The Chronicles of Fusion chapter 3

Story by Caeserion on SoFurry

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Ok for those who stayed with me on up till now there is yiff. That means all you cubs that have one and two you got stop now unless you're the proper age in your country.

Legal stuff yeah the characters belong to me but just ask and I'll let you used them but now to the story.

"I'm sorry can we stop for just a moment?" the otter ask. "Uh sure I don't mind." Iseth responded. The camera and microphone moved out of the way. "Ok so you didn't expect that Laj wouldn't have change at all." The otter ask. "Well I did but, I put it so far in the back of my mind I didn't pay attention to it." Iseth answered. "Why are you so affected about change?" the otter ask thinking to her self maybe I should get to know him instead of having fantasies about him and in my house. "Well...I just always had a Darwin view of life, if you don't need to change unless you need to; not that you want to." Iseth said with a slight tinge in his calm tone. "Oh I see but you're still with her right?" the otter ask hoping that maybe his life mate is a sharing type. "Yes I am but I can't say that I have been faithful to her even though she has been faithful to me." Iseth said with sadness in his voice "It's not like I wanted those things to happen it was the change and-never mind you'll understand when I get there." Iseth said with his calm tone returning to his voice. "Ah this may be really awkward because I've been talking to you for so long, but may I ask what you name is." "Oh I's Janelle Hen-" "I don't need you last name I just wish to remember you because you help me a great deal without even knowing it." Iseth said with compassion in his voice. That made Janelle fully blushed this time "Uh...thank you?" she said feeling even more embarrassed. "If I survive I'll find a proper way to repay you if you'll let me?" Iseth said. (Yeah I know a way you can repay me by fu-) "Yeah I hope you do survive because I'm beginning to understand why you are doing this." Janelle said slapping herself inwardly at that thought she just had. "Thank you but before I continue the next part and from so on will have very intimate scenes and I intend to describe them in full detail." Iseth said. Janelle thought man that's not going to help me to stop thinking about him in that way must concentrate! "Ok ready when you are." Janelle said as she pressed button to get the camera and microphone to resume their place. Iseth thought at where he left off and said "Ok that last thing I said was no."

I stood there in shock at what I saw. I don't know why, but she still seem recognizable as matter of fact it still seem like Ty was still herself to as if this was what was hiding under their human form. "Why Laj." Was all that I could say. "I...I...don't be-" before she could continue her sentence she jump and latch on to me sobbing hard. "Please *sob* don't be mad *sob* I...I...*sob* didn't w...want to but t...*sob* whole family *sob* did it." She finally said between her crying. I couldn't stay mad at her (she being in her underwear wasn't helping either, her body was even more sleek and curvy) "Shhh stop crying it'll be ok alright I'm not mad." I said trying to sooth her. "But...*sob* you...*sob* don't like change." She blurted out. I knelt down to her face and stroke it with my hand. "I know but I love you so much I'll make that exception for you because I promise I'll never leave you." "You *sniff* won't?" she ask as she look up at me with her big blue eyes that now had redness in it. "Ok what's all racket about." I turned to see that Ty had walk into the room. "Oh it's just you crying Laj you're such a cry baby you know that?" Ty said sounding annoyed "No I'm not." Laj said sounding like I a little child. I laugh inwardly at this. "Yes you are you're always crying about something and me being your sister has to cheer you up." Ty said smiling and way I never seen before. "I only do that because you're my sexy little sister." Ty said seductively. I was wondering why she was acting like that but that was answered very quickly as she bent down and started rubbing Laj's neck making her purr in response. I was ok with this maybe she is just cheering her up. Then, her hand with down to Laj's bra and started to fondle her breast as Laj's purring continue. "What are you doing?!" I gasped out. "What? I making my sister feel better like always do since she met you she has been a little more 'friendly' towards my advances." Ty said still caressing Laj. I slapped Ty's scaly hands off of Laj. "What the hell Laj you mean you been fooling around with your sister?!" (I had a really bad problem with incest. I just thought it was wrong and it lead to deform offspring and everything) "I...I..." Laj stuttered trying to regain her composer and then realize what happen and immediately started to sob into my chest again. "I *sob* s...sorry *sob* but I *sob* wa...wanted t...t...*sob*-" "Calm down Laj and explain to me what this about." I asked. "God, more crying I'm going back to sleep." Ty said leaving and closing the door to her room. Whatever I thought; I waited for Laj to calm down. "I wanted to please you Iseth and Ty told me she could show me but she had to be hands on to make understand her in the best way." Laj explained. Man she even uses her own sister how cold can you be I thought hating her even more. "I'm sorry but if really felt good and I couldn't help myself I really sorry I mean I'm really really re-" "I understand Laj and once again I forgive as long as you stop messing with her." I said hoping this is the right decision. "I'll try" Laj said hugging me tightly. I began to rub her back out of instinct to cheer her up. She purred at me in which I like the way she vibrated when she did that. I went down to her hips to rub next to her panties in which had a little black cat on them. She began to purr even louder now and started to rub my back and then she look up at me, her eyes where yellow now? "Ok, first Ty now you, why did your eyes just change colors?" I ask. Laj leaned next to my ear and whispered "Means that we're horny."

I chuckle and stop to realize my surroundings. I was in my girlfriend's room with her parents and siblings sleeping and she was in her underwear and horny. "Laj do you want to...?" I guess she read my mind because she put her paw on my lips and nodded her head. "Let me show you what I've learned." She whispered and stood up, I followed suite. "Lay down." She commanded while pointing at the bed. I thought she was the submissive one I pondered but I obeyed and got on to the bed. Immediately she started to strip my clothes off. "Man Ty thought you well." I cringe on inside thinking what those two could've done to each other. Laj just smiled. I watch her hips sway seductively as she continued to strip me, then she striped herself. Her whole entire body was completely black and I was turned on how her body was so perfect and her feline face made even cuter than before. As she took off my boxers I saw the result of watching her strip me. I had a full hard on and Laj was staring at it with a hungry look in her eyes. Those yellow eyes took a little bit away from her innocence giving her a wanting needy look to her. I was beginning to think maybe this is beastiality but she has a mind of a human but it is cat like but-my thinking what cut off by the feel of a soft paw on my shaft. I moan out telling her "That's good and your fur tickles." Laj giggle as she continued to stroke my cock. I grunted trying not to make too much noise because of her sleeping mom. "Laj *moans* close the door." She nodded having to leave from pleasuring me only for moment though. She returned and started to lick my shaft now giving me a new sensation to her rough yet soft tongue. I shuddered as she began to lick the tip playfully. Then she put her mouth onto it and began to bob up and down lightly. I grab a pillow using it a as something to muffle my load moans of pleasure. She stopped, making me groan out of need for more. She smiled and mounted me with grace. I look at her in trying to see if she could read my mind again and it work. "Yes I'm ready to do this Iseth." She said as she lowered herself onto my pulsating cock. I groaned at the new experience of losing my virginity. I heard Laj grunt as she stopped for moment and then push down harder which caused her to winch lightly. I saw blood running down her sex along with her juices that were flowing pretty heavily. I didn't doubt she was virgin the way she had acted all her life. She finally engulfed all eight inches of my rod. The warmth and wetness was so great. She started to rock slowly. Moving her hips back and forth, the sensation was indescribable. I felt as if all other pleasures in life would never amount to this. I grab her hips to encourage her to rock faster. We both groan and gasp trying to keep the sound down. She started to bounce on my shaft and that was sending me over the edge, it was only ten minutes and I was about to cum. I must hold it in I thought. She'll probably think I suck in bed and may never do this again. If can just-that thought was cut off by Laj bouncing harder and faster (so much for that plan). I couldn't hold it back it felt so good, her walls of her pussy were rubbing every inch of my cock and it was so warm. I had to tell her, I didn't want to take the risk of her getting pregnant. "Laj *groans* off *moans* going to cum." I stammered out. She just shook her and said "Don't worry." "Please Laj c-*groans*can't hold it in anymore." I pleaded. She continued as if she didn't hear me. I was the very edge and then I had to let go. I blasted my seed deep into her with one thrust up as she came down on me. I jerk around riding the orgasm in full bliss. Laj sank down feeling the warm liquid inside her and leaned on my chest and started to nibble at my shoulder. "Laj the tickles ok, that kind of hurts hey ow!" She bit right into my shoulder drawing blood. "What was that for?!" I ask. "Now your mine" she said with a smile. Reality hit me on what just happen. I now knew about how Ty was going to mark me and that I had let go inside Laj. "I sorry for letting go like that, now what are we going to do I don't have enough money for an abortion." I said trying to think of all the things that are going to happen. "I said don't worry Iseth I'm not pregnant." She said licking the blood from my wound. "I only can get pregnant when I'm in heat I still have a choice then to release an egg or not." "Oh" was all I could say realizing she knew what she doing all this time. I felt really tired and kind of bad that she didn't get an orgasm out of this to. "I'm sorry Laj if I didn't perform up to standard but-" she cut me off by kissing me passionately. Our tongues wrestled with each other. She let go of the kiss and said with smile "I understand you're still a human I've much more endurance and no I don't want you change I can live with this just fine." I was so elated that I just hug her. "Ok I love you to." See giggled. "I'm really sleepy now must sleep." She said with a yawn and plop her head right on my chest. "Yeah but Laj-" *Snore* great she sleeping and I'm stuck here because she's a lot heaver in this form and I'm too tired to move her.

I woke up to the sound of the door opening. "Great I've over slept and I'm horny ok Laj you knew the drill on all fours an-" Ty stopped mid sentence I looked at her to see that her eyes where purple. "What has happen here?" she growled. I smiled and said "Looks like your chase is over because I'm officially been mark and pointed to my two scab marks on my shoulder. "What!" Ty shrieked. "I'll be a little quieter or you'll wake your mom." I said feeling that I finally beaten Ty. Ty anger turned into a smile "My mom left 5 minutes ago." She said her smile widening even more. I didn't like that look, her mom wasn't here to stop her and I didn't know what she was going to do to me let alone Laj. I decided to stand my ground and protect Laj. I fumbled around fro my boxers, found them and pushed Laj gently to her side which woke her up from her nice nap. "What why did you move Iseth you're so warm." As she said that she caught a glimpse of Ty standing in the doorway. "I-uh can explain Ty I-I-" "Shut it" Ty said strongly holding up her hand. "We need to talk now." She said with emphasis on the now. Laj jump off the bed and quickly walk towards Ty. Ty looked at me "You're not to leave this room do you hear me, or Laj might lose her property very early." and then she and Laj walk out the room and closed the door. I sat there wondering if I should leave and what she might do to Laj? I mean she wouldn't hurt Laj would she? I could hear talking outside the door, I prop myself against it to listen to the conversation. I could hear muffled speech. "You promised..." "I know but..." "I you don't..." "Oh fine..." The door open and nock me back. I stumble back manage to right myself. I saw Ty smiling, purple eyes still there. I saw Laj step timidly between Ty (her eyes where blue now) "I-no I mean Ty has to mark you now." She said trying to hold back a whimper. "What!" I yelled. I was furious once again my anger had risen beyond a point I couldn't control. I couldn't believe this, I was Laj's not Ty's and she just gave me up like that? No Ty must've bullied her into it. I wasn't going to let her win not this way I thought. I grabbed Laj by the arm and move her behind hind me. "What are you doing?" She said in surprise. "I'm protecting what is rightfully yours." But-" "No I'm not going let her bully you no more and I don't care what she is I'm not going to lose you." I said feeling braver by the moment. I scowled at Ty who began to laugh in surprise at my attempt to protect Laj. "Oh yeah you're growling is so frightening." She said sarcastically. I didn't even realize I was growling or why was I doing it. "Please what do you think are a morph?" she said now her expression turning to anger. "You're a measly human the morphs are taking over the world." I didn't deny what she said because when I walking in the crowd of many students yesterday they where saying that they were going to get the operation done on them. Maybe staying a human was going to become a liability. I didn't care right now though because Laj needed to be protected. "Still growling you act like you're an animal or som-" she stopped talking a smiled devilishly. "Come on now do your worse I going to mark anyway come on." She taunted. I didn't even wait for another invitation to attack and jump at her as if I was a wild animal. All I can remember was seeing Ty's (now turning yellow again) eyes and then a sharp pain in my head. I woke up to a bright light, trying to get my bearings straight but had a hard time doing that from the massive headache I had and also to add insult to misery my whole body ached from joint to joint. I looked around the room finally coming into view. It was an empty white room completely devoid of all furniture besides the bed which I noticed was a gurney that I was laying on. I got off the gurney and walk around but I felt funny though, all of my feet didn't touch the ground I look down and saw two large paws there. I stumble back almost hitting the gurney when something caught my eye it was mirror. I guess I didn't notice because of this room had nothing in it. I walk closer to trying to think that I was just seeing things but I wasn't, I saw in the mirror a creature that I never seen in my whole life. "NOOOOOOOOOO-ARRRRRRRRRRRRGH!!!"

To be continued