Beast Omega Galaxy Chapter 8: The Reunion

Story by KibouKumara on SoFurry

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#15 of Beast Omega Galaxy

Chapter 8 to Beast Omega Galaxy. They finally meet one again. Hope you enjoy :D

Chapter 8: Reunited

*The sun was rising shining a golden light over the sea and on the rescue team standing on the shore. Staring out they all watched as the symbol for the start of their mission slowly rose into the sky.*

Miles: It's time...Hesh are you sure that Soulka will have this bracelet?

Hesh: *nods* Yeah I'm sure.

*Hesh begins to flashback to a memory a few days back as he and Soulka ran after Kibou, heading for Galaxy base*

Hesh: still have the bracelet right!?

Soulka: Huh? Oh yeah of course! -looks down to his wrist, staring at the bracelet-

Hesh: Good. Remember, if anything happens and we somehow get separated, press that jewel in the center and I'll be able to teleport to you.

Soulka: Right, got it! Let's be careful in there.

*Back in the present Hesh stares down at the bracelet on his left wrist, and then turns his gaze back to the shining sea thinking to himself. "Soulka...don't forget about the bracelet. Come it." Meanwhile, inside Vector's base down in the jail room, Soulka is sitting in the back of his cell, nibbling on a piece of bread.*

Soulka: *sighs* Couldn't they at least put some butter on this thing? I mean it already taste like a brick, but come on a little effort would've been nice. *puts the bread down back on the metal tray* Geez I need to get out of here before I die from starvation. *sniffles* That's the most painful way to die!

*Soulka begins to pace back and forth trying to think of a way out. After a few minutes he lets out a long sigh and hits his back against the wall, sliding down to the floor slowly. As he closes his eyes trying to think something catches his attention and makes them pop right back open. He stared down at the object on his wrist wide eyed and hit his head with the palm of his paw.*

Soulka: Idiot! Duh! The bracelet! If I remember correctly...this bracelet teleports Hesh to me! Ugh I could done this a long time ago!

*Soulka jumped up and ran to the door of the cell, looking around back and forth making sure the coast was clear. Once he was sure no one was around, a wide grin grew on his face and he screamed in his head. "Alright! Time to raise hell!" Soulka raised his index finger high in the air then gently and slowly brought it down and pressed the jewel in the bracelets center. The jewel emitted a low ringing sound accompanied with a bright light that illuminated the dark cell. Back on the shore Hesh's bracelet starts to ring and shine like Soulka's.*

Hesh: Alright Soulka activated the bracelet! Everyone gather around!

*On Hesh's word the whole team gathered around him as a bright light surrounds them, forcing Vance, Kate, and Miles to shield their eyes. As quick as it came the light disappeared taking the group with it. Back in the cell the light from Soulka's wrist slowly began to retreat back into the bracelet. As he began to slowly open his eyes and move away his paw, Soulka jumps in surprise as before him Hesh and the team have now appeared.*

Soulka: Whoa!!! Haha it worked! Heya Hesh! *smiles wide and chuckles*

Hesh: Still as laid back as usual. Glad you remembered the bracelet, made getting in here much easier.

Soulka: Haha yeah I totally planned it! Um anyway...-looks confused at the 3 standing behind Hesh- who are they? Members of Omega Galaxy?

Vance: Heya Soulka! It's mean a while! Nice fur color you got there!

Soulka: Um Thanks, I know you? The way you talk and your voice sound...very familiar.

Vance: It should! We are childhood friends!

Soulka: Childhood...-eyes widen in shook as he realizes this tiger's identity- wait...Vance?

Vance: -laughs and grabs Soulka pulling him into a tight hug- Haha you got it! Surprised and jealous at my new look!?

Soulka: -chuckles- Haha yeah whatever. Wolves are way cooler then tigers! You haven't changed at all, glad you're ok. Oh...who are your friends? Teammates?

Kate: Teammates yes. Friends? Not so sure, but my name is Kate and it's nice to meet you.

Soulka: Nice to meet you to Kate. Sorry if Vance has been driving you crazy. He has that effect on people.

Vance: Oh whatever! You guys know you love me! -places one arm on Soulka's shoulder and the other on Kate's-

Kate: Love is too strong of a word.

Soulka: -chuckles and looks over at the wolf next to Hesh- What about you!?

*Vance stayed quite as Miles stepped forward and stared into Soulka's eyes. Soulka smiled and held out his paw*

Soulka: Yo! I'm Soulka; it's nice to meet you! Sorry you had to put up with that goofy tiger over there.

Miles: It's no problem, you recognize me?

Soulka: I don't remember seeing a wolf like you, but your fur pattern is awesome!

Miles:'s me...

Soulka: Huh? I'm sorry do I know you? Haha I don't remember many people besides Vance and...*Soulka pauses and stares at the wolf before him. His face was a mix of fear and surprise* way...

Miles: Yeah it's me...Miles...I finally found you.

Soulka: M...Miles? Why you did you...what are you doing here!!?

*Miles jumped back in surprise at how loud Soulka yelled and stared with a confused look.*

Miles: I get you.

Soulka: were safe outside...why did you...

*The two stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity. The entire jail room was quiet and the air was thick, it was as if time itself had stopped. Finally Miles spoke up and broke the silence*

Miles: You're my little brother! I wasn't about to abandon you, so I came after you! Do you really think I could just leave you!?

Soulka: *stared for a few seconds before finally letting out a long sigh* Why am I not surprised? I should've known you'd do something reckless like that. Hm...

*Soulka grab Miles' paw and pulled him into a tight hug that seemed to last forever. Miles started to tear up, but held it back as he wrapped his arms around Soulka, hugging him back*

Soulka: This whole time I've been looking for a way to get back to you...but it looks like you found me...Sorry for the trouble big bro.

Miles: *smiles and hugs his brother tighter* Don't be silly...what are big brothers for?

*The two finally release the hug and stare before breaking into laughter. The air had now become a warm environment that everyone began to smile at.*

Kate: *clears her throat* Um...sorry. Don't mean to ruin the moment, but since were beginning kinda loud...shouldn't we worry about...

*Kate's sentence was cut off by the sudden bang of the door as the guards ran in*

Soulka/Miles: ...oops

Hesh: Alright looks like it's time for the operation to begin.

Soulka: Operation?

Vance: Yep! Ok guys...time to go wild!

*Vance pulled out a round object and squeezed it. It made a clicking sound then started to beep and glow. He then threw it at the cell door as the guards approached it. Realizing what Vance had done, Miles yelled for everyone to run to the back of the room and ducked. Everyone followed his command just as the grenade went off, blowing down the door and sending the guards back into the wall. As the smoke cleared Vance dusted himself off and jumped up running out the room.*

Vance: Yahoo!!! Let's go!

Miles: -coughs and growls a little- Vance! What have I told you about using grenades like that!?

Soulka: -slowly rises to his feet while covering his mouth coughing- Haha wow Vance hasn't changed at all. I bet you guys have been up to some fun times!

Miles: You could say that, but anyway come on let's move. -jumps up and dashes after Vance-

Soulka: -jumps up and rushes after Miles- Right behind you bro!

Kate: *coughs* I'm going to kill that cat one day.

Hesh: Sure if he doesn't kill us first. Let's hurry and catch up to them.

*Kate and Hesh jumped up and ran out of cell after Vance and the others, bursting out of the jail room and into the base. The operation had begun*