One Mixed Up Family - Part Two

The morning dew was beset upon the frosted morning. The cold embrace of an early waking fell on the two pups. Their den was warmer than the forest outside, but not warm enough for their liking. Mignon woke first, leaving the den to do his business. The...

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One Mixed Up Family - Part One

Mignon passed through the woods, looking for a secluded spot. He wanted away from prying eyes and listening ears. Something felt weird inside of him and he had the urge to touch himself. A small clearing deep in the woods supplied him with a perfect...

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A Family Reunion - Part 1

Darkness began to fall over the forest as the sun sank behind the curtain of the pine trees. The night covered the valley like a soft blanket, cushioning every sound, from the buzzing of bugs to the twitter of birds, as the creatures of the day went to...

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