Seventy-five Percent 02: Picture Perfect

Story by Todd Fox on SoFurry

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Seventy-Five Percent 02: Picture Perfect

By: Todd Fox

Jeff- human male

Katrina- Australian shepherd female

I put out another story with these two, I think the next story will be the last.

I would love to hear the opinions you have.

This story has a lot more yiff, the next will have a lot more story.

And for a change, a disclaimer poem:

One little kitten without permission went to the computer to see,

All the sites of insight and right and also pornography.

Left all alone with no parents at home the kitten surfed wild and free,

Till mom came back witnessed the fap and ruthlessly tried to blame me.

"I found my kitten smitten with yiffin' all the time I was away,

Because I am lame I need someone to blame, and it's better you than me.

Censor your story delete the site" the queen demands of me "check the pages and confirm the ages of all those that come here to see."

In inquisition I wondered the kitten is looked after properly,

Call it a crime for in the ears of mine did her reply be,

"I have no time for this child of mine to assure safety and right,

It's up to the people to raise this pupil I have places to be,

Why drag 'em along just leave 'em at home so it's not bothering me.

I got a computer for homework not hooters, so demand an apology."

Quite simply Ma'am I do all I can. it's up to the parent to be,

The teachers and guardians the purveyors of right protectors from all bad things,

If your kitten is smitten with yiffin'

And naughty you think of me.

Then do your job lackadaisical slob,

You raise your kitten,

Not me.

* * * * *

"I know your life is empty, and you hate to face this world alone,

So you're searching for an angel, someone that can make you whole."

~Stabbing Westward~


"Bennett and Harem advertising, how may I help you?"

"Hi, I'm Katrina, I was looking for Jeffery." She said carefully

"Mr. Fox is in a meeting and cannot be disturbed, I'm sorry. May I take a message?" the soft female voice answered.

Katrina smiled at hearing Jeff's last name. "Yes please, have him call me when he gets a chance."

"I'll make sure he gets the message, anything else?"

"Nah, thanks, Bye" and Katrina hung up the phone and giggled. It had been over nine months since she met Jeff and he was still around, her Mr. Fox. As all females did she tried it on herself as a reflex Mrs. Katrina Fox, the Australian Shepherd. It was strange how some humans had animal names, but then again genomes and animals had human names. She tossed ideas in her head as she headed into the apartments second room, her art studio. It was the bigger of the two rooms and had several stacks of finished works and canvases to be painted over and reused, and a small stack of wrapped canvases she had to mail out to clients, their finished portraits or paintings they bought online from her.

She tilted her head to see to her left side and picked up her paintbrush again. She used a tilted table she had made for her paints to make up for her lack of a left arm to hold them in. She looked to her painting with a sigh and continued.

It was several hours before she stopped, a knocking on the door taking her attention away from her art. She resigned to put the brush down and walked out to answer the door in her smock. She laughed when she saw Jeff standing there.

"You don't have to knock, you could come in silly."

"Not when you had the chain done." The man smiled as he entered and tapped the dangling chain for the door. "Why aren't you dressed, did you forget we had reservations at Sea Bay?"

The shepherdess wrinkled the front of her muzzle and brushed her right paw over her left hip in a nervous motion.

"I can't go." She looked up to him her crystal blue eye sorrowful. "I'm in heat." She muttered to the human correcting her forgetting his lack of olfactory sensitivity.

Jeff nodded and sighed. "Okay," he looked up to Katrina and smiled to the down looking shepherdess. "I guess we'll order in."

Katrina leaned her left side into the hug he gave her. "What do you feel like having?" he asked.

Katrina thought for a few moments and shrugged. "I was hoping for seafood tonight."

"Okay, I'll just get our orders to go." Jeff said letting her go and walking to her kitchen for the phone there.

"She looked over at the phone in the living room that was a lot closer and shook her head."

Jeff looked over to Katrina sitting on the couch and joined her, pulling her against him and putting his feet up on the coffee table. She nuzzled him softly and sniffed near his arm contently. He chuckled to himself and kissed her on her living ear and squeezed her a little to him a second in a hug.

I t was a non sequader in the mood but he did not want to get too involved and have to try to leave. "I have to go in fifteen minuets to pick up dinner."

Katrina sat up a little with a small smile and a canine kiss, her thin lips pressed to his cheek and the tip of her tongue laced out to lick him tenderly. "Might as well get some movies too, I'm not going anywhere." Katrina added.

Jeff laughed and got up "well then I guess I'll have to go now to do that." he said standing and watched the aussie shepherdess bolt to the kitchen and return with a piece of paper with neat handwriting. "I need these too."

Jeff laughed as he looked at the shopping list she compiled, then stopped at one item

"What?" the shepherdess inquired but the look in her eye said she knew what item he was looking at. He looked at the item and sighed. He never thought of the day he would have to pick up in heat pads.

"nothing." he said in resolute defeated tones and put the note in his pocket and gave her a kiss on her lips, and petted her over the left side of her face. "I'll be back."

"you better"

Jeff grabbed her and swung her around and held her in his arms to make the best of romance novel covers and kissed her deeply. "It will take more than buying heat pads make me run away."

Katrina looked at him with a smirk and nipped his left ear. "Like having puppies huh."

"Good point." He said righting her and giving her a soft kiss. "Later"

"Don't take too long." Katrina cooed nuzzling against his chest.

"I won't" he said stroking down the side of her muzzle and twisting a finger in her thin whiskers and went out the door.

* * * * *

Jeff returned about an hour later burdened like a pack mule. He kicked the door to knock. Katrina opened the door and laughed.

"And I still have more to get, but I brought dinner up first, so if you can make plates I'll finish getting the stuff out the car."

Katrina nodded and helped him by taking some of the more precariously perched items and putting them on the counter before he put the boxes and bags on the counter and went to get the rest of the groceries.

Katrina had the table set and plates ready when Jeff hauled up the last of her groceries. They both put them away quickly leaving the nonperishable things out for later so they could get to their meal faster.

They talked idly about Jeff's family and friends. She had shut herself away so long she hardly knew anyone personally and was fascinated by all the people he knew. Not that they were important, but how many.

Jeff listened to her talk about her family. She rarely did so, it seemed really difficult for her to remember them. But she talked longer and longer every time, this time reciting three whole stories of her otherwise happy childhood before she went quiet suddenly.

That was Jeff's cue to stand up and offer her his hand. "It's movie time."

"What did you get?" she asked standing up after taking his hand in her paw.

Jeff smiled and showed her the movie, a romantic movie, a chick flick. He really hated these movies but he wanted her to be happy. He could sleep beside her and she could watch with him close. But that never happens, always there are questions and comments she makes to him during the movie he was not following.

But if he was unsure of the answer he just hugged her tightly and pointed to the screen. He figured she knew he was not interested in the movie, but was thinking of her. The shepherdess was as emotional as any human woman during her heat, he found.

After what seemed eternity the movie ended and Jeff held to her as the credits rolled. Katrina nuzzled her back to his front and leaned her head up, muzzle to the ceiling. Jeff gave her a kiss on the top of her muzzle. The shepherdess let him kiss her between the eyes and along her cranial ridge. She then got up without a word and walked off.

Jeff shook his head but figured she had to go to the bathroom. He flipped the television on and watched a bit of the news before she came back wearing only a large t shirt and panties. Jeff smiled at her familiar casual attire and patted his lap for her to sit. She snuggled to him, her left side against his chest and her arm about his shoulder as he cradled her against him. he kissed the side of her muzzle and stroked along her back. She murred, taking advantage of her long muzzle to lick him softly on his throat.

He leaned his head back as she licked and nibbled his throat. She smiled mentally that he really liked it and began licking softly along his ear ridge like he did her so many times as she used her clawtips to scritch his throat and chin. Jeff held the bitch by her hips as she changed position, straddling his legs her petite, shirt hidden breasts pressed to his chest as she held him close, her muzzle to his mouth, lips touching and tongue tips played softly with each other.

Katrina slowly got up, Jeff rising with her maintaining the kisses they placed to each other. Katrina whispered "bedroom" wantingly and began leading Jeff there backwards before he picked her up and carried her there, placing her on the bed.

The shepherdess sat on her rear and pulled off her shirt, letting the soft white of her chest show, the tips of her nipples were showing through her fur. Jeff took off his shirt and pants, only in his boxers he crawled on the bed over to the teasing femme. She leaned back on her paw her chest out to him her muzzle tucked down and the tip of her tongue protruded form the front of her muzzle her head tilted to the left her soft crystal eye on him as he neared her.

Jeff wrapped his arms about her middle his head lowered between her soft white furred breasts. Katrina watched him move his head toward her right breast, then threw her head back as his mouth took her nipple. She leaned back on her elbow her back bowed Jeff teasing her sensitive nub with his lips and tongue. Jeff brought his right hand up to cup her left breast, his thumb moving around the outer reaches of her nipple before stroking over the stiff nip.

Katrina whimpered, her tail thrashing about as she yipped in pleasure. Katrina found herself on her back her paw now free to grip Jeff's hair and scritch over his body as he suckled at her teat. She looked up to him panting as he lifted form her. Curious she looked at him, tilting her head to the left to see him better, but still her vision betrayed focus, but her nerves told her she was being stripped of her panties.

Jeff looked down over her body, taking in the thin fur at her belly and her panties covering her gender. He pulled the panties off and was surprised with how much larger her vulva had gotten. The small triangle was now twice as large and whilst not yet bleeding, she was very wet. Jeff let out a trembling sigh as he laid beside her. He cradled Katrina's head in his left arm. she looked up at him with her crystal blue eye. The flecks of black in her eye really accented the crystal look, especially with the loving look she held in it for him, his fingers lightly filtering the white fur between her breasts and along her ribs. The rest of his body laid against the armless side of her soft form.

He went down and kissed her on the end of her nosepad and she giggled softly and licked him in return. She was truly beautiful, and she had a sweet smell to her. He leaned his face to her cheekruff smelling her soft sweet scent. All was quiet but the sound of the radio softly playing in the background.

"What do you think about pups Jeff?"

The question startled him to lifting his head to look at her. "What do you mean?"

"Oh, nothing, I was just thinking."

Jeff looked to her sideways, "I think having kids would be a wonderful thing one day."

Katrina smiled and snuggled her head in more to his shoulder and began playing with the hair on his chest.

"I don't mean anytime soon, I would love to have a few pups, what's a good number. I think four."

Jeff laughed making her look to him with her one eye. "Sorry, I was thinking two maybe three. Families are not cheep."

Katrina settled down a bit and sighed.

"But if you want four, hey, I'm sure by the time they come around we'll be able to afford them, but that's not for a while yet."

Katrina smiled and licked under his chin and put her palm pad against his chest her fingers scritching softly at his skin.

Jeff let his hand lower to the bitch's belly, rubbing the flat of his hand over the soft skin there. He traced around the dark and light blotches on her soft skin. He watched her watching him with a soft smile that turned into a wide eye gasp and tensing then a slow settling down her eye shut then opened into a pleased slit as Jeff stroked her velvety swollen mound.

He smiled as she stroked his wet fingers over her sodden sex and kissed her on her thin pink lips. She murred and ran her tongue over his lips and into his mouth as he pressed his mouth to her muzzle. Katrina managed to get Jeff's boxers off and tossed away and before he knew what was happening he found himself enveloped deep inside the softest hottest tightest confines he could ever imagine. He hardly felt he could breathe as he looked down to see his member disappear into the shepherdess's swollen sex. Her folds were so soft and wet. He thought about fighting his orgasm to stay in her longer,. Then it hit him she was in heat, if he came he would certainly father a kid. He thought a few seconds more about it not being a bad thing to get her pregnant. Then he thought of all the hassle and his parents.

He used all his will to pull out from the shepherdess and bolt out of the bed and turned to the affronted bitch. He reached down to pick up his pants, she stood on her knees on the bed her tail high in dominance and her living ear flipped back on her head in a fighting position her teeth did not deny.

"What? I'm suddenly not good enough for you!" she howled confrontationally. "what is wrong with you!" She barked as she knee walked toward him and off the bed, then stormed out the bedroom door slamming it closed behind her.

Jeff only had a second to be confused before the door crashed open again to the teeth flashing shepherdess. "What the hell am I doing? Get out! She shrieked, "If you don't want me why didn't you just say so! No one can want a pathetic ugly bitch for long, I should have seen it coming! But no! I was blind thinking you could want me, love me."

She snapped her muzzle at him and growled bestially. She picked up his shirt and shoe and threw each at him in turn screaming for him to get out and was reaching for the second shoe when Jeff grabbed her by the scruff of her neck giving her a shake. He blocked a knee to his groin with his outer thigh and pinned her against the wall with his body. He grabbed her wrist and was thankful she didn't have another arm to restrain.

"Damnit Katrina, I love you,." Even Katrina stopped resisting, the human looked so shocked it stunned even her. He then leaned his body, not restraining but loving to her, he held her to him and then pulled back with his hands on her shoulder and where a shoulder should have been.

He knew what he was about to do was pure insanity, the logic in his brain screamed for him to think it through, to wait. But it was a small voice to the realization, the world changing realization that he really did love her, wanted her. He kissed her, not deep but with a passion that melted any tenseness the canine woman had. He looked into her crystal eye when he broke his kiss.

"Katrina, I love you. I want you to be happy, I have no idea what the future will bring or if you feel the same about me. Your special to me, I really cannot imagine my life without you at my side." He made an obvious observation and wished he did listen to the little voice that said wait. He had no ring. But one look into the beautiful eye looking waiting to him made him continue. "I don't have a ring,.."

The shepherdess instantly pushed way form him, he felt like the entire universe had collapsed in on him. She pushed him away and ran to the other end of the room.

Katrina ripped open a drawer and hastily opened a box spilling half the contents, but she ignored the jewelry on the dresser and floor for something at the bottom, a small blue box.

Jeff smiled to her when she ran back to him thrusting the box in his hand and cuddling to him a moment. He figured the answer as she found the question, but still he went on with more confidence. "Katrina, I love you and want you by my side for the rest of my life. Will you, Katrina, marry me?"

Jeff opened the box and was surprised at the size of the ring and the diamond. It was huge!

Katrina, who really made the diamond just a clear rock, gave him a small lick on his jaw.

"YES!" She barked happily. And shakily gave him her paw. He took her paw and one handed pulled the ring out the box, dropping the box as he held the ring. He then slipped it on the only ring finger she had. She then jumped on him, her digigrade legs wrapped about him and her arm about his neck holding her close to him. Jeff put one hand over her rear, her tail between his thumb and pointer finger, his other arm across her back.

She was so light and soft against him and he felt the warm wetness of her gender so close to his. He carried her over to the bed and threw the both of them on it. Katrina giggled as he rolled over on top of her. Then looked quite perturbed when he rolled off the end of the bed, but this time he put up a hand as he reached for his pants. "Hold on."

He dog looked at him with ire until he pulled out his wallet and then a condom.

"No unprotected sex with you for a month." He said waving the package

"You mean you were just going for a condom?"

"And you got engaged, funny how that happened huh."

Katrina laughed, oh her beautiful laugh. "Oh I can't believe it, I throw a fit and you want to marry me," she then looked to him and shook her white furred breasts a bit, "so what do I have to do to get fucked." She said huskily. Maybe I should toss my tail around" she said getting up to all threes and wagging her half tail, looking over her shoulder at him.

"Stay right there."

Katrina gasped as she felt her hips gripped and jerked halfway off the bed, her toes barely touched the floor her breasts pressed to the mattress her forepaw stretched out in front of her. She didn't get a chance to wonder what happened before she was invaded. She snarled and bit the mattress and sheet her paw clenched to the sheet as she was taken like a dog. She held the sheets between her teeth growling viciously her one eye wide and occasionally looking back at him. His head was at her shoulders his hands gripping her hips, her tail tucked under his body and to the left. Her growling took on a different tone as she clenched her eyes shut and began raking the sheets with her clawtips. She had never been taken in heat before, her whole body felt like fire and ice and then the torrent of extecy that flew over her body and lingered in her spine as she felt herself contracting around Jeff's member. She squirmed side to side but Jeff's hands held strong to her. keeping him inside her writhing body as she howl shrieked to the world that she had been taken.

Jeff panted on her back his knees resting outside hers but against the bed. His arms were at her side now as she bit the mattress a little still feeling the small pulses from under the condom that separated her from pregnancy. She felt at ease. Every other time she had gone into heat it drove her almost insane. But now it was sated, she was mated and soon to be married. Then there would be no condom during her heat. She sighed and relaxed, feeling him inside her but waning. She felt him pullout then gasped as she was grabbed by the hips and placed the rest of the way on the bed and turned over. She lay splayed canine style and looked up to see Jeff put his arms under her thighs and around clasping his hands at her belly.

Jeff looked to the half black half pink, well, now deep rose color of her vulva. Her insides were a deep red and her vulva did not close all the way. He admired the colorful triangular vulva and lowered his lips to her neither lips in a deep kiss. The shepherdess gripped the sheets with her paw and sighed at the sudden passion. But settled to small gasps as Jeff licked around her soft vulva, his tongue teasing on the edge of her soft sex soaked lips. He licked inside her and into her canal. She knew she was bleeding and soaked, humans were rarely known to do this during heats. But she had one. She was surprised again when she felt him lay beside her and pulled her up onto his body. Her rear still at his head, but now his rod lay inches away from her muzzle. She thought about giving him a lick when she felt his tongue trace over her tailhole. She gasped and looked back, or tried to. There was another sweep and a lingering as he rimed her small pink hole.

She murred relaxing and stuck her nose to his shaft and lapped at it, tasting his semen and the lube of the condom. Not a good taste, but she would clean him up. She lapped over his shaft, watching it spring to life and the stalls and restarts of the culling over her vulva and tailhole.

She was feeling very euphoric and was only slightly disappointed she had to stop lapping him when he let her slide off him. Then she saw his face and kissed him tenderly. He kissed her back with equal gentleness. She growled softly and barely showed her teeth in flashes as he very slowly filled her body again. He was slow entering her, he felt the wonderful hot wetness inside her. And he was still, just resting inside her as he kissed her muzzle. She reached her paw up and caressed his cheek and hair.

She felt him over and inside her, he was all round her, his scent mingled with hers. And in this warm pleasurable haven, she found rest.

* * * * *

Jeff woke up, dusk had taken over night. He laid beside his lover, his betrothed and kissed the back of her living ear. She whurphed a few times and twitched and her tail began thumping the bed and him. He had his arms around her middle and scratched softly over her ribs, more of a petting. He kissed the back of her head and slipped away form her and into the bathroom.

After a minuet or two he reemerged and wandered toward the tiny kitchen, and he saw the one room he had never been in. He tried the door handle which opened with ease. He looked about at all her paintings, all her works. Then in the back corner he saw a huge canvas, a sheet hung to obscure the picture but a rack held the sheet form touching the canvas. He pushed the dust cover away and gasped.

There, in the painting was the shepherdess, but she had an arm and a brown and blue eye, the bottom was brown the top was blue. And the white speckled right paw wass opposed by another with a black line in the tuft of fur under her elbow. Someone, incomplete but obviously male stood behind her, a hand on her belly and shoulder. He stood staring at the figure of the shepherdess and stepped back, right into the figures model

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't see you there"

Katrina looked at him then the painting. "So you like her?"

"I do, she is very beautiful."

"She has both arms and eyes."

Jeff turned and looked at Katrina. "And you Katrina have my heart."

She giggled but was not so easily dissuaded. "So now you see how I would have looked if not for the accident. "

Jeff pulled her over to him and stuck his finger in the left side of her mouth, running his finger along the toothless gum line. Katrina looked at him curiously as he took his finger from her muzzle and stroked his fingers along her left side. When he reached her hip he took both hands and cupped her jaw and kissed where her left eye should have been.

"No amount of maybes can tell me if I would have loved you, if not for the accident you may have lived totally different, you would be a different person, maybe another would be holding you close right now. No amount of what ifs can change you. It's all up to you," he said softly as he held her. "They can give you another arm and an eye, exactly like the old one if you want. Anything to make you happy." He said softly kissing her tenderly at her forward ear base.

"I know they can give me a new arm and new eye," she said softly looking at her one paw and the ground before she looked up at his chest, not wanting to look at his face, knowing the expression on it. "For eight months I was in the worst pain of my life. You cannot imagine how many times I wished I just woke up dead." She lowered her head more, but her sharp ear caught Jeff's' soft denial.

"Then there was the rehabilitation over and over. I was weak and had to learn to walk again because of my tail and weight of my arm, and of course the missing perception from my eye. So I banged myself up in doorways and furniture edges." She clenched her fist loosely and steeled herself to look up to his face. "They told me they can do it, but with three years of surgery and therapy and a year of therapy after that." A small tear leaked from her eye matting the fur in the corner of her eye as strong arms wrapped about her, bringing her into her love. She pressed the right side of her face to his chest and wrapped her arm to her chest, just letting his strength be hers. "I just can't be perfect, it hurts too much, I don't want to hurt anymore, not like that." She mumbled in a low whimper that was shushed by Jeff as he tucked her muzzle under his chin.

"Even for free, I would not have had it done. I'm sorry"

Jeff looked over to her painting, the figure that was shaping behind her, still faceless, the skin and clothes still oily blobs waiting to be complete. He didn't have to tell her how perfect she is. She knew. But still it was so ingrained in her she was different he didn't think it would ever subside.

"Don't, there is nothing to be sorry for." He said softly and led her out of the room to sit on his lap in the living room.

They sat there together for a while softly talking. Katrina was now thinking about the wedding, the wedding she stopped dreaming about at sixteen. She laughed a lot to the joy of Jeff. It seemed her laugh could bring joy to a funeral, to him. He tried to keep the wedding small thinking of her and her lack of family and friends, but she wanted a large celebration, just lacking people. Jeff just listened, trying to come up with compromises in his head when his stomach growled.

Katrina leaned back and laughed. "Hungry huh?" she said and gave him a soft lick on his nose. "I'll fix us up something." She smiled as she wagged her half tail at him.

Jeff watched the sexy bitch a bit before picking up the phone in the living room. He often forgot she had a phone there he dialed a few numbers and waited.

Ring,.... Ring,.... Ring,.... "hello?"

"Hello, Mom."


No mom it's Jeff." He said laughing.

"Oh it's hard, all you boys sound like your father I swear."

Jeff laughed, "so you keep saying, speaking of dad is he around?"

"Yea, He's out putting food in the bird feeders."

"Jeff was losing his nerve, "how are you and dad doing?"

"Just fine, you hardly ever call. We, we, what am I talking about. Your father bought a new riding mower and I can hardly ever get him off the thing now. Your brother, Lance came by and showed us their new baby. Adorable! When are you going to get married and have give us some grandkids? We always thought you would be the first to get married, what's the hold up?" she tittered on "ah well, what do we owe the pleasure of this call?"

"Well, you remember that girl I was telling you about?"

There was a small silence and then an exited "Yes?"

"Well, I proposed,." He held out for dramatic effect until his mother prompted with another more exited "and what did she say?"

"Well, she said yes. I'm getting married!"

"Henry! Henry!" he heard her shouting out the kitchen window where his mother kept the phone. "get in here now Henry, no leave the feed just get in here!" Jeff laughed imagining his mothers' antics. "No not this phone, use the one in the office, hurry up!"

"Hello?" came a masculine voice Jeff could not believe sounded anything like his.

"Hey dad, I was just telling mom that I got engaged"

"Really? That's great Jeff, to the pretty genome girl you told us about?"

"The very same."

"wonderful." His mother interjected "you must come over for Christmas this year. I have to know her sizes too. We have to do shopping for the wedding, when is the wedding?" Jeff herd his dad laughing from his phone as his mother went on.

"Hey, we don't have a date yet, but we will let you know as soon as we do. And I will bring her over for Christmas and all that, don't worry." He looked over to his to be wife and smiled. "Look, I love you both and I will talk to you again soon."

And after a round of goodbyes he hung up the phone and joined Katrina at the table for breakfast.

Jeff caught Katrina staring at the ring several times during breakfast and she would giggle for no reason. He didn't mind her giggling. That was one thing he would always remember about her and admire.

"When do you want to move?" Jeff asked nonchalant

Katrina did a double take as Jeff ate another bite of omelet.

"Move? What do you mean?"

Jeff chuckled and lifted his hand to cup the end of her muzzle. "I mean move into my apartment. I can even clear out the office to give you some studio room if you want,.." he trailed off at the end and slipped his hand from under her chin down the side of her muzzle and wiped a tear off the side of her muzzle with his thumb. "Are you okay?"

Katrina just nodded and leapt up and hugged him in the chair. It was awkward and it seemed she was trying to strangle him with her one good shoulder so stood up and held her to him, not as tight as she was him but it was more comfortable. She tucked her head under his chin, her half tail wagging furiously. "I'm just so happy." She finally whimpered. Jeff just cuddled her and pet her softly over her back. Her fur was soft and she was shedding a lot he noticed as he kept stroking balls of fur off her, and he grinned at an idea.

Jeff led her back to her bathroom, she was curious but euphoric. She smiled as Jeff picked up her undercoat brush. She licked the left side of his jaw as he led her to her bed. She sat on Jeff's lap as he brushed out between her ears and down over the colorful scruff of her neck. Even that he had to clean the brush off twice. Katrina giggled embarrassed looking at the balls of fur he was tossing on the floor as he brushed her out.

Katrina murred and laid on her belly letting him brush her out, ignoring the pile of fur on the floor as he brushed out her tailbace and rump. She murred as he brushed out the backs of her legs then her inner thighs. She let him have his little grope of her swollen gender and wished he would do more.

She looked up to Jeff with the brush as he turned her over and began brushing out her throat and then between her breasts. She grinned widely as he brushed her breasts and then parted the fur from around her pink nipple. He smiled as he brought his head closer to her breast, and took the pink nub in his mouth. Katrina whimpered and folded her legs in an open canine way. Jeff pulled up and looked over the beautiful canine body before him, the splotched skin on her thin furred belly begged to be touched, and he did. He stroked her from the edge of her ribs to her groin. She whimpered softly and offered herself to his obvious arousal.

Jeff remembered how hot and wonderful she felt and noted just not to cum. Katrina murred as she felt the head of his member part her swollen vulva and push inside her slowly. Both of them sighed in usion as he pushed to the hilt in her. He smiled down at her and laid over her kissing her nosepad and mouth as she did the same trying not to grind her hips into him.

Katrina looked curiously to Jeff as he pulled form her.

"Sorry, if I stay in you I'm going to explode." He said apologetically.

Katrina grinned and pulled her two partials out her mouth and surprised Jeff with how soft her paw was around his cock base. She took his member in her muzzle and to his delight bit down on the tip of his member with her toothless gum line, her tiny incisors pressing to the base of his shaft. Her long tongue wrapped about his member and pressed it to the roof of her mouth as she lifted her head and then went down again the nip and press the head of his member.

She could not believe his reaction, he gripped the fur on the back of her neck, but that only lasted two strokes before he gripped his own head.

"Oh, Katrina" was his mantra as she siphoned and squeezed him and caressed his sack.

Katrina worked harder as she heard her name called in lustful tones.

Jeff's legs tensed his arms over his head gripping the head board as he called her name.

Katrina felt the first of his release in her paw before the salty sweet liquid flowed into her muzzle. She could not believe how hot she thought this was, but he did it to her first. She let him go and smiled as he lay panting hard. She didn't expect him to leap up and kiss her like he did, her canines were on his cheeks her tongue pulled in his mouth and stroked with his tongue and sucked on a bit. Her had a grip on her head as he turned his head, her jaw opening and then holding his lower jaw in her mouth, her upper canines on his palate as his tongue lapped the roof of her mouth and the backs of her teeth.

She feeling made her hotter but the both of them were to weary and spent to go on with anything more than holding each other, still finding ways to explore each other.

* * * * *

It was a bit past noon before Jeff got up carefully, leaving the soft colorful bitch rest. He had almost finished making lunch when her light steps came in behind him and he felt their soft furred arm wrap about his middle as her front pressed to his back. He reached behind him and gave her rear a squeeze.

"Hey girl. Ready to eat?"

Katrina let him go and looked around him to what he called lunch, which looked like a dinner to her.

She hugged him again and sat at the table as he fixed her a plate

"I was wondering, what is a good time to get married, you know, set a date."

Katrina looked to him with her crystal blue eye and swallowed a mouthful of food, "I'm free whenever." She giggled, the magical sound that it was, "I think as soon as possible."

"So six months from now?"

Katrina thought for a moment, "in the spring seems fitting. Let's do it."

We just did." Jeff said with one of his smiles and Katrina whoofed at him and smirked at his joke.

After lunch Jeff called a familiar friend, Adam. Katrina owned little, but he would still need help hauling it to his place.


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