Love Me Two Times

Story by SPAMZZKRR on SoFurry

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#1 of Tiger-Striped Life

SPAMZZKRR is a relatively new writer to the fandom. His career started on his KRR series which included the infamous Krystal and a few of his own creations. He continued the series with KRRS, CNR and KMA; working with other writers such as ChloetheFireFox, Dragon Knight, Sonic Fox, Dark Wolfe, Shaon the Kozo, etc... Dabbing in art (and failing), SPAMZZKRR has began to work on projects with other writers and some comics with artists such as Shaon the Kozo and Nekonekoneko. Max Blackrabbit and Eric Schwartz are two of the most famous artists of the furry fandom. Both have accomplished much in their careers spanning at least a decade. Max is most famous for his creation of Zig Zag the tiger striped skunk (for which this project is centred), Pussy Noir and Raven Hunt as Eric can boast of his creation of Sabrina the skunk, Shelia Vixen and Tammy Vixen. The two work closely together as friends and colleagues on Fur After Dark. A well-known example of the two at work is Sabrina Online. ********************************************************************* ‘Love Me Two Times' By SPAMZZKRR Another day of work and another day lost all in the name of making money. As birds fly freely overhead, the Sun is blazing high in the sky, spreading warmth to those fortunate enough to not be at work. Crowds of busy, depressed people march to work in a robotic fashion, missing the astounding world around them. They sit in their offices sighing of lost times and perpetual boredom. However, not every work place must be cursed to the tediousness of most job industries. Another day of work and another day at ZZ Studios. A stream of people, happily chatting away and giggling to each other make their way through the doors as Sabrina walks among them with a pile of papers towering in her hands. Unlike the rest of the city, ZZ Studios has one thing that makes it one of the best places to work; it's boss. Sabrina slammed the pile of papers onto her desk and wiped the sweat away from her brow. She stood silently in her room, her head scanning around her, zipping from left to right and back again in a prepared fashion. "Strange," she thought, "Where's she hiding now?" Diligently she checked under her desk, in the filing cabinet, behind the plant in the corner. She even checked above the ceiling tiles (which had been the source of the ambush last week). No sign of her. Sabrina knew something was up. Politely she knocked on the door and called to her friend, "Zig Zag? You in there?" A long silence followed before she tried again, "...Zig...?" "Go away Sabrina," called a depressed voice from within. Something definitely wasn't right so Sabrina went in to find out what had happened. Opening the door revealed Zig Zag with her head in her arms on her desk. She wore a tight cream top and jeans. "You alright Zig?" Zig Zag pulled her head from the desk and sniffed, "I'm fine just go away." Her hair was blocking a lot of her face but Sabrina could she had been crying. She had deep and meaningful blue eyes with long, flowing hair; interrupted only by her ears. Her tail was long and spread, sharing the distinctive stripe pattern as the rest of her body. The same pattern adopted from her grandfather's Siberian Tiger origin. The same pattern that her parents loathed. "What's the matter with you lately? You were pretty down on Friday and I haven't heard from you over the weekend? Do you wanna talk?" This seemed to infuriate the famous tiger-striped skunk and she rose from her chair, "Sabrina I'm fine! I just want some time alone!!!" Her ears were pricked up in a defence fashion and her eyes were focused and narrowed. Her tail sprung up by her side and her fists were clenched in rage. Sabrina could tell she was serious. The door wildly swung open as the gleeful Shelia Vixen skipped through the door, her tail swinging carefree behind her with her innocent smile dominating her face, "Sup Ziggy? Ready for that ‘private conference' you were talking about?" Zig Zag just slumped back into her chair and held a hand to her eyes, "Not now Shelia just get back to work." "But you promised and I brought a..." requested Shelia, depressed slightly. "GO AWAY!!!" The room soon fell with silence and Shelia rebounded back into the doorway. The pair had never seen Zig Zag like this. She had always been a true optimist; a spirit that carried the company's name of friendliness and professionalism on her shoulders. Sudden outbursts of anger and her raising her voice was something of a rare sight. She sat in her chair with her mouth open in shock as tears began rolling down her face. "I....I.....I'm so sorry...." She stood up and rushed out of the office and past the pair with Sabrina giving chase, "ZIGGY WAIT A SEC'!!"

"You're useless. You'll never achieve anything in your life. You were just a mistake, a freak." The words of her father tormented her and echoed in her head. The bar was familiar to her and this was her haven of peace. A calm and warm red flow of the lights as Zig Zag swirled the glass of red wine dozily in front of her. Yet, not even the warmth of her favourite bar could brighten up Zig Zag. The door opened as figure approached her, "This is where you ran off to..." Sabrina sat down at the other end of the table to her. "Nice bar isn't it?" she began soberly. "Whadda ya want Sabrina?" "For you to come back to the studio, everyone's worried about you." "Why?" "Oh don't act stupid Zig, all those people back there are you're friends and they care about you. When you go running off like that it's bound to make people worry. Now tell me what this is about." Zig bit down on her lip and tightly closed her eyes, holding in her tears. Sabrina moved round and comforted, rocking her back and forth as she burst into tears. "Ssshhh it's okay I'm here," she rubbed her back to bring her relief. "It...It's not okay Sabs," she struggled through her tears. "Wanna talk about it?" "....No...." Sabrina held her tightly as she cried, "That's right, let it all out." Soon she had finished as Sabrina wiped away her tears and she sniffled the rest away. Rubbing her nose on her arm and squeezing the rest of the tears away. Sabrina handed her a napkin to help her dry her eyes. "You ready to come back now? You've got a shoot with Shelia in 10 minutes with some girl sandwich action. That'll cheer you up, huh?" "*Sniff* Okay..." Sabrina lead her from the bar and back to the studio.

The room door soon opened and Zig Zag strolled out covered in sweat with a towel on her face. She was completely naked but, for the rest of the studio, that was a natural sight. Sabrina waited outside to greet her as Zig wiped some enigmatic liquid from her muzzle, "You feel better now?" "I guess..." she replied with frail confidence. "Zig, don't bottle up your emotions." "I'm not, I promise I feel better now." A hesitant smile soon returned to her face which almost laid Sabrina's worries to rest. "Good, now back to business. We have an interviewee waiting in your office." With a quiet sigh, Zig Zag made her way sluggishly back to her office. Waiting for her inside was a tiger with a strong striped coat and a smile on her face. "Sorry to keep you waiting Miss?" "Miss Roan." Zig Zag moved round to her desk, took a seat and grabbed the profile in front of her. "Ah yes, Miss Mia Amelia Roan, nice name. Red hair, tiger-striped fur, black eyes, tiger species. Sexuality?" "Bisexual and proud." "Past experiences?" "Several boyfriends, one girlfriend. It wasn‘t that serious with her though...we didn‘t have time." Mia seemed to be lost in the question. A veil of deliberation descended on her and she stared focus at the desk in front of her. Zig Zag swiftly moved on. "All that at the age of 19? I'm impressed which you will soon find out is quite difficult. I did much of what you did when I was your age... As a matter of interest, why have you not asked about me being naked?" Zig had just realised her de-clothed state but saw no objection in Mia's eyes. "Makes me feel a bit more relaxed to be honest. Nice tits by the way." Mia's words flowed without wavering, without dishonest. She showed a complete and (strangely natural) tolerance of Zig Zag's nudity which made one assume she was used to the idea of those naked around her. Not dwelling on the thought, Zig Zag continued with her interview. "My aren't we very open. And naughty too." "Just the way I like it," she replied with a visible tongue. Taking a deep breath, Zig stood from her chair and began to stroll around her office, her paces matching her firm tone, "The audition that you are about to go through will be long and strenuous. You will be...'stretched' to your physical limit. You will be pushed to the edge of desire and your body will be used and abused in a way to test your quality in the adult entertainment business. If at anytime you can't go on then just say the word ‘quit'. Are you ready?" "I am," came a reply of confidence. "Good, disrobe and we will begin." Zig Zag grabbed the phone and dialled a number as she pulled out a chest in the corner. "Hi it's Zig.....yeah I No I was......I was calling about.....yeah, the twins if you could....female. Tiger, very feisty. Thanks." A few minutes came a fumbling and merry chatting as two cats appeared eagerly in the doorway. "You called Miss Zag?" "A new actress is here and I need your help with her interview." Zig Zag pointed to the fully exposed Mia in front of the desk. The pair stared at her rich body hungrily as if they were to pounce upon a prey. "Tiger? Felines are our speciality!" "Good, come get me boys." She stood by her chair completely naked and waving the boys towards her. Her willingness brought a smile to Zig's face as she spurred the pair on. "You heard her boys, get her." The two began to drool and made their way over to her. As one began on her nipples, the other began to finger her. The two were clearly experienced personals as their movements were soft and tender yet enough to bring pleasure. "Oh yeah....Yeah!" called Mia to push the two further and deeper. Zig Zag appeared in front of the tigress with a pert smile and a strap-on of a pink colour and 9 inch length. "This is the fun bit!" The twins laid Mia down for Zig Zag as one took his position at Mia's head and the other behind Zig Zag. Zig firmly grabbed the length and slowly used through Mia's barrier. Mia responded by grabbing Zig's hips and pulling her in to hilt the dildo. Mia cried in pleasure as she pulled Zig's ass cheeks apart to help the twin. With one of the twins inside Zig's tight tail hole the other placed her cock in Mia's mouth. Zig panted and huffed with every thrust from the twin pushed her deeper into Mia. Mia rapturous rubbed her bulging clit as she used her other free hand to stroke the twin's length while hungrily lapping the tip of his cock. Zig Zag had resorted to panting deeply with every thrust. Mia too was approaching her orgasm. "She's driving me insane!" cried the twin as Mia continued on his length. She poked and prodded his sack playfully with her delicate fur stroking his fur. With her mouth open as she swiftly rubbed his length he began to orgasm. His cumshot hit it's mark from the first shot as Mia licked the rest of the cum from the tip as the twin collapsed with a smile. The other twin was close and, with a final thrust and a bit of the lip, released a stream seed into Zig's tight tail hole before collapsing. Mia wrenched Zig down to her as to pull her into a deep embrace. The pair played with the warm cum in their mouths; exchange the thick liquid through the passionate kiss before breaking away and leaving a cum trail. Mia's orgasm was quite subtle but obvious with her juices fiercely spraying over the strap-on's length. After Zig Zag withdrew and wiped the sweat from her brow she regained her composure. "Good work Miss Roan I am impressed which is quite difficult. I believe after that performance that we definitely have space for you here at the studio. You can start..." Before she could finish Mia had tackled her to the ground and had keenly lapped at her dripping pussy. "Mia, the interview is over," intervened Zig Zag; sounding a bit to feeble for an indication for Mia to stop. She looked up with Zig's juices over her face coating her smirk, "Not for me it's not!"

The next day was very hazy as conscious kicked in and the pain soon began. Zig Zag held her head in agony, "God why do I do these thing?" With her memory slowly flooding back to an already painful brain, Zig Zag turned to discover her Tiger friend was gone; long gone. Only a note on the end table was left. "Dear Zig Zag, Thanks for the job and ‘other' things you gave me last night. We need to get together again sometime, here's my number 07567 716786. Love Mia." Although she was in pain (and probably couldn't walk after the nights activities), she had to admit that she had some wild fun and, just maybe, Mia was something special. Her heart was beating heavily to the sheer memory of Mia. Her vibrant fur and her pure life was inspiring. She was almost a match in the sack to even Zig Zag herself! The mix of jealous and love was comforting to her and, even though Mia wasn't present, she still felt was loved. To celebrate her new relationship she called Sabrina to meet her at her favourite bar in the same booth she always sat. Soon both were there, chatting away. "Well anyway Sabs, I just needed to talk to someone and who better than my little pet." "Say that again and I'll leave," replied the skunkette sternly. "Okay I'm sorry! Anyway I think I found the one." "...the one what?" she asked, slightly bemused at what Zig was saying. "You know. The ONE." "Oh Zig Zag no." Zig recoiled in surprise of Sabrina‘s dismissive attitude, "What do you mean?" "No you haven't found the one. Are you talking about that tiger you spent the whole night with?" "Her name is Mia." "And you think she's the one because you spent a whole night with her?" "It wasn't just a night it was magical. I have never had it so intense before. She was unbelievable and she took me to heights and limits of pleasure I had never know were possible. I truly believe she is the one." "Zig you've been through a patch of pain and bad memories. I guarantee that if you had interviewed Shelia last night you would have said the same thing. I want you to find a mate Zig I really do but I doubt she is the one for you. Think about this before you rush into it." Some of what Sabrina said made sense. Her heart was aflutter. Was it making her believe in a false love. Zig Zag had waited for too long to see her dreams of partnership become so futile so easily and could not let the notion go. "It must be Sabs...It has to be..." "Zig Zag..." Zig had finally heard enough, "Why can I not find happiness!?? Where is Ziggy's happiness, huh??!!? Shelia has Rod, Carli has Spike; who do I have!?!?" Sabrina fell silent at her words. Deep in her heart she wanted for Zig Zag to have a mate. She only wished the utmost happiness for her boss and, yet, she was conflicted. What happens if Zig Zag found the wrong mate? Being of quite a fragile and sentimental disposition, a break-up would crush Zig Zag. She may never be the same again. Sabrina had to protect her. "Zig, I'd didn't mean to..." "No," she interrupted, "You've said enough Sabrina." "But I just want..." "That's enough Sabrina! I think I need some time alone." Spotting the tears forming in her eyes, Sabrina decided to fulfil her wishes as she diffidently left. Seeing her friend walk out of the door sent Zig Zag into a flood of tears as her head fell to her waiting arms. She didn't like arguing with Sabrina and she knew she had upset her. This was not in her normal nature. "Excuse me?" asked a soft voice in front of her, "May I help?" The voice seemed to immediately comfort Zig although the tone was not familiar to her. She looked up through her moistened eyes to see a young German Shepherd standing in front of her table with a concerned look on his face. "I'd rather be alone," she sniffled. "I just though you may need someone to talk to... My name is James by the way. James Brume." As he turned to leave, Zig Zag saw something in him. A sort of inner calling of protection, love and sincerity that she longingly desired. "Wait," she called to him, "I could do with a chat." The Shepherd returned and looked deeply and empathetic into Zig's eyes. She felt confident and safe talking to him and began her story. "I've meet this girl. She's a perfect mate for me; caring, sexy and ready for action. I doubt if she's the one though... I lived a sad childhood which I just can't leave behind. The abuse of my parents have pushed me to a point where I look in the mirror and find my dad staring back. I have little self-esteem when it comes to dating. I don't want to commit myself to a relationship I may not be ready for. I don't want to hurt her the way my parents hurt me. I care for her too much to love her yet I love her too much to let her go." Tears slowly began to trickle down her face as the canine wiped them away. He held her hand and focused in, refusing to break eye contact. "I had a tough childhood as well. As the oldest of my siblings I was forced to take care of the rest of the litter with my parents supporting me with a flippant attitude. Anyway I think you're a beautiful person. You look great and you sound like a caring and selfless person. Maybe that's your fault. To gain self-confidence you must love yourself rather than those. It may sound self-centred and that may not be the person you are but you need to spend sometime getting to know yourself." Zig Zag nodded, holding onto every word he said with optimum interest. His angelic tone filled the air and calmed her just by it's lulling nature. She could stand it any longer as she pulls him forward for a deep kiss. Although surprised, he grabbed her cheek and stroked it lovingly with his thumb. His embrace wasn't as forward as she was. It was something that Zig Zag rarely had the chance to experience.

The door burst open and the pair were still locked in a deep kiss. Zig held him desperately for fear he would say something to ruin the moment. This was bliss for her. The pair tumbled to the bed as Zig Zag tore off her clothes in anticipation of what would transpire next. "Take me James!" she pleaded. He laid her down delicately and placed his hand in her crotch. Although not as thorough as she expected, she played along with it. He carefully and delicately rubbed her slit with utmost precision as he went for another deep kiss. Zig Zag didn't not experience waves of orgasmic pleasure like she normally did; she was on a completely different plain, a realm of pleasure and loving mercy in a sexual sense. It was more loving. He affectionately rubbed her sensitive nipples with his hands; her cries muffled slightly by the James busy tongue. He went slowly and vigilantly as a sign of respect for her. He caressed and massaged her curves with the utmost meticulous. Zig felt the fire of an orgasm build but in a soft way as he carefully fingered her slit and fondled her arse with paramount delicacy. He orgasm was to heights and domains of such bliss that the God's themselves were to stare in jealousy of the act. "OOOHHH JAMES!!!"

The morning came quietly into the room as Zig's eyes fluttered open. It had been a sort night but it was vivid. There was no drunken haze, no sexual pains loneliness. Zig felt something she had rarely felt in her life. She lifted the cover to find something wrapped amorously around her waist. James' arm. He had fallen asleep with her in his arms and his warm embrace had kept her through the night. Tears began to form in her eyes as she snuggled back into his furry chest; his arm holding her tighter as he gave her a sleepy peck on the back of the neck. For once in her life she felt a feeling which should have been expressed by her parents. Yet she had rarely received a hug or kiss from her parents. It felt...right...overdue. Zig Zag was finally understanding the different between sex and love and the difference in feeling was evident. James was slowly stirring from his sleep with the quivering skunkette deep in his embrace. He used his free arm to comb slowly through her hair and he hugged her delicately. "Morning precious," he drowsily called as he kissed the back of her neck tenderly. Zig held her tears of joy back and cleared her throat to answer him. She turned round to look deep into his eyes. "Morning James. I really enjoyed last night." "So did I," he stroked the hair from her face, "God you're so beautiful..." "James," she began with a doubtfulness and fret in her expression, "I have something to tell you." He could see the tears forming in her eyes so he pulled her close and rubbed her shoulder to show support. "I..." she choked, "I'm an adult actress. I have sex with others for money. I'm so sorry about being so deceitful." Zig Zag had felt terrible. With her fondness for James growing within a matter of hours she believed that she had let him down; that she had been deceitful and cruel to have kept such a dirty and significant secret from him. James formed a big smile on his face and hugged her deeply as she burst into tears. He stroked her flowing hair and allayed her worry. "It's okay Zig! There's a difference between love and sex. Whoever you have sex with doesn't have to be someone you love. Sex is quite meaningless unless love or friendship is present. All I know is that I love you." Pulling her from his embrace he wiped the tears from her eyes and caressed her cheek devotedly, "And I always will. Do you understand?" She gave him a soft nod as the two pulled together for another kiss.

"TWO!??!?" cried Sabrina, jaded of Zig's irresponsibility, "What were you thinking?!!?" Zig Zag just sat in front of her with her head down and her hands in her lap. "I don't know..." she replied softly in a sort of apologetic tone. "You can't be a mate of two people." She pulled her head up, "I'm not but I love them both. I don't want to leave either one." "You have to choose." "Mia shows me pleasure and sex in a way no other person has but James is so loving and caring... I can't decide." Sabrina knew she wasn‘t being covetous but she knew that she didn't fully understand standing the situation making her lose her temper slightly, "Zig; this isn't shoe shopping these are people you could hurt." "I know, I know..." The door to the office swung open with James standing at the door, a large pile of flowers in his hand. Sabrina had become incensed at this point and the intrusion of James had helped her much. "Ziggy! Lovely to see you!!" She rushed to the door and threw her arms around him, "Jamey! I missed you!! Are those for me?" She grabbed the bouquet and took a deep sniff, "They smell lovely!" "Just like you then." "Aaawww you are sweet!" Sabrina stuck her fingers down her throat in disgust. Soppy was the only word she could think of. She was used to Zig's sex talk but her love talk was even worse. "Oh James this is my close friend, Sabrina." Zig indicted Sabrina's presence and James offered a hug. "It's a pleasure to meet you Sabrina. Zig talks about you all the time." "I'm sure she does," she replied. Sabrina could see Zig Zag pleading over James' shoulder. She was muting ‘Don't tell him!!' with her mouth and begging with her hands flat together. "Isn't my Ziggy something?" asked James with a proud smile. "Sure is. Loyal, loving and dignified. What a girl!" Zig was glaring as Sabrina restrained her giggles. "I have the best news to tell you Zig! I have booked us some seats at the Royal theatre for tonight to see the new stage show. What was it called again...oh yes, ‘Dogs', that was it. Want to join me?" She flung her arms around him with excitement, "I'D LOVE TO!!!" A knock on the door broke up the conversation, "Zig Zag? Are you in there?!?" Zig knew that voice anywhere. The voice that screamed and cried her name; telling her to bark like a bitch. Mia. She began to panic as she looked about the room for a space to hid James. "James! That's a new employee who would be nervous if you were here! You need to leave!" Although a bit puzzled, he did as she said, "Fine I'll leave." "NO! Not through the door! She'll get really embarrassed; you need to hid..." she spotted the stationary closet in the corner, "The closet!" "The closet?!!?" cried James. "Go, go, go!!!" She shunted him to the corner and into the closet as the door slowly opened to reveal the jovial tiger Mia on the other side, "There's my little skunk!" She grabbed Zig and backed her into the desk, "Give us some sugar you!" Zig giggled as the two shared a deep embrace. James slowly started to open the closet door only for Sabrina to rush over and hold it closed. His quiet moans inside were muffled through Sabrina coughing. "Damn filing," she explained with a fake smile. Mia ignored the skunkette as her hand found it's way into Zig Zag's panties. Her thin and lustrous fingers explored her slit, rubbing at her sensitive walls and clit. "Guess what? One of my ex's has given me some tickets to a show tonight. ‘Dogs' or something. You'll love it." Before Zig could complain, Mia stuck her tongue in her mouth with a moist embrace. She flirtatiously pulled away and made her way out of the door holding her cum cover in hand in plain view. "See you tonight my little skunk. I'll keep this as a snack ‘til then!" Sabrina moved from the cupboard as James collapsed onto the floor. Zig rushed to his side and helped him up. He gasped for air as he brushed himself down. "James! I'm so sorry are you okay?" He dusted himself off and pulled himself from the floor with heavy breath, "Yeah. It's dusty in there. Well I'll see you tonight then..." Before Zig Zag could protest he pecked her on the cheek and strolled out. Sabrina just looked over at Zig Zag and saw the look of anxiety on her face. "This is where it get's you..." she called to her in smug correction. "What am I going to do Sabs?" "Tell one you're not interested..." she implored in an almost simplistic tone.

The city was alight with spotlights and crowds with amassing outside the theatre. The night sky was on fire with the crowds slowly churning into the theatre. The birds high above soared home in hope of escaping the bracing night air as the street lights beamed warmth against the on coming darkness. James' car pulled up and he got out in his dark suit, white shirt and matching tie. He rushed to the other side of the car to open the door for Zig Zag. She wore a long, elegant evening gown of dark violet colour and a shine finish. She made her thick make-up on and long gloves finished with high heels. "You look so beautiful tonight." She began to blush as he tenderly kissed her hand and led her into the theatre. She held onto his arm as they entered the packed theatre house. The theatre itself was breath-taking with the borders of the wall in sparkling gold. The crimson walls and high candelabras of diamond made the scene affluent. The large stage was veiled with a large silk curtain as the band began to whistle and tune their instruments for the approaching performance. The two found their seats in the front row as Zig Zag suddenly held her stomach. "Are you alright love?" asked James, concerned. "Yeah...a bit of a stomach ache. I'm going to the toilet quickly." Moving through the door at the side of the hall and closing it behind her she pulled off her evening gown to reveal a shorter dress stopping above the knees in dark black, knees high boots and gloves. She also put on a jet black wig over her white hair. Making her way to the other side of the theatre and up the stairs she opened the door to one of the box balconies. Inside was a skimpily dressed tiger waiting patiently for her. "I'm so sorry I'm late," she apologized, "I was stuck in traffic." "No problem," smiled Mia pleasantly, "You haven't missed much." Zig took a seat beside the tiger as Mia was caught unaware by Zig's appearance. "What's with the hair?" she questioned. "I...erm, thought that it would look nice... Do you like it?" Mia leaned over and playfully nibbled on Zig's neck and stroked her new dark locks in a mischievous manner making Zig Zag giggle, "Hey! Hahaha quit it!" "Why did you think I got a box?" "Don't you want to watch the show?" "I'd rather watch you!" she teased. The production was about to start and Zig didn't want to miss the start without James. She could see him looking back, fretful of her absence. She had to get back to him. "Mia, get yourself ready and I'll grab some water. I'll be back." "Go on then you sexy skunk, I'll be waiting!" Mia gave her a wink companioned with a slap on the arse as Zig rushed down stairs and changed back quickly, stuffing the wig in her bag. "Sorry about that! Did I miss anything?" James held her hand affectionately, "Nah. You're just in time!" Zig perched her head on his shoulder as the heavy curtain lifted up. The production was soon in full swing with the band playing and the actors singing. Although not a theatre fan, even Zig Zag was enjoying it. The dancing; the singing; the glamour! She knew how to act (even though a lot of the time it wasn't necessary) but this was something else. James leaned over and whispered, "Just look at how they express their emotions in their swing and step. Singing and dancing like that must be so difficult. See how the alpha male shows his authority by his strong actions and deep voice. It's amazing." "I know what you mean. They dance as good as fe...lines..." Shit! Zig Zag had forgot the time. It had been half and hour by Zig's watch as she began to panic about Mia. Again she held her stomach in pain to indicated she needed to leave. "James it's playing up again! I'll be right back." "Don't be gone long," he replied, "We can leave if you like." "No, no I'll be fine. Just need a quick break." Rushing up the stairs and back to Mia she found her leaning right on the balcony edge; enamoured by the actors on the stage. "Sorry I was gone so long..." she began apologetically. "Ssshhh this is a good bit!" interrupted Mia as she signalled her to draw near and see what was going on. Zig joined her and overlooked the stage where she saw James sitting tolerantly in the front. "The alpha was my ex," she pointed to the large canine on stage in the front, "I love the sway of his hips. The power thrust of his waist and the toned muscles of his body. He could ride me from her to the fucking moon and then some! A bit of a jerk though. His deep embrace and his equipment! God it was like sitting on a fence post!!" Zig only stared at her amber cohort in bewilderment; wondering at the same time if she ever thought about anything apart from sex. Mia returned her specialized interests back to Zig in wonder of her absence. "Weren't you getting some water?" Zig panicked and as she struggled to come up with an answer. "The bar...was closed! Yeah, I got there too late." "Oh well." Mia peered back at the stage before turning back to Zig, "Well my ex is off which means the rest of the play will be boring." "Did you just come here to watch your ex?" "That and you." Mia gave her a playful smile before tackling her to the carpet. Her hands delved bellow her dress and bra to play with hew nipples as her tongue dived down the skunkette‘s mouth. Only their faint moans and chatting could be heard bellow. "Mia what are you doing?" "What do you think I'm doing? I'm not eating you through that dress!" "Well don't rip it, it wasn't chea...AH!!" "Ssshhh we'll get caught!" "Well if you get your tongue out of.....ah...never mind..." "You think that's good?" "GEEZUS! WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!!!" "It's....YOURS!!!!!!" "WHOA!!! TOO......BIG!!!!" The people bellow began to wonder at what was transpiring above them. The bumps and bangs of the balcony above them sounded as if a fight was going on. Time passed and soon Mia had finished. She glared quickly at her watch and grabbed her bag, "Crap, Zig I gotta go! Call me later and we'll finish this in the sack, ‘kay?" Zig only nodded, still deep in ecstasy. After preparing herself and changing her clothes she rejoined James in the front row. "I took some medicine. I'll be fine now." James stared confused at her as she began to wonder what had happened. "What? Is there something on my face?" "Did...did you dye your hair?!?" Zig noticed she was still wearing her black wig before she whipped it off and stuffed it into her bag. "Oh that's my...head warmer. I had to go outside for some fresh air and it's quite cold." James peered at her in mystification as Zig's guilt began to build. The silence became quite awkward and Zig was about to confess before James gave her a palpable smile. "You are a nutter some times!" He swathed his arm around her shoulder and pulled her close as he chuckled at her antics. Zig secretly wiped the sweat from her brow in relief as she rested her head on his shoulders.

Zig soon finished her story and Sabrina sat with her face cemented in her hands, completely exasperated with her polygamous friend. "You went with both of them..." she stated, muffled through her hands. "I'm not proud of it Sabrina." She lifted her head from her hands, "Well you're not that bothered are you? These are living, breathing people that truly love you. You must sacrifice one for another. A relationship has two people in it not three; you must restrict yourself to one." Zig Zag knew she was right. She couldn't share love between the two and she couldn't betray the both of them anymore. Soon her mobile rang and Zig Zag answered it in a sulk, "Ziggy here." "Hello my cute little skunk!" cried the excited voice on the other end, "Guess who." Although not thrilled, Zig Zag faked her cheerfulness, "Oh hi Mia! How are you?" "Fine thanks. Listen, Zig, I have something you need to see! Can you meet me at the Arling Shopping centre in the business district?" "Yeah I'll be there in ten minutes." Zig Zag ended the call to see Sabrina holding a troubled expression. "Don't do this Zig." "I know what I need to do now." Leaving Sabrina with her conscience, Zig left the office.

Zig Zag entered the large shopping centre. The light, white interior and fake ivy on the pillars made it stereotypical. The place was packed with busy shoppers and families on their day out. Carts selling various arrays of products patrolled the corridors and the familiar smell of roasted nuts filled the air. In the middle laid a tall fountain where Zig Zag meet Mia. "Zig!" she waved her closer, "Nice to see ya! Look what I found!!" Mia pulled a large dildo out of her shopping bag. It had carefully cut groves and bumps around the shaft with a purple colour and vibration control on the base. "Cool huh? One for the collection!" Shelia, Pussy and Darke had appeared to greet the pair. "Hey Zig!" began Shelia with a smirk, "You going out with the new girl? I thought you were with..." Zig quickly placed her finger on her lips to shush the noisy vixen. Luckily Mia didn't hear her. "Hi girls! Me and Zig are here to do some shopping. What are you guys doing?" "Getting some new clothes for Darke," giggled Pussy. "Fuck off," snarled the jet black feline, "This wasn't my idea..." A sudden pat on the shoulder grabbed Zig Zag's attention. It was James. "Hi Zig! I was looking for you. I have something for you." James produced a velvet lined box with golden lettering embroiled opulently on the cover. Inside was a silver necklace containing jewels and gems of different colours. The message ‘A New Love' was carved onto a plate in the middle. Tears filled Zig's eyes as Mia peered over her shoulder to see what was going on. Seeing the tiger becoming ever suspicious of James and Zig Zag, Shelia decided to intervene. "Er why thank you love!" cried Shelia quickly as she grabbed James' arm, "I love it. Thanks for showing my friend Zig Zag now let's go!" Zig grabbed Shelia and softly pulled her away, "No's okay." Mia became vexed, "Zig...what's going on?" She took a deep breath and sat on the edge of the fountain as the five gathered around her. She held her head in thought. This was the only chance she got of true love and she was about to throw it away. She could not keep both. Sabrina's words circled in her confused and cluttered head. Two people for a relationship. "Are you," gulped James, "Seeing her as well." Zig pulled her head up showing the tears streaming down her face. She could see the concerned anger growing in Mia's face and the crushing betrayal forming over James. It was killing her as her heart wept. "I never meant for any of this to happen," she implored, "I really didn't want to hurt either of you. Never in my life have I been loved. My parents never loved me. I've never had a mate. This was my chance and I found two people who were perfect." She stood up and pulled the two close, looking at each in turn, "I love the both of you. Mia; I love the life you have and how I can experience sexual pleasure with you in comfort and care. James; I love your strong heart and loving embrace that can keep me warm on the harshest of nights. I want to choose you both but I can't. Therefore I choose neither." She rubbed her raw eyes and brushed the hair from her face. "There's two people to a relationship. I can't pick one." She kissed each one for a final time and gave her apologizes, "I'm sorry for any pain I've caused." She rushed from the scene with Shelia and the gang on her heels. James held his velvet box in heart ache. He felt used; a part of a game. Mia also felt quite angry. She was sick of giving her heart to others and receiving only pain back. The two stood in each other's presence for a while as ignorant shoppers continued on their way.

Sabrina knocked solemnly on the door and let herself in with a tray in her hands. Zig sat at the desk with her dry eyes and her head laid on her arms. "Done crying?" She gave a sigh, "I guess. I just broke their hearts." "Time heals all wounds." She placed the steaming cup of tea in front of the skunk as she gave a simple sip, "And I cup of tea eh?" The two gave a weak giggle as Sabrina took a deep swig from her mug. Zig looked at her as she pulled her head up from the table. "You called James..." Sabrina placed the cup down and leaned back in the chair in anticipation of Zig‘s anger, "Are you mad?" "More of relief actually. He needed to know..." She took another careful sip of her tea as she starred to a extraneous point over the rim of the mug. She was locked in deep thought of what could have been and, although the thoughts were comforting, they seemed so distant now... "I loved them both," she said, reserved in her tone, "With all my heart I loved them." "I have faith in you Zig. You're a good person and some one will be proud to be your mate. That person will appear some day." Again, Zig Zag remained aloof at Sabrina's words, "Yeah...I know..."

After the break-up, Mia and James began to connect with each other. It seemed Mia's lack of care and James lack of...eroticism fuelled their desire for one another and the two became a happy couple. Zig would routinely join the two for lunch or dinner with Shelia or Sabrina; their fondness giving her faith in her own quest for a mate and warming her heart to the idea. Not one thought of jealous crossed Zig's mind and her uncommon attacks of depression and rage had all but disappeared. Zig Zag didn't mind watching from the sidelines; she had experienced love giving her a boost in her short patience and something to look forward too. In time good will come to those who deserve it. Zig Zag would be no exception. Each night Zig would return to bed alone. She would stare at the open spread of blanket and sheets in front of her. A double bed is a lonely place. Zig could feel the embrace of her partner; their soft, steadfast arms shielding her from the relentless cold. Their breath on the back of her neck bringing her comfort from the day's troubles. Their virtuous voice bringing peace to her fiery heart. Someone who would make love to her physically and support her emotional afterwards. This time, Zig dare not open her eyes and destroy the sensation. With only her self belief driving her forward (and no mental condition to speak of) Zig Zag would make this a routine. Just a little incentive to awake in the morning. Her mate was out there. She knew it. Somewhere... (((Thank you for all your support FA and YS. I have tried my hardest with this story and it has taken a while but I hope it is a valid addition to the rest. I must thank Max Blackrabbit and Eric Schwartz for giving me permission to use their characters and the whole project really! A thanks must go out to the other writers for their contributions to the project which I believe will be (or are) masterpieces. And a thanks to all my friends of FA, YS and you for reading. Please vote, fav, comment, complain, e-mail, write, etc... Zig Zag and Pussy Noir are under copyright ï" of Max Blackrabbit. Sabrina, Shelia Vixen and Darke Katt are under copyright ï" of Eric W. Schwartz. Mia Amelia Roan and James Brume are under copyright ï" of me, SPAMZZKRR. Thanks again everyone!!!)))