Where the Wild Critters Are

Story by Vulpsis on SoFurry

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#28 of Requested Pokemon Fapfics

A short series based on the events at the WildCritters RP! A Luxray attempts to dominate a Ninetales only to be put in his place afterwards.

This is going to be a mini series commissioned by Flamester! A few chapters based on the RP events at WildCritters!

Deep in the land where the wild critters are, a lone Luxray wanders about and takes in the sight. He strayed through the forest and swam in the lakes, he climbed canyons and walked across grasslands and even explored an abandoned city. It's a reclusive area, one unobserved and forgotten by humans. It is paradise for the Pokemon that inhabit this location. It was this place that this newcomer stumbled upon and decided to call home. From atop a large hill the black and blue critter with eyes as golden as the rising sun, Azul, unleashed an ear splitting roar so that all the critters here would know of his dominance. He came from the north and stumbled into this location after fleeing from his pack, and it is here where he'll grow and learn...

It started on a fine lazy afternoon. The luxray walked across the open plains where stalks of grass grew tall and the sun's piercing hot glare burned into his back. He had his eyes set out for an oak tree that grew atop of a short hill, its branches reaching far with plenty of leaves and fruit to absorb the unforgiving sunlight. As he grew closer he could make out another figure laying beneath the tree. When he finally arrived he saw that it was a golden white Ninetales sleeping in a curled up position with a Pichu balled up and napping on his head. The luxray grumbled, the shade felt nice and cool but he didn't want to share this sweet spot with them. He eyed the fox and then at the rodent before he smiled. He hadn't met anyone here yet but he was going to assert his dominance on everyone in this land, starting with this friendly fox. He turned around and swished his tail, the star slamming into the pichu and sending him flying across the grass. The pichu squeaked and cried out, his wailing echoing and ringing in their ears as he flew through the air. The Ninetales woke up in shock and got up to see the Pichu in the air.

"Huh...?" The ninetales blinked toward the crash landing pichu then up at Azul. "Why did you do that?!" He yelled with glaring crimson eyes.

"Because you were laying in my spot. Now go away or else..." Azul merely smirked at the ninetales while he finally stood up all the way. The fox clearly towered over the electric lion and wasn't smiling one bit.

"Or else what?" He asked, each word spoken slowly and with a hint of vehemence.

"Or else I'll beat you to a pulp and use your tails as flags..." Azul replied back with a snarl. The ninetales merely chuckled, his many tails wavering in the air and casting a fiery aura in the air.

"You're obviously new here, kitten. I suggest you wise up and back down before you become another one of my pets. I even have a collar ready!" Out from the infinite fluff of his tails came out a red collar with a shiny yellow tag, one with the words 'Property of Sagittarius' imprinted on it. Azul took one glance at it before preparing himself to pounce.

"Sagittarius huh? Well you clearly don't know who I am... I'm Azul! And I'm going to be the alpha in charge of this place!" Azul's fang sparkled with electricity before he pounced, his sharp claws reaching forward for the fox who merely remained sitting there as if he couldn't be bothered to dodge. (He's cocky...) Azul thought to himself in mid-pounce. (Another easy victory for me!).

Or so he thought. What happened next was a blur for Azul but he can remember that Sagi's tails were everywhere, they gripped him in mid air before he was flipped, rolled and essentially toyed with until he landed on his back with a loud thud. He quickly felt a paw keep him down while Sagi rubbed a red tipped tail along his flank. Azul felt his energy literally drain out from the fluffy tail while another wrapped and attached the collar around his neck.

"I got my name because of the magical properties of my tails. They can drain life and even conjure up physical matter. They can also bless... And curse..." Azul tried to squirm away as another tail stroke along his exposed belly in a seemingly threatening manner only for Sagi to press his paw further down against his chest to keep him pinned. "And now that you're my new pet I intend to break you in..."

"Wh-what?" The collar's tag jingled noisily while the lion squirmed underneath the larger kitsune. Sagi's golden white paws kept Azul pinned onto his back, the fox smirking down at him.

"You're my pet now..." All of his tails rose up and loomed over the luxray before they wiggled on down and rubbed along his sides. The lion tried to push the Ninetales off by pressing his paws against his chest but second by second his resistance gradually waned. The silky smooth tails tickled along his lower half and brushed along his tail-hole and also up across sheath causing the luxray's blue face to glow with a subtle tint of red. (What's he doing?! Those tails... They... They feel so good...)

"S-stop it... Get off..."

"Why? You're obviously enjoying it, you're even drooling!" That wasn't a lie, a thin strand of drool spilled down from his lower lip as the collared lion did nothing to fight the fox off. The lion only moaned in response as he felt a single tail coil around his spiny member. Up and down the tail moved, the golden white fur tickling the luxray's sensitive length as it radiated a stimulating warmth that caused the lion's hips to push upwards. Just when the luxray thought it couldn't get better he felt a second tail slither inside of his tight tail-hole. The lion's eyes widened as his face blushed a beet red. He gave out a feminine moan as the tail's soft brushy feeling rubbed along untouched nerves, the fiery tip of the tail tickling the luxray's prostate. Azul's cock throbbed as pre began to constantly leak out, the lion's back arching against the ground as he felt the tail penetrate and please him like a female. The sensation was too much and new for the big cat, he felt his climax building up fast and strong... It was too much for him to hold back.

"S-stop it... I'm gonna... I'm gonna..."

"You're gonna what?" Sagi asked as he kept up the tail pumping. Soon the answer shot out as the large kitten swayed left and right, his tag noisily clanging and reminding the lion of his new position as the Ninetales' tails soon were soaked with the luxray's seed.

The Ninetales smiled down at the lion as he continued to keep a paw pressed against his chest.

"That fast?! You must be really sensitive... I gotta keep that under control" The luxray was barely basking in the afterglow when he felt that coiled tail brush down to the base of his length and tighten to a vice like grip.

"A-aaah, that's too tight! Let me go now!" The lion bent forward and tried to push the Ninetales off only for Sagi to push him back down onto the ground. He leaned forward and glared at the luxray, the kitsune snarling and baring his sharp teeth.

"No, we're not done yet..." The lion's heart skipped a beat from seeing the large fire type suddenly forcing himself on him. Not only that but he felt so small... So helpless... So... Submissive. He did nothing as the fox's tail pulled back from his rear while Sagi stepped off the Luxray and gripped his sides with his paws. The once proud and arrogant lion now merely squeaked as he was dragged closer to the fox, the canine member throbbing proudly as it dragged down along the luxray's smaller member...

"Damn it, why are you so much bigger than me?" Azul asked with a blush as he turned his head. Sagi's intimidating expression melted with a smile as he smooched the embarrassed lion's forehead, his member now prodding against that tight virgin tail-hole. All the tails (except for one) slithered around the fox's member and slathered all of the luxray's slippery seed along the length before he began to prod inside, the lion gasping before he held his breath. Sagi too gasped as he felt those walls tighten around his tip and making it near impossible for him to push forward.

"Try to relax some, you're too tight..." The lion shook his head as he bit his lower lip. The tip was barely inside and yet it felt like his insides were going to burn from the white hot pain. The fox grumbled frustratedly before he gripped Azul's waist even tighter. "You forced me to do this..."

Before Azul could respond he felt that white hot pain stab inside of him, the powerful fox's hips bashed against him as that hot swollen bulb slammed against his rear. His eyes widened once more as he shot up and buried his head into the fox's fluffy chest, his cock throbbing against the tightly coiled tail as he felt that orgasmic rush push up only to be blocked by Sagi's improvised cock ring. His belly bulged as his rear rose up into the air from the push, Azul's cock leaking with just a tiny amount of cum that managed to spill through as Sagi shuddered from the feeling of the luxray's tight warm squeeze around his cock.

"Jeez... You're so damn tight Azul... I told you to relax..." Sagi began to pull back as the lion exhaled his held in breath, his body going weak and limp from feeling that hot fire type cock finally leaving his body only for him to suddenly cry out as it slammed into him again.

"A-aaah... Sagi..." Azul moaned as he fought to catch his breath. His eyelids felt heavy as the hot cock stimulated him with an even hotter warmth than his tail, a trait that all fire type's had no doubt. Sagi grinned when he saw the Luxray's face grow drunk from the blissful stimulation, the lion no doubt would have came again if it wasn't for his tail coiled around his member.

"Azul, you're purring~" Sagi mentioned as he leaned down to nuzzle his nose against the purring kitten. Azul said nothing but merely gave another high pitched squeak when Sagi pushed into him again, and again and again. The lion's cock was constantly throbbing while an endless amount of his cum leaked out in small amounts. The lion's mind grew blank from the constant pleasure of a pent up orgasm continuously stimulated his body.

"Sagi... Sagi... Mmmfff..." The lion was in a frustrated state from the constant denial as he felt Sagi thrust into him again and again. That fiery hot cock pounded against his G-spot and made his entire body tingle in a foreign yet ecstatic sensation. Sagi himself began to drool from hearing Azul moan his name in such a feminine tone. The collar jangle noisily as the two rocked against each other.

"You're being such a good boy now... I should give you a reward!" Sagi muttered as his tail finally loosened up. Azul's rear was forced high into the air while Sagi humped harder against him, all his tails now swarming and burying the lion's cock in fluffy fiery warmth. Azul's eyes nearly rolled back as his climax rapidly built up and shot out, the orgasm lasting several times longer. In the middle of his euphoric orgasm Sagi parted his lips and kissed the luxray. Azul kissed Sagi back, Sagi's tongue reaching into Azul's maw while his hips rubbed against Azul's tight ass, his knot so close to squeezing inside...

Just when the climax died down Sagi managed to squeeze his bulbous knot inside Azul, the lion's body shivering from sensory overload from feeling the fox's burning hot seed splashing inside of him. Sagi's sensitive length was quickly punished from Azul pushing and pulling back from underneath. Sagi tried to step back from the overstimulation and the kiss but Azul wouldn't let him go. He bent forward as his rear pumped the fox as he came, his tip feeling highly sensitive and felt a pleasure so high that it bordered on pain. His tails soon whipped at the luxray to get him to stop but all it did was encourage him, each whip causing him to moan into the kiss as his insides tightened from the pain. Soon the luxray's masochistic side showed when he finally pulled back from the kiss, his cock throbbing once again as he submitted to another orgasm, one that only drew out mere drops. Sagi was panting, his climax finally over, his hind legs visibly shaking from the luxray's revenge as the two remained tied...

"Azul... You... You..."

"Again..." Azul mumbled as he smiled up at Sagi. "I love being your pet... Do me again..."

The two remained curled up next to each other under the tree. The afternoon passed onto evening with the sun soon sinking away into the horizon. Sagi's many tails wrapped around Azul in a warm embrace as he slept. Sagi watched the sun set until the lion stirred in his sleep. He looked down and saw that the lion had a smile on his lips.

"What a goof... What was his problem earlier anyways?" Sagi didn't know but his eyes fell on the collar that jingled with the slightest movement. Sagi sighed, he shouldn't be so quick to claim somebody knew. Azul should really get a chance to meet some of the locals. Maybe next time he won't be spouting that alpha crap. Sagi's tails soon slithered up and unlatched the collar. He tucked it away in his fur before he got up slowly, his tails sinking away from the lion while Sagi watched him with a smile.

"Maybe next time we won't pretend it's punishment..." He said before smooching the big cat on the forehead. He then left Azul alone to sleep beneath the big oak tree...