone, but he still was a little peeved at the fact that his friend was in fact gay. The feline hid it well to his surprise. He let out a sigh, "...but it was a gay canine that did that to me in the first place..." He growled lightly as he shut his eyes and referred back to that incident when he was younger. He shook his head to try to suppress the memory.

Jake looked out across the lake and thought deeply. 'I wonder what made him such a homophobe in the first place,' he thought gently to himself. He knew a lot about the canine, but he didn't know too much about why he had been such a homophobe. Every time he brought it up, the muscular canine just growled softly, and he dropped it.

He opened his eyes again and stood up. He needed to do something to get his mind off what happened. He looked at his trunk and decided to unpack his things. He picked up the suitcase that belonged to him and carried it to the room that he was going to be staying in for the week. He looked into the room and looked at the cal-king bed in the middle of the room and growled a bit. He breathed in and then out again as he remembered that the feline said he would sleep out in the living room. He chose a side of the bedroom and started to take out his supplies and placed them where they needed to go.

After a short while, Jake decided to head back. The clouds above weren't looking that great and he didn't want to be caught in the storm. He just hoped that Elizabeth would make it back before the storm hit as well. Once he got back to the cabin, he brought his suit case into the bedroom and saw the husky standing there, putting his stuff away. "I'm....I'm just going to leave my stuff in here so that Elizabeth doesn't know I told you...I don't want her to worry," Jake said while holding back his tears.

The husky saw the leopard come in but said nothing as he finished getting his stuff unpacked. The canine twitched his ears as he heard what the feline said and nodded lightly as he entered the bathroom placing his cleaning supplies were they needed to go. He stood there for a moment in the dark bathroom and looked at his reflection in the mirror. The only source of lightly that was there was coming from the door and a small window over the toilet. He let out a low growl at himself and turned to exit the bathroom. He looked at the feline for a moment and then sat down on the bed, "Look, I'm sorry I reacted like that... I got to remember that our friendship comes first before what we believe."

Jake sat down on the bed as well, but left a little bit of room between them. "Thank you. I really appreciate that." Jake looked down at the ground and blushed slightly. "I know you probably don't like it, but I haven't even told Liz about my crush on you...So, what happened that made you like this anyways?" Jake figured it was time he found out. After all, he had revealed his biggest secret to the husky, shouldn't it only be proper that the canine return the favor?

Tristan was looking at his lap placing his paws lightly on the edge of the bed. He let out a low growl not wanting to revisit his memories in the past, but at the same time he knew he had to tell someone instead of bottling it up until he explodes. He looked over to the feline briefly and then looked back to his lap flattening his ears to his head, "I... I don't know if I can... It's not the easiest thing in the world to just up and speak about."

"Do you think it was easy to tell you about me being gay? I know that it's hard, but if anyone can help you through it, wouldn't it be a gay guy?" Jake suggested. He knew that that probably wasn't true, but it was all he had to go on. He just hoped it would work to help loosen the husky's lips.

The husky let out a sigh and a nod, "I knew you where going to say something like that." He thought for a bit, "Okay, when I was younger I was in my bedroom asleep when a male canine snuck into my bedroom through the window. He came up to me and took the covers off my body tying my arms and legs together. He then placed a ball gag into my mouth and that's when I woke up and started to freak out. I didn't know what was going on and I couldn't speak or do anything as the male canine got into the nude and started to rape me. He would have came if it wasn't for my parents come and check up on me. And that's all I remember before blacking out..."

Jake looked down. "I...I'm really sorry...Well, if we were to do anything, that probably wouldn't happen. I'm mostly bottom...oh my, why did I just admit that?" Jake blushed heavily and looked away, too ashamed to look at his friend.

The husky looked at the leopard and shook his head lightly, "Look, this is all very new to me and I don't know what to think and I know you have nothing to do with what happened to me."

Jake looked up at the husky. " depends on whether you want to find out more about...well, you sex...I's really up to you...but..." Jake was interrupted by the phone ringing. He sighed as he got up and went into the next room to answer it.

Tristan listened and sighed lightly hearing the phone ring. He watched the feline leave as he was left to his thoughts. He shook his head and got up following the leopard to the next room.

Jake hung up the phone as Tristan came out. "That was Elizabeth. She said that the storm is already hitting the town and she won't be able to make it back until tonight or possibly even the morning," the feline told his friend. "So, it's just us tonight."

The husky sighed lightly and looked over to the window. It wasn't all that bad right now, just a little bit of rain was falling on the windows, but he knew that wouldn't last. He looked back over to the feline and shrugged lightly, "Nothing much we can do but wait out the storm." He walked past the leopard and went into the kitchen.

"There should be a few cans of food left from last year that should still be good, but nothing fresh. And if you want...well, I really would like to know what you think of me being gay," Jake said. He had to know the truth about his friend's feelings. Even if it wasn't what he wanted to hear.

Tristan let out a sigh as he searched around the kitchen, but found nothing, "No wonder Liz went out to get groceries." He looked back to Jake and frowned lightly, "I really don't know what to say to that. I always thought you were straighter than a pin. Never once thought you were something different other than that." He went back to the couch and sat down still watching Jake.

Jake smiled. "I expected no less. I was going to tell you sooner, but then when you say those two gay guys at the club about a month after we met....well, let's just say I thought it was best to wait. So, I hid my true feelings. I was afraid that you wouldn't be my friend anymore if I had told you sooner. I know you don't feel the same way about me that I do about you, but I won't press it anymore if it makes you uncomfortable," Jake said as he sat down on the couch next to the husky.

Tristan thought for a moment and then looked to the window again, "Well, you do know what happened to me and why I don't feel that attached to something like this. What I experienced scared the living shit out of me too the point of me passing out. I never trusted another 'gay' fur since." He looked back at Jake, "...but seeing you, a supposed 'straight' fur, and actually coming out to someone like me is really flattering. You're my friend above all else. I guess I need some time to think..."

Jake smiled and blushed slightly at his friend's comment. "Well, you know you can always trust me, right?" the snow leopard asked as he gave his friend a hug. "I would never do anything to scare you." He slowly released the hug and went into the bedroom for a catnap before the husky had time to reply and left the canine to his thoughts.

Tristan just stayed still when he was hugged and he watched the feline retreat into their room without another word. He let out a sigh and got up walking over to where the back door was looking out over the lake. The rain was heavier now than it was moments before and it was nearly dark out, "What a great way to start off this vacation..." He let out a deeper sigh and returned to the couch thinking to himself.

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An hour and a half later, Jake came out of the bedroom in just his shorts. He stretched a bit to get those sleep aches out of his body and sighed as he looked around for the husky. 'I hope I didn't bother him too much,' the snow leopard thought to himself as he headed back into the living room.

He looked down at the couch to see the husky sleeping. Jake smiled as he watched the husky sleep for a moment before he noticed the time and decided to make some food. He went into the kitchen and found some cans of baked beans in the pantry and started to cook them up. He knew that this was just meant to last them until Elizabeth came back, but he was getting hungry, and he was sure his canine friend would be hungry as well as soon as he had woken up too.

A few minutes later Tristan started to stir on the couch. He opened his eyes and looked around himself in a bit of a dazed state. He remembered where he was as he twitched his ears hearing Jake in the kitchen. He got himself up slowly placing his foot paws on the ground. He rubbed his eyes of the sleepy seeds and yawned lightly. He smelt something cooking and decided to get up and walk to the kitchen, "What are you making Jake?"

"Beans. It's not much, but it should hold us over until Liz gets back. Did you enjoy your nap?" Jake asked with a smile as he looked at his friend before he looked over. He noticed that Tristan had a bit of bed head and the snow leopard couldn't help but giggle.

Tristan yawned again and then looked at the feline tilting his head, "What are you laughing at?"

"Bed head," the feline said, not realizing that his own chest fur and head fur was extremely ruffled and fluffed up. "You look really silly."

Tristan chuckled lightly and shook his head, "You're one to talk scruffy." The husky ruffled Jake's hair and looks down at the beans cooking and nodded slightly. He then looked over to the window and walked over looking out. The storm was worse than he so before. The wind picked up and the rain pattered against the window harder than ever. There was a flash of lightning in the distance and Tristan sighed lightly placing his paw on the wall leaning against it a bit, "It seems that this storm is getting worse... before we know it it's going to be over head. Let's just hope--" All of a sudden the lights went out as the husky looked up. "--that the power doesn't go out... dammit..."

Jake was sort of glad that the power went out as it hid his blush. "At least the beans are done," he said. "I'll go start a fire in the fireplace." The snow leopard went over to the fireplace and placed some logs in and lit it. He knew it was going to be a long night

The husky turned and walked back to the sofa and sat down watching Jake start the fire. He leaned forward and placed his elbows on his knees and placed his paws together, "Well, I can tell that this is not going to be the most pleasant start of a vacation. Didn't anybody think to watch what the weather was going to be like over here before coming out?"

Jake's ear twitched as he heard Tristan's question. "We did. But they said it would be clear skies all weekend. Once again, the people who broadcast weather have been proven to be unreliable." Just then the phone rang. "At least the phone is still working," Jake said before going into the other room to answer it. He came back a minute later with a heavy sigh. "Turns out the road is blocked and Liz can't get back until tomorrow.'s just the two of us..." Jake couldn't help but feel like things were working in his favor, even though he knew in his heart that things might end up going horribly wrong.

The husky sighed and rolled his eyes, "Great..." He sat back on the cushion and tried to relax as much as he could.

"It's not like I planned for there to be a storm," Jake said as he sat down next to Tristan nervously. "So...what do you want now?" The fire was going nicely and it lit up the whole room nicely.

Tristan looked at Jake and shrugged, "Not sure..." He looked back to the kitchen and remembered, "Oh, we still have beans in the pot and I am hungry."

Jake giggled lightly as he got up and went into the kitchen. He fumbled around looking for the flashlight he knew was there. Of course he ended up tripping over the trashcan and fell down, screaming in pain.

Tristan twitched his ears, "Jake?" He sighed lightly and got up from the couch and walked slowly into the kitchen. He looked around and saw the feline on the ground and sighed light walking over offering a paw.

"Y-Yeah...I just forgot that I had moved the trash can. The flashlight should be on the counter. I got it out just in case the power went out. I really feel like an idiot," Jake said as he grabbed the paw. 'His paws are so soft,' the snow leopard thought to himself, once again thanking the storm for hiding his heavy blush

The canine pulled his friend up onto his feet and made sure he was stable before he walked over to the counter. He searched for a moment and found the flashlight were Jake said it was and turned it on pointing it to the pot.

Jake limped over to the pot and served up two bowls of the beans. "Mind helping me get back to the couch?" the snow leopard asked as he smiled at the husky.

Tristan sighed lightly and nodded taking his share of the food in one paw and held up his friend with his other arm. They both walked slowly into the living room as Tristan set the feline down on the couch first and then took a seat next to him placing the bowl of beans into his own lap, "Your a handful, you know that?"

Jake giggled and smiled. "Yeah, I know. Listen..." The snow leopard looked down into his beans. "I...I want to know how you truly feel about that you know, that is." He took a bite of his beans. They were just barely warm, but they seemed to fill him nicely.

"I have nothing to say on it." The husky to a bit of the beans and looked at the fire as lightning flashed through the room. He could feel the heat from the fire and smiled lightly as it calmed him a bit.

"I...I wasn't asking about it. I meant you like me any less because of who I am? And be honest." Jake had a very serious look on his face as he watched the husky. He wanted to know. It wouldn't change anything, but it would at least comfort him to know.

Tristan thought it over as he ate just looking into the fire. There was another flash of lightening and a low rumble of thunder in the distance. The canine placed the beans next to him and looked at Jake seeing how serious he is, "I really don't know. Figuring out you're gay goes against my whole being. I seriously detest them because of what happened to me." He looked down to his lap and closed his eyes, "...but I also know that I'm your friend and I never turn down a friend because I know he's something I detest." He looked at the leopard again and gave him a weak smile.

The feline didn't return the smile. "I...I understand that. But do you have to group every gay together just because one did something horrible to you? How would you feel if a waiter or waitress refused to serve you because they had been beaten up by a bully who was a husky when they were younger?"

The husky sighed and nodded seeing his point of view, "Yeah, I know... I know that all gays aren't that way..." He looked to the fire as another flush of lightning illuminated the cabin and a crash of thunder sounded seconds after.

"Well, have you ever thought about from the other side? You it, instead of taking it? You just a thought..." Jake looked away for a second to hide his blush. He couldn't believe he was trying to convince his friend to fuck him.

Tristan looked over to the feline and shook his head lightly trying to not let that statement bother him because of his friends sake, "I haven't really thought about it."

" know...if you want to try...I wouldn't mind helping you out," Jake said. He looked over at his friend despite his deep blush. This was something he had wanted more than anything in the world. He knew that he was getting his hopes up high, but he no longer cared. He just had to try. He had to take that risk.

The husky got up and went over to the window looking out into the pouring rain, "I don't know Jake." He crossed his arms over his chest, "It's not only my passed that bothers me, but other things as well..."

"Oh...well...then forget it then...Just forget I ever brought it was stupid of me anyways..." Jake took their bowls and brought them into the kitchen, placing them into the sink and rinsing them out quickly before heading back into the living room. "I...I'm going to go to bed. Good night, Tristan." The snow leopard wiped away a tear before heading into the smaller bedroom. He lied down on the bed, but he was far from tired.

Tristan looked over to the leopard and watched him letting out a sigh. He looked out the window again and thought, 'No use in staying up with the weather like this...' He looked over to the fireplace and made sure the glass case was closed before he slowly made his way to the bigger bedroom. He didn't even close the door liking the light from the living room as he made his way over to the bed and lied down on his back looking up to the ceiling.

Jake sighed as he saw Tristan's shadow go into the room across from his. He sat up and thought for a moment before he decided that he wanted to sit out by the fire for a little bit longer. He slowly opened his door and did his best to sneak out to the living room. He sat down and just started into the fire.

He did want to stay out here a bit longer, but he had felt like his presence had been a bit too much for his friend when he was last out here. He sighed heavily, not realizing how loud it really was. As he sat there, many thoughts went through his head. After about ten minutes of sitting, he slowly crept back to the second bedroom, doing his best to avoid the squeaky floor boards, but with little success.

The canine looked to the door twitching his ears as he heard Jake go into the living room, but didn't really think much of it until he heard the feline sigh. Tristan sat up and placed his foot paws onto the ground and saw Jake trying to get into the room across from his, "Jake, can you come in here please..."

Jake stopped dead in his tracks before slowly turning around. He sighed once more and slowly entered the room. "I-Is something wrong?" he asked as he looked away from the husky.

Tristan shook his head, "No, there's nothing wrong. Why don't you close the door and sleep in here. That's what we originally planned in the first place anyway."

"I know that that's what we's just that...well...we've never slept in the same room before and if we have there were other it was easy for me to resist my urges...but now that I have you to myself, so to speak...I don't know if I will be able to...and I'm pretty sure that you're still not ready to go humping me like I want you to." Jake sighed and looked away. "Look, Tristan...I like you...a lot...I think you're cute, sexy, and strong, not to mention that we like a lot of the same things. But I know that you will more than likely never be into me, so I think it would be pretty bad for me to get my hopes up about something that will never happen."

Jake looked back at Tristan. He knew that this was probably going to be the end of all of his chances with the husky, but he had to say it. "I...I really don't think I'll be able to control myself if I sleep in the same room with you, but if you insist, I will stay. Otherwise, I'll just go back into the other room and we can keep things the way they are."

The husky listened to what his friend had to say and flinched every single time he said something about Jake liking him. He kept it to himself as much as he could though and just nodded, "Look, Jake... after I know about all this I don't know if anything would be the same between us again, but..." Tristan looked down to the floor and closed his eyes, "Maybe this is a chance for me to see another side of my problem." He looked back up to the feline and smiled lightly, "I think I'll take my chances with you. I know for a fact that you're a good friend and would never do anything that would hurt me. Come on to your side of the bed... Plus, I wouldn't feel right sleeping in here alone especially with a storm of this magnitude."

"Aren't you afraid if I will try and make a move on you?" Jake asked. He looked at the husky nervously, wondering how the husky would react to his last statement.

Tristan looked up to Jake and shrugged, "Yeah, I'm terrified... but I have to face my fears sometime. Can't keep running away from it."

"S-So...are you saying y-you're willing to try with me?" Jake asked. It seemed as if hope had been restored inside his heart.

"You have me stuck between a rock and a hard place. I really don't want to loose my friendship with you over something so trivial. You've been nice to me every step of the way and never once tried anything. Like I said before, I didn't even know that you were gay until you told me." The husky shook his head and chuckled to himself as another flash of lightening lit the room and thunder boomed a second after. Tristan lied on his back again placing his paws on his chest. "Plus, I really can't go anywhere anyways. I'm stuck until this storm passes."

"Well...I guess I could..." Jake sighed as he got into bed. He then laid down and stared up at the ceiling as well. "What now?" He asked.

Tristan shrugged and thought to himself a bit not saying anything.

Jake squirmed a bit in the bed, trying to resist the urge to just go over and rub over the husky's body. As he squirmed, he slowly crept slightly closer to Tristan, hoping the canine wouldn't notice.

The husky closed his eyes and turned his back to the feline just making himself more comfortable on the bed.

"Hey, Tris...have you know...thought about kissing another guy?" Jake asked as he looked over to the husky. "It's just a question. You don't have to answer if you don't want to."

Tristan stayed quiet for a moment thinking and then turned his head a little, but kept his body the way it was, "No, didn't really cross my mind until you asked." The husky did feel uncomfortable with all these questions especially when he wasn't asked anything like this before.

"Well...It's alright if you say no, you think I know...have one kiss?" Jake looked away to hide his blush even though it was pitch black out aside from an occasional lightning every once in a while.

The husky placed his head back onto the pillow and then rolled onto his back looking at the feline, "If it will get you off my back for the night..."

Jake smiled and gave a slight giggle as he moved closer to Tristan. "Alright, I'll stop if you give me a kiss."

Tristan rolled his eyes and nodded lightly as he leaned into Jakes muzzle and kissed him briefly.

Jake murred at the kiss and as he felt Tristan starting to pull away, he leaned in more, deepening the kiss as he gently rubbed over the husky's chest fur. He knew he was going a bit far, but he just had to take the risk to try and get the husky to try more. Slowly, he pulled away from the kiss and smiled. "Now, was that so bad?"

The husky licked his lips for a moment and then shook his head, "No, I guess it wasn't..." He looked down gave a nervous chuckle.

Jake giggled as he rubbed Tristan's chest fur one last time before rolling back over with his back to Tristan. "If you ever want to take things further, I'm always open," the snow leopard said as his tail rubbed over the canine's crotch once before folding over his own hip.

Tristan's heart was now beating a bit faster as his crotch reacted to the feline's tail, "Um..." Not sure on what to say or do he just laid there and looked up to the ceiling.

Jake giggled as he heard the "um" and he wiggled his rump a bit, pretending to get more comfortable. 'I think my plan is working. Soon, that delicious husky cock will be all mine,' he thought to himself. He shuddered with excitement as he stuck his rump out slightly more.

Tristan looked over, "Damn you cat..." the husky wined, "What are you doing to me?"

"What do you think I'm doing? I'm trying to get you to take my virginity. Oops..." Jake quickly put his paws over his mouth and blushed heavily. Not even Elizabeth had known that he was still a virgin. How could he let it slip so easily? 'Damn. I've just ruined everything,' he thought to himself.

The husky whimpered again as he fidgeted his member out half way and making him feel very uncomfortable, "Okay cat I'm going to get you for this in the morning..." The canine got himself out of bed and took off everything he had on as he looked down and saw his hard on as lightening flashed into the room.

Jake looked over and noticed the large cock as the lightning flashed. "It is so going to be worth it. Jake stood up himself on Tristan's side and took his shorts off. He then leaned down and got a sniff of the canine cock. "Um...may I?" he asked looking up at the husky.

"I really don't believe I'm doing this..." He sighed and gave a little nod.

Jake gave a tiny squeal and he leaned in and licked over the tip of his friend's cock, lapping up the small amount of pre that had already started to build up. "Don't worry, Tris. You're going to enjoy everything we do tonight." He then pulled the entire cock into his maw, deep-throating it on the first try.

Tristan gave a little whimper to the thought and then sighed as he felt his friends muzzle go all the way over his throbbing cock. The husky paced a paw softly over Jake's head and massaged it lightly.

Jake murred a bit as he felt Tristan's paw on his head and his tongue began to go to work, hitting every single pleasure spot on the cock that it could as Jake began to slowly bob his head over the husky cock. He may have been a virgin, but he had at least given head before.

Tristan started to pant lightly as he closed his eyes. He let out a little moan and continued to rub the leopard's head starting to hump into his maw lightly.

After letting the husky hump into his maw a few times, he pulled the cock out of his mouth. "I think you're ready to hump me, don't you think? Now, I've used toys, so it shouldn't be too tight, but yes, I am still a virgin," Jake said as he walked over to his suitcase. He searched through it for a few minutes before he found what he was looking for. He then handed the husky a bottle of lube before bending over the bed and lifting his tail high.

Tristan watched him and took the lube as the feline handed to him. He opened it up and squeezed a good amount of it onto his paw. He began to stroke his member making sure it's all covered and walked over squeezing a bit more onto his paw and lubed up his friends rump, "I can't believe I'm doing this..."

Jake murred a bit as he felt his friend's digits invade his rump slightly, feeling them lube up his hole. "I'm guessing this isn't your first time having sex, is it?" Jake asked nervously as he relaxed a bit to let his friend get his rump ready for the huge cock that was to come within moments.

"Well, um... no... I've done it before, just not with another male... this will be my first time." He chuckled a little nervously as he let his digit enter Jake's tail hole a little more to make sure he well lubed.

Jake let out a gasp and a moan as he felt the fingers slide in slightly deeper. "You really to use those fingers of yours," the feline said between heavy pants. There was still a slight blush on his face, but overall he was enjoying himself immensely.

Tristan nodded as he took his digit out and smiled for the first time during this. He placed the head of his member to the Jake's hole and started to push in grabbing onto the feline's thighs

Jake gasped as he felt the large cock start to enter his hole and he let out a very loud moan. There had been some pain, but thanks to his toys it wasn't as bad as it would have been had he not had them. "Oh, my,'re so huge."

This time what he said made the canine blush dark red, "Well, I am a little bigger than your average husky, which is why I'm not a virgin. Well, one of the reasons." He continued to push in until he is hilted into the feline's hole and stayed there for a time.

Jake moaned out until the husky hilted him. "I...I don't think...that it was your cock you laid...You have an amazing personality," he said between heavy pants. " be honest....I'm glad you're my first..."

The husky chuckled and nodded lightly, "Well, I can be a macho jerk... you know that as well as anyone. I mean with me playing sports and that kind of thing." He laid down on the feline's back and wrapped his arms around his chest and starts to thrust in and out of Jake groaning and panting lightly.

Jake began to pant a bit more and let out a moan every once in a while. "'ve always been a sweetheart towards me...I don't think I've ever...seen you not being kind and caring...That's why I like you so much, Tris...Damn, this is amazing..."

Tristan went a bit faster in and out of Jake's tail hole as he groaned. He started to bite the feline on the neck placing his paw over Jake's member and stroking it lightly.

Jake moaned out. "Y-You don't s-seem to have a problem pawing me off...I...I thought that would be the last thing you'd do..." Jake said before letting out another moan. Tristan seemed to be more amazing than he thought.

The husky blushed, "I just thought... that while I was at it... I might as well..." Tristan lick over the felines neck a bit and nibbled lightly the storm still raging outside. He could still see the lightening flash into the room with the thunder crashing over head, "Fuck, This actually feels wonderful." He stopped for a moment and tilted his head, "I can't believe I said that..."

"I can. Of course, I just happened to be on the other end of your dick, that's probably why...but...I wouldn't mind getting filled up if you want...but it might be best if we move completely on the bed," Jake suggested, knowing that all canines had a knot that would tie them and this would be in a very uncomfortable position for them to be stuck in for a half an hour or more.

Jake moved around and laid on his back in the middle of the bed and lifted his legs up for the husky. "Now get over here, sexy." He knew that the words would embarrass him a bit, but he didn't care.

The husky blushed and made his way over to the leopard and murred for the first time tonight. He laid down and positioned his cock to Jake's tail hole and pushed in again just giving in and kissing the feline on the lips.

Jake murred a bit as he kissed Tristan back, not expecting the canine to kiss him again in the first place. He murred as he felt the cock slide deep into his tail hole once again.

Tristan was way too out of it to care about anything at the moment. He closed his eyes slowly and licked over the felines muzzle wanting to get inside. He grunted louder than he wanted too, but continued to fuck the feline as his knot grows.

Jake slowly opened his muzzle as he let out another moan. He closed his eyes as he pressed his body against Tristan's. He felt the knot pressing against his tail hole and wanted inside him badly. He panted heavily as he shared Tristan's breath.

The husky inserted his tongue into Jake's maw and started to play with his tongue groaning through the kiss. He continued to thrust in and out of the leopard's body as his knot slammed into his tail hole almost going in. Tristan broke the kiss and stopped looking at Jake for reassurance and panted heavily, "Damn this feels good..." He blushed lightly feeling his knot throbbing

"Please...please tie me...I want to feel your knot in me," he said as he started to push against the knot. He knew it might have been painful, but to feel the whole organ inside of him would be an amazing feeling as well.

"That's all I wanted to hear..." He started to take his member in and out again and groaned loud with pleasure. He then thrust in as hard as he could and buried his knot within the depths of his friend.

Jake cried out loud as he felt his anal ring stretch farther than it had ever been stretched. The feline let out a loud moan as he released his seed all over both of their chests, causing his tail hole to squeeze tightly around Tristan's member.

Tristan bared his teeth and let out a screeching howl as he felt himself finally going over the edge. His seed pulsed into Jake as he collapsed onto his friend. He panted heavily and grinned unable to move.

Jake pulled Tristan into another deep kiss. This time he forced his tongue into the husky's maw. He closed his eyes as he wrapped his arm around the canine.

The husky was surprised but melted into the kiss closing his eyes and places a paw on Jake's cheek. He wrapped his free arm around the feline and deepened the kiss more playing with his tongue.

Jake held the kiss for a minute and a half before he finally broke it and looked deep into Tristan's eyes. "You seem to be enjoying this as much as I am," the snow leopard said as he nuzzled the husky.

The husky blushed and chuckled, "Maybe I am..."

Jake smiled and nuzzled the husky a bit more. "I guess you got over your homophobia, haven't you?"

"It may seem like it... but I'm not quite sure."

"Well, I don't mind that you've at least gotten over it with me. I do believe you were the one who kissed me the second time," Jake said. He looked out the window. "At least the storm is over. Hopefully, the power will be back on soon."

He looked out the window and nodded some. He then yawned and got comfortable on top of Jake and fell asleep.

Jake purred softly as he held Tristan tight and fell asleep himself, glad to use the comfy husky as a blanket.

* * *

In the morning the husky woke up with a yawn still on top of the leopard. His member was back inside his sheath as he looked around a bit confused. He got off the feline and sat on the side of the bed with his foot paws on the ground. He rubbed his eyes as he started to remember what he did last night.

Jake yawned and sat up as he looked at Tristan. "Um...was last night a dream or did that really happen?" he asked his friend. He hoped that the husky wouldn't regret it.

The husky shook his head lightly, "I'd rather it be a dream, but..." He could still smell the lust and the sex in the air from last night, "It most definitely wasn't."

Jake flinched when he heard what the husky said. "I...I get it..." he sighed as he got up, pulled on his underwear and went into the kitchen.

Jake stopped cleaning the dishes and turned off the water. He then looked over to Tristan. "Look, I poured my heart out to you last night. I told you that if you were going to have any regrets not to let me sleep in there. And you ended up giving me the best night of my life, but I guess I gave you the worst night of yours, didn't I?" Jake turned away from Tristan and wiped away his tears.

"Jake, no... that's not it at all... dammit..." He sat down at the kitchen table and placed his head in his paws. "I just don't know what to think any more."

"Would you do it again?" Jake asked softly. "If you had the chance to do it over, would you do it again?"

Tristan twitched his ears and looked up to the feline. He reflected back to last night and thought about it. He sighed lightly and nodded.

"Y-You mean it?" Jake asked as he looked at the canine with hope.

Husky nodded again and gave a little smile, "I'm sorry on what I said earlier... I guess I was still... umm..."

Jake giggled and he smiled. "Just kiss me, you big oaf."

Tristan chuckled lightly and stood up going over to the leopard and kissed him lightly. "Will you forgive a jerk like me?"

Jake kissed him back lightly and hugged the husky close, "Of course. How could I not?"

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