Horsie Ride, Part 2 - Blossoming Love

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#2 of Horsie Ride

Kerry goes home with her equine lover for some more fun.

The next time Kerry met with Anson, it was during lunchtime a few days later. She was sitting in relative isolation at the base of a spreading apple tree, munching on a roast beef sandwich. At the sound of someone approaching she looked up, and smiled when she saw who it was. "Heya," she said, patting the ground beside her. "You never showed up again when you said."

"Yeah, sorry about that," Anson replied as he sat down, taking a few seconds to make himself comfortable against a gnarled tree root. "I had soccer practice. So...how've you been since...you know?" He sounded a little uncomfortable, not surprisingly.

"Eh...I'm okay," the pup replied, shrugging her shoulders before taking another large bite of her sandwich, almost finishing it off. "Not sore any more. You?"

The horse hesitated briefly before he responded. "Yeah, I'm okay too. Just...feeling a bit guilty about what we did. You didn't tell anyone about it, did you?" he asked, sounding quite anxious.

"No, I didn't." Kerry looked at Anson again, a slight smile on her face. "I'd be grounded for the rest of my life." She paused for a few seconds, then added, "I really wanna do that again. What we did in the bathroom."

"Really?" Anson was taken aback a bit. "Well...we can if you want. Are you, uh, doing anything this afternoon? My dad will be out until late, so I have the house to myself."

Kerry thought for a few moments, then shook her head, causing her jowls to swing back and forth. "I told Mum that I was going to a friend's house for dinner tonight, so...I guess we can go to your house and have fun!" She grinned widely.

"Okay, then. Hmm...meet me after school at the back gate, and we'll walk home. There's a corner shop on the way, so we can get something to eat too."

The pup nodded, and popped the last of her sandwich into her mouth. "Okay!" she said, before her face took on a slightly worried expression. "Will it hurt again, like last time?"

"Uh...I don't think so. If it hurts, it's only because you need a little stretching again. I'll be gentle, I promise." To back up what he said Anson put his hand over his heart.

Just then the bell rang for the end of lunchtime. "Whoops, I'd better get going. See you after school, 'kay?"

Kerry nodded. "All right. See ya!" She got to her feet, scrunching up her sandwich wrapping and putting it into her carry bag. She watched Anson walking away, heading towards his next class, then turned to head in the opposite direction, into the junior part of the school.

# # #

The next two hours seemed to drag by. Kerry was pulled up a few times for daydreaming, the final time resulting in being given 'I will not daydream in class' to write out a hundred times, to be handed in the next morning. She was almost first out the door when the final bell rang, coming second only to a snooty Siamese cat that squeezed past her when she opened the door.

It took her a few minutes to walk through the school to the back gate which gave onto a quiet cul-de-sac. She stood in the shadow of one of the plinths that supported the sign that proclaimed the school's name, and inspected her surroundings while she waited for Anson to show up.

The horse showed up about five minutes later, looking slightly flustered. "Sorry I'm late," he apologised. "I had to talk with my teacher about an assignment that's due next Monday." He glanced around, and saw only a couple of people walking down to the dead-end part of the street. "Okay, let's go. It's about six blocks to walk."

Kerry nodded, and followed after Anson as he began strolling toward the intersection. "I walk that far every day."

"Where do you live?" Anson asked, looking down at the pup walking at his side. "On the other side of the school?"

"Yeah, in Cartson Road," Kerry replied, returning the horse's gaze. "Next to the bakery."

"Ooh, lucky! You must get a lot of great smells wafting your way."

Kerry grinned and nodded again. "Yeah! When I wake up in the morning, I can smell the bread baking!"

"I just live surrounded by houses -- nothing interesting, unless you count the duckpond," Anson responded.

The two continued small talk for a few minute, until they reached a small corner shop. "Want an ice cream or something?" Anson asked, pulling his wallet out of a pocket as he went inside.

"Um...strawberry, please." Kerry felt a bit strange about accepting Anson's offer, but a few moments' thought pushed that feeling aside -- she'd been taught not to accept anything from strangers, but Anson wasn't really a stranger...was he? She might not know him very well, but she did know him.

"One vanilla, one strawberry please," Anson told the shopkeeper. "Double scoop." He tapped his fingers on the top of the display case until the ice creams were ready, then paid with a $5 note. "Here you go," he said as he handed Kerry her ice cream.

"Thanks," the pup said, smiling up at Anson and starting to lick at her ice cream.

They walked out of the shop and continued along the street for another two blocks before Anson stopped. "Well, here we are," Anson said, reaching into the wooden letterbox to retrieve its contents, before walking up a path of dark red and grey cobblestones to a verdantly painted front door. "My place. I live with my dad, but he usually works all day until about 7, except on Thursdays when he works until 9, so we should be fine until then."

Kerry nodded, looking around her curiously as she followed the horse into his house. It smelled a little musty, and she sneezed after a few seconds.

"Oh, the windows often aren't opened, so it gets a bit stale in here. You'll get used to it." Anson closed the door behind Kerry, then wandered down the hallway. "My room's this way. Kitchen's on the right there, bathroom, toilet...." He pointed out the various rooms as they walked down the hallway to the left. "Here's my room," he said, before stepping in and flumping down onto his bed, which creaked a little under the sudden weight.

"It's nice," the pup murmured as she padded in, craning her head around as she took in the new surroundings. The room was nearly four metres on each side, papered with a green floral pattern. The opposite and left-hand walls had windows, the latter facing the neighbouring house, the other facing the overgrown backyard. Underneath them was Anson's bed and a TV sitting on the bedside dresser. To the right, behind the door, was a long chest of drawers. A computer sat on a desk to the right of the backyard window.

Anson patted the bed beside him. "Sit with me," he said, smiling a little. "Just put your bag down on the floor." Once she'd climbed up onto the slightly too-soft bed he put an arm around her and cuddled her. "How was your day, Kerry?" he asked.

"It was okay. We were learning about ad...adj.... Describing words," she said eventually, unable to remember the correct word. "Like 'big' and 'small'."

"Ah, you mean 'adjectives'," Anson said with a smile. "Very useful words, they are. Without them, language would be very boring. We wouldn't know how hot a fire is, or how wet the ocean is, or...how big a cock is," he added with a grin.

Kerry lowered her head, nuzzling into Anson's chest. "Yeah. You have a big cock," she said, hesitantly moving a hand to rest it on the horse's crotch. She felt it twitch beneath her fingers, and she squeezed a little, eliciting a stronger twitch.

Anson grinned. "I'm glad you think so. Perhaps you think it's big because your pussy is so very small."

The pup continued squeezing the growing bulge in Anson's pants, liking the way that it got thicker and firmer. The horse was starting to squirm a little beneath her. "If you're wanting to play with it, all you have to do is ask," he said scritching behind one of Kerry's ears.

"Can I play with it?" Kerry asked, pulling away and turning her head to look at Anson. She was wagging her tail a little, causing her body to shift back and forth in tandem.

"Go ahead; I'm not going to stop a cute little pup from playing with a favourite toy," the horse replied with a chuckle. "Lemme just get my pants down a bit first." He stood up as he spoke, and worked his trousers down over his hips to drop to the floor. Once again he was going commando, so his cock sprang out once the confines of the trousers were removed and bobbed in the air. "There you go, kid," he said, sitting down again. After a moment's thought he swung his legs up onto the bed and lay back, stretched out over the bed's length, arms folded behind his head. "You can take your clothes off too, if you like. I wouldn't mind seeing you naked."

Kerry smiled and nodded, hopping off the bed and shedding her clothes. As she did so she noticed Anson looking her up and down, smiling appreciatively. When she had got down to her underwear she paused, and with a little smile of her own bent over as she slipped her knickers down, teasing Anson with a glimpse of her young pussy. Then she got back up onto the bed again, and wondered how best to tackle the task before her. After a few seconds she decided to straddle Anson's torso, facing toward his feet. She had to shuffle back a bit in order to get her lips over the head of the equine member throbbing in front of her, so this naturally put her rump well within reach of Anson's tongue.

"Mmm, sexy tush," Anson murmured, stroking his hands over Kerry's rear end, using his thumbs to gently pry apart her lightly-furred labia. He gazed upon the soft pink tunnel revealed to him for a few seconds, then tilted his head forward and slid the tip of his tongue over the tiny bud of her clit.

The pup jerked upward with a yip of surprise. "Easy, easy. I'm just licking you again," Anson said soothingly, before slipping his tongue into her, dipping an inch or so of his tongue into her warm, tight entrance. Once, twice, three times. "You like that, don't you?"

"Yeah, it feels nice," Kerry replied slowly, shifting forward again to lap at the fat head of Anson's shaft. It was oozing lots of precum, which, if she didn't lap it up, dripped down over her hand and onto his belly. She opened her mouth wide and carefully engulfed the spongy cockhead, trying to keep her teeth away from it. She wriggled her rump as she slipped her muzzle down over the equine flesh, taking about four inches into her mouth before her mouth felt full. The tongue wiggling around inside her special place gave her little thrills of pleasure, sensations that she'd missed since that first time in the restroom.

Anson wormed a little more of his agile tongue into Kerry's pussy, starting to taste the uniquely-scented juices leaking from deep inside her. He could feel the small spasms of her pussy muscles, and hear her breathing quicken into panting, as he pleasured her. His tongue slipped in and out, delving in as deep as he could get it, and flicked gently over her clit. That elicited the best responses. She was starting to shiver a bit as he worked her closer to climax, moving around on top of him with more vigour.

Kerry was having trouble keeping her mind on the cock stuffing her mouth. The incredible sensations her pussy was sending were making her feel a little light-headed, and she pulled her muzzle off Anson's cock so she could breathe better. "Unnhh," she moaned, clenching her little fingers as the horse's tongue rubbed over her clit more firmly, as if he was determined to get her off before she got him off.

His tongue getting a little tired from the constant movement, Anson pulled his tongue away from Kerry's delectable sex and replaced it with his finger, rubbing firmly and quickly at her clit. Her yips and moans increased in volume and frequency, until a massive shuddering of her body indicated that she'd reached orgasm.

The pup sprawled over Anson's lower body, his cock throbbing against her chest, as her climax racked her body. She felt weak all over, unable to co-ordinate her limbs for the moment as intense pleasure seemingly suffused her very being. Her breathing came in short pants, her eyes glazed over, and her tail wagged limply.

Anson kept fingering Kerry for a little longer then left her clit alone, letting her recover from the climax he'd just given her. He relaxed back on the bed, just looking at her pretty back end, a smile on his face and the taste of her nectar on his tongue.

"Mmm, you loved that, didn't you?" Anson asked, patting the pup's rump once she had relaxed a bit.

"Uh-huh!" responded Kerry, sitting up and looking back over her shoulder, smiling widely at Anson.

"Would you like to make me come as well?"

Kerry wiggled a little, the little hand still on his cock squeezing it. "Yup! I want it in my mouth!" she exclaimed enthusiastically. She lowered herself again, and presently Anson felt her warm, wet mouth surrounding the top of his shaft again, her lips slipping firmly up and down the thick length. Her hand squeezed and stroked the bottom half, while the top half sank further and further into the pup's muzzle until she started gagging.

"Easy, girl! Don't choke now," Anson warned. "Just take as much as you feel comfy with." He gently stroked Kerry's tail, admiring how beautifully fluffy it was. It wagged slowly as she bobbed her head up and down, mmming pleasantly as she sucked him off.

The cock in her mouth seemed to be pulsing a lot more, Kerry noticed as she swallowed yet another mouthful of precum. Anson's breathing was getting faster too. She increased her efforts, squeezing a little more firmly and sucking harder, working over Anson's whole shaft.

"Unggh...gonna come, baby," the horse muttered, his body tensing up as he tried to resist just a little bit longer. "Get...ready!" He was panting harder, his teeth clenched as the pup brought him toward the peak of ecstasy. He closed his eyes tightly, starting to feel light-headed as pleasure overwhelmed him. A groan escaped from his throat as his cock began to throb strongly, flooding Kerry's mouth with warm semen, thick and gooey with a tangy flavour.

Kerry pulled her head up just in time; just the head of Anson's equine shaft was in her mouth when the first volley of cum fired out. Two squirts was enough to fill her mouth, and she had trouble trying to force the gooey fluid down her throat before her mouth filled up again. Cum started leaking from her jowls as it spurted into her muzzle faster than she could swallow it, and dribbled down her chin to drip onto Anson.

Anson was, for a short time, in absolute bliss as he released his seed into Kerry's young muzzle. His vision wavered briefly, filled with pretty colours, before his brain reasserted control over his body. He felt every pulse of his shaft as his cum was ejected, felt the pulses weakening as his orgasm faded, felt the movement of Kerry's tongue as she drank his seed.

For a few seconds the only sounds to be heard were Anson's panting and Kerry's slurping. Then Kerry raised her head, and let the last of Anson's semen spurt over her face, closing her eyes to keep the white cream out of them. "Mmm," she murmured, licking around her lips and jowls to scoop up the leakage. She sat up slowly, easing cramped muscles, and slowly dismounted Anson to turn around to look at him.

The horse looked back, slightly bleary-eyed for the moment. "That was great, pup," he said, levering himself up onto his elbows. "Nice facial, too," he said with a wide grin. "Come up here and snuggle, and let me lick that cum off you."

Kerry wagged her tail and crawled up over Anson to lie beside him, her face within easy reach of his tongue. She giggled as he swiped most of the semen off her face, leaving behind a sticky residue. "Hmm, we'll have to give you a proper clean before you go home. Which reminds me, what do you usually have for dinner?"

"Um...whatever Mum feels like making," the pup responded after a few seconds. "I think tonight we were gonna have meatloaf."

"Hehe. I think there's some meatloaf from last night in the fridge," Anson said with a grin. "It's just Dad and me living here, so there's often enough to last for two or three nights. Want some?"

"Sure." Kerry smiled and gave Anson a cheeky kiss on the lips. "Should I go clean up now?"

Anson thought about that briefly. "Do you want to have some more fun later? Or just have dinner and go home?"

The pup's eyes seemed to light up at the mention of more 'fun'. Then she sighed and shook her head. "I better not be home too late. Dad'll get mad at me."

"Fair enough," Anson replied with a nod. "Better get you cleaned up, then." He rolled off the bed sluggishly, still feeling the after-effects of a good orgasm. "Oof. You really did a number on me, pup. Come on...I'll show you where the shower is."

Kerry followed the naked equine out of his room and down the hallway to the right, then through another door on the right into a peach-tiled bathroom. Anson opened the opaque glass door to the shower and turned on the water, which began falling with a loud hissing sound onto the steel floor. "Here you go. Just turn the knob around this way to make it colder, that way to make it hotter, and all the way to cold to turn it off" he explained to Kerry with a demonstration. "Soap and shampoo are on that shelf."

"Thanks." Kerry stepped up to the shower and tentatively put her hand under the water to see how hot it was. After a few seconds she considered it warm enough and got into the shower. Anson shut the door behind her, and turned to leave the bathroom. "I'll just go heat up some meatloaf, okay? Just yell out if you need anything."

"Okay!" came the reply from the cubicle.

Anson smiled and left, and headed for the kitchen. His dad wouldn't be home for a few more hours yet, so he could strut around in the nude as much as he liked. He opened the fridge, yanking on the handle forcefully to break the unusually strong seal that it had. "Now where did I put it...ah, there it is." He bent down and reached in to pull out a large loaf tin that was still half-full with meatloaf. "More than I thought. Huh." He shut the fridge with a bump of his hips and began preparing it, levering it out of the tin, dividing it among two plates and nuking them in the microwave until they were just steaming. By the time he had finished fifteen minutes had gone by, and he decided to check on Kerry.

"Are you okay?" he asked as he entered the bathroom.

Kerry was just stepping out of the shower, dripping water rapidly onto the bathmat. "Yeah, I'm okay. Got a towel?"

"Gah, I forgot!" Anson hurriedly retrieved a large red-and-white-striped towel from beneath the vanity unit and handed it to the pup. "You want some help?"

"Nah, I can do it," Kerry said with an air of confidence. Anson watched and smiled as she rubbed the towel vigorously all over her body, making her fur fluff out wildly. When she'd finished she looked as if she'd just gone through a tumble-dryer, and loose fur was floating softly to the tiled floor. "All done!"

Anson grinned, and turned to head back to the kitchen. "Come on; dinner's up."

The two ate at the dining table in relative silence; the only noises were those of their eating, and the TV in the background, which was showing old Bugs Bunny cartoons. When they'd finished Anson rinsed off their plates and cutlery and put them into the dishwasher. "So," he said, turning to look at Kerry again. "What now? Shall I take you home?" He glanced at the clock on the microwave and hmmed. "It's still pretty early; when do you usually have dinner?"

"Uh...about 6:30?" Kerry responded after some thought.

"Huh. That's quite a while away. What say we fill in the time with some board games? I think I have some of the games I played when I was a kid still in the closet," Anson said, looking thoughtful. "Come on; let's see what we can find. I don't have any video games, unfortunately."

Anson managed to dig out several games from the very top of his closet, almost getting hit over the head by one as he tried to remove them. "Okay, we have...hmm. Battleship, Guess Who?, Monopoly, Junior Scrabble, Connect Four and a pack of cards. Know how to play any of these?"

"Yup! I like Monopoly!" Kerry exclaimed, reaching for it.

After a few times around the board, it was clear why Kerry had opted to play it. She was a very canny player, opting to get the orange and light blue properties first and developing them. Anson muttered darkly sotto voce every time he was forced to pay out rent. Then she nabbed both utilities and two railroad stations in quick succession, leaving Anson foundering deeper into economic ruin.

Night was starting to fall when Anson was finally bilked out of his last three hundred dollars for landing on the highest-valued orange property. "Bah. Beaten by a seven-year-old," he muttered, though he said it good-naturedly. "I can't believe you're that good a player."

Kerry beamed. "Uh-huh! Daddy told me some tricks. Orange ones are best, and put three houses on." She helped Anson pack up the game, then, seeing that the sky was rapidly darkening, put her clothes back on.

"Wow...7:41. That was a quick game...for Monopoly," Anson remarked in surprise after he'd checked his clock. "Time to get you home, pup."

After Anson had put on some clothes, and made sure that Kerry had everything, they left, strolling sedately through the streets. "Does someone usually walk home with you when you come home from friends' places?" Anson asked.

"Yeah. Older brother or their dad."

"Right. Hmm...I might just leave you just before we get to your place, then. Unless you have a horse friend you visit sometimes?"

Kerry shook her head in response.

"Damn. Oh, well. Just tell me when we're getting close to your place, then, and I'll watch you the rest of the way to make sure you're safe."


They didn't speak much after that until Kerry said that they were a few houses away from her own. "All right then, Kerry. It was great spending the afternoon with you again." He crouched down and gave her a nuzzle. "If you want to see me again, just wait at the gate again. We can set up a system later."

The pup nodded and licked the horse's muzzle. "Okay." She smiled and turned to walk the rest of the way to her house.

When he was sure that she was at her door, Anson turned around and headed back home. His mind was busy as he walked, mulling over all that had happened that afternoon. His intimate dealings with her were wrong, obviously. He could barely imagine the amount of trouble he'd be in if he was found out. On the other hand she was a really sweet pup, and he found that he was starting to really like her. If only she was more my age, Anson mused with a sigh. We could really have a good thing going then.

Anson was silent until he got home. He paused at the front door for a few seconds, looking up at the night sky. There were a few clouds, but he could still see a lot of stars up there. He leaned against the door for a while, studying the twinkling stars above. What am I doing? What should I do?

The stars ignored him.

He sighed again and went inside, closing the door quietly behind him.