Jake and I - Surprise

Story by Matt M. on SoFurry

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#1 of Jake and I


First and foremost, I'd like to warn you all that this is a M/M yiffy story so if this does not interest you, I suggest you stop reading now. This story is about a closetted fox fur who has an interesting encounter with the love of his life named Jake, a panther fur. The first half of this story is written more for character development than yiff so for those of you looking for a quick yiff, I suggest you used your "Find on Page" type command for the line "Crimson red fur" as the yiffing starts shortly after that. Please post all comments and suggestions once you have finished reading as they are the only way I will learn how to better my writing.

Enjoy ^^


Jake and I Part One

Who I am really isn't important 'cause a rose by any other name would smell as sweet right? 'Sides, I'm not ready to come out with this stuff just yet so lets just keep my name out of this. But what you do need to know, is I'm and eighteen year old fox fur with a tight ass, lean build, and I'm apparently a cutie. I'd always thought I was gay and what happened with 'him' proved it.

"Who was he?" you ask. Well, his name was Jake, and what can I tell you about him? Honestly, I haven't the faintest idea where to start because how exactly do you describe perfection? I guess I could start with the basics. First, he's a black panther fur who stands at about six feet tall with enough muscled he look strong, but not enough he looked like he was on steroids. His eyes (oh god, even when I look at his picture, it seems like they're staring into my soul) are a bright green and full of energy and easily the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen. His eyes were strong and said "I can kick your ass in a heartbeat and you know it," but if you looked hard enough, you'd see the compassion and passion of the best lovers.

Jake's chest is perfectly build like the rest of his dead sexy body and add an ass that was hot enough it could melt steel and that's Jake. There was just one problem with him, and that was that he was straight (or so I'd always thought). I had nearly every class with him and I was failing because all I could pay attention to was that gorgeous ass! Even as I write this story its all I can do to stop myself from jacking off to his picture. But anyways, here's what happened between us, even though the story really begins the first day I met him but I'll just skip ahead to the part you all really wanna read about.

The day started like any other, with Jake and I in homeroom and I, as usual, was in awe staring at the the tight jean wearing ass of Jake who sits in front of me (coincidently of course :P). I was hard, and I figured I would excuse myself and get off, but the teacher had decided to start class a few minutes early.

"Alright kids," he barked, quite literally as he was a Jackal fur. "As you all know, today we're debating and our topic is definitely going to start a heated debate. As those of you who follow the media know, the parent council is afraid of homosexuality in the school system and they want to psychologically test all students to see if they are gay and segregate them in gay schools to keep the heterosexual people safe from the eyes. Now what your all gonna do is split yourselves into two sides, for and against the segregation. Because I want authentic opinions, I'm not gonna put you in teams because then you go against your beliefs and I get really crappy arguments. But do note, that everyone will be participating and if I don't believe your on the right side because your argument is to flawed, and your just faking it, I'll remove you from your team and you will fail this activity. Now, break yourselves into teams, for segregation over here, against over there," the teacher said, and pointed to two opposite sides of the class room.

The class' jaws dropped. Nervous eyes looked everywhere, and as usual, the complainers stood up and started bitching about how he can't do this, how its unfair and that bullshit.

"I don't care if you think its fair or not! Kids! You gotta learn that sometimes life ain't fair and sometimes there are more important things in life than your social status. So shut up, stand up, and quite your bitchin' 'cause it ain't gonna change my mind!" he growled and the class obeyed with more than a few death stares towards the teacher. Since I hadn't come out yet, this excercise was like Hell to me. I didn't wanna come out like this! I wanted to do it when I was ready, not because I need a mark in my fucking politics class!

"Shit! Fuck! Shit!" I thought, panicking about what I was going to do, my palms sweating and my heart racing as I watched the class divide. the "jocks" all going anti-gay, the women going pro-gay, some guys going pro, and the other going anti so the class seemed evenly split and despite the occasional gasp at a person's choice, the class was silent. I chose to stand for my rights and I stood with the other pro-gays, but I didn't stand tall, instead, I tried to duck down and stay out of sight. But what had surprised me more than this topic was that Jake had sided with me on the pro-gay side. I'd always thought he of all people would be a homophobe ('cause the cute ones usually are). But then again, I'd never manage to work up enough courage to speak to him and since every guy I'd ever thought was hot turned out to hate gays, you can understand why I was hesitant in that area. Nevertheless, his action only made me love him even more.

"A guy I love who doesn't hate gays!" I thought, still surprised about Jake's choice. Now if only he were gay I'd be in heaven, but he can't possibly be gay. I mean, he dates way to much. But a fur can dream can't he?" I thought, as I fantasized about the two of us fucking our brains out right here and now completely oblivious to everyone around us.

"Alright, Mr. Watson, why don't you start us off and remember, anything said in here stays in here. I'm sure I don't have to remind any of you about that contract you all signed at the start of the year," the teacher commanded, ordering one of the anti-gays to speak first.

It was the usual crap based on ignorance and fear, they guy said being gay was a disease, and he for one didn't want to catch it. He also inferred that gays were all sex crazed psychopaths who wanted nothing more than to suck every cock in the school. The response was a series of applause from the homophobes and cold stares from the sympathizers.

"Mr. Ravishanker, would you care to respond?" the teacher asked and the debate started, back and forth between two sides with me, fortunately, never getting picked. But things really got interesting when Jakes name was called. Majestically, he stood up, and confidently stepped to the center of the room with more than one pair of eyes (a few guys as well) were glued to his magnificent ass. But once he started speaking in the perfectly toned, glorious, angelic voice, all eyes (even mine) were on his face.

"How many people here are gay?" Jake asked, "Can I get a show of hands?" he continued and the only response from the crowds were a lot of confused expressions. "That's what I thought. But how many of you are hiding it? I've seen studies done which suggest that at least 1/3 of the population is gay. Lets look at this class with that number in mind. There are thirty of us, and we all have fun together in this class. But if this law passes, we'll loose ten friends who you didn't know for certain were gay. When you walk through the halls, are you afraid you get raped by some random gay? I know I'm not, and I'm willing to bet none of you are too. Why should we loose some of our brightest students because they're gay? You call them sex obsessed furs but hey, newsflash for you...THEY'RE TEENS! Of course they're gonna be sex crazed just like straight people! We know for a fact that bisexuality is more common in history histories greatest figures than hetero-sexuality. In fact, the idea of gay hadn't even been though of until only about a century ago. Homosexuality is not a disease, but instead its only a different chemical reaction in the brain when they think about sex. I don't know about you, but I'd hate to loose any member of this class simply because they're different than me! Imagine how different this class would be if some of us didn't come back," he said, his voice proud, determined, like that of a politician. I was just beginning to feel at ease with this whole situation when all of a sudden, Jake pointed to me and I'm just glad I'd been sitting down because otherwise, I'd have ended up in a heap on the floor.

Jake's eyes seemed to sparkle and (though I thought I was hallucinating) they had such a longing in them, a love, a desire which made my heart stop. Hell, what was I supposed to think? How exactly do you react when the most beautiful, sensitive, funny, perfect lover who you think doesn't know you exist starts coming on to you in front of the entire class and they don't seem to notice!

"What if Red here didn't show up tomorrow 'cause he turned out to be gay? I don't know about you, but I'd feel like we lost a unique person and someone I'd feel privileged to call a friend," Jake continued, his eyes looking like they were stripping me, devouring me. As I gazed in his eyes, I could see myself being taken by his magnificent body. I quickly started getting a hard on again, and I began to panic.

"Shit! they're gonna see the bulge in my pants for sure! Fuck!" the voice panicked inside my head as I tried to shift my body in a n attempt to hide my fast growing erection.

Jake seemed to notice my nervous shifting and mercifully, he pointed to a member of the homophobe team. "Or what about Triel? What if she really were gay? You think this class'd be complete without her? You speak about gays as if they're nothing, a glitch we can simply move to make society look better, but you forget that they are real people. If you don't want to keep them here for them, than keep them here for yourself. Who knows? You might actually call a gay your friend! Thank you," Jake said and sat back down to a roaring applause from the gay supporters, even a few of the homophobes. I just sat there, completely stunned at what had just happened.

Class continued, and the heated debate continued. Fortunately, the teacher never called on me and the bell went before he got the chance. I left the class, quick as a shot, and headed for my next class English, with my retarded teacher who hates me. The second I stepped in the door, he started bitching to me about an essay I apparently hadn't submitted (which was total bull shit, I remembered submitting it last class). Given what had just happened, I kinda exploded on him, and we spent the entire class bitching at each other about the essay and various other things. I really didn't need that bull shit right then, and the timing couldn't have been worse. I'd hoped to use that class to figure out what to do about Jake. The next bell went, and after I flipped off my teacher, I walked through the halls towards the pool, oblivious to anyone else, trying to decide what to do about Jake, the thought of the sexy panther giving me another hard on.

"Shit," I muttered under my breath as I entered the swim deck and made my way over to the swim coach's office. "Miss? Would it be alright if I went swimming for a while?" I asked when I entered the room. She knew me, and my family well and knew that I was probably the best swimmer in the school. With some persuasion, I managed to gain pool privileges for all of lunch. I thanked her, and changed into my Speedo in the change room and then dove into the pool and started swimming lengths casually, wondering about what I'd just witnessed two hours ago.

"What if its real?" I wondered. "What does this mean? Is Jake gay? More importantly, does he want me?" I thought, "What if he does want me? What if we start dating? What would we tell the others? The truth? Lies?" My mind continued, going over all my fantasies that would come true if Jake's gestures meant what I thought they meant. But, me being the pessimist that I was destined to be, I couldn't help but wonder what would happen if it was some sort of cruel joke.

"What if its fake?" I wondered. "What would that mean? Does it mean that he knows I'm gay and he's gonna black mail me?" I thought. "What if he does black mail me, what would I do then? What could I possibly do for him? He's the most popular person in the school! Everybody loves him! What if he wants money? I have none to give him! Shit! What the Hell do I do?!" I panicked, bringing my lengths to an end. I just lay on my back in the pool, letting the waters push me where they wanted me to go. I closed my eyes, wishing that today had been nothing but a dream, and I'd wake up in a minute and sigh in relief. But God would never grant such a luxury to me. Hell, according to all these religions, he hates me 'cause he made me a fag so I'm destined to spend eternity in Hell for something he did. But now was not the time for religious semantics. I had far more important things on my mind than the destination of my soul when I die.

"What should I do about Jake?" I whispered quietly, just before my alarm went off, telling me I had twenty minutes to shower and get out of the pool before next class. With a sigh, I swam over to the ladder beside the pool and climbed out, the water clinging to my fur, begging me to stay in. Tempting as the idea was to just remain with the loving waters, I couldn't skip my next classes. I'd skipped one time to many earlier this year and the teacher was getting suspicious. I walked into the swim change room, and over to the locker I'd left my stuff at. Here, I stripped off my Speedo, and spent a moment to look at my figure in the mirror across the room. My crimson red fur which covered most of my body was sopping wet, as was the white fur which covered the entire center of my body.

With my right hand, I reached up and began following along at white fur. Starting from the center of my throat, I slowly, lovingly moved my hand downwards until I reached my somewhat muscular pecks where my fur parted to cover my nipples. I took the time to playfully pinch each one until it was hard before I continued downwards with my hand again. My hands slowed as the followed the thin line of fur between my six-pack abs, and slowed even more as they reached my pubes and eventually my sheath. Deliberately, I gave my sheath one slow stroke, encouraging the pink piece of flesh begging to come out of its package to come out. Once I saw my tip emerging from its shield, I continued along the white path of my body. I ran my hand down along the inside of my right thigh, and when I reached my kneecap where my fur turned a deep brown, I switched over to my left thigh, and ran back up along my purely white fur. I the gently fondled my furry balls, the action causing me to moan quietly and encouraging my cock to make more of its presence known. Reluctantly, I released the hold on my balls, and slid my hand along the white fur which covered my firm, furry, virgin ass. Gently, I began fondling my anus. My fingers dancing circles along the soft ring, encouraging my cock to come out even more.

And why not? It wasn't like anyone could see me right? And there weren't any classes due in here today, so for once I could be naked in the change room and do whatever I wanted without worried about getting spotted with my hard on. Hell, I loved getting naked and did so whenever the opportunity presented itself, I just rarely got the opportunity to do it at school. So I was going to make the best out of this rare opportunity and jack off in the shower.

I let my hand slide off my ass and rest at my side as I walked over to the shower, my cock now exposed from its sheath and hanging over my balls. Being naked in the showers here was one of the things I'd longed to do for a while, but never could do because of the communal showers. You know the ones, the undivided-everyone-can-see-everything-on-everyone-so-if-your-a-fag-your-screwed-showers. I went to one along the back wall and turned the water on, shivering slightly at first because the water hadn't warmed up yet. And so, I started my shower, shampooing all my furry body and fondling my cock to get it hard (which took little effort on my part). Eventually, I just gave up on toying with myself and surrendered myself to my fist as I started pumping my cock for all it was worth until I got off. My cum shot from my cock as I grunted with pleasure, blowing wad after wad of pearly white cream through the air until it landed on the shower wall and slid down to the drain.

I was panting quietly as I turned off the shower and grabbed a towel from the rack and started drying myself off as I made my way to my clothes. I wrapped the towel around my waste and opened the locker and grabbed a stick of deodorant and started applying it to my pits, completely oblivious to the figure which stepped out of the darkest corner of the change room.

"You look better without the towel," a familiar voice purred in my ear. In shock, I turned around and dropped the towel to find myself staring into the eyes of a very naked Jake for only the briefest of moments before he slammed me into the locker in a loving kiss, his tongue playing with mine (which was still to shocked to move), and the back of my throat. These few passionate seconds seemed to last an eternity to me before Jake broke the embrace, leaving me craving more as I once again found myself staring into his sparkling, lusting eyes and all I could do was stare into them. After all, I was still to shocked to even consider moving.

"H...How..." I started to stutter, trying to catch my breath from the unexpected (yet extremely sexy) kiss.

"How did I know?" Jake finished for me, and somehow I managed a nod. "Well, I would have to say it was the constant staring at my ass," he continued cockily, causing me to blush under my fur. "But don't worry, your not the first guy I've noticed who loved my ass," he added, smirking slightly.

"Oh...I said with a bit more confidence. Then we were silent for a long while before Jake spoke up again. "So, where does that leave u-" he started but was interrupted by my tongue down his throat. The motions had caught him off guard, because it took his tongue a moment to react to the welcome invader. My cock was already hard again, and even dribbling pre but my lover paid it no mind and for some reason, I was fine with that. I was to caught up in one of my most desired fantasies.

Our tongues danced with each other, I panted, and Jake seemed to have regained his composure and somehow, despite our relentless assaults on each others tongues and throats, he seemed to breath easily and calmly. But the way he kissed me showed he was enjoying this just as much as I was (Also the fact that his boner was rubbing up against my leg as we embraced each other helped me believe that ^_^). With another crash, he slammed me into the locker again and while his tongue still worked wonders in my mouth, his hands slowly made their way down my chest, pinching each one of my nipples before it gently squeezing my ass, and fondling my cock and balls, making me moan in ecstasy. My obvious enjoyment of the touching bringing a grin from Jake as he broke our kiss to start a series of seductive kisses working down my chest, stopping to passionately suck on each of my nipples making me groan with lust.

"Oh god," I whispered between my constant panting, his touch feeling so unimaginably good, his tongue so unbelievably talented, it was all I could do to stop myself from cumming right then and there. I closed my eyes, surrendering myself completely to Jake. My body was his playground to do with as he pleased. He who caressed me in ways only a fantasy could know about. But this was no fantasy. This was fantasy made reality, the closest thing to heaven I'd ever felt. Then the pleasure stopped as both the hands and tongue broke away. I growled at the abrupt stop and opened my eyes to see what had happened, why my lover had stopped.

My growl turned into a surprised yelp as the reason became clear to me as I felt Jake's warm mouth surround my nuts, my yelp turning into a lustful moan as his artistic tongue played with my balls in ways even I hadn't fantasized about.

"Oh god," I moaned again in delight, my toes curling, my arms bracing themselves against the locker where I was being taken for the first time. Never, not even in my wildest dreams had I imagined anything could feel so good. Jake grinned at me, and my lover then ran his tongue along my cock, ending on the tip and if my arms hadn't been bracing me already, I probably would have collapsed. I let out another moan of sheer passion while my cock head was given a long kiss from Jake. His tongue danced over the most sensitive part of my body and my world seemed to fall away into nothing except my dick and Jake's mouth. I was in heaven, completely devoid of all things except the pleasure I was getting from Jake's wondrous tongue.

"Oh Jake," I managed to whisper between my gasps for air, trying to keep some sort of composure, trying to stop myself from screaming out for the whole school to hear about how fucking good he felt. I was so close to cumming...I could feel the pleasure building in my balls and soon after that, I felt Jake's paw fondling my nuts gently squeezing them at random times, making me yelp in surprise each time. In the distance, a bell rang, a loud shrieking cry which was loud enough to nearly deafen all the fur's ears. But even its near-deafening volume couldn't compare to the moan which escaped my lips as Jake's mouth surrounded my flesh, his tongue running along the underside of my meat. I watched as his head slowly, easily encompassed more and more of my flesh until his muzzle was rubbing against my pubes. God! It all felt so good! His mouth over my flesh, his tongue on my cock, his hand massaging my ass and fingering my hole, and his constant fondling of my nuts...How could I have been expected to survive this delicious torture for much longer? Truth be told...I didn't. In fact, it was only a few more seconds before...

"Shit I'm cumming!" I cried out and curled my toes, letting a grunt escape my lips as my balls lurched upwards and my cock jumped in Jake's mouth, blowing my wad down his throat. Jake just swallow, and took my cock in his throat and gave it a good squeeze, pressuring more of my seed to launch down its throat. I simply grunted with delight, and yelped whenever his hands squeeze my balls to encourage more of my seed. My orgasm lasted for what seemed like hours of nothing but my moaning and panting while Jake just swallowed mouthful after mouthful of my cum before my ejaculation started to slow down. But still, Jake milked my dick for every bit of cum it could get, but even his masterful tongue couldn't keep my orgasm going forever and my cock started retreating back to its sheath. I just looked down at my smiling lover, as he broke his kiss on my cock. I watched as he stood, my eyes locked in his. And then, we kissed each other again but Jake had a surprise for me.

As we kissed, his tongue began swirling a salty fluid into my mouth. It was my cum! He was letting me taste my own cum! God! It was fantastic! I'd often tasted myself after I'd cum, but never had it tasted so magnificent! He really was one magnificent bastard! He was like a gay-love god made flesh!

And so, our naked bodies locked together in an embrace of the love we shared for each other. Our tongues played with each other as we both feasted on my animal cum. I knew I had class, but it didn't matter. I was in the arms of my lover, so everything was perfect in the world. Teachers be damned. I was planning on staying like that forever, but alas the powers that be like to fuck around with me...

To Be Continued.

Matt M.