Soul link, Chapter One

Story by RomeoFurryWriter on SoFurry

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#1 of Soul link

And old legend states: "I was once the bridge between Pokémon and humans. But now in my old age, I just can pass my duty to my descendants. May the thirtieth son be the new bridge between our worlds!" I have known this legend for some time, always insterested in this kind of stuff. What I didn't expect... was that I am the thirtieth son. It's my duty to be the bridge between our worlds. Come on, get closer, hear my story about how I went from the son of a rich family, to one of the pillars of peace. Meet my friends, travel with us, follow our adventures. But my biggest adventure... it started when I caught that Kirlia. Long story, first chapter. (M) HumanXPokémon (F). Lemons in later chapters!

Soul link

Chapter One: The Beginning

Jake's POV

It is just a normal day, with the rays of the dawning sun shining onto my face as I admired the beautiful sunrise. My name is Jake Coen, and I'm nothing more than a fourteen years-old teenager, with black eyes and hair, and an average height. I was on the roof of my house like every other day; I have been practicing the morning ritual of coming here to view the sunrise for a long time. To quench your curiosity regarding where I live, I will give you three hints: Firstly, it is a really big place; secondly, it is a very expensive residence; and thirdly, it has a really good view of Twinleaf Town. If you give up on your quest for the answer, I'll tell you: I reside on a mansion upon a hill.

Yes, I'm the son of a rich family. My father is a private Pokémon researcher with a personal laboratory in the mansion. My mom is a cloth designer, and a really good one too. Both of them are really good parents and people; they do quite a lot of charity work, though that doesn't seem to have any real impact on our finances. I was watching as the majestic figure of the sun finally lifted itself above the horizon when I heard my mom calling.

"Jake wake up! It's already morning!" I chuckled to the cries of my mother; my parents were ignorant of the fact that I wake up long before them. I climbed down from the roof and entered my room through the window, quickly acting all sleepy just as my mother opened the door.

"Good morning, Jake!" She said with a rather unusual hint of ecstasy in her voice.

"Good morning, mom." I yawned while rubbing my eyes. "Is breakfast already?"

"Yes, dear; but go down and prepare your bag first, today IS the day. Even Howard is here!" She went out and I gasped.

I have managed to forget that today was my fifteenth birthday; today, as promised, my parents will let me become a Pokémon trainer. I smiled with this thought in mind and started taking off my pajamas to get dressed. I usually wear a sky blue suit with black shoes and a white shirt below. My suit is a tailored one designed exclusively for me by my mother: the coat has only two buttons, one at the halfway point and another near the chest. Buttoned, it reveals the neck and waist of my shirt. The back goes until the knees, and the silk is so light that it appears almost like cloak. The pants are the same, but they are a little tight to highlight my thin legs.

After getting dressed, I went downstairs to meet my dad and best friend Howard, who were discussing the news. Noticing me, dad turned and said happily, "Good morning son, and happy birthday!"

"Good morning dad, thanks!" I answered before Howard ran up and gave me a brotherly hug and congratulated me telepathically. "And thanks too, Onii-san!"

"Well then, enjoy the moment!" He patted my back as we sat down around the table. Oh, how rude of me to not introduce my friend! Howard Lee has been my best friend ever since the first time he came to visit about three years ago. He was only fourteen back then, but he was already working, and may I say working in one of the rarest professions in the world: a Pokémon hunter. The reason for that was quite tragic: He lost both of his parents in a traffic accident, and obviously his father, a hunter as well, stated that his son will take over the trade in his will.

The smell of fresh bacon and eggs awoke me from my memories as mom served the home cooked breakfast; we don't have a chef, and I think that we don't need one: my mom's culinary skills are remarkable! "Thanks mom, it's delicious like it always is!" I commented after finishing and mom smiled as usual.

"Well, it's almost time." My dad said, interrupting my leisurely chat with Howard. I stood up and followed him to the basement. As he turned on the lights, realized that the room was his lab: the right wall was replete of capsules; the lab bench near the farthest wall had microscopes, sheets of paper, pencils and next to it a bookcase; and in the another wall was a shelf with a lot of red and white balls that I recognized immediately: those were Pokéballs.

"I thought that I wasn't allowed to enter your lab?" I asked dad, quite surprised at his act of bringing me to this forbidden palace.

He turned around and smiled. "That was before. Come here and take this." He presented what looked like a golden Pokéball, warped within white clothes and originally enclosed inside a seal jar.

"What is this? I have never seen a Pokéball like this before." I was surprised, and sensing the delicacy of the object I carefully took it from his hands.

"That, son, is the legendary Mythical ball." He replied in a dramatic tone.

"Wait! The Mythical ball, that one that can catch a Pokémon without failing and make a bond between those souls?" I was shocked beyond belief; how could my father obtain such a rare object?

"Yes son, this is it. It went through generations of ups and downs in the family; sometimes it was heavily guarded in a majestic castle, other times hidden below a straw bed in a poor peasant's home. It went through times of serenity and times of turmoil, but the struggles of our ancestors have not been futile; it finally reached the thirtieth son of the bloodline: it belongs to you."

"But father..." I replied, "...that means that I am the one destined to be the bond between Pokémon and humans?"

"Affirmative. I was just waiting for the day you leave to pass it on to you." By this time, having already taken in the facts, I was crying of happiness.

"Thanks dad, I will never forget this." I hugged him as my mother, who was crying as well, entered the room.

"Better not..." She said in her usual worrying voice.

"Good bye son, and good luck. Howard will send you to the outskirts of town." My dad gave me a camping backpack and a wallet full of money, along with a credit card.

"We will miss you." My mom said.

"Me too mom, me too." After exchanging more words of farewell, we were finally at the front door, waving goodbye as I walked towards Howard's SUV. The journey to my destiny has just begun...

Romeo: Well then, here we have the first chapter to the second edition of Soul Link!

Danny: And for those of you who are reading Soul Link for the first time, you can safely ignore the first edition, which is on another site.

Xellan: Isn't it time to introduce the writing team?

Romeo: Alright! *Clears throat* Hi guys and girls, I am RomeoFurryWriter, a.k.a. Romeo. I am the chief writer. I do most of the writing and story planning.

Danny: Greetings! I am TheArtOfFlight, a.k.a. Danny, and I am Romeo's editor. I mainly take care of his grammar errors (He's Venezuelan, in case you didn't know). I also refine the nifty details and the technical aspects of his writing, in addition to contributing to the story planning, ideas, fact-checking and other stuffs that editors do.

Xellan: Hello there! I am XellanxLarxene, or Xellan in short. I am from another website, and I mainly contribute ideas, suggestions and reviews.

Danny: Another note: this part of the story may seem like three boring people chatting about irrelevant stuff, but it is really important. Look out for these at the end of stories.

Romeo: And with that...

All: Bye readers, and see you soon!