The Vixen, A Kitsune Chapter 6

Story by AlphaColt on SoFurry

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The Vixen, A Kitsune Chapter 6I can't say I don't miss home. 'Cause I do...but this life has

turned out to be much more exciting than the old one. I woke up with a splitting

headache. I looked around and saw that Tisha was gone. She must have gone hunting.

The neatly made bed with the silk sheets and feathery pillows were beyond

repair. There were gashes and cuts in the sheets and feathers were everywhere.

I saw glass bottles all over the floor. 'Ohhhh...' I said to myself, that's where

the headache came from. Layara was passed out next to me with her arm lying

over my chest; sound asleep. She must have drunk last night too, judging by how

many bottles were on the floor, we all partook. Her mouth was open and she was

drooling on the pillow. I gave out a small laugh and she woke up.            She took a deep breath, rubbed her

eyes, and let out a relaxing sigh, "Was last night fun for you as it was for me?"

She said, smiling from ear to ear.            "From what I can remember," I said,

laughing.            Layara laughed "Oh you sweet

innocent little pony, I forget your not accustomed to our ways yet." Layara ran

her paw across my chest. "Well, the more you drink, the more tolerance you'll

have." Now she was smiling even bigger. "Now where is that Tisha, she should

have been back by now."            The sun was up; looked to be about

ten o'clock. Layara looked worried.            "Should we go after her?" I said            "She left at about midnight. She usually

isn't out this late. I'll leave her a note in case she comes back and we're not

here. Let's get ready."            I nodded and put the clothes on that

Tisha had gave me. I looked at Layara and she was actually putting on clothes.

Well, it was a hooded cloak; dark red with black stitching around the edges. It

also had four black straps along the front to keep it closed.            Layara turned and looked me up and

down, "Your missing something," she said, cocking her head to one side. "Oh! Now

I know you haven't any training with, well anything, but come here and take a

look at what we have."            I walked over to the cabinet and

there was all kinds of weapons to choose from, but the one that stood out the

most were the 2 short swords setting crossed each other. Layara noticed me

looking at them, so she took them from the shelf, placed them on my back, and

made sure they were secure. Both handles stuck out from my left and right

shoulder.            "Well go on, lets see them." Layara

said.            I reached up and lifted the swords

from their sheathes, both making a loud ringing as they came out. I have to

say, it felt good holding the two swords on my hands. I gave them a swing. They're

light; almost as if I was just swinging the hilt. I put them back in the sheath

as she walked towards me and she wrapped her arms around me.            "My protector." She said, looking

into my eyes and kissing me. "Now let's go."            We proceeded out of the cave and

down some rocky stairs ending up in the forest. I did not like this place. It

was dark under all those trees, very few light escaped the lush environment

under the trees. There was no trail or signs that anyone had been through here.

I followed Layara closely, I had no idea where we were now. Everything looked

the same. There was no sound except for the ones we were making. A light crunch

from the leaves under us. Layara was doing a better job of not making noise

than I was. Of course she was, she had them fox-like legs and I have these

clod-hoppin hooves for feet. Layara stopped. I wasn't paying attention and

bumped in to her.            Layara removed her hood and still

facing forward with her ears perked up, she moved her hand behind her and

motioned me to stop. I didn't hear anything. I saw the hair on Layara back and

neck stand straight up, which made mine do the same. The air started getting

colder and I could see a fog rolling in, in the distance...I knew what was

coming.            Before I could react, Layara grabbed

my arm, "Run!" she yelled. We both took off, running as fast as we could. I

looked behind me. The fog was catching up, rolling through the trees, faster

than we could run. The singing started.            "Run little pony, run, run, run."            "All I wanna do is have some fun."            I tried to tune the song out of my

head; to concentrate on running. It was slowing me down.            "Hey!" Layara shouted. "Listen to my

voice...we're almost to the river. We must cross the river!" She was out of

breath and panting hard. "She cannot cross the river. It is sacred to our clan

only. There is a bridge a long ways from here, she will have to cro..." Layara

tripped. No...she didn't trip. A vine had a hold of her leg and was dragging her

back. I took out one of my swords, jumped over her and cut the vine. Sheathing my

sword I got Layara to her feet and we took off again. The fog was right behind

us now, about 10 feet back. We could see the river now, coming up fast. We had

another 20 feet to the cliff by the river. Something grabbed both of us this

time. A vine attached itself to my arm and pulled me off my feet. I landed hard

on my side. Once again I unsheathed a sword and cut through it. I got to my

knees and Layara was trapped by a dozen or more of them.            "Kael!" She yelled "Run!!!" She was

crying.            I didn't listen. I ran for her as

the vines drug her back. I saw the blue aura of the queen's and lunged towards

the vine to cut it. In mid air, Layara managed to free her arms enough to place

her hands together. Time just stopped. She muttered something I didn't understand,

her hands started glowing red. She looked at me, and with her lips not moving,

I heard her voice. "I love you." She released her hands and pushed forward this

wave of air that knocked me back, mid-air, all the way to the edge of the

cliff, I hit the ground really hard this time, knocked the breath out of me,

and off I fell 60 feet into the river.