Heated Exchange

Story by Sights-Set117 on SoFurry

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It's been a while since I've written anything, but I wanted to get my groove back, so I wrote a short quickie to warm up, hope you all enjoy it.

"Try not to burn the house down while we're gone."

"Mom," Jonas replied sourly, "I was seven years old, how the hell was I supposed to know that wasn't how you made tacos?"

"I know, it's a cute story though, and besides, you're seventeen now, how can I be sure you wont make a bigger fire?"

Jonas groaned and waved a hand at her, "just leave."

His mother said her parting love-words and pirouetted toward the door. Jonas groaned in relief as his mother finally slammed the door behind her â€"it never closed unless you used some force- and smiled as he heard the deep thud of her Explorer's door closing. Headlights filtered through the slats of the living room picture window, the Ford revved lightly, and Jonas' mother was gone. Mika, the family's husky-collie cross looked into space as Jonas dug his fingers into her soft ruff. Jonas had to stay home, his mother and sister were going to some slutty girl's party- and Mika was in heat. Jonas couldn't be trusted around slutty drunk girls, and Mika couldn't be allowed near the back door without an armed guard.

It wasn't technically his fault girls liked him when they were hammered- girls liked everyone when they were drunk. Though â€"according to his mother- it was indeed his fault for sleeping with her former boss' daughter. It was single-handedly Jonas' fault that his mother was fired, they had to move to the country to find another job, and were now separate from the world they had grown up with. He was reminded of this every time he did something wrong, from dropping a waffle on the floor to leaving the door unlocked when he went to a friend's house. The conversation always came back to: if you hadn't slept with Christine and broke her heart, we'd still have our nice house, and I'd have my job...blah blah blah blah! He had snapped at his mother more than once for it, but it never made a difference.

Mika laid her head in his lap, whining at him as her sweet brown eyes begged him to let her out. Jonas shook his head at her, and she looked down, understanding there was no way he would let himself get blamed for allowing her to get pregnant. She wanted something in her so badly, her entire body ached with desire- if only he understood, if he felt her heat, how painful it was to be without something you want so badly- then he'd let her go.

Jonas sniffed the air- Mika's musk was becoming overpowering to the point of actually forcing him to breathe through his mouth. It wasn't a bad scent- just so strong that it was almost suffocating- and though he refused to even think the thought, it was redirecting his blood from his mind to his crotch. He set his arm across his lap, crushing the bulge in his jeans down, while pretending it was to massage Mika's sides.

Mika was a mind reader, she must have been, because the second his arm came down to press down the bulge, she shoved it out of the way with her nose, and nuzzled the warm, musky lump. Jonas oohed and aahed, but kept his desires in check, her touch was nothing- just a curious mutt in heat. He felt blasts of breath penetrate the thick denim of his jeans, making his hard-on all the more potent and aching. Mika kept it up for several minutes, huffing, smelling, prodding, and then she looked up at him. Jonas looked into her eyes, and she moaned, warmly- soothingly- lustfully. Jonas started, he had never heard her moan with such a human voice, and the sound of a thousand pleas for him filled his mind.

Mika moaned again, those sweet brown eyes that got her picked when she was a puppy were now burning with fiery desire. Jonas could hardly say no- an animal within the throes of feral lust would hardly understand the meaning of no. But he couldn't mate an animal- a pet no less. Not Mika- his sweetie, the one who curled around him when he slept, licked his face every time he came home, and sat with him on the couch for five years. Could he roll her on her back, smooth her plush white belly fur down, and- fulfill her- desire? As many times as he said no, he found himself undoing his pants.

No...no! He could only think the words. If he opened his mouth, only a low growl escaped his lips, and Mika would fill his mouth with her tongue soon after. With his pants out of the way, Mika nuzzled his crotch with the side of her muzzle, and the lump grew even more under his briefs. Jonas could only plead for her to stop- his better sense begged her to listen, but the rest of his body wanted her to ignore him. His hand found Mika's belly, rubbing along its trim lines down to her thighs, and found the swelled mound of soft flesh that so desperately needed attention. Mika yipped and bucked forward as he slipped a finger into her, the tight muscles pulling him in deeper and clenching him tightly enough to make the joints in his finger ache.

The sensible part of his mind dissolved as he felt her body clench at his lone finger, and soon the thoughts turned to just how good it would feel, what position would be the best, how long he could last, and other curiosities that burned in his mind. He pushed down his briefs, along with Mika's help, and his mental slate was wiped clean by the sudden rush of bliss brought on by her warm tongue.

Mika slurped at his shaft happily, not even needing the enticement of honey or peanut butter -like others did- to make her licks as long and passionate as a dog could understand. She knew it made him feel good, and that it was a very interesting new scent and taste, one she liked. That was all she needed to know- that- and the knowledge that pleasuring him now would only mean he'd work that much harder to please her. Jonas cried out, the waves of bliss becoming too much for his body to handle; he pulled her head away pushed his hand into her ribs.

Mika immediately knew what he wanted; her legs folded beneath her and she rolled onto her back, hind legs spread wide. Jonas moved so he was above her, and looked into her eyes. She huffed at him, curling her lower-body up towards him, and kicking her feet in excitement. Jonas sighed, leaning forward and kissing her nose, then her neck as she tilted her head out of the way, then her heaving chest, rib-by-rib, her firm belly, and at last the tight space that sparkled with lubrication and oozed the scent that fuelled his desire.

He was already way too far into this to give up now, why not go all the way? Mika howled as his tongue slid into her, tasting the source of this hauntingly delicious scent that drove his desires wild. Her legs trembled and kicked at the air as he dove deep into the swelled pink flesh, tasting every inch he could reach, and teasing all he couldn't. She moaned, howled, murred, and bucked with each lick, she wanted it and more; more than anything- more than the delicious-looking morsel of steak they had for supper last night, more than heaven for eternity. Mika would have given it up for this- for this never to stop. She wished Jonas could understand.

Jonas did. He felt her want, and had no intention of denying her pleasure now. He gripped her waist, just above her legs, and cupped his mouth over her crotch, sucking, licking, and pleasing. If he kept it up for too long, her taste, her moans, just the combination of pleasure would make him cum. He couldn't let her down like that- all this just to never satisfy her lust? No, he was going to finish her. As much as he knew she wouldn't want him to stop, he had to give her every inch before he lost his body to orgasm. Mika whimpered as his tongue came free from the convulsing insides, begging him to return. He shut out her lustful purrs and begging eyes, instead looking down at his shaft- not quite as long as a big dogs- but thicker, unless you counted the knot. Nothing special- average length, slightly large girth for a young man his size, and quivering with the unquenchable desire for his pet.

The pair howled in unison as Jonas slipped his shaft up against the soft pink flesh that encouraged him to enter. He had barely gotten to touch her, and it already felt right. So very right that even if the better part of his mind hadn't dissolved long before, it would've wholly agreed to grab the dog's waist, and pound her senseless.

Mika bucked happily as he seized her waist, pulling her closer. He leaned over her, guided the tip of his shaft to the warm pink flesh, and bucked once, sinking himself into her depths in one quick stroke. She was tight, to be sure, but so wet that he could likely have slid his whole hand into her without much resistance. Her muscles clenched, and released. Again and again they pulsated around his length, pulling, massaging, and sucking at it. Jonas didn't move- he didn't think he could without losing control over his body.

He leaned closer, pushing his hips forward and hilting himself in her. Not quite enough yet- he pushed harder, flattening the flesh of her crotch against the bone underneath and getting him even deeper. A soft set of lips kissed the tip of his shaft- her cervix, the passageway into where her puppies would grow if â€"by some miracle- her body accepted his seed. Jonas gritted his teeth and pulled back, then slammed forward again, his shaft hitting her cervix just before it was at its end, pressing the tender flesh apart, and making Mika moan and howl.

Could a dog feel pleasure? Jonas wondered- or was this the natural reaction to being filled, have her need sated, and being allowed to procreate? Perhaps it was both, one could never be sure. Sex was supposed to be fun, humans would have died out long ago if it wasn't. But animals had heat cycles, meaning there was a need for it. Why would they need a cycle if it was fun to do?

Jonas kept thinking, it distracted him from Mika's lustful moans, and the feeling of her insides clutching at his length like greedy hands on a precious treasure. He somehow managed to stave off his orgasm for several minutes just thinking about science- questions about life- cars-...whatever struck him. Finally, on his last buck for that night, his arms slipped out from under him, and he collapsed onto Mika's chest. The dog howled as she felt his shaft burst inside her, pumping his seed past the moist, slippery walls that still clutched at his length, and gushing directly into her cervix.

Jonas moaned as his seed escaped him, taking his last shreds of energy with it as the thick cream swelled Mika's belly. She murred happily, her desire to be filled satisfied and her heat waning slowly. Jonas grunted, and rocked his hips back, sliding out of her, and laying across her chest. His arms wrapped around her back, squeezing her furred body against his skin, and they breathed together. Both chests heaved in unison, pressing against each other as their bodies calmed.

"I love you Mika." Jonas whispered into her ear. It meant little to her- she was a house pet, but it made him feel better. He almost felt her warm to him and her heart beat faster at the words when he expressed the first words his heart told him to say.

He loved her. Those were the words she had waited for all her life. Of course he loved her, but he had never said it like that and meant it. Every day she had lain with him, curled up next to him, kissed him, he had told her he loved her- but for once in his life, he meant the words on a whole new level. She wished she could bear his offspring- wished that they could be together longer than this night. It was a sin, among her own people and his, but it didn't matter. He loved her, and that was all anyone could ask for.

Jonas sat up, looking into those sweet eyes, and noticing a sparkle that had stayed hidden until now. Maybe...if Mika was ever in the mood again, just maybe, he'd do it again. Jonas smiled down at her, and she bared her teeth back at him â€"her own smile- after all, he'd do anything for someone he loved.