The Grandmaster of Sarthas - Chapter 9

Story by Ceberune on SoFurry

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#20 of The Grandmaster of Sarthas

When Nadia awoke it was to the rhythmic thumping of the moving carriage and the footfalls of the Onyxclaw family saurs. Across from her within the carriage, sat a bemused bunny, chuckling as her eyes opened. "I haven't seen the wolf do that for eight years..." she quipped as the fox found her wrists and legs tightly bound. Her stomach felt full, but instead of the normal sour taste of sperm such episodes usually ended with, her mouth detected the meal she had been served and had earlier refused. Nadia sighed as she relaxed in surrender. The bunny reached across and began untying her. "No, despite my urgings your master did not take advantage of you while you were bound and helpless. Though I think he may still be upset that you refuse his cooking." She said. The fox whimpered in fear as the rabbit chuckled.

"I had forgotten this little habit of his. Those who refuse his cooking usually regret it; either when he does what he just did to you Nadia, or simply at what they missed. He first did this long ago to Helenka, who had refused to eat one night despite his quiet urgings to do so. At the time I think the young foxling had been recovering from a bit of motion sickness, but the wolf had pounced her, subdued her, bound her, and force fed her." She said. Nadia's eyes again showed fear at what she was hearing.

"He found out later, that the fox was simply learning to press his buttons, and I think she came to like this particular button, because she revisited it several more times in school." She said with a wink as the fox rubbed her wrists to help get circulation back into her paws. "I do not, however, suggest making a habit of it. The wolf does not like such shows of aggression. He likes to keep very strict control over his feelings and urges. As you have witnessed the wolf in times of violence, and with the power he is capable of exerting, you could imagine that wolf going into a feral state. The damage he could cause at a loss of control would be devastating Nadia. There are legends across the world of what dragon students are capable of. Entire nations and continents have been destroyed in fits of uncontrolled rage and passion. As you learned last night, the entire Northern continent was blasted apart by a draconic conflict. There are myths that speak of spurned dragon lovers that wiped out entire races, or families out of revenge. To put things in perspective for you Nadia, angering that ball of fur driving the carriage is akin to lighting the fuse on a very large powder keg. His fuse may be long, and very slow burning, but it is still finite. And if he goes off, Fortunes help the object of his wrath..." she says.

Nadia shuddered. The bunny brightened however. "That fuse, is much, much longer for his friends, though." She says. "Right Ceb?" Bianca said in a sickly, sweet fashion. The lack of an answer from the wolf brought a smile to her face. "He hates that tone." She teased the fox, that prompted an answer.

"I know where you sleep Bianca..." he threatened.

Her almost immediate and pouting rejoinder was "As if you'd do anything to me you cold wolf you..."

He chuckled warmly. "After what you just saw me do to Nadia, I am surprised you would say that Bianca..." he said back.

She growled. "You know I love to be taken by a good aggressive male you beast." She said huskily.

This brought a giggle from Nadia. "Oh, it seems the object of my ire is awake." He said.

Bianca continued. "Yes, and disappointed she was not taken advantage of in such a state as well." She rejoined.

He fired back just as quickly. "Well perhaps if she eats her food without my forceful aid next time, there shall be some advantage taking we can speak on." He said.

Despite herself the fox licked her chops at that thought, getting a giggle from the bunny. "I think she rather likes that idea Ceberune." said Bianca with no lack of amusement.

"Consider it done then, she eats, she gets to have some fun with me. Though I have no idea why such an activity could be considered positive reinforcement..." he said in an exasperated tone.

The rabbit chastised him for his attitude. "Because she likes sex, I like sex, hells Ceb, everyone we've met, that's a female wants to mate your brains out without so much as a courting ritual. If you haven't gotten the message yet, you are a highly desirable male who is playing hard to get, and at the same time, driving us sex crazed nymphomaniac friends of yours crazy with lust." She teased.

He chuckled. "Bah, sex is over rated..."

She interrupted him. "Blasphemer!" she teased in her best evangelistic tone. This, in turn, elicited another giggle from the fox.

"Just think Nadia, you too will soon be embroiled in such useless conversation." He teased.

"As Ceberune wishes." She said in her humble tone.

He chuckled. "I'm not sure I'd wish this on anyone Nadia, I've got Bianca trying to get my goat, Helenka trying to seduce me, Chrysea trying to use me to help get Bianca annoyed, and Chiko doing her best to stay out of the mess." He said.

Bianca grumbled. "I do not try to get your goat..." she pouted.

"Or she falls back on trying to make me feel guilty, which isn't working by the way Princess..." he teased. The rabbit huffed in annoyance as they continued on till night fall to stop for the evening meal.