Mews Story of love, ch 1+2 revamped

Story by RoseEe on SoFurry

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#1 of Third Son, Mews Story Of Love

Mews Story of love Chapters One and Two, revamped, edited, and including multiple references from other artist stories like Foxohki and his Vaporeon maid story. Sorry it took so long for me to do this, I sort of slipped into a deep and lonely depression. Then again if you read the story, you can feel it vented through Serana. Plus there was college keeping me busy as well. The good news is the wait was worth it wink wink xxx, especially considering this story is completely free, and there are still more chapters to come.

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Loading origin story Mews Story of Love:

Estimated time of occurrence:

100 years after the incident with Ash, Lucario, and the Tree of Life.

It is a snowy day in October as we ride in a yellow old weathered cab to mother's next job. The day was nearing its end as everywhere I look, I see a thin snow compacted gravel road that is surrounded by a blanket of snow and a forest of leafless trees with wild Pokémon going about their daily lives here and there. My mother is a violinist who seems to be having trouble managing to find a permanent position. This sadly means that we can't just stay in one place for long if we wish to eat and stay warm. This makes it hard for me to make any friends let alone want to make any because of the fact of having to suffer leaving them behind when it comes time to seek out more bread and butter. My dad was the one with the degree in the family. He had a stable job putting bread on the table. He would catch and breed Pokémon for multiple different reasons whether it be for starting trainers, research or whatever other crazed demands the Pokémon where meant for. Sadly, he was killed while high up in a mountain searching for some rare ice type or something when a random avalanche came down and crushed him in his encampment during the night as he took shelter from a harsh blizzard. I never really knew him much though, sadly, due to the fact that his death was wrought when I was still a baby. I stared out the cab window watching the leafless, snow blanketed trees pass thinking to myself, " I envy other children who get to stay in one place and live in comfort with their mother and father. Maybe that is another reason why I am reluctant to make any friends.

"Kyle "cough" we are almost there get ready "cough, cough," said my mother in a hoarse voice as she looks back from the front passenger seat at me with her weary sad light brown eyes. I turn my head to look at my mother who was wearing her old tattered leather coat she got from dad before he passed; under it she was wearing a severely worn blue shirt with a worn image of flowers on the front. On the back was worn lettering saying "the most beautiful flower must first start off as a seed." She wore weathered blue pants and old crumbling brown shoes. She has lovely long red hair and a smooth worn, beautiful face. Her face looked older than it was due to stress induced wrinkles and the wariness from her recent illness she claims she has. Whenever I even ask her if she's okay let alone show a little worry, she insist that it's just a little bug she caught and that she'll be okay.

After a couple more minutes of riding along the gravel road which was running uphill by now, we eventually reached a point where the gravel road leveled out again and where thick amounts of trees parted to make way for a breath taking view of a giant snow covered back lawn in front of an old castle with red shingling toping parts of it. The lawn was estimated to be the size of two football fields. It was so organized that it looked to be tended by humans instead of nature with only a few trees and Pokémon here and there upon it. Soon we passed through an iron gate that had been left open for public use and reached the castle which looked to be made primarily out of cut solid smoothed grey stone with some marble that has a slight red hue in it added to places like the arc way or pillars for added décor. The moment we passed through the gate, the road changed from gravel to a lovely red brick. The cab stopped at the side of a roundabout with a deactivated water fountain in the center of it.

"Okay, how much do I owe you "cough," mother asked the cab driver who was wearing a leather brown hat with a brown nothing special jacket who funny enough look like your stereotypical greasy, chubby cheek, five o clock shadow, cab driver. Nothing at all mam, your tab has been requested to be paid for by the committee in charge of the party. My mother than covers half her face with her hand and then says ""cough" owe ya, I forgot that the trip here was all travel expense paid," cough" silly me, sorry to bother you then_."_ Not at all mam said the cab driver. "Kyle, help me get the luggage "cough" out of the trunk so the nice man can get on his way," Kyle's mom says as she opens the door and gets out.

"Ok, ok mother, I'm on it" Kyle says after he finishes staring at the Munchlax near the curb who appears to be in a food coma. Out of the cab steps an eight year old boy wearing a worn out red shirt and worn out blue pants. He stands about 4 ¾ feet tall, and has short red hair and brown eyes like his mother. Kyle stands there for three seconds stretching his muscles and surveying his surroundings before heading to the back of the cab to assist his mother in removing their belongings from the trunk and setting them up on the walkway next to the cab. As they were finishing removing the last of their luggage from the cab, a woman in a maids outfit came dashing out of the large central entranceway door. She power walks up to the cab with heavy breaths then proceeds to open the door and ask "how much do we owe you. $279 claims the cab driver. The women hands him 3 one hundred dollar bills from a role of money she was holding in her hand and says "keep the change." The cab driver gives a farewell wave and drives off into the forest.

"Hi my name is Anna, I'm sorry for not being out here to meet you when you arrived. We have been busy preparing for the queen's birthday party," the maid says as she bows. "My name is Leisa and this is my son Kyle" mother replies in turn. As my mother talks to the maid telling her it is okay and discusses other such things with her, I take the moment to analyze the maid's appearance. She looks young, around her twenties, she has blue eyes and a cute little nose and soft rosy cheeks, also by the looks of the bangs that are not covered by her maid hat, she is black haired. "Okay, so I'll show you to your room so you can unpack your stuff" said Anna while grabbing some luggage. Mother replied "That would be nice, thank you "cough."" "No problem" claimed Anna as she started to walk off.

We picked up the rest of our luggage and followed her through an average sized door that was around 25 feet to our left if we were facing the central large door. Inside it was a hallway made of light red hued arc ways and white marble for flooring walling and the arced ceiling. It had doors on both sides like what you would see in a fancy hotel. Each wood door we passed seemed to have gold engraved décor on it consisting of flowers and a giant tree in the background. We passed by several of these doors before we finally stopped in front of one of them.

"Okay so here is your room mam. If you're wondering why the halls are so clear, it is because everyone is busy making preparations for the party. So if you would like to meet some of the other servants, their probably in the main hall. To get there, you just head back outside and take the central big door and head straight. If you have any questions, then you can find someone there to ask. O, the servant's bathroom and showers are straight down at the end of the hall and the servant's kitchen and food pantry is at the opposite end of the hall. Later we will have to get you both measured so we can find something good looking for you to wear during the party, okay. See ya later hun." Said Anna as she gives a playful wink and a wave as she walks away while mother says "thank you for the information see you later Anna "cough". She seemed nice Kyle, now let's unpack." Mother opened the door and entered the room with me following right behind.

The room consisted of a decent sized bed with an elegant oak wood chair sitting in the upper left corner and a small wood oak table to the right of it with a lovely window to the right of that. A small wooden lovely hazelnut dresser sat on the other side of the bed in the left lower corner. The room what made up of white marble with a lovely red rug in front of the bed that hade gold threading as a border and another gold ring that occurred ½ the way to the center point of the rug. It may seem simple and small to many people, but to me and (I am pretty sure) my mother, it was beautiful. I looked up into my mother's eyes and saw a little joy in those wary brown eyes. We both set about unpacking what little we had. Mother held the heart shaped locket father gave her to her heart and shed a tear before putting it away while coughing a little. I wish there was something I could do to comfort her but I know I can't, if I tried like before, it will only make things worse. I hope that she will eventually get over dads death, but it has been years since he died, so I can't get my hope up. I decided to lay on the bed and hide the worried look on my face so mother would not notice. After mother put the locket on she put her few cloths into the dresser and slid her violin in its black beaten up case, under the bed where I had slipped my box of cloths.

I gazed down at Kyle quietly for a few seconds after I finished unpacking to see if he was awake. No he isn't, he must have passed out after the long trip here. He is such a good son, I know he is trying to help me because he loves me, and I love him to but it's so hard to get over losing one you truly love for who they are, so hard to get over losing your other half. I'll let him sleep. Leisa leaned over and gave her son a kiss on the cheek and whispering in his ear while holding back from coughing, "I love you my son," before leaving to go mingle with others in the great hall.

I slowly opened my eyes while yawning and stretching my arms, "must have fallen asleep after planting my face into the bed." I turned my gaze toward the window where the sun was beating in to give me the sweet yet sour kiss of its morning light, the silence of night being replaced by the various sounds of natural activity. I turned my head to my left only to find something missing. "Hum, I wonder where mother went. Might as well try and find her," I thought to myself as I slid out of bed to gain access to my box of cloths under the bed. "Today, I think I will wear my light gray t-shirt with the worn picture of an owl with its wings spread on it and another pair of blue jeans," and thusly, put them on before heading out to the last place she claimed she was going.

"Okay, so too the great hall," Kyle thought as he exited the small door of the servants quarters after being greeted and greeting some of the freshly awake castle servants who were also passing through the hall. As Kyle walked through the central large door way of the rear castle court yard, he was treated to a breathtaking view of a massive, pillar lined hallway with banners, balloons, along with other assortments of party décor. Servants, and probably some guest or tourist where using it to exit or gain access to the great hall. The floors of the hall consisted of white marble like the servants quarters, but the walls and ceiling were made of a sky blue marble which seemed to really bring the place to life. The pillars were that usual light red hued marble, yet all the pillars were carved to look somewhat like trees. "Jeesh, this hall must have been design to impress guest or something, because I could never imagine someone going this far in design for themselves," Kyle whispered under his breath as he walked through it while looking all around.

While Kyle was multitasking, looking around and walking forwards, he forgot to keep an eye out for others using the hall and accidentally bumped into someone before falling on his butt. "Ouch, sorry about that," Kyle said as he looked up to a man extending his hand to help him up. The man was wearing a butler's suit and had that kind of untamed hairstyle that actually looks good on some people like him. His hair was brown and when I looked into his eyes, I could see they were a dark blue. He had a chiseled face, chin, and body that looked like it belonged to an actor giving him the looks that most likely caused him to have to beat the more forward type of women back with a broom, that is, if he wanted to. "That's okay, first time seeing the hall, right" said the butler as he helped Kyle up onto his feet. "A, yah" replied Kyle. "Well, my name is Buxton and this is splash," said the butler as his hand gestures toward a Vaporeon with crystal blue eyes in a clear silk apron that does almost nothing to hide her lovely white underside from view; who is lying on his shoulders like a cat who then lifts a paw to wave and says "vapor vaporeon." "Buxton, that's cool name and mine, is Kyle. Nice to meet you Buxton and splash," Kyle says as he extended out his hand to offer to shake Buxton's. Buxton accepted Kyle's hand shake with a smile and said, "thank you for the complement, and have a good day, I need to get something's done so I unfortunately can't stay to chat, sorry about that." To which Kyle replied "Not at all Buxton, have a good day." "O, and Kyle, try to watch were you're going, not everyone will probably react friendly towards being bumped into," said Buxton. "Okay, I will try," said Kyle with a little chuckle as Buxton walked away.

After traveling a little farther down the hallway, Kyle eventually reached the main hall which had a white marble flooring as well as blue marble walls and ceiling like the hallway. The room was larger than an indoor stadium and had the same styled pillars parallel to the walls. There was another great hall opposite the one I came through which I can assume leads to the front of the castle. The ballroom was filled with chaos as people and Pokémon where darting in every direction, grabbing, moving, analyzing and trying to figure out how to dress the room for the party, what ingredients should be collected for food, among other things. I looked around the room to see if I could find mother anywhere. After that failed, I started to ask people if they had seen her and if they know where she was or might be. "Excuse me mam have you seen a women yay high, red hair with brown eyes. Sir, sir have you seen a women with long red hair and brown eyes, and probably dressed in worn out cloths." Some of the people I asked said they seen her but don't know where she went off too, others never noticed her hanging around. After trying for half an hour I estimated, then again, I sucked at keeping track of time, I started to get worried. "What if something happened to her? What would I do? What can I do?"

Eventually Kyle found Anna in the chaos sitting at a wooden chair wearing her maid uniform, but with a large black bow tied into her hair. She had a sad, worried look on her face so Kyle went up to her and asked her, "Anna, are you ok, is something wrong?" Anna looked down at him before quickly removing herself from the chair to lower herself to Kyle's level to embrace him in a hug. Kyle, stunned by this sudden act just stood there letting it happen while he felt the wetness of tears trickle onto his neck. "I'm sorry" said Anna as she held him there. As Anna finished holding him and let go, Kyle looked down and suddenly noticed something Anna was holding in her hand. "Hear, your mother would have wanted you to have this Kyle," Anna said as she wiped away some tears and put the heart pendent into Kyle's hands. Kyle looked at the pendent he held in his hands with horror before looking back at Anna and said, "No, this can't be. NO WHERES MY MOTHER!? I WANT MY MOTHER!" Anna tries to comfort the horrified boy who by now has attracted the attention of many startled people as the Great hall slowly becomes more silent.

Anna tries to give Kyle another hug in an effort to comfort and calm him down but Kyle dodges it and runs. Anna follows him out of worry but stays her distance so as to not to be detected by him. Kyle runs, and runs in hopes to get away from the pain and sorrow while clinging tightly to the pendent and crying, "it's not fair, it's not fair, why do I have to lose my father and now even my mother while other children can enjoy spending every day with both parents? Why do they get to live happy lives with a good home and with lots of goodies while me and my mother had to scrounge about to get by. Why, why, it's not fair," Kyle thinks to himself as he runs up stairs, through hallways and more stairs till he burst through a wooden door and trips over his own feet catching himself just in time before doing a face plant, but in the process accidentally knocking over a domino which leads to another then another and so on. Kyle forgetting momentarily about the pain stood up to watch this random line of dominos fall over which leads to the final one hitting a button causing the devise to spin and launch a marble which hits a toy causing it to activate and walk across a shelf nocking of a plastic pink plate which lands on a scale that then tips over a bowl of fruit.

As the chain of events unfolds around Kyle, he notices that he's in a wooden room filled with all sorts of play things lining the shelves and the floor under the shelves. The room has a window that appears to be opened with a lovely view of the castle. What Kyle didn't notice however is that something small and pink had appeared right next to him to watch the show with him. Both their heads were swinging and tilting in sink while they followed the chain of events that occurred before them. It was as if someone was guiding the movements of their heads with a baton. Near the end of the chain of linked events, a toy robot is knocked over hitting a lever which activates a miniature catapult toy that sends a Cheese Puff flying into the air.

Kyle is suddenly surprised and falls over onto his hide as this small pink thing playfully yells "meeeeewwww" as it quickly hovers up into the air at a vertical angle to catch the Cheese Puff in its mouth before chewing and swallowing it with a pleasured look on its face. Once it was finished enjoying the Cheeses Puff, it gives a happy "mewww," which Kyle assumed meant delicious, before slowly descending to situate itself right in front of Kyle with its body angled as if it were not hovering but laying on the floor and tilted its head sideways as if it was analyzing him.

As I slowly stood up after getting the crap surprised out of me by this random Pokémon, I analyzed its adorable form. It had a form resembling that of a cute pink cat with big blue eyes and a small tuft of longer than normal fur on the top of its head, and large tail that was as long as its body if not more and the tip of the tail was bulbous. Then it dawned on me, "wait, I think remember hearing stories about this Pokémon. If I recall it correctly, this Pokémon was none other than an endangered legendary Pokémon called Mew. What is a Mew doing here? Hummm, I wonder what sex it is but I can't tell and I can't really see its gentiles because of the way it has its body tilted," Kyle thought to himself.

As Kyle thinks this, he hears a cute girly giggle in his head and a voice saying "Really, that's one of the first things you wonder about me, come on, really? Well at least you aren't one of those people who would see me and go, O a Mew, I have to catch it." At this point, Kyle is looking around the room wondering where the voice was coming from before realizing it was not a voice being heard through his ears, but was being telepathically sent straight into his mind. "O yah, that's right, Mew are telepathic, I should have figured that out sense she was hovering. Uggg, I am such an idiot thought Kyle." "Now it's not nice to beat yourself up like that ya know," Claimed mew telepathically while giggling a little. "Stop reading my thoughts," Kyle screams. "Nope, I won't," Mew says as it folds its arms and lays its head on them while staring at Kyle intently as Kyle stares back into its eyes.

"I'm female." What?" says Kyle in confusion at the random outburst that ended the 5 second silent staring spree. "I'm female see," says the Mew with a slightly annoyed voice by telepathy as she re-angles her body and shoves her crotch right up in front of Kyle's face where he then gets a full on view of Mew crotch for half a second before falling on his but with blushing red cheeks and thinks, "what, what did you do that for, gross?" "I'm sorry; I can sometimes forget how sensitive human kind gets over these things. It does not bother me if people see mine, after all, I hover in the air above both humans and Pokémon completely exposed." Claims mew as she puts her hand over her mouth and giggles over the blushing little boy who just fell on his tush in front of her. "I, umm, okay, I guess I never thought of it that way, sorry for freaking out," says Kyle before finally remembering why he ran up here in the first place. As he starts to remember his mother is gone, Kyle starts to feel sadness and emotion take over and thus, Kyle gets up and grabs onto the nearest fluffy thing he can to cry into and that thing was Mew.

I looked down stunned, as this little boy suddenly got up wrapped his arms around me like a little girl would a teddy bear and started to cry into my belly. As I read his thoughts I learned that his mother had just died and that he tried to flee from the pain and thus ended up here. I wrapped my paws around his head as best I could in an attempt to help comfort him and then I decided to tell him my name. "My name is Serana ." "What?" asked the boy as his tear drenched eyes looked up from my tear soaked belly into my eyes. "My name is Serana, what's yours?" Serana telepathically asked. "My, my name is Kyle," he says before putting his face back into her belly and crying again. After what seemed like an hour, Kyle finally managed to stop crying and remove his face from Serana's tear soaked belly to look into her face and ask, "can, can we see each other again." Serana tilts her head sideways and ask "why?" I don't know why, when I look into your beautiful eyes, I feel funny, like I can trust you. When I look into your eyes, I feel like I can see more than I normally could in another's. Please can we be friends and hang out together? I, I know this is sudden, but I really need a friend." " Serana, who was blushing under her pink fur after she realized he called her eyes beautiful reply's telepathically, " Okay, I will come to see you from time to time, but only because you said my eyes were beautiful." "Thank you," Kyle said as he rubs his face into the side of her chest affectionately while still embracing her. As all this occurred, Anna had been watching unnoticed from the doorway. "This is interesting; I should tell the queen about Mews new friend. I think she might change her mind about having him sent to an orphanage," Anna thinks to herself as she sneaks away.

"Do you know why she died yet?" asked Queen Alexandra while she was looking out the window of her bedroom as Buxton walked into the room. She was a black haired five and a half foot woman with a youthful face and a wisdom filled look in her green eyes. She wore silver robs with gold bordering and a silver crown with trees engraved onto it in gold. "Her body was analyzed and it seems all she had was a simple nonthreatening bug my lady," replied Buxton. "Are you positive," asked Alexandra. "Yes my lady," replyed Buxton. "Then, how did she die?" Alexandra said in a low voice more to herself as she put her hand up to her chin in thought. "We don't know my lady, but we asked around and some people claimed they saw her siting in a chair while holding what appeared to be a heart pendent and crying, then as if magic, she looked up and all her sorrow melted away and was replaced with joy. They claim the last thing she said was thank you, then she passed away with nothing but happiness written on her face," said Buxton.

Just as Buxton finished what he was saying Anna came into the room claiming she has some interesting information that Queen Alexandra would want to hear. So the queen givers her permission to explain herself and so thus Anna with a little excitement in her voice, tells the queen all she witnessed between Mew and Kyle. "Hmmmm, it seems this is more than a coincidence. The odds of this happening the way it did, especially the fact that he just happened to meet Mew," the queen thought. " Hmmmm, I have made my decision, the boy will stay here. His new sleeping courters will be in Mews toy room," ordered the queen. "I am pretty sure something more may have brought these two together, but I can't just jump to a conclusion. Regardless, by the sounds of things, Mew has a new friend she can play with and keep her company so she won't be so lonely hopefully. Well anyways, all I can do is wait and see how this plays out. Maybe, just maybe, there is a brighter road at the end of the tunnel for both of them. One thing still bugs me though, the description of what happened to the boy's mother, perhaps it is best left alone though. Some things are best left unanswered and unsolved," thought Queen Alexandra as she gazed out the window.


Part 2:

Six years Later

Serana and Kyle had many fun filled adventures together and grew closer through experiences they gained from their cherished time together, yet those adventures are tales for another time. For now, let us continue with the story yet to be finished.

"Yawn, hum what a wonderful dream that was. It was the one where me and Kyle where playing on a beach making sand castles and messing around with a beach ball," Serana thinks as she rolls onto all four to do a few morning stretches before beginning her day." Serana then proceeds to hover into the air and look around her special nook really high up in the tree of life where she keeps all her toys she takes from the castle.

The Tree of Life is a giant tree bigger than a castle who shares the same life force as Serana meaning that whatever condition one of them is in is reflected in the other. Many Pokémon inhabit this ancient mysterious tree who when in synch with mew, can whisper into the hearts and minds of Pokémon to quell feelings and desires of the negative sort causing peace to prosper instead of chaos.

"Ah, there it is," Serana thinks to herself after searching her messy toy box of a nook for a minute. Serana flies down to the ground letting her butt stick in the air as she picks up a hair clip designed to look like a beautiful red flower given to her by Kyle as a gift. She clips it onto the top of her head right next to her right ear before grabbing a red rubber ball nearby and flying off to the castle to see Kyle. "I remember when Kyle first gave this to me." He slipped it onto my head after we finished giggling over splashing each other in the hot springs near the Tree of Life. He looked into my eyes and scratched me behind my right ear while saying it looks so lovely on me," Serana thinks with a little blush and a smile as she flies to the castle.

Eventually, after flying over the forest for another 6 minutes, Serana reaches the area were the thick amounts of trees part to make way for the castle. "Aaaaa, flying is the best way to travel," Serana thinks as she descends toward the castle to fly into the window of her toy room where she screams "MMMEEEEEW," waking up a startled Kyle. She then proceeds to slam onto the red rubber ball she dropped onto the ground and hugs it while rolling around giggling. Kyle rubs his eyes, stretches his arms and shifts to sit at the side of the bed. "Who needs alarm clocks when they have you Serana," says Kyle as he watches Serana lay belly down on the ball, rocking it back and forth with her hind legs.

Serana proceeds to look up at Kyle to give a counter to his smart mouth joke only to end up laughing and rolling onto the floor. "What are you wearing," Serana asked trying her best not to laugh anymore at this point. "Wha.... O yah, I forgot about that," thinks Kyle.

"flashback to yesterday" "laundry day, laundry day, got to love laundry day," sings Kyle in a low voice as he heads down the servants courters hallway. "Hi Buxton, Hello splash," Kyle says as he waves to Buxton and his Vaporeon. "What? O hi Kyle," Buxton says after being knocked out of deep thought. "Vapor, Vaporeon," says his Vaporeon as they both simultaneously wave to Kyle. "Hi Heather," Kyle says to a red haired women in a maid outfit who was cleaning the hallway floor and swiping webs off of the ceiling. "Hi Kyle, nice to see you," she says with a youthful smile right before she went back to scrubbing a stubborn spot on the floor. Eventually, after a few more hellos' to a few of the other servants, Kyle reaches the end of the hallway that has the showers and enters the door to the right of it. "Hi Anna," Kyle says as he sees Anna sorting through some laundry wearing a red hair ribbon on her head along with her usual maid outfit. "I don't know why but it seems Anna has recently started taking an interest in the color red," thinks Kyle. "Hello Kyle says Anna as she rubs her foot on the ground, fidgets with her hands, and looks at the floor with a little guilt written on her face. "What's wrong Anna," asked Kyle he tilts his head a little to the side. "Um you see, I was in a hurry so I through my cloths into one of the washers, and well, I did not see your favorite pajamas in there and well here," Anna said as she hands Kyle his pajamas which are now a frilly pink color. "Kyle looks at his pajamas in shock and then at a guilt stricken Anna before saying, it's fine Anna, as a matter of fact, I like the new look. I think I might wear them to bed tonight," Kyle says to comfort Anna. "Really," Anna says as she gives Kyle a hug. "End of Flashback."

"Huh, so that's what happened," Serana says as she watched the flashback occur in Kyle's mind before laughing even louder. "What are you laughing about, your pink too ya little fur ball. "Ha, but I look cute pink. You look like some kind of pedophile who'd be seen sitting in an ice cream truck picking out his next target," Serana says as she pants while laying on her back on the floor trying not to laugh any more. "Well I, aaaawwww, darn it," Kyle says as he points to Serana with a bent figure before looking down at the floor accepting defeat and sitting down on the side of the bed.

"Serana, I've been thinking about something for a while know, it's something that has been bothering me for a while know. We have been friends for six years now. We have seen and experienced a lot together, but one thing makes me wonder," said Kyle as he looks down at his feet. "And what would that be," says Serana telepathically in a playful voice as she gets back on the ball and proceeds to rock back and forth on it. "Serana, I've been wondering, why are you all alone," asked Kyle. "Silly Kyle, I haven't been alone, I have had you to play with," claims Serana telepathically. "No, that's not what I meant; I have been wondering why do you not have a mate Serana? Surly someone as sweet and kind as you should have found someone to love as more than a friend," said Kyle. After Kyle finished asking the question, he heard no response from Serana and curiously looked over at her to find her lying motionless on the ball looking at the floor crying. Kyle immediately hops off the bed over to Serana and picks her up to hug and comfort her while saying "I'm sorry, I did not mean to upset you." "No its okay, I,I can't have a life mate Kyle," claims Serana telepathically as she looks into Kyles eyes. "Why not Serana," Kyle ask looking into her eyes with curiosity? "Because, unlike most mew and other creatures, I am immortal because I am connected with the tree of life, even if I were to find love, they would eventually leave me through death and I would be left alone again. All the other immortal legendries' are too busy and or can't come to live with me even if I did fall in love with one of them, which so far I have not," claims Serana telepathically as she then proceeds to cry into Kyles chest.

"I see, we'll just have to find someone who can help us to find you a Life companion," claims Kyle. Serana suddenly stops crying and looks up at Kyle and ask "why would you help me to find my other half?" "Because, that's what friends are for, to help each other out, and I have seen how sad you are from time to time. You forget, we have known each other for a long time, and I have seen how lonely you truly are Serana, how you long for another to become one with, and Serana, I want you to be happy," said Kyle as he scratches Serana behind her right ear. "Kyle thank you, but who can help us to find a life mate for me," said Serana. "Well being a legendary yourself and a psychic one at that, I am pretty sure you know where other legendry's are and how to get to them right," asked Kyle. "Well I suppose," replied Serana before thinking to herself, "I hope I can find him if we really are going through with this. Arcius is not known to stay exactly in the same spot."

"Then we can go ask Arcius if he knows of anyone who could possibly be a suitor," said Kyle. "Kyle I have already asked him, trust me when I say that over a thousand years gives you plenty of time to try to find someone to be with," replied Serana. "How long ago was this Serana," asked Kyle. "Around 500 years ago," replied Serana. "Well 500 years is a long time for things to change and for someone to learn new things, maybe he might know something now that he didn't know then, so it's worth a shot to ask him still. After all what have we got to lose right Serana," claims Kyle. "Okay," replies Serana. "Then I will get packed and ready," said Kyle as he heads out the room to leave Serana to her thoughts. "Why would he be willing to go through all this trouble for me? Does he really care so much about me that he would go through so much just to see me truly happy," thinks Serana as she begins to feel as if butterflies are fluttering around in her stomach.

Three hours later, Kyle finally comes back into the room holding a couple sandwiches along with the addition of a pack filled with gear and a sleeping bag stacked on top of it. As he enters the room, he finds Serana laying stomach down on his bed sleeping from boredom. Kyle quietly slides the adventure gear off and leans it against the wall right next to the door way and sneaks over to the bed carrying the sandwiches where he proceeds to place them on the bed before carefully sitting down on it himself. As Kyle watches Serana sleep, he can't help but admire how peaceful and cute she looks. As he admires her, he suddenly gets smiles as he lowers his hand to her ears to start gently scratching them to which Serana replied with a cute purr. "Okay, that purr was adorable," Kyle thinks to himself as he slowly lowers his hand to her back to stroke her fur along her spin. As he does, he's rewarded with an even louder purr from Serana. "Maybe I should try harder to wake her up, but then again, this is really fun and she's so adorable purring like that," Kyle thinks to himself as he continues to pet her. "She's so adorable, purring like that. I want to stop but I can't, good Lord am I getting a kick out of this," Kyle thinks. All of the sudden, Serana tenses up causing Kyle to start panicking thinking he accidently did something to hurt her, until he notices she's drooling on his pillow face down with her tongue hanging out and a little wet spot on her legs. "Apparently she got a bigger kick out of this than I ever did, thank goodness I noticed before I made a noise from panicking," Kyle thinks to himself while blushing furiously.

Suddenly the little pink ball of adorable starts to stir causing Kyle to freak out, "o crap, what do I do, what do I do?" ummm... ummm... I got nothing Kyle thinks as he sits down in a wooding chair near the bed. "Hhhaaaammmm... slurp slap, wow that was an interesting dream I had" Serana says as she stretches on the bed before noticing something was off about her fur. She reaches down to touch the fur around her crotch before bringing it back up to her nose to sniff it then proceeds to but on the cutest face of embarrassment.

"Good afternoon Serana, do ya want to get up and eat something before we leave." Kyle says while doing his best to hid his embarrassment. Serana opens her eyes while removing her hands from her face and gently raises her head to find Kyle looking right into her eyes. Serana sits there staring at his eyes for a couple of seconds before Kyle grabs one of the sandwiches and offers it to her. "Um thanks," Serana says as she grabs the sandwich with both paws and proceed to munch on it. "My fur feels kind of funny. Hummm, I wonder why," Serana says telepathically as she munches on the sandwich with a sustained blush. "Umm... ya, sorry it took so long, I had to ask the queen to excuse me from my duties around the castle. Unfortunately, she was busy as the moment, so I had to wait until she was available. So while I waited I decided to say goodbye to a few friends around the castle, pack a few things for us on the go, and do a few task I was entrusted with as I waited for her to become available to see me," explains Kyle as he reaches for his sandwich and starts to munch on it.

"Okay, you ready to head out Serana, because I am. This is going to be fun," said Kyle putting a fully stuffed backpack on his back giving a thumb up once they finished their sandwiches. "Um, sure," replied Serana," while fidgeting with her hands. "Kyle are you sure you want to do this," Serana asked? "Serana, if there is a chance I can help you to find happiness, then it is absolutely worth it," Kyle replies with a big smile.

"Really, " Serana gasp forth as she suddenly feels a strange tingling in in her chest and which then falls like a weight to her crotch causing the still slightly moist spot to burn a little and spread out to her limbs making them feel the tingling sensation as well. 'He would willingly abandon everything just too help me, why does that make me feel this way? I have hung out with Kyle so many times, why is it I all of the sudden started to feel like this around him?" she thinks to herself as she levitates Kyle into the air and out the window. As they fly through the air, Serana closes her eyes savoring the feel of the air currents kissing her fur before looking over at Kyle and playfully starts flying around him.

Eventually after 5 hours of flying and giggling together, Serana looks over at Kyle who in turn looks her straight in the eyes. "His eyes are so beautiful and filled with so much love," She thinks to herself as the feeling of butterflies in her stomach intensifies. "Serana you okay," asked Kyle with concern written on his face. "Huh, oh yah, yah, I'm fine," claims a blushing Serana as she's knocked out of her daydream by Kyle. "Why am I feeling this way about him, he's not even the same species as me? But when I look in his eyes, I feel like I could get lost in them," thinks Serana.

four hours later: "Hay Serana, I think we should find a place to rest for the day. I'm starting to feel kind of hungry and I'm sure you are to," claims Kyle as he starts looking around down below which by know is ocean everywhere the eye can see. Serana feels her stomach grumble at the mentioning of food and realizes she was indeed hungry and kind of tired from carrying Kyle in the air with her.

"There," Kyle says as he points to an island with a single volcano on it covered with a lot of trees blanketing the surface. "As Serana lowers them both down to the island, she hears Kyle chuckle and can't help but telepathically ask him, "what are you laughing about," It just looks so much like that typical island you would see some mastermind place his secret headquarters, doesn't it," replied Kyle. "Ow yah, I guess it does," Serana replies as she starts giggling too as they gaze at the teardrop shaped island with a volcano near the center. It is covered in mass amounts of vegetation a white sandy beach surrounding it on all sides.

Right as Kyle's feet touch the beach, Serana proceeds to flop down into the sand and make a sand angle while giggling playfully. "Well it seems someone has more energy to spare, maybe you could go collect some firewood while I set up camp," Kyle claims while raising an eyebrow and smiling before heading a little farther in from the water of the shore while Serana hovers back into the air giggling over her sand angle before flying off to find wood.

After 5 minutes of finding rocks to make a proper burn pit, and setting up a sleeping bag, Serana comes hovering back out of the trees with a stack of sticks hovering next to her which she drops 4 feet from the burn pit before sitting on a chunk of drift wood Kyle pushed up to the makeshift burn pit. "Here," Kyle says as he hands her a sandwich which she proceeds to munch on while Kyle takes some wood from the pile, carries it over to the burn pit and kneels down to place it in and arranges it before getting back up. Kyle heads over to his pack he set next to the green sleeping bag to grab some matches. He glancing over at Serana noticing she as finished the food and asked "would you like another sandwich?" "Yes please," Serana replies telepathically with a smile as she puts her hands on the log to steady herself and proceeds to rock her legs up and down like a child. "Okay then," Kyle says with a smile as he grabs three more sandwiches along with the matches before heading back to the fire pit. Kyle gives Serana one of the sandwiches to which she replies with a thankyou and sets the other two on the log. He proceeds to kneel down as the fire pit once more to use the matches to light the fire before getting up and sitting down next to Serana to eat his sandwiches.

"Hay Serana," Kyle said after he finished his sandwiches. "What Kyle," Serana asked as she tilted her head sideways while looking as him. "I have a special treat for us tonight Kyle claims as he heads over to his pack to fetch two metal sticks, two chocolate bars, and some marshmallows before turning around and asking with a big smile, "can you guess what it is?" Seranas eyes get big as Kyle hears her telepathically say in an excited voice, "Smores!" "Kyle replies to this reaction with a giggle before heading back over to sit with her to crate and enjoy a sticky gooey treat with her.

"Mmm, so good," Serana claims as she sits there trying to chew the bite of smore she took. "Serana," Kyle says as he giggles while staring at her. Serana, after finaly finishing her smore, looks up asking, "what's so funny." "Look at what a mess you made, you've got smore all over yourself," Kyle replies as he giggles some more. Serana, after hearing this, looks at herself and finds some melted chocolate dripped on her cute little stomach along with some marsh mellow and chocolate stuck to her paws and face fur. "Hum it seems so," Serana telepathically says with a smile before hovering into the air and instantly wiping some of the sticky mess onto Kyle's face to which Kyle replies with "wha.. ahhh," before Serana dashes off to the water giggling. Kyle smiles at this and runs over to his pack to change into his swim trunks he packed just in case, and heads to the water in pursuit of Serana. As soon as Kyle gets waist deep into the water, Serana burst out of the water in front of him screaming "MEEEEEWWWW," and assaults Kyle with a massive splash thus starting a splashing war filled with lots of giggling and laughing. The splashing war continues for an hour until before they both know it, their laying halfway in the water on the beach panting while staring each other in the eyes.

Suddenly, as if from out of nowhere, Serana kisses Kyle who surprised by the act, jolts back. "I'm I'm sorry Kyle, I don't know what came over me," Serana claims as he begins to panic. "I I feel like I lo...," is all Serana can say before Kyle puts his hand against her face to tilt her head to face his giving her a passionate long kiss practically taking her breath away. Once he finishes the kiss, Kyle looks her in the eyes and says, Serana I've always loved you ever since we first met. Remember what I said that day, when I looked into your eyes, I felt like I could trust you. I didn't understand it at the time but it was because I loved you at first sight. Your eyes, they are so beautiful like the ocean on a crystal clear night singing its song of harmony as the moon reflects its symphony of light off of it. You're so beautiful to me Serana, I wish I could spend every moment with you." "Then why won't you," Serana ask with tears of joy and sadness flowing forth from her eyes. "Because it is as you said Serana, your immortal and my life is but a fragment in the sands of time. When I die, I don't want you to feel alone again," claimed Kyle. "I don't care Kyle, I don't care, all I want is you please Kyle can I have you?" asked Serana.

"I can't stand to watch those bitter tears rolling down her face, if giving myself to her is the only way to make it stop, then so be it," Kyle thought. So he put his hand on the back of Serana's head, scratched her ear while wiping away her tears as he looked her in the eyes and kissed her pulling her in close. Kyle let his hands start exploring her wet fur from her ears working his way to her flank. He worked on finding her every sensitive spot he could eliciting purr after purr from his beautiful little pink flower until she was putty in his hands and her sorrow was nothing but a memory.

"His hands they feel so wonderful. I feel so much more receptive to his caresses than I ever have. I... I can't stop purring it feels too good. I feel... something building I can't...hold. Wait why did he stop," Serana wondered as Kyle picked up the limp Serana only to kiss her and put back down out of the waters range. "I looked at him questioningly as he told me that he will be right back. He has something fun he thinks I might enjoy. I wonder what it is; I can hardly believe this is happening. I feel so happy; I want to share everything with him. I love him so much. I wonder what he has planned, I feel myself growing exited.

"Here we are" Kyle said as he arrive back without his swim trunks with, wait is that chocolate? What are you going to do with that I asked him? "Well I was going to save it for s'mores for later days but I felt it could be better used to help give you a more memorable night," Kyle said as he ripped the corner. "Chocolate? How is that going to make things better?" I asked with a smile rate before I released a "meeeewwwwwaaaa," of a moan at the sudden rush of heat as Kyle poured bits of melted chocolate on my crotch and each of my six teats. "Sounds like you enjoyed that a lot my little flower; well you're going to enjoy this next part more," Kyle claimed as he repositioned himself to sit right in front of my rose bud and positioning his hands onto the sand on either side of me for support. I watched as he slowly lowered his head to my chest before I felt his tongue run along my pleasure buds. O Lord, I think the sudden heat surge caused by the chocolate made my teats more sensitive because I could feel his every single lick eliciting moan after pleasure inducing moan from me with such intensity. Just when I thought it couldn't get any better, he starts randomly playfully nibbling on my teats causing o so delicious pleasure spike after pleasure spike in me. O I can feel each pleasure spike ebbing me closer and closer to something explosive then the moment came when he finally reach the main course. O my goawwwww are the only words to come to my mind as his tongue slowly slid its way across my vulva causing the pleasure I felt before to pale in comparison to what I feel now.

"Mmmmmm, this chocolate coated rose taste exquisite, it's quite the delicacy, especially with the lovely serenade you sing for me while I enjoy it," Kyle says to tease me only to start licking the moment I am about to rebuttal him forcing me to moan instead. O I'm so close Kyle I say as I lift my hind legs off the ground seeking more stimulation from Kyle's succulent tongue as my tail attempted to wrap around his chest. O mmeeeeeewwwwww!!!! Is all I could say when Kyle assaulted my clit pushing me over the edge. I could feel every deep breath every lick, it was as if time slowed down. I could not hold my legs up anymore, the pleasure was too overwhelming. But Kyle grabbed my waist to help and was assaulting my vulva as I rode through my peak. It took me a minute to recover but once I did all I could say was "that was amazing." "It gets better if you want it too," Kyle says as he picks me up and starts heading to the water. "What a bath, but how's that better don't you still need to get off," I asked looking down as his tasty looking hard on. "Just wait and see," is all he said.

I watched as he walked into the water clinging me to his chest then slowly lowered himself down until he was laying on the sand with everything but his head and shoulders submerged. I felt the cooling caress of the water on my body until I sat up where it only reached my waist. I looked him in the eyes until my tail felt something stiff behind me. I turned around and looked to see his fully erect member standing at attention waiting for me. I than looked back as him as he folded his arms behind his head and raised one of his eyebrows as if saying well your call, what's it going to be? I want this is all I could think as I stood and slowly backed up until I was positioned over his crotch with the tip just barely pressing into my vulva. As I stared down painting with anticipation, I wondered if I would possibly be able to fit it all in me. All I know is I am sure going to try. I slowly started to lower myself down moaning in appreciation as I felt the tip spread my vulva as I slowly impaled myself on his wondrous meat stick. Slowly inch by inch, I could feel it filling me up, hitting sensitive spots deeper and deeper with in me until I reached my limit and could go no further. Dam 2 inches left I though as I looked down to see how much was left before I lifted myself back up and proceeded to piston up and down on his shaft. O yessss... I mewled as I felt it filled and unfilled me repeatedly stimulating all those glorious sensitive nerves. I could feel that lovey dam filling as my body was subjected to the constant pleasure. I closed my eyes to savor the pleasure only to receive more pleasure from Kyle who started to pinch and rub my still very sensitive teats and thrust back against me. Yet my legs were getting tired after 2 minutes worth of work so Kyle started to hold my waist and help support my moving up and down. I could feel him tensing up soon after that. "He's close but so am I," I thought to myself as I could feel the dam in me about to erupt. The next thing my pleasure numbed mind new was that I was screaming in orgasmic bliss as one of Kyles hands left my side momentarily only to find my clit and pinch it causing an excess amount of mind numbing pleasure with a slight bit of pain to push me over the edge. I felt my walls clamp down on his shaft attempting to milk him of everything he's got. This must have pushed him over the edge as well because he immediately grabbed my waist with both hands and pulled me all the way down to the hilt , "Yessss I could fit the whole thing" I thought as I moaned uaaaaa... mmmmmm...hhhhaaaa.... Over the feeling of his seed decorating my insides eventually resulting in a slight bulge which I proceeded to rub as I purred over before falling onto his chest do to exhaustion. I felt the gentle touch of water all over my body except for my head which I kept held above the water as I looked my lover in the eyes and treasured the feeling of his deflating cock still imbedded in me. Finally exhaustion started to fully catch up to me as my eyes grew heavy and the last thing I felt before I fainted was Kyle's crotch sliding out of me as he picked me up.