One Mixed Up Family - Part One

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#1 of One Mixed Up Family

This is part 1 of a story commissioned by me and written by Lokor and Kire Kitsune. It involves a family, including a couple minors, of a private species called tree wolves (think small foxes with tails that can grab branches) engaging in consensual acts of sex after having their bodies swapped around. If you are not above the age of consent in your country, or you are offended by this, please turn back now! This is your last warning!

Anyway, even though this doesn't have a good intro to the characters, I felt like I should share this anyway. Who knows, someone might like it.

Mignon passed through the woods, looking for a secluded spot. He wanted away from prying eyes and listening ears. Something felt weird inside of him and he had the urge to touch himself. A small clearing deep in the woods supplied him with a perfect spot far from everyone, or so he thought. Ladny felt him coming, though he couldn't smell or sense her since she was down wind and his mind was elsewhere. She had the same idea herself; needed to take care of herself as well.

Ladny was nearly done taking care of herself but as he approached, she stopped her paw. She hugged up against a tree to stay out of sight. She looked on curiously while she kept her paw to her maw to keep from making any sound. Though her sight was a bit blurred and her breathing heavy, she remained unnoticed and ever watching.

Mignon sat in the middle of the small clearing. He looked over his shoulder for a moment to make sure he was alone. Ladny still remained unnoticed, hugging the tree carefully with just enough room to see her brother. As Mignon shifted, his sheath came into full view. The end was starting moisten as a small sliver of shiny pink flesh started to peek out. As the furred sheath pulled back, he stroked the small bit of flesh as it continued to a sizable length considering his age.

Ladny could feel what he felt; an incredible longing. Neither of them quite understood it yet but both were definitely enjoying it. From her hiding place, she could see that her brother continued to stroke his small rod. It didn't take long for her own paw to return to her own groin. She slipped inside herself, pleasuring the small mound between her hind legs. Their minds were both racing thoughts that made little sense except to someone in the glorious haze of sexual experience. The cloudy musk driven excitement filled them both to the brim.

Before either of them realized it, Mignon was nearing his first orgasm. Small exasperated breaths started to escape his maw as he furiously worked himself. He was completely lost in the moment, heading toward a bliss previously unknown to him. His paw was drenched in sticky pre-cum and his knot fully grown. He was about to unleash his first load, in full view of Ladny.

She was close too, breathing her own heavy breaths. Her paw, slickened from her dripping sex, moved faster and faster against herself. Each brush of the furred digits against her bare lips sent sparks throughout her body. The lightning in Ladny's body flowed in tandem now, with that of Mignon. They both came to the crest, peeking over into bliss. Mignon's small cock shot it's first load, sending it flying into the crisp Autumn leaves. The full, beautiful, and erotic display of her brother cumming sent her over the edge along with him. She stifled her moans and breathing as best she could as the juices started to flow from her lips and cover her paw. A heavy blush crossed her face at realizing what she had done. It was worse when she heard him howl out loud with the last of him orgasm.

The two of them sat basking in their afterglows as they tried to catch their breath. After a bit Mignon stood back up, cleaned himself and headed off toward the den. His sister sat for a moment longer, not wanting to give away her presence. When she did get to her feet once more, the experience flooded her mind and on her way back she turned it over and over in her mind trying to make sense of it. She tried to regain her breath and composure with every step on the way home. A little off the beaten path, she wandered near him but waited for a bit to catch up with him. He didn't see here as she followed him just out of view and smell.

It was dark when they got back to the den. Mignon arrived first and noticed that everyone else was asleep. Everyone except for Ladny, that is. He couldn't find her anywhere in the den and started to worry. When he came back out to look around, she was coming along the path toward him.

"Where were you?" He asked her, slightly agitated at this point.

"I could ask you the same thing Mig, we were both out late I guess."

"Yeah." He looked away, wondering if she could have known. "We should get some sleep, Dad wants us up early."

"ok" She said with a smile, trying to play off her witnessing him.

They both laid down together, each wondering if the other knew. Ladny, too tired to concentrate, forwent reading his thoughts. The cool blanket of nighttime descended on them with practiced bravado. It didn't take long for the two young pups to fall asleep. Both of them dreamt their own dreams, though Ladny experienced them both.

Hers came first. The dark blanket rolled back lightly in her mind as she slumbered. The sheen of the sun shone through the tall treetops in a filtered spread. No sounds were present. She couldn't see anything moving. As if the world stopped, everything was completely still around her. She stepped through the foliage with small steps. Each step brought her closer to where she felt she needed to be. At the same time, with each step her body grew in size and maturity. The changes were light at first, unnoticeable to even her but as the path she followed wound around and around she started to feel the change. Her body grew more like her mother's and their came a feeling deep inside her that seemed almost like a fire. It started small but grew hotter with each step along this odd path. After what seemed like forever, she let out a low howl in an unstoppable reaction to the growing fire. She tried to stop but couldn't. Her paws continued along the path in defiance of her wishes. Suddenly she stopped, the fire stopped, the environment started again, and the path grew out in front of her. Scared, she tried to howl but the sound was caught in her throat. It was then that the dark veil of night crashed back across her. She woke in the safety of the den, breathing heavily and unsettled by the dream.

It was still quite early in the morning so after relieving herself outside the den, she laid back down to sleep. She was terrified, taking some time to calm down. She looked around to make sure that everything was back to normal. Mignon was still passed out hard. His dreams were about to come now and she knew it. She also knew that they wouldn't be much better than hers but the curiosity won out over fear. There was something weirdly intoxicating about the whole ordeal, regardless of the uncertainty.

Lying there, she waited for sleep to take her once more. The dark veil slid back once more to reveal her brother. He stood in the middle of the clearing they had been at earlier that day. The same confused look he had was present. She could do little more than watch what would come next. The small bit of pink he had before started to show between his legs once more. The sun grew colder above, draining color from the world she saw. Like a prisoner without control, she looked on in confusion and curiosity at the scene. He put his paw to his sheath, coaxing the small meat into full view once more. The throbbing little member grew bright red as it bobbed just outside of it's safe home. Ladny could feel her own heat returning but she did nothing but watch. She saw herself approach from the edge of the clearing, the scent of her own dripping sex hung in the air for both of them to smell. Though she walked toward him, she was no where near him. She watched as his figment of her approach him. This was his dream and he was dreaming of her.

Mignon's figment walked toward him, hiding behind the guise of his sister. A look into his psyche could display his want for her. He subconsciously longed for her, whether his waking mind knew or not. Ladny still couldn't move. She was forced to observe his mingling with his mind's interpretation of her. His Ladny moved in close, lifting her tail and lowering her back end. She let out a low submissive growl and he couldn't resist. Like a moth to a flame his member found her back. He mounted her hard and fast, sinking deep in his sister. The feelings of ecstasy that he felt were being relayed to Ladny at the same time. She could feel his hard bone throb inside the figment's tight hole. She could feel him breed her. The feelings and sounds started to fade as the forest grew black. A single high pitched howl slid the black veil across them both for a final time.

The howl sent them both back to the real world. A flurry of light flooded their sleepy eyes. Ladny realized she was awake first and tried to stay quiet. She didn't want to let on that she had felt his dream. Mignon followed shortly after, awaking a bit more suddenly. The slippery aftermath of his first wet dream lay on his chest. He had cum in his sleep. He rolled over on his belly and tried to wipe the mess away into the dirt. He was scared and embarrassed. Had someone seen him? Did someone hear him? Why was this happening? A million questions flooded his young mind. He started to whine and cry. He knew he'd wake someone if he stayed in the den so he ran out into the early morning sun. The blinding effect left him unphased. He couldn't have cared less. He just ran; long and hard.

Ladny heard him go and felt his despair. She didn't want to bother him yet but she knew he needed help. He couldn't handle it on his own. These were questions they would need to explore together so she got up from her warm bed and struck out into the bright morning sun. Her senses led her toward him but it took a quite some time to catch up to him. She wasn't as fast or physically coordinated as Mignon so she lagged behind hoping that he would slow down or stop soon. The pain and confusion welled up inside him as he shot through the forest crying and Ladny could feel all of it on top of her own pain of running so fast.

After running for what felt like miles for Ladny, she realized she couldn't keep up. She stopped and caught her breath, trying to concentrate as she sent him a thought. The message was quick and simple. "Wait for me, brother" Was all she told him. The second he felt it, he stopped dead in his tracks. Each of his paws were stuck like sticks deep in mud. His sister made her way to him quickly. When Mignon saw her, he lost control. Breaking down, he simply collapsed sobbing in his own mental and physical exhaustion. She came to his side and knelt down to comfort him. Neither pup said a thing for some time. Ladny's tail was wrapped tightly around her scared brother's quivering body.

"Come on, Mig, lets go back home." She said. He simply nodded and followed her back to the den. The walk was slow and solemn. Neither said a word on the way back, not until they were nearly there. When they were almost to the den, Mignon stopped dead for a moment. He didn't know if he should ask her but at the same time he knew that she probably knew his question already. Half scared he asked her, "H-have you been feeling what I have?" A bold question but one he couldn't help himself from asking.

Ladny simply nodded and nuzzled him. He felt a little better than before but the simple response his sister gave left him wondering, just the same. Curiosity was starting to replace his fear. Slowly but surely, the nagging thought started to replace the uncertainty. With each step the curious question sank in deeper. It was almost a need at that point; a burning desire. Ladny picked up on the changes he was having. Her own curiosity was starting to burn heavily in her mind. The same unquenchable need to know. It was almost like a drug. It was then that Ladny had a thought creep into her mind; one that was both exciting and devious. She knew exactly how to get the answers they both wanted and have a bit of "fun" while doing it.

Later, once the two had returned the clearing, Ladny was ready and Mignon was still unaware. He was getting ready to train for the day as she was preparing for her own "session." The light of the midday sun shone through the light veil of trees to the barren forest floor. Ladny started to meditate as Mignon began to warm up his muscles. She took a deep breath and jumped into the calm sea of her mind as her brother took his first leaps into the trees. Each jump could be seen and felt by Ladny. She concentrated on her brother's movements. Each step, each vault, each twitch, it all came through to her as if she were seeing and feeling through his body.

She then tried to go a bit deeper. Blocking out the forest sounds and movement of the wildlife, she focused on a single point. Her attention was drawn into a single fixed spot, Mignon. The blanket of her mind's eye lifted higher than it ever had as she drew in every sight and feeling that her brother was experiencing. Then she tried to give him a feeling back. It started small; just a simple thought. She was trying to give her brother a thought of her. The thought was a simple as an image. The image she projected to him was of her on all four's presenting to him. Her tail was raised high and her mound in full view.

It took Mignon a moment to feel her burrowing into him and eventually the image came across clearly in his mind. The vibrant an overt nature of the image cause him to nearly lose his balance. He swooped low on a branch and brought himself up to rest. He closed his eyes and could see the image brilliantly in his mind. He tried to shake the image at first, keeping it from his mind but as he tried harder to change it, Ladny tried harder to make it stick. Though the image was directed, Ladny kept herself from him. He could swear the thought came from himself at first but as it persisted he wondered if she had been sending it to him. He stopped again and looked down at his sister, seeing that she was hard at meditation.

He started to blush and tried to continue his climbing. Each branch seemed a bit farther away than he could reach. After nearly missing a few times he decided to descend and work on his running. He ran in circles, his blush deepening as he started to become aroused. Ladny was also becoming aroused. When her brother wasn't looking, she'd peek out at him to see if he was showing that bit of hot pink between his legs. Several looks and she couldn't see it. He seemed to be resisting the temptation thus far. She decided to add another factor to help him along. Concentrating more on the image that aroused her, that of her brother pawing, she started to slick herself up.

As he ran, she slipped her paw southward, rubbing gently over her mound. It didn't take her long to get going and her scent flowed as she moistened. After a short while the smell made it's way to Mignon's nose. With the image having him a bit on edge already, the smell sent him over it. He stopped where he stood. He didn't know what to do but the urge from earlier had returned and this time it was far stronger. His own paw moved south, caressing his sheath lightly. The rough pads against his furry sheath and balls had him showing pink quickly. That's when he remembered his sister just a few yards away.

Ladny smiled and opened her eyes. She knew she had won. Her brother wanted the same thing she did now. As she expected, he walked out from behind the trees and came up to her. He couldn't speak, only whine. His face was bright red and his sheath held his small cock, showing at the end just a bit. He had hoped that she knew what he wanted. Sure enough, she did. Without a word, she turned around and lifted her tail, presenting to her virgin brother.

The smell, now far more intense, filled his mind with nothing but lust for his sister. The dripping sex between her legs called out for him. He dipped his maw low and lapped at the sweet musky hole. His sister, loving every moment of it so far, started to breath unevenly. He loved the taste, digging his tongue deeper into her and eliciting his first moans from her. She tried to stay quiet at first but as he kept going, she found she couldn't hold back. She let herself go to the pleasure, moaning out and shivering under the invading flesh between her own.

That wasn't the only flesh that would invade her however. Within minutes he was rock hard and standing at attention behind her. The thick little meat hung proudly from it's small home. The bright red member was leaking in anticipation. Finally he mounted her. He took it slow, grabbing her gently by the hips as his instincts told him and lined up his now aching cock. As his tip reached the edge of her lips he hesitated, whining at his sister. He was whining to ask if it was okay. She simply nodded and pushed back against him. The lengthly member slid into place tightly. He took his cue from there, thrusting in slowly but firmly. Her virgin walls pressed back tightly against his throbbing cock.

Pressing in to the base of his knot, he had hilted in her. She bit down hard and took every inch. The pain and pleasure that mixed together in her mind left her breathless and needing more. Drawing back out, he felt a chill and took his first true thrust into her. This time it went in quick and pierced something as it forced it's way through. A small tinge of pain on Ladny's part had her quickly yipe. Mignon stopped and held his place, waiting to see if his sister was alright. The pain quickly subsided and she forced herself back onto him. The force of the push hilted him in her again. He started to growl low as his pace returned and quickened.

In no time Mignon was pistoning in and out of his sister at a breakneck pace. She was lost in her world as the pleasure consumed her body. Her mind was filled with images of her brother's thick cock pounding her tight walls. His pre was already filling his sister's small entrance, dripping out with wet smacks. Ladny could feel her orgasm coming closer with each strong thrust. A small pressure was starting to push against the outside of her walls. Mignon's knot was starting to reach it's full size which meant that he was close as well. He couldn't breath, as if the air was stolen from him. The only things he could feel were the warm walls around his aching member and the growing need to sink his knot in them.

It was at full size now and he could feel it was time. Mignon grabbed his sister by the scruff of the neck and bit down hard as he sunk his knot in her. The size of it left Ladny breathless as it passed inside of her. The thick knot locked itself firmly in her and started to twitch. Ladny howled out with her own orgasm just as her brother's cock shot forth it's first creamy rope. The thick glistening substance coated her insides in a beautiful off-white; each rope filling her just a bit more until it was leaking around the knot. The thick seed she held in her belly was now locked inside. She could feel the warm embrace of both her brother and his member.

The heat and pressure of his sister's walls left Mignon with no choice but to empty everything he had. There was no time to pull out or dismount. He let each shot come like a wave of ecstasy. He was lost in the haze of afterglow, acutely aware of only his sister and the large knot that he had planted firmly inside her. Ladny, however, was experiencing a bit more than just her afterglow. The haze of sexual fever gave way to a new sensation. She hadn't felt anything like it outside of her meditation. It was tingling that started in her stomach and moved outward until she felt as though she was floating just outside of her body. She tried to concentrate and focus on the feeling, only to find that she shouldn't have. She didn't just FEEL like she was outside of her body, she really was at that point. She floated above her corporeal form, looking down in curiosity and excitement. She had heard of this kind of thing from her mother and was overjoyed that she could manage it on her own.

Her brother could feel something was wrong. He tried to shake himself free of the fog of sex. As soon as he could see things straight again, he noticed that Ladny was laying beneath him with her eyes wide open as well as her maw. Her body's expression was blank and empty. That's when he felt it. A small pinch on the back of the neck. It hurt at first but not for long. As he winced in response to the pain, he felt something else. This was far stranger than even the sensations that he and his sister shared. His legs felt heavy, as did his sheath. But then he realized he didn't have a sheath! His package was gone entirely. In it's place was a feeling of fullness. It hit him like a brick; he wasn't in his own body but that of his sister.

Ladny had managed to switch their bodies. She was in his and the reverse for him. Mignon's large knot felt great for Ladny as she could feel it held deeply in her body. At the same time he was feeling her sex quiver at the immense member lodged in it. The feelings that each felt were foreign but exciting. As she felt the knot start to deflate, Ladny tried to pull out of her brother. They both felt a sharp pain before the separation brought with it a deep release and relaxing sensation. Both exhausted, they collapsed to the ground and soon the blanket of darkness rolled over them as the pair faded from consciousness.

A long howl woke the cubs from their slumber a several hours later. Mignon shot up from his nap first and looked around in confusion. "Did he dream it all?" He thought to himself. That was just before he noticed his body lying on the ground beside him. It hadn't been a dream, they truly had switched bodies. Thoughts of what to do next raced through his mind amidst a torrent of confusion. He scrambled to wake his sister who was still inhabiting his body. "Ladny! Wake up! Please wake up!" She jerked awake at his pleas and was shocked to find herself looking into her own eyes. Now her mind raced as well.

What were they going to do? Ladny's little game had gone way too far. The switch was fun for both of them in the moment but the thought of being stuck that way terrified them. That's when Ladny noticed she had to relieve herself. The only problem was that she didn't know how. "Mig?... I have to go really bad." Mignon looked down, blushing heavily. "D-do you need help? I uh... could show you how to..." Embarresed and turning red, she nodded. "Yeah." Mignon moved over to a tree and lifted a hind leg to show her how. She repeated the motion, relieving herself. The odd feeling was strange but relaxing. She was starting to think this could be lots of fun.

Ladny however, wasn't the only one who had to go. Mignon could feel his new female urge to relieve himself. He whined to his sister just as she was fisnishing up, "Sis? I need help. How do I...?" Instinct took over before he could react, however. He bent his hind legs and squatted low to the ground to let himself go. The small drizzle felt as weird for him as it was for Ladny, and almost as exciting. Having figured out how to relieve themselves, they quickly realized another problem.

The loud howl from before came crashing through the trees. It was Pepper, calling for the pups to come home. It was nearly dark already and they hadn't gone home for lunch. Moreover, they were both still dirty from their small excursion earlier. Mignon had his own cum smeared across his backside as well as Ladny's juices which had dried into the fur around her pussy. Ladny wasn't much better off, her chest was stained with cum from Mignon's knot. They both smelled of sex. Rather than go home quickly without getting clean and risk being found out, Ladny decided on a quick solution. "Mig quick, follow me!"

She dashed up the path away from their little clearing and back toward home. She didn't follow it for long though. Taking a side path, they turned off and headed down a steep hill toward a small creek. The trees started to give way to tall grasses and the fading sun came into view. As the pair ran they started to notice the difference between their bodies. Each heard, saw and felt things differently. Ladny's paws were soft on her body so Mignon had more trouble traversing the terrain while Ladny could barely feel the ground beneath her brother's rough calloused paws. As they neared the creek, they almost felt reborn. It was as is they were seeing things in the surrounding area for the first time despite having been there their whole lives.

As the last of the trees faded behind the cubs and tall grasses gave way to crystal clear water the sun was saying it's last goodbye for the evening; sunk behind the world. The pair ran through the shallow creek and washed themselves quickly. They had little time if they wanted to get back before dinner was over and worry had set in. Mignon had no idea how long their parents had been calling them but he knew that they were out later than they should have been. Once they were done with their quick bath of sorts, they dashed on back up the path toward home.

Pepper and Kyureki were waiting just inside the den, watching the path, bereft with worry. Where had they pups gotten to? Why were they out so late? Were they hurt? Questions bounced inside their heads like heavy stones. Waiting for so long, Kyureki had fallen asleep at Pepper's side, snuggled against him tightly. He stayed awake and waited as long as he could before passing out himself.

By the time the pups returned home, their parents had moved inside the den. They slept alone, huddled together to keep warm. Ladny and Mignon didn't want to wake them. They decided to sleep and wait until morning when they could better handle the situation. They themselves curled up as their parents had, falling asleep quickly under the rising full moon. The wind howled that night and everyone's dreams were filled with confusing images and distorted thoughts. It would prove a long night for everyone. Though as they say, tis darkest before the dawn. No one could predict what would occur the next morn...