"Were" Does A Guy Go From Here?

Story by StGeorgesHorse on SoFurry

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#10 of The Moonrise Chronicles


Maggie here again. You have no idea how great it was to find someone who was

like me. Sure she was older. Father thought she was hot, and I have to admit

that I found her strangely appealing. I was in no way into girls, but she had

an animal magnetism that pulled me in. I was jealous of her getting it on with

my father so quickly, not because he was my protector, but because he too was

my lover. The fuss those two created in the hotel was unbelievable. I hope that

I show more restraint when I'm her age.


course, that sobered me up. When I was her age, father would be old and likely

dead.  Verona wasn't in her mid twenties

as father believed, but somewhere close to her mid forties. She told me, that

in true werewolf years, I was around five or six. She found it hard to believe

that I already had such an active sex life. She didn't exactly reprimand me,

but she found my actions well beyond my years. She said it was another little

mystery to solve. Apparently she liked mysteries. 


can I say? I'm precocious. My first sex was when I was wandering loose after my

mother's death. I was completely disassociated from reality. Some guy came out

of nowhere and molested me. That was all it took for the survival instinct to

kick in. I reverted to my feral form and killed him, but not before the deed

was done. Before it happened, it was so taboo about losing your virginity. It

turns out it was no big deal. I found it a bit of a turn on. After that, it

came easy.  I looked like prey, but I was

a predator in camouflage.


had a far different upbringing. Her parents were still alive, and they were

both full blooded werewolves. She was very saddened to hear the tale of my

mother and father. At least she seemed sincere.


poor darling! What a terrible thing to witness!"


over it. Maybe that makes me cold hearted, but what is done is done. I can't go

back and change it."


you're right. But it still makes me sad."


what of you? Tell me about your parents. And when did you first become aware of

your nature."

                "It was

a long time ago.  My parents hid their

background from me for a long time. You see, the werewolf gene is latent until

puberty. That's what makes you a little unusual. I guess you're an early

bloomer.  Anyway, you grow up normally

until the change. After that, things can get a little dicey."


I asked.


aging slows down. So for the rest of your schooling, you may seem to be stuck

in whatever age you were when you changed. What about you?"


about me? Oh, you mean school. Well, the change wasn't that long ago, and

father home schools me now. So I doubt anyone will ever pay attention."


count on it. The smaller the town, the more people get into each other's

business. A big place like New York City offers a lot of cover in the sheer

number of people. I've been here a long time, and no one has caught on yet. "


do you do for a living, if I might ask?"


else? I'm a model. I do my best to keep from getting top paying positions,

because that would put me in the spotlight. But I've been doing it for a couple

of decades now."

                My eyes

got big. "Nuh uh!"


just smiled. "We'll go over to my place when your father has recovered and I'll

prove it to you."


about father. Why did you bite him? I did it during sex, but you did it

afterwards. Why?"


smiled. "I may be wrong, but I doubt it. You know how you were looking for

information on our kind? Did you ever come across your father's mother's maiden

name in your searches?"


didn't know it to look it up. And why would I look up his family? I want to

know more about mine!"


but things are rarely what they seem. And sometimes you have to find things out



Yes I know. Father said that. That's how we ended up here."


father, even if he isn't really your father, has some remarkable insight. Can I

borrow your laptop?"


shoved it over to her. She clicked away like a touch typist. I was waiting for

the keys to fly off. When she was done, she turned it so that I could see the

screen. "This is Ancestry. All sorts of genealogical records. Here are his

grandparents. See where they lived?"

                I had

to keep from crying out in dismay. "Wolf River?"


of funny, isn't it? Now, look here. This is the immigration record from when

they came over.  His grandfather was a

Rougarou, from the south of France."


that's how you spell it? I don't know French."


that isn't his real name."

                "How do

you know?"


turned the laptop around, clicked it a few times and turned it back. There on

the screen was the name, only it wasn't a name. Not a person name. It was a

descriptive name for what the old French called a werewolf. There was also

another term; loup garou . They were seemingly interchangeable.


don't get it. Are you saying his grandparents were werewolves?"


darling, like calls to like. How many homes did you settle into before you

found him?"

                "A lot,

but he found me."

                "Did he

now? Very curious. We'll have to see then what comes of this."




nothing dear. I think it might be as soon as tonight. I don't have that much

experience with my kind. It's so hard to find a real werewolf online you know.

There are plenty of wannabes, and there are sites devoted to furries,  stupid movies and television shows. I must

say though. I think a few of those Hollywood effects guys might be the real

thing. They do seem to spoil the transformation effect by overdoing it, like

our morphing isn't fantastic enough."


changed into my cutest wolf girl form, the one father liked so much. Verona

groaned. "Good God, you look like a Japanese cartoon girl!" I even enlarged my


                "I can

see where your wiles would be hard to ignore!" She said laughing. "I would

never have been allowed to step outside of the boundaries set by my parents.

Discovery would mean death. And speaking of death, how were your father's parents

killed? It's not so easy to kill a werewolf."


groggy voice called out from the doorway to the bedroom. "I never said they

were dead."

                We both

turned. "I'm sorry dear. I thought you were still asleep." That was Verona


                "I was.

I was having the worse dreams ever. I guess they woke me up."

                "Um, so

where are your parents then if they're not dead?"


haven't a clue. The old homestead caught fire a number of years ago. It was put

down to arson. But while the place was reduced to cinders, no remains were ever

found within. And what did I hear about werewolves?" He was shaking his head to

clear it.


much. I was showing Maggie how to have more productive searches on the internet

" She clicked a button and the screens went down.


stretched, and I could see the jagged scar break open and bleed. He didn't seem

to notice the blood tricking down his chest. But for some reason it made my

heart jump. I began salivating. Apparently it was affecting Verona, because she

put a hand on my leg. "Down girl. There will be time later."


her hand was making me hot. I got up and ran into the bathroom. I took one of

Verona's toys with me. She had gone to her apartment after the clothing arrived

and came back with enough stuff to stay a week. I borrowed the odd looking one

with the bulge on the lower end. I'll leave the rest to your imagination. Fuck

you if I'm telling you everything I do.


meanwhile sat down with Verona. I could hear them because I left the door

cracked and I put on my wolf ears.


you're good! I thought Maggie was a beast, but you, you drove me right out of

my mind. And the dreams I've been having." He shuddered a little. "Never before

would I have thought that killing could get me off. Now, I have dreams of doing

the most horrible things. But the worst part is, I..."


the idea of it?"

                I knew

he was staring at her. "Yeah. What's happening to me?"


moved closer. "Get close and put your nose right against me. What do you


                I could

hear him inhaling deeply. "I don't know. Earlier there seemed to be all sorts

of things in the air; spice, musk, sweat, a few things a little more primal.

Now, you smell like a normal female."

                She must

have changed somehow. "Now?"


couldn't see him of course, and I was a little distracted, but his tone of

voice change. "That's it!"

                "I can

suppress my odor. Your daughter picked up my scent at the park because I got

careless. A dog can detect it, but most dogs will shy away from following it.

What you smell is a mixture of hormones and pheromones that allows one werewolf

to find another."

                "So you

suppress it to keep humans from finding you?"


can't smell it Edward."

                "But I




                I heard

a thud and came running out, the toy still stuck inside me. "What the hell did

you do to him?"


dearie. He just got an earful and didn't know what to do with it." She looked

at me. "And it's very unbecoming to run around the suite with a dildo hanging

out of your crotch. Go to your room and play there. I'll see to your father."

                I about

pulled out the stops on her. But I realized that she was probably right. I

could hear him breathing; a slow sonorous snore that indicated that he was

fine, just dead out. After all he had been doing, he deserved a few more hours

of sleep. I watched as she picked him up and carried him into the main bedroom.

"Go!" She ordered. "I'll stay right by him. When you're done, you can come in

too. I'll not keep you away, but you need to learn some manners."

                I would

have complained, but I really needed to scratch that itch. And her toy was

designed perfectly for it. I went to my room, and didn't come out again until I

let out a prolonged howl. Life was good!

                It was

hours later when he awoke. He looked terrible, but some coffee and some food

improved his appearance in no time.


long was I out?"


pointed to the clock. "Most of the day. Do you remember any of our conversation

from earlier?"


not sure. I can't seem to keep things straight in my head. I seem to remember

you insinuating that I was a werewolf too. But I know I'm not."


you can smell my scent. True, you have to be close, but you can smell it."

                "But I

don't smell the same thing on Maggie!" he protested.

                 "Of course not. She's too young. While she

might have undergone a change, it wasn't a complete change. She is unusual, or

maybe I am. It's not like I get a chance to study my own kind. We spread

ourselves far and wide. Often, we suffer through a normal human style life just

to survive. That's why I'm living here. It's the best of both worlds! Food to

eat and faces to hide amongst. "


was feeling giddy. "And a lovely face it is. But if I'm a werewolf, which I

don't believe, then why hasn't anything happened to me before now?"


you're male."

                "Yes ,

the last time I checked that was true. But what difference does that make?"


sighed. "That get's to be a little involved. How much do you know about


                "Uh. I

don't know. If you mean things like blue eyes versus brown eyes, and stuff like

that, a little. Enough I'd say."


you have the basics. But just like brown or blue eyes, some people have green

eyes, or gray eyes. So there are gradients. Ears too. Look at the different

lobes. And hair colors. There isn't a set palate for what adorns the top of

your head. Not two people are alike, unless they are cut from the same mold.

Werewolves are the same. You can't lump us in a group and call it done.


Fair enough."


mother's maiden name was not really Rougarou. I can't say for certain what it

really was, but I already explained why to Maggie."


I cried. "It's a French term for werewolf! So your grandparents hid their real

name, but kept what they were hidden out in the open."


don't get it. Why?"


don't know," Verona said. "I'm sure they had their reasons. Now what about your

parents? What happened to them do you think?"

                I could

tell he was uncomfortable talking about it. "Well, like I said, their bodies

were never found. Everything of value, including family photos and such went up

in flames with the house. If they weren't home, then why did they never show

up, living or dead? I never heard a word from them again."


smiled. "Another mystery. But mysteries can be solved."

                "OK smart

girl, then tell me this. If my family is descended from werewolves, why am I


                "No one

has said that you are. Well, except for you. And what do you know?"


sighed. "Then why, up to this moment of my life, have I never, ever experienced

any sort of transformation?"


is, indeed, the question. By all rights, you should have turned into a terror

in your teens."

                "I was

a terror in my teens! No one wanted to get into a car with me when I was



you never drank?"


tried it once. Made me sick."

                "It's a

werewolf thing. Alcohol isn't poisonous to us, but we tend to be put off by it.

You get more drunk from it, and you feel like shit. So consider your early

experience to be a blessing."


still hasn't told me anything. A lot of people react badly to alcohol."


they aren't all werewolves."

                He was

getting upset. "Fine! If I'm a werewolf, how do I change?"


supposed to come naturally to you. Sort of like acne for human teens. It's just

happens. As for your parents, I can't say. Maybe they were afraid for you. We

do have people that still hunt us down today."

                "So why

then have I never changed? And why didn't my parents ever say anything?"

                "I wish

I had an answer. But if I were to guess, you never had the right shock to your



what would shock it now?" Then he stopped. He shook his head. "You don't mean..."

He was rubbing his fresh bite.

                "Yes I

do mean. The bite transfers saliva, which has the active antibodies in it. They

would simply disperse in a normal human, but in someone with werewolf genetics,

they might, and I say might, be enough to catalyze a change."

                "So why

aren't I changing?"


growled a little. "These things can take time. I have never tried this before.

Any time I sink my teeth into someone it's normally for a meal. So you'll have

to wait. What's the worst that can happen? You stay as you are."


would be the best thing, wouldn't it?"


guess that will be up to you. So for now we wait." In the mean time, I think we

should plan for a late outing tonight in Central Park. It's a fascinating oasis

in the middle of the biggest larder I've ever seen. And the moon isn't quite

full, but I think it'll be enough to tip the scales. Are you up for it?"

                What choice

did I have? At this point, I might as well know where I stood; on my own two

feet or on two clawed feet. Besides, for some reason, I just couldn't tell her
