Session No. 7

Story by bsaxagent on SoFurry

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#7 of Sessions

Disclaimers and stuff

Gage belongs to me, Soka belongs to Sokatak

If you aren't 18, blah blah blah, back button.

Interested in a session with Gage? Check this out:

Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy!

(And of course, any positive feedback is always welcome and encouraged).

Overcast days are my favorite days; especially those days where it's still too bright to look up, but you still can't see the sun. Today was a windy day as well, the cool breeze brushing across my body as I walked. I was at the park today, meandering around the concrete pathways watching other people interact with each other. Families played games and children ran around on the playground, couples sat under trees, and someone was plucking a jaunty tune on a guitar nearby, adding an almost Cageian-like soundtrack to my stroll.

I found myself here to get out of the apartment for a change. I was asked to write for the Symphony's string ensemble, but I didn't have much of an inspiration yet. Work had been busy as the Pop series had started, so I was a bit worn mentally. I aimlessly wandered through the park, not really having a destination in mind; all I was thinking about was the first sonority the piece would have; the first notes are always the hardest.

My paws were dug into the pockets of my light jacket which gave slight protection against the wind. Looking up, I found that the clouds were moving at a fast pace; there was a small chance of rain, but as low as it was, no one really cared. The temperature was slightly cooler than normal, providing a brief respite from the hotter weather we'd normally have at this time of year.

I walked around the large expanse of a playground. Slides, jungle gyms, monkey bars, swings-everything a child needs to be entertained with while being outside. I noticed that the amount of kids had decreased as the day went by. As I turned the corner, I did find something out of place, beyond the lack of children.

There was a charcoal tiger with white stripes on the monkey bars. This would be normal if the tiger wasn't the age of a college student and doing pull ups without wearing a shirt. I watched for a moment as he continued along his workout, muscles straining for all to see, despite the lack of a crowd. He certainly had a very fit build; he wasn't body builder bulky, but he did have fantastic muscle tone. His form was lacking, though. He pulled himself up, but I could see that he was putting the emphasis on the wrong muscle as he worked.

"Eighteen...Nineteen...Twenty! Fuck..." he grunted as he let go of the bar, rubbing his paws after landing. "Alright, thirty seconds till set number four," he muttered to himself as he began to pace around.

I'm no personal trainer, but I'd hate to see him continue through his workout incorrectly.

"Hey!" I called to the charcoal tiger, making him turn his head.

"You talking to me?" He asked almost dumbly, pointing his thumb at his chest, almost intentionally flexing his bicep.

"Yeah, I am," I said as I walked up to him, paws still in my pockets.

"What do you want?" He gave a slight snarl as if I was invading his personal space. I guess I kind of was, in a way, but that didn't stop me.

"For you to do pull-ups correctly," I said, shrugging my shoulders.

"I think I can do them just fine, thanks," he growled defensively, obviously not looking forward to my potential lecture in muscle activation.

"Hey, I'm no personal trainer, but you can either hear me out, or you can keep doing shitty pull ups that won't get you anywhere strength wise." I usually dislike dealing with punks with ego, but again, I'd hate to see him with terrible form; he had lots of potential in developing muscle and hindering that would be a disservice to the world. The charcoal tiger frowned, weighing his options.

"Fine, show me what you got," he muttered in a defensive tone, folding his arms, showing off his thick chest.

"Alright. You're not uses your lats as much as you should," I said, imitating his defensive position. "Try this: Hang from the bar, and without moving, flex your back a few times. Your upper body will lift slightly. That's the initiation you're looking for. You're using your biceps to pull you up rather than the lateral contraction." The tiger looked at me skeptically, but still giving great thought to my explanation.

"Alright, let's give it a try," he said as he marched up to the monkey bars. He didn't need to reach for as he was a little taller than me, but he still jumped to latch onto them. While hanging, I saw him flex his lats as I instructed, raising his body only slightly.

"Just like that. Do about five, and then do thirty pull-ups. I'll think you'll find it not only easier, but more effective as well; your arms won't be as sore tomorrow," I explained, waiting for him to try. He did the prep motions as I asked, and slowly began his set of thirty pull-ups. I watched as his lats flared, showing that he was actually using them as the primary muscle. I watched those muscles strain and flex under his fur, a mesmerizing sight indeed. He let out another grunt as he completed the set and hopped off of the bars.

"Well, I'll be damned, you were right after all." I smirked and nodded as he turned to face me, an actual smile on his face.

"Well, you certainly know your shit. My name's Sokatak, though you can call me Soka."

"Gage." I shook his paw, feeling his callused palm as it lightly rubbed against my own. "You have a personal trainer?" I asked

"Nah, I taught myself."

"Well, fuck, man. I'm impressed. I mean, for you to get this big without proper form is a feat in of itself. I guess that's why your arms are so large, though."

"Ah, you like these?" he quickly flexed his arms, striking a double bicep pose, making the baseball sized muscles harden underneath his fur.

"Very nice," I grinned, folding my arms against me, enjoying the sight. His warm demeanor, though slightly playful, was making it easier to talk to him.

"Well? How about you?" he asked, returning the grin, putting his arms at his sides.

"It's a bit chilly for my tastes," I admitted, not really wanting to strip in front of the assertive tiger in public. Maybe somewhere else, perhaps....

"Aw, come on, don't be shy! I showed mine; it's only fair if you show me yours!"

"Fine..." I gave in. Just a little show, I told myself. It's only a bicep; it's not like I'm taking my shirt off; not that I was uncomfortable with my body, I just don't exactly strip for everyone who asks. I slid my light jacket half way off, partially revealing my white shirt. I rolled the right sleeve back and brought my arm up and flexed, making the muscle fill with blood.

"Oh, that's nice..." Soka complimented as he ate up the sight. I didn't think it was that big of a deal; his were the same size, if not a little thicker. I flexed a little harder, watching the vein pop above the surface of the skin before relaxing and straightening my shirt and putting my jacket back on.

"How long have you been working out?" Soka asked enthusiastically. Now that his harsh appearance had been revealed to be only a façade, it was much easier to talk to him, even if he was still a bit assertive.

"A good four or five years. I've been going for functionality, not necessarily size. Not saying I don't mind size," I laughed, gesturing towards him. He had a good twenty pounds on me.

"I've been going since I was about eighteen or so. I taught myself," he smiled proudly. Even if his form needed some correction, I was still impressed at how much mass he had accumulated. I gave a good look over once more.

Soka's muscular arms were capped by impressive shoulders; all heads of the deltoids were clear to see, and some of the finer striations were faintly visible. His chest had nice thick slabs of muscle that rested next to each other with a gentle slope leading from his collarbone to the lower edge of his sternum. The centerpiece wasn't as deep as most veterans of the gym, but it still had a nice depth, giving a great representation of his strength levels even without him lifting anything. Underneath his chest was a very nice six-pack of abdominal muscles, showing off the fact that his diet was just as intense as his training. They were clear cut, and the obliques that flanked them were reminiscent of cirrus clouds due to the thin layer of muscle's wispy appearance. Three noticeable veins led from his abs into the groin, and even with his red shorts on, I could see the faint of his sheath and balls; both of them looked rather hefty and to my liking.

Dense quads filled most of the shorts, the two heads that straddled the knee were nice and round, and like his shoulders, there were faint traces of the individual muscle striations. Thick claves flared outwards, the inner head was slightly larger than the outer head, which is pretty common among most people. He was barefoot, which wasn't terribly unusual, but his worn feet were large and veiny, and the metatarsal bones rose sharply above the surface. The arch of his sole was very pronounced, giving a nice contour to the underside of his foot.

"Hey, what are you looking at?" Soka asked me. I realized I had been staring to long, and I shook my head.

"Sorry, I was slightly distracted," I responded, trying to shrug off the comment.

"Oh? Distracted by what, exactly?" He grinned, shifting his hips.

"Well, I-"

A sudden crash of thunder made us both jump. I looked up towards the sky finding that a new series of ominous black clouds had rolled in, and with it-

"Oh shit!" Soka yelled next to me, pointing into the distance. It was the strangest thing I had seen-which is saying a lot; we watched as a tidal wave of rain start pouring down on the other side of the clearing. The wall of rain rapidly approached and soon, everything was soaking wet.

"Fuck!" I cried as the downpour drenched my attire. I hate being partially wet, and especially as cold as it was, this was going to be a problem.

"Follow me!" Soka took my paw unexpectedly, running towards the southern end of the park, forcibly dragging me along. "The on-campus apartments are this way; that's where I live!"

I had almost forgotten the close proximity we were to the university. It was the only logical refuge we had in this unexpected downpour. We ran, running through puddles that soaked my shoes, jumping over a fence, dashing through the southern entryway and across the parking lot of the park. The apartments were in view not too long afterwards. Soka was quickly fishing through his red shorts, pulling out a keycard, ready to insert it when we got to the apartment entrance.

He quickly sped forward (damn, he's fast), sprinting to his apartment complex door, quickly swiping his card. The door clanked and unlocked. He held it open as I dashed inside, panting a bit from the exhilaration of our sprint.

I was fucking soaked. Not just regular soaked, but fucking soaked. There was not an inch of me that was dry, and that made me miserable.

"Up here," Soka called, walking up a stairwell.

"Not going to use the elevator?" I joked, trying to lighten the situation.

"Elevators are for the handicapped, over encumbered, and the lazy," Soka grinned at me as he rounded the stairs. We made our way to the fourth floor, stopping at the apartment that was at the far end.

"I only have one roommate-a kangaroo, but he's out of town right now. Uh....I may have some dry clothes for you to change into." Soka commented, looking me over. "I gotta dryer, so if you want to get out of those, I'll put them in."

"Thanks," I said, taking off my shoes and socks. "Where's the bathroom?" I asked. Soka was still looking at the ground where my feet were. He unconsciously licked his bottom lip.

"Hey, my eyes are up here," I laughed. It seemed that we were both taking an interest to each other, not that I minded.

"Bathroom is down the hall. You worry about getting dry, I'll get the clothes," his warm smile filled his face once more.


I passed by two rooms as I walked down the hall. One of them must have been his as it was open. I glanced inside for a second, and found that it was surprisingly organized and clean. Beyond the standard bed and desk, there was a series of dumbbells against the wall, next to a rather tall and skinny bookcase completely filled with books. Several more lay under his desk and on top of it, two of which were opened on the top. Various motivational posters lined his wall, showing off muscular people of various species, the focal point being a huge orange tiger named Raymond Hanson, a recent Mr. Olympia champion. A black bench was in the other corner, along with two types of long bars, and a small set of plates. A faint smell of musk filled the room, an obvious indicator that he had been working out in here earlier before moving to the park.

I entered the restroom and began to strip until I was completely naked. The wet clothes smacked against the floor as they fell heavily, some of the excess water running along the floor. I dried off with the towel, taking solace in the thick cotton.

"Here's some clean clothes for you-" the door bust open. I didn't have time to react to the sudden invasion of privacy, and all I could do was stand there as Soka bust through.

I guess it wouldn't shock me as much if he wasn't naked as well.

"I was right..." we both said in unison, glancing at each other's crotch. Soka's balls were the size of large eggs, making them hang low in his black colored sac. A fat sheath sat above them suggesting that he was thick when fully erect. The three veins that ran through his lower abs snaked their way into his leathery sheath.

"Fuck, you're hot..." Soka grinned lustfully as he surveyed my body. I'm not ashamed of being naked, but this certainly wasn't what I expected to happen in light of today's events. But hey, if an opportunity presents itself to you, you take it, and with a hot muscled tiger, you definitely don't say no.

"You're not so bad yourself," I commented, still not really able to take my eyes off of those orbs, watching them slowly roll about in his sac. A little bit of his dark pink cock was poking out of the sheath, already forming droplets of pre.

"Man, I want two things right now: your ass and your feet," Soka growled.

"My feet?" I asked questioningly.

"Dude, I love feet."

"But they're...feet."

"Yeah? And some people are into others pissing on them."

"We are not going to do that," I laughed. He did have a point though. I mean, it was a harmless fetish.

"Come on, let's go to the living area, we can have some fun there while the storm passes." I followed the charcoal tiger, watching his muscular ass flex with each step he took, tail swaying along the way.

Soka led me down the rest of the hallway that opened up in to the kitchen and living room area. In the living room was a wall mounted TV, and an L-shaped couch. Soka sat on one side of the corner piece, inviting me to sit on the other side. Once I did, be gently brought my right foot up to his knee. His callused thumbs ran along the sole, mapping its contours. He rubbed his paws along my foot, gently wrapping them around it, and then pulling it towards his face, getting a good sniff of the spots between my toes.

"So musky and earthy...God, you smell good..." he breathed, closing his eyes as he took in another good whiff, the scent acting as some sort of aphrodisiac. He brought it up some more, and slowly licked it from heel to toe; his raspy tongue tickled my foot as it passed the sole. As he reached a toe, he suckled on it lightly, the tickling sensations still present as he did so. It was pretty unusual, but again; it was harmless, and whatever got him off got him off. He slowly lowered it to the couch, and slowly brought it to his groin. I pressed gently against his balls, wiggling my toes against his sheath. He gasped, and his cock throbbed at full mast, a droplet of pre spilling off of the tip.

It was a good eight or nine inches long. While not as long as mine was, it was much thicker than my own; I wouldn't be surprised if I was unable to wrap my paw around it and have my fingers touch. Thick veins ran up the side, pulsing lightly as my foot continued to rub against his his balls and sheath. His tongue lolled as I pressed a little deeper into his groin before slowly moving up, feeling the heat of his impressively thick shaft. While keeping my toes back, I rubbed the pad of my foot against his cock, making it press into his abdomen.

"Oh, fuck yeah...." He moaned. I couldn't help but laugh at how such a simple motion could have such a profound effect on the guy. A spurt of pre spilled over the tip, and slowly worked its way down to my foot, slowly drizzling it in the slick liquid. I slowly worked my foot up to the tip, and placed his shaft in between two of my toes. It really couldn't fit in between my toes, but that didn't stop me as I slowly dragged my foot down, feeling his urethra bulge pulse as his cock leaked more pre.

"Geez man, you have no idea how horny that's making me..." Soka breathed, eyes rolling back into his head.

"No, but I can see it is making you pretty damn hard," I grinned. Taking my left foot, I placed it in between his legs and underneath his large balls. Thinking of them as paws with limited motion, I wiggled my toes and flexed my foot, teasing his ball sac while still rubbing my right foot against his shaft. He squirmed, relishing in the feeling of my slightly callused feet against his most sensitive areas. His thrust his hips forward, trying to get more contact with my feet. Essentially, he was grinding along my foot as I wiggled, not entirely sure of what to do in this situation; foot play is something I never really thought about getting into, but at least Soka was enjoying himself with my poorly experienced feet.

"Oh, we'd...better stop before I blow," he said, gently grabbing my now-slickened foot and placing it on the ground. He gently rubbed my left one which was still underneath him, and did the same.

"So, what was that other thing you wanted? My ass, you said?" I winked, slowly turning around and presenting myself to him. If there's one thing I love about being a switch is that if you meet a dominant guy, you can sub without compromising your sexual interests. Perhaps if I asked nicely, he would let me top him. Most dominant guys are willing to at least let one or two people fuck them, I've found through the years.

Soka stood up, and positioned himself behind me. I felt his large paw slowly spread my cheeks. Something hot and wet was poking at my hole, but it wasn't his dick, it was-

"OOHhhhhhh fuck...." I moaned, feeling his warm granular tongue glide across my anus. There is nothing that will send my arousal into overdrive (beyond everything involving a cock) than being rimmed by a cat. Our tongues were made specifically for rimming, if nothing else regarding sexual play.

I arched my back as Soka continued to lap at my hole hungrily. The thick muscle pressed up against the sphincter, and I allowed it to enter my body. It pushed forward, spreading my hole apart effortlessly, slowly lubricating my depths as it twisted and turned, effectively making me purr. I could feel the razor edge of his teeth as they grazed along the outer part of my hole, teasing the nerves there as well.

Giving a final slurp, he pulled back, leaving my moistened hole to quiver with anticipation of what was to come. I heard the couch shift under his weight as he repositioned himself above me. Large paws gripped my hips firmly, and I could feel the heat of his thick cock at my tailhole. He pressed the tip against the muscle, slowly spreading his pre around with his barbed tip before finally pushing in, stretching my hole wide as the thick cock invaded my depths.

I grunted; he wasn't exactly being gentle with it. Not that I was complaining; his barbs tickled the tract, sending delightful twinges of pleasure through my body as inch after inch delved deeper and deeper until I felt his balls rest against mine.

"You're so tight..." Soka moaned, his cock twitching deep within my ass. I pushed back after a moment of adjustment and he pulled out, leaving a slick trail of pre as his cock vacated my hole, leaving only the barbed tip inside. He pushed forward again, hilting me in one thrust once more. His cock fit deliciously in my body, giving it the perfect stretch that it wasn't straining, but it was definitely felt as it pushed its way down into my inner depths.

It settled deep inside once more as he gave me only a brief pause to make sure my body adjusted.

He pulled out again and thrust his cock back into me forcefully, building a pretty heavy rhythm from the start. His heavy balls slapped against mine and he rubbed his left paw along my muscular back. He reached back with the other paw and gently brought my foot up, rubbing it as he continued to fuck me. It was an interesting sensation to say the least, but I wasn't complaining as my purrs increased in volume.

He changed gears unexpectedly, suddenly wrapping his arms underneath my shoulders, bring me up to his muscled body as he continued pounding his cock in my hole. His paws roamed my torso, slowly reaching towards my leaking cock. He gripped my cock and began to stroke; the strokes matched in time with his thrusts in both power and speed. His callused paws sent shivers down my spine as the rough texture lightly grazed the skin. Fortunately, my pre acted not only as a lubricant, but as a slight buffer as well so his strokes didn't cause any abrasions on the sensitive flesh.

"I'm...close..." Soka moaned into my ear, his hips flailing away at my back side. A devilish though crossed my mind seeing as how my legs were now on the inside of his. I brought my leg forward a bit while retaining my balance off of Soka. I flexed my foot slightly underneath him, feeling his balls sweep along my foot as he repeatedly thrust inside of me.

With a great snarl, he came. Numerous ropes of cum shot deep within my depths, splashing around as they ricocheted off of my walls. I could hear the faint squelch of the fluid spraying in my ass as he pounded away, the warm feeling of being filled flooding my senses. My own cock throbbed, but I wasn't as close as he was; I still had a bit to go. Even as I felt his copious load wane, Soka still pounded away at my ass. His thrusts were becoming wet and sloppy from the cum he deposited there, making his cock go slightly deeper as he continued to spear me.

I grunted as I fell forward, the ever-familiar pit of orgasm rumbling deep within my balls telling me that I probably wouldn't last this round. Soka kept pounding into me, his deliciously thick cock still spreading my insides as his barbs scraped along my prostate. I was very impressed by his rapid recovery rate. Vary rarely do I find a man who can keep going after their orgasm, let a long as large of one as that.

"Fuck...almost there," I grunted, feeling the pit inside of me swell as Soka's body leaned into mine for better leverage. The tip teased a certain point, almost scratching a certain itch I had deep within me. It was so close, and yet so far, if only he was an inch longer....

I grunted as Soka squeezed my cock, making it swell a bit larger from the trapped blood. Veins rose to the surface, trying pump blood back into my body, but it couldn't get past Soka's strong fingers. My balls throbbed, and I could feel the cum work its way through my body and yet there was nothing. I couldn't cum. My body made numerous spasms as the charcoal tiger kept pounding away, lighting every single nerve on fire. My cock twitched, desperately trying to eject the buildup of fluid, but not a single drop escaped.

I whined, a sound not characteristic of me. I needed to cum, and Soka just kept fucking me silly. I felt his cock swell slightly, signaling that his second orgasm was approaching. I felt the fluid in my cock slowly recede back into the depths of my body.

Soka let out a roar as he jackhammered his orgasm into my backside. More and more spurts of cum flooded my bowels, adding to the pool of cum that was already there. I felt the added pressure as more and more semen splashed deep within me, making me feel a bit bloated.

I let out a groan as he started to slow down. Each thrust still ejected large quantities of fluid, filling me up even more. It was starting to get uncomfortable, but at least Soka's cock was not churning it around. With a heaving sigh, his orgasm finally abated. His warm muscled body fell on top of mine, which was already close to collapsing due to the large amount of cum that strained my bowels. He still held my cock in a vice grip, trapping all of the blood in it making it an angry red in color. It still throbbed like mad, and my balls were beginning to hurt due to the back log of my own cum.

"Fuck yeah, you took that like a champ, man..." Soka's voice was close to my ear, and I could feel his hot breath on my neck as he purred away, whiskers grazing the side of my head.

"My gut feels like it's going to explode," I chuckled. It wasn't the first time someone had filled me up this much, but I don't think I could ever get used to the discomfort, no matter how hot it was. Soka pulled out slowly, relieving the pressure as a waterfall of cum cascaded down my balls. I let out a sigh of relief as my guts emptied themselves.

"Now that that's over..." I waited patiently for him to let his guard down, and now that I had the chance, I wasn't ging to let it slip away. I quickly turned around, and tackled Soka, pinning his paws against the sofa. He grinned at me.

"Not so subby, are you?" He laughed.

"I have my moments. Consider this as payback for your hospitality," I grinned. "Don't worry, though. I'll be gentle."

I took hold of my slippery cock and pressed it against his hole. I didn't push in; I wanted to tease him a bit. He deserved it for the rough treatment he gave me. I put only a small amount of pressure on his hole, making the muscle relax only slightly as I slowly moved the tip around in circles, coating the hole with the residual cum.

The hole finally relaxed without me actually entering it. I felt it open slightly, and I knew he was ready to be penetrated. I pushed in at a snail's pace; I made sure that he felt every single millimeter that slid inside of him. He knew I was much longer than he was, even if he was much thicker. This painstakingly slow pace would drive him crazy, which is just what I wanted.

He tried to edge forward some to speed up the process, but I halted my motions and waited; I would not tolerate such insolence. Once he calmed down, I pushed forward again, slowly sinking inside of him. It was grueling even for me; his tight passage constricted nicely around my cock sending buzzes of pleasure as I felt his innards mold around my barbs and thick veins.

It was an arduous effort, but after a lengthy amount of time, I finally hilted inside of him. Soka's cock was throbbing against his abdomen, leaving a smeared trail of pre. I held my cock there, making sure that his body adjusted itself adequately to my large cock. I felt his heartbeat pulse around my shaft, sending minute vibrations along my length. Soka threw his head back in ecstasy. I don't know how often he had been taken, but I knew that he enjoyed the sensation of being filled, despite his dominant nature.

"Fuck me..." he moaned, cock still bouncing along his abs, more pre splattering against his chest. I leaned close to him, licking his muzzle.

"As you wish," I whispered, slowly pulling my cock out of his stretched hole. The exit was just as slow as the entry, making him writhe and spazz. As teasing as it was for the tiger, I had to resist the urge to ram my dick inside of him, he was so deliciously tight and warm. My cock twitched within him, causing me to gasp with pleasure as it bounced off of the walls. My balls still hurt from my denied orgasm, and I intend to let him know the consequences of such actions; it was not going to be easy to clean.

With only the tip remaining inside, I pushed forward once more, still moving at a slow pace. Soka's legs were twitching as I entered him once more; he was unable to keep them still. His cock jumped, launching another splash of pre onto his chest as I fully hilted him. I didn't take as long as the first thrust, but it was still painstaking for me with every single nerve ending on my cock almost going into overload due to the pressurized environment.

"Flex for me," I asked, lightly grinding against his ass.

"...what?" he grunted, still trying adjust to my cock.

"Flex your arms. Let me feel them." He slowly brought his large arms to his head, flexing his biceps. I purred as the boulders of muscle hardened as I slowly wrapped my paw around them. The dense muscles hardly moved as I rubbed them, tracing my thumb over the swollen veins that ran over the peaks of his biceps. I nuzzled against his right arm while ghosting my fingers along his left and still grinding against his ass.

I brought my paws down to his chest. He flexed his pecs, the slabs of muscle swelling with blood. I ran a finger through the shallow crevasse, and then cupping the bottom of his left pec, feeling the wonderfully dense muscle twitch as he held this pose, the fibers dancing under his skin. He shivered as I ghosted both paws along his abs, dipping in an out of the small grooves in between the hard rocks, and avoiding his throbbing flesh that was resting on his stomach. A small pool of pre had formed in his abs, and I took great care in smearing it around his stomach, almost treating it as a glaze an artist would use to reflect light off of a sculpture or something of that sort. I finally ran my paws down his quads, feeling the large heads of muscle that straddled his knees before moving his legs back and reaching his feet.

I gently massaged them as I moved from a grind to a slow fuck, using only about two or three inches of my cock. He moaned out as my thumbs wedged in between his toes before rubbing the ball of his foot in circles. His cock throbbed again and his balls were beginning to pull up. I let his feet drop, and halted my thrusts, giving him the same denial of bliss as he gave me, though in a different manner.

"God dammit..." he groaned as I ceased all pleasure, including my own. He reached for his cock, but I stopped him, bringing his paws above him, and kissing him on the lips. He arched his back, pressing his body against mine, trying to get some friction going as he gyrated his hips. I flexed my abs, making sure that they couldn't come in contact with his sensitive flesh. He grunted in frustration as I released him, slowly fucking him once more.

I was done with the teasing to be honest, but I still wanted it to last a bit longer before we blew. My own balls hurt from my own approaching orgasm in addition to the one denied from earlier. I used a bit more of my cock while fucking him, going from three inches to about six. I kept my hips low, our bodies making continual contact as they rubbed against each other, feeling the other's hard body. I leaned in a gain, kissing with a little more fervency and his paws began to roam my back, pressing me in to his body. More and more pre was leaking from his cock, a sign of his rapidly approaching orgasm. I thrust in a little harder, making him grunt from the insertion.

"Oh, fuck...." He breathed as he hit his third climax of the day. His cock twitched between us, splatter cum all along our chests. His hole quivered and clenched around my cock, imitating his vice grip from earlier as I pounded away, finally bringing my thrusts to a heavy level of force. I leaned back, and several more volleys of cum arched up and landed in various places along the sofa before his cock fell to the side, losing its rigidness.

I couldn't go on any longer. Pulling my cock out of his hole, I quickly stroked it, gritting my teeth as I rode over the wave of pleasure. I cried out as a massive jet of cum splattered on top of Soka's chest. His eyes widened as a second blast gushed forth, striking above his head on the sofa before the splatter ricocheted onto his head. A third stream let loose, coating his chest before waning down to his cock and balls. I collapsed onto my arms, bracing myself on the side of the couch as a few more spurts of cum landed on top of him.

"And why you don't hold my orgasm off. Now you have a giant mess to clean up," I grinned, noting at how white the tiger below be had become. Soka was dumbfounded. I didn't think he expected that large of an eruption from me, but he certainly found out the hard way.

"Hah! Fuck man, that was hot!" he laughed, almost cheering from the experience. "I was going to ask why you pulled out, I guess it will cleaning a bit easier..."

"Yeah, if you do that to me, I cum a lot more. Granted, I wouldn't be able to go on all night, but still you get one hell of a hose down. You weren't so bad yourself..." I grinned, rubbing my lower belly. I could still feel some cum deep inside of me, but at least it wasn't uncomfortable now. "So, I guess a shower is in order..."

We showered and cleaned as best as we could while were in the dryer. There wasn't any point in using Soka's dry clothes as we were pretty comfortable sitting on the couch naked. Soka idly rubbed my feet as we watched the TV, the rain outside slowly subsiding until there was only a drizzle left. The buzzer or the dryer rang, and I changed into my now warm clothes.

"Gage, I just wanted to let you know that I enjoyed myself, even though my ass hurts," Soka grinned as I got up to leave.

"That happens more often than not," I laughed, remembering my first time with a big cock. "Sorry about the mess, though."

"Nah, it's fine! That just means I have to try harder next time to get you in the same state," he laughed with a wink.

Speaking of next time...

"Here, take this," I said, pulling a card out of my pocket and handing it to Soka. The tiger stared at it, reading the information. "If you want to meet up again, even if it's just for hanging out, you let me know, ok?" I winked at him. His face lit up, and he gave me a hug.

"Thanks man! I'll definitely give you a call, maybe even send you some sexy pictures," he said with a playful growl.

"I wouldn't mind," I smiled.

We said our farewells, and I made my way back to my car. I swore I could still feel his cum swirling around my insides as I walked, though it wasn't inherently uncomfortable; the lack of chemicals flooding my system made it kind of a strange sensation, however. I didn't realize how far away the apartments were; I guess when you're running, you don't really pay attention. But, I did eventually reach my car.

"Oh...fuck me..." I groaned as it came into view. What a day to leave my windows up...