Just My Life Part 2

Story by KerstinCabbit on SoFurry

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#2 of Just My Life

*This is an adult story if you are not 18(21 in some evil places) I must ask you close this now (ya I know not going to happen but my ass is covered) send comments or flames to

[email protected] don't hold back now I'm in to that lol*

Few story tweeks for easyer reading and some changes to storyline and conceptsmostly to fix problems i had in chap 4 wihc will be completly rewriten soon*

M/M, Authority, Cuffs, Rape, Anal, Cheetah, Feline-Rabbit-hybrid, Humiliation

Just My Life part 2

It had been three days, my mind had somewhat cleared. Mind you, I was still confused, I remember waking up one night and looking around, it was after one of there all day orgies. Slinking my way to the bath room, to week and sore to lift my tail off the ground, I had forgotten what I was that night what had happened. I walked all the way to the bath without so much as a sound and flicked on the light, instantly blinded, I fell to the tile floor.

I sat there for a few hours looking at the mirror, dazed at what I saw gazing back at me. Was that me? This was the first time id ever been this aware, this hear and now if that makes sense, maybe it doesn't I don't know. Standing up slowly I looked over my new self. I'm still 5'9" I had lost weight but I really don't know how much. The runner's definition I worked so hard to build had smoothed and blurred below my new fur. Its light brown kind of like the color of them cute stuffed bears. My chest and paws are tan, there's a tuff of it at the end of my new tail. Never really measured it but I say its abbot a meter long, iv found all sorts of uses for it but back then I was fascinated by just watching it swish back and forth. I'd gone over every part of my body, finding out all sorts of thing's I had not know about my new self. Its funny took me like five minuets to figure out how to tack a piss what with the sheath and all. I was not very well behaved that day well at least that's what Kiely said. I think I was turning back in to who I was, who I am, Karsten was being reborn.

Mark and Stew had been set on having some fun with me, well fun for them any way. I on the other hand wanted nothing to do with any of this anymore, should never have said it to them I can tell you that. They beat me zip-tied me to a radiator and ya they had there fun Kiely just laughed. Then leaned over me when they had finished, she ran her finger from my naval up to my chin sending a shiver up my spine. She smirked at me as she kicked me hard in the ribs. You know that would have most likely been the last time I lashed back if they hadn't come that night. Maybe it was a raid, I don't know and truthfully, I don't care, for the first time I thought I would be free. It was dark when they came; I wish it were morning would have loved to fell the sun I would later yet still so different. They never took me out of there house, to be honest I think I was afraid to leave.

When they found me, I was curled up as tight as I could be next to the radiator with my paws still zipped. I tried to run forgetting my paws were stuck in that zip-tie noose. I scraped and pulled at the tie, I didn't know who they were for all I had know they were some rival gang come to kill us all, I wanted to live. A lie will just not do I broke down sobbing in a way I never new I could. Panic was destroying me there's no other description. A voice shouted from out side the room "we have two any sign of the third" one from my room shouted back that they had me. They cut me loose and simply threw me back down and clamped there steel cuffs around my already sore wrist.

They placed me in a small room with a table, two chairs, and this mirror. I knew there was some one on the other side I'd watched cop shows before Passion took me. They dropped me in to a chair cuffed my paws to the arms and legs of it. This man walked in, he was dressed in this dusty brown suit. He sat across from me just looked into my eyes, waved his hand at the guard who had dragged me in, to go.

"Now we know who your not, so your ether some addict they been keeping around for only the gods know what or your some way part of this drug ring."

I remember sitting there for a long time sobbing. I was shaking I couldn't stop, all I managed to say was.

"help me"

He shook his head "that's what I thought" and left the room a few moments later the guard came back and took me down to a small cell way in the back of this row of cells. There was a desk set opposite the cells at it was a cheetah recode dressed in the light blue uniform know around the world.

After the guard left, he quietly got up and walked the good twenty yards to the iron door, and with a loud, well loud to me, click echoed to the giant antennas I have for ears now making me jump about ten feet. He was taller then me about 6' 3" muscular build. He looked down at me as if he was stalking prey and I suppose in away he was. "What's your name bunny" I was sitting agents the back wall my long feline tail out of his view I corrected him. "Not a bunny" I swished my tail until it was in his view.

He just smirked at me, I think all I really did instead of putting him off as if I was trying, and I just made him more interested.

"Hears the deal my cute little, what is it cabbit? I'm going to come in there and we're going to have some fun. If you don't resist I won't destroy your chances at a deal. You can trust me on this compared to what I won't to do to your soft body, the people they will lock you up with won't be any were near as genital, deal?"

I wanted to say no but I could not survive being in a cell, and the very idea of being dropped in to a person looking like a cute stuffed toy, well need I explain. I finally had a chance at being free again; nothing would keep me from that, nothing.

I figured if this had to happen then I would at least enjoy it. It's not as if he wasn't hot. He took off his belt and set it down on the desk.

"Now don't go trying any thing silly cutesy. My claws are sharper then they look"

Though about saying so are mine but he had bent over slightly when he put his belt down my eyes locked on to his tight ass I watched as his long tail twitched back and forth. He slid the cell door open walked up close and leaned forward pressing is muzzle to mine. I had been so used to being forced that the then gentleness of it just over took me. My body was numb all my mind could focus was his tongue as it explored my muzzle. He pulled away and I felt as thou my perfect world had been torn away. He smiled at me helped pull of the orange jumper they had dressed me in.

He pushed back onto the bench and slid down to my swollen member witch was just poking out of my sheath. As his muzzle slid over the tip, I tried to remember the last time id felt orgasm at the hands of another. If it had happened with my former masters then I could not remember it. I knew it had been a long time my body begged for relies he sucked harder making me yelp with pleasure. He placed his one paw around the base and used the other to squeeze my sac gently. His rhythm went unchanged even as my climax came and passed forcing me to make every imaginable pleasurable sound my voice could.

"Well weren't you pent up"

A small trickle of my seed dripped from his muzzle. I slipped down to his waist expecting to do the same to him but he lifted me back up to my feet. I looked at him confused.

"I won't to know what cabbit tail is like before I'm to tired"

With his words still in my ears he kissed me again and ran his strong hands over my cheek until I felt a finger press agents my ring. As it slipped in I braced for the pain I was used to but it never came he was so genital.

"you poor thing you've only know pain then, well ill show you what its supposed to be like"

He walked back over to his desk and took a small clear bottle from the top drawer. He put my paws on the wall and told me to spread my legs. I felt the cold liquid be rubbed on my ring then a finger and two. As his tip pressed agents my ring I relaxed it slid in softly and slowly sending pleasure rushing over me my knee's shook as pre dripped from my already reharding member. His rhythmic pumping brought me to a place id never been before I came like a river bursting a dame spilling my seed on the floor like it meant nothing to me.

I could not tell you how long it lasted but I wished it never ended. His hot cream filled me before he pulled out and rubbed his paws about my back and chest.

"Ill tell them your ready to make a deal after you get cleaned up cutie"

A quick slap on my ass was all I need for my third orgasm to over take me. I sat on the floor as the last of my pent up seed oozed free of my member. I watched as he got dressed again and left after relocking my cell and giving me clan cloths.

(ok think that's it for editing this one lol spell cheek causes more typeOs then any thing&behold the dtah of borgtext)