To See a Man About a Dog

Story by Coyote Surprise on SoFurry

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#1 of Sins of a Solar Coyote

Thaily Sdorov, a young wolf on her first military assignment, is eager to push her boundaries when challenged by a senior officer. Rising to the occasion, she is determined encouraged to acquit herself admirably.

Thaily Sdorov, a young wolf on her first military assignment, is eager to push her boundaries when challenged by a senior officer. Rising to the occasion, she is determined encouraged to acquit herself admirably.

My first erotic fiction. Thanks to Rob for the encouragement, editing, and advice -- even if he isn't enamored with the subject material (yet). Please leave comments!

"Sins of a Solar Coyote," by Max


The stateroom door snapped open. Two wolves staggered through the open doorway, talking loudly and clinging to each other to stay upright. Clinging quite tightly, indeed. The loud entrance startled the cabin's other occupant to wakefulness as he lay on his favorite napping spot. The canine snoozing on the couch examined the newcomers with casual, drowsy disinterest, briefly perking his ears. He recognized the male wolf, lean and light-colored, and they exchanged a glance, but his petite dark-furred companion was caught up in admiring the generously-sized cabin.

The younger of the pair stood still, her beau temporarily forgotten as she gawped at the extensive furnishings and spaciousness allotted to the_Reilu_'s fire control officer, Marin Kalmara. It was a far cry from the two-person_closet_Thaily had been assigned in the junior officers' berths. She knew to expect that the senior officers were given larger quarters -- the JSSC had a reputation for treating their employees well -- but this_definitely_ hadn't been on the orientation tour she'd been given that morning.

Standing behind her, Marin gave her a moment to take in the sights while he admired_hers_. While he couldn't say she_filled out_ the uniform -- Thaily was slim and short and barely a handful -- the trim, young Lieutenant had a delightful, pert backside. Stepping closer, Marin embraced the distracted she-wolf almost chastely, placing his paws on her hips while resting his muzzle neatly between her ears. He growled a quiet suggestion, "Let me show you the_rest_ of the cabin..."

Broken out of her reverie, Thaily leaned back into his touch as she allowed herself to be nudged further into the room.

-- but then stopped in her tracks as she caught sight of the tan-and-cream animal sprawled on the couch. Marin rolled his eyes and sighed knowingly, letting Thaily pull from his embrace as she strode towards the sleeping dog. "Oooh, Marin! That's_so_cool -- how did you ever rate that? What's his name? What kind of dog is he? He's huge!"

Laying on his side, the reclining figure cracked one golden eye, warily observing her approach.

"That's Teks -- he's...uh, part coyote." Marin intercepted her just as she bent over to pet the him, gently snagging Thaily by the waist with one arm. "Let him sleep -- he's had a long day." His other paw worked at her uniform, lifting it, giving him access to run his claws through the wolf bitch's fur, admiring her trim stomach. Marin flattened himself against her back, pressing his sizeable bulge against her. Lifting her uniform further, he snaked both paws under her uniform, cupped her petite breasts. "C'mon. I'll introduce you two later, after he wakes up."

"OK -- I'll hold you to that!" The young wolf bitch winked as she ground back against him. "You gonna use that big thing on me?" Thaily reached behind to give his sheath an evaluative squeeze through his uniform, then sucked in her breath. " really_are_ packing."

"'ll take every inch of it, wolfheart," Marin growled, firmly gripping the short, dark bitch by her shoulders as he marched her toward the bed.

* * *

From his vantage point on the couch, Teks could not see Marin and Thaily, but the lack of a door on the bedroom alcove meant_sound_ was unimpeded. The two wolves were obviously enjoying each other's company, though apparently not without some negotiation. Teks's large ears caught the occasional snippet of conversation from the younger wolf: "I've never seen one this long -- God, it's thicker than my wrist -- I dunno if this is gonna work..."

After a few minutes of quiet, feminine whimpering and reassurances spoken in hushed tones, it became clear to the coyote that it_was_working. "Oh, Christ, it feels like you're up in my stomach -- give me_all_ of it -- rail me with that thing! -- fuck,_wreck_my cunt! -- that's it, don't stop!"

Predictably, there was next some debate over the feasibility of a tie. Once again Marin and the petite wolf bitch had divergent opinions on what should happen next.

"I...I don't think I can take it.'ll never fit ...really, this time, I don't think --" Thaily's protest was interrupted by a masculine grunt from Marin and a sloppy squelching pop -- a pained yelp.

She took it.

* * *

Silence rested heavily on the darkened cabin, broken only by a faint, almost sub-aural pulsation from the sublight drive -- and the panting of the two wolves as they came down from their climax. From his perch on the couch, the coyote began to stir, standing up, yawning and stretching his legs.

Thaily's breathing slowly returned to normal as she relaxed under the pleasant weight and warmth of the wolf, savoring his still-substantial presence inside her. Marin propped himself up on his elbows, admiring the wolfgirl laying beneath him. Her eyes were slits, her features slack except for a faint, pleased smile creasing her muzzle. Thaily opened her eyes further, sighing, and smiled wider as Marin lazily nosed her chest and neck.

He spoke up first. "Hey..."

Thaily wriggled slightly, grinning up at him. "Hey yourself!"

"You ready for another round?"

"Mmhmmm," she purred, nodding as she stretched the stiffness out of her legs and gave a little thrust of her hips.

"I was hoping you'd say that."

Marin caught the subtle rustling of cloth as Teks jumped off the couch, then the ticking of claws on the metal deck plates. The sound grew louder as the coyote drew nearer, finally catching Thaily's attention once he trotted through the entryway. He came to a halt near the bedside and stood expectantly, as if waiting for a command. Both wolves had shifted to regard him in kind. Marin surreptitiously watched the wolfgirl, measuring her reaction.

After a moment, Thaily looked away from the coyote, catching Marin's eye. The lean wolf returned her questioning glance with a studiously neutral look, his expression revealing nothing. Her gaze lingered on his for a long second before flicking back to the coyote. As Teks stood next to the bed, his head level with hers, Thaily noted the coyote appeared_much_ larger than he had laying on the couch. A tense moment passed in silence as realization slowly dawned on her.

"Very funny, Marin. I'm not going to fuck your pet dog."

"Miss Sdorov, I don't have a_pet dog_. As you well know, LT, pets are forbidden on JSSC vessels. Nor is he a service animal."

Her brow knit and her mouth quirked, confusion written all over Thaily's sharp little muzzle.

"Didn't you meet our senior pilot, MAJ Arteks "Teks" Hochjodt, during crew orientation today?"

The coyote answered for her, startling the young wolf. "She did."

Thaily went quite rigid upon hearing the feral speak. A deep flush bloomed under her fur, warming her eartips as she realized what was going on. "He...that...that was you? The wolf at the helm was you? S-sir."

Teks nodded, smirking, and stepped closer until their muzzles were nearly touching. "I'm no wolf, Thaily."

Marin leaned down to nuzzle the bewildered wolfgirl, groping her chest and briefly tugging her nipples. Thaily moaned softly beneath him as she struggled to gather her thoughts. He spoke teasingly into one ear, "There's something else you should know: he's my boyfriend...and he's even bigger than I am," waggling his own thick bulk, stirring her insides.

She whimpered and ground back against him, her eyes closing momentarily. Marin could plainly see the gears turning in her head; could see the redirection of the little wolf's thoughts as opened her eyes and looked the coyote up and down.

"Wha -- what? Really?" she stuttered, a tinge of excitement coloring her voice.

"Yeah, really -- you wanna see?"

He tugged his softening, yet still-considerable knot from Thaily, wrenching a gasp from her as thick inches slid reluctantly with a wet squelch. Marin rolled off her to sit upright, patting the bed in front of him, motioning that she should do likewise. "Sit up -- over here in front of me." Thaily laid there a moment, uncertain what to think about all this. Teks was not a pet, that much was certain, but...still. Four. Legs.

"You don't have to_touch_ 'im -- just have a look."

Nodding slowly to herself, Thaily missed the covert wink Marin gave to his boyfriend while she crawled into an upright position. He firmly knead her back, running his claws lightly through her fur as she leaned into the caress, pressing herself backward against his touch.

Teks hopped onto the bed with an effortless grace, occupying the space just vacated by the wolf bitch. His paws sank deep into the mattress as he nosed at the sheets. The coyote kept his eyes trained on hers while he sampled where Thaily had lain that evening, taking in her scent with deep, appreciative huffs -- drawing another blush out of Thaily before she glanced away.

The coyote sat down in front of the wolfess, both canines now facing each other. Thaily's eyes roamed over his form, her breath catching momentarily as her gaze paused on the thick column of fur between his hind legs. Marin had not been exaggerating -- the coyote's sheath was nearly as long as her forearm and thicker than her wrist. She tore her eyes away, looking lower. Beneath his sheath, a tawny-furred sac bulged with two massive orbs, each the size of a lemon, resting heavily on the bed.

Noting Thaily's reaction, Marin abandoned his massage. His paws found the thick nubs of her nipples, gently pinching and tugging each one. Thaily arched her chest forward into his increasingly eager touch, panting and moaning as Marin nibbled-groomed her neck. Groping her breasts through her soft chestruff, each tit barely a pawful, he spoke quietly into her ear. "Let's give him a show, shall we?"

Marin wrapped both arms tightly around the small wolf bitch, hugging her to his chest. She gasped, feeling the wolf's sizeable erection rehardening against the small of her back. He stroked his fingers along her cleft, curling three fingers into her hot, slick flesh, feeling his own copious load adding to the mess drooling out of her slot. Thaily moaned and squirmed, eyes closing momentarily as she bucked against Marin's questing fingers.

Thaily's eyes widened as she glanced back to the coyote: Teks had clearly_appreciated_ the show. His dripping cock, a dark blood red, was still emerging from his sheath in small pulses, already longer and thicker than Marin's mighty tool -- and it looked to get bigger. The she-wolf recalled with a mixture of excitement and trepidation the trouble she had in taking Marin... The pale wolf interrupted her train of thought by cupping her mound in his paw and gently squeezing, earning a shuddering whine from her.

"Encourage him, dear -- use your hands."

Encourage him? What encouragement could he_need-- it can't possibly get any bigger -- can it? _Thaily glanced upward, looking to the coyote for his approval --

She found it. Dropping her gaze, she swallowed a whine as a shiver and an unexpected flash of arousal ran through her. The coyote's golden eyes radiated a keen intelligence and a feral hunger. She understood then that she_wanted_ to be under the coyote that night. Her hand shook as she reached toward the coyote's imposing endowment. His shaft was by now almost double the length of Marin's. In her limited experience, something that size would appear completely monstrous on a biped -- and was still bizarre and oversized even on the quadrupedal coyote.

Teks growled appreciatively at her first tentative touch. A spurt of precum lanced out, soaking a line of darkness into her chest fur, as did the next spurt, and the next. Grasping the situation, Thaily removed her paws from his mid-shaft bulge -- it had taken both to encircle it -- and placed one around his blunt tip. Circling her thumb gently over his glans, her paw deflected each pulse as she smeared his precum over the slick flesh. Thaily felt him fatten and grow to a steely hardness in her grip, each throb sending a thrill of arousal through her. Marin stuffed a fourth finger into her messy cunt as the wolfgirl whined and bucked, imagining how it would feel to be under the coyote. If Marin's long, fat dick had delivered a painfully good time, Thaily didn't know_what_ the coyote's cuntbreaker would do to her -- a growing part of her was convinced she needed to find out.

Satisfied with his handiwork, Marin pulled his fingers from the bitch's sopping mound, licking them clean as he nudged her forward with his other paw. "All fours, Thailydog. Let me stretch you out again..." Rising from her seated position, the slim young wolf clambered around to present her hindquarters. Marin leaned forward, nudging her sodden folds with his pointed tip, catching her opening before shoving his bulk inside her. Inches and inches of thick wolfmeat sank into her as he forced himself inside for the second time that night. Thaily whined as Marin stretched her folds taut around his girth, fucking into her with one continuous thrust until he was hilted in her depths again, feeling her cunt twitch around his invading length. She let out a trembling yelp as a further buck of his hips pressed his tip deep to nudge firmly against the sensitive back wall of her snatch. Marin groaned in satisfaction as he hilted the tight young wolfgirl.

"There we are, Thaily... Such a good_slutwolf_." The wolf fuzzled her ears mockingly as he moved his hips in a slow circle, stirring her insides with his thick tool. She groaned and pushed back against him, a needy whine escaping her clenched muzzle. Marin withdrew several inches, then thrust lazily, slowly working her into a lather. Indicating the coyote with his head, Marin taunted her. "Think you're ready for that? Look at him!"

Thaily quailed at what she saw. The coyote stood before her, his crimson shaft jutting obscenely between his legs. His huge spear jerked and twitched and spat streamers of precum, the tip nearly dragging on the bedsheets -- she swore it had grown since she last looked. Watching Marin_prepare_ her had clearly excited him. She swallowed thickly -- perhaps it really was twice the size of Marin's generous endowment, now.

"I...I don't think it will fit." She sounded doubtful of her own words.

"It_always_ fits," Teks assured her in a raspy growl, "I'll_make_ it fit."

This did little to console Thaily as she crouched on all fours, impaled on Marin's thick cock. Hilted in the petite bitch, his precum jetted into her drenched cunt, mingling with with her juices and the remnants of his previous load trapped inside her. As far as Thaily could tell, all available space in her cunt was occupied by Marin. How the coyote was going to fit, she could not imagine... Thaily pictured Teks mounting her, his weight on her shoulders as he_used_ her, driving his full, imposing length into her -- and shuddered, her pussy clenching_hard_ around Marin's shaft, giving him his answer.

"Oh, she's ready alright! She's all yours, big guy." Thaily flushed at this, her ears warming as Marin tugged his girthy tool out of her sticky cunt with a long, sloppy squelch. Breathing hard, her stomach in knots, she remained on all fours while Marin climbed off, giving Teks room to approach her from behind. Thaily felt the coyote's hot breath before his broad, wet tongue caressed her stretched mound, entrance still gaping widely after Marin's departure. Teks gave a pleased growl as he lapped at her cunt hungrily, savoring the mingled essence of Marin and their bitch.

His curiosity sated, Teks prodded Thaily's side and hips with his muzzle, wordlessly correcting her posture, encouraging her to raise her hips to receive him. The coyote mounted the young bitch almost effortlessly, practically walking over her crouching form. Thaily jerked slightly as the coyote probed between her thighs, his cock drooling precum wherever it touched. His tip caught suddenly in her hot, slick opening, before he pushed up and forward, her flesh spreading around him. Thaily moaned as she felt her lips suddenly pull taut -- his tip, blunt rather than pointed, forced her entrance to stretch all at once. The coyote hunched again, gaining an inch, then two as he widened her, leaning against her back to anchor the small she-wolf with his weight. As Thaily's tunnel began to open up, the coyote insistently forced his thick slab inside her, gaining a further inch, and another, and another until nearly half his length was inside the young wolf. Determined to work more of his obscene endowment into her, the coyote withdrew a fraction and thrust firmly, grunting as he overcame the friction of her brutally stretched cunt, her legs spasming with each grinding thrust. He repeated this a dozen times until Thaily twitched and cried out, his blunt tip thumping hard against the furthest extent of her vagina. The coyote was as deep as Marin had reached earlier, but his wicked girth strained her slick folds so much wider.

Thaily felt overstimulated, her wolfcunt laboring to accommodate the coyote's size. Her breath came in rapid, shallow pants as Teks nudged the back of her passage, lingering there, hilted. Her snug pussy spasmed around him, silky walls clasping hot and molten as he added more precum to the substantial mess inside her. If Marin hadn't reamed her out beforehand, she was sure the coyote could not have wedged himself inside her. Even so -- in her mind's eye, when Thaily pictured what she had seen between the coyote's legs, she felt certain she had not taken his full length, to say nothing of his enormous knot.

Behind her, the feral coyote repositioned his hind legs, dug his claws into the sheets and began to withdraw. He tugged his immense shaft, thicker than her ankle, halfway out of the wolfgirl, then fucked into her again. His boyfriend's seed made a thick lube, helping even the coyote's massive organ slip back and forth as he pounded the wolf, forcing her to accommodate his size as her tender folds sucked and pulled at him with each thrust. The small wolf trembled beneath him, quivering as he fucked her in rough, brutal strokes that filled every inch of her messy cunt. With each thrust the coyote fucked more of the three canines' combined fluids out of Thaily, the mix of juices drooling down her thighs, matting her already-dark fur and staining the bed.

Marin chimed in, stroking himself with both paws as he sat watching the pair. The wolf was clearly getting off as he watched the small bitch take on more than she could chew.

"How's he feel, Thaily? Big? He's_twice_ my size," indicating his own considerable shaft as he gripped his erection with one paw and waggled it at her. Thaily struggled to reply, managing only a whisper as the coyote worked her over, smoothly pumping his length into her with a steady rhythm.

"G...God, Marin...he's...he's_huge_. I...I thought you were big, but I never...I didn't know it could be so_good_."

Teks growled at the compliment, hammering himself into the wolfgirl with fierce strokes. She writhed under the coyote on her back, pumping her hips to meet his thrusts as her toned arms and muscular thighs quivered. Thaily closed her eyes tightly as she felt her pleasure boil over, her small frame quaking under the coyote pounding her mercilessly. Her muzzle opened and closed wordlessly before she managed to speak in a hoarse whine.

"I...Christ, I'm cumming Marin he's...he's so_deep_Marin! Fuck it all into me you goddamn big coyote, fuck me just like that just like that--" Her words trailed off into a wail as she bucked wildly under the coyote. He railed her, roughly sawing his length through her clutching, spasming folds as the petite wolf bitch rode out her climax.

Teks slowed his thrusts, hilting her as deep as she could fit him, holding there while he nibbled her neck, growling contentedly as Thaily came down from her gasping, shuddering peak. Withdrawing half his length, the feral coyote lowered his hips, then forced himself slowly back into the she-wolf's sloppy, stretched pussy with a wet squelch. The slight change in angle redirected his blunt tip upward to nestle against her cervix.

Thaily jerked at the touch of his cockhead against her innermost barrier as the coyote maintained a firm pressure, feeling jets of his precum wash against it as he ground the thick wedge of his tip against her tightly-closed opening. She cried out from the intense sensation, begging him "St...stop! Too far -- too deep!" Another yelp as the coyote ground his tip against her barrier. "Please, stop, please -- it's too much!"

He barked an ugly laugh. "First you couldn't get enough Thaily, now there's too much, which is it?"

"Too much! Too much!" Thaily whined pathetically, squirming away from him.

The coyote growled in delight and drew his forelegs more tightly around her midsection, crushing her in his strong grip. "Go on!" He laughed, taunting her. "Fight back, my little wolf -- make it better for both of us!" Ignoring her struggles, Teks rocked firmly against her cervix, forcing it to dilate slowly around his blunt tip -- until her tight ring suddenly buckled, widening swiftly as he penetrated her, a hard jet of his precum splattering against the deepest recesses of her womb. Thaily gave a keening cry as the coyote thrust forward, inches of thick coyote cock impaling her until he struck the back of her womb with his blunt tip. Teks shifted his footing to spear the she-wolf with long strokes, tugging his tip from her clasping cervix only to plunge through it again. Each brutal penetration insistently shoved the back wall of her womb upwards, molding the wolfgirl to_fit_ his needs as she twitched and yelped with each clash of their bodies. Her cries of discomfort slowly became yelps of pleasure as the squirming, shuddering slutwolf humped back into each thrust, driving the coyote wild. The coyote panted raggedly as he railed her as quick and hard and fierce as any dog, stretching her into a glove around his monstrous length, firmly shoving aside her insides as he pushed deeper still.

Beneath him, the wolfgirl curled her fingers into a fist as her body went rigid. "I'm gonna...Jesus don't stop, I can take it -- I can take you...keep going you big-dicked bastard --" Thaily yowled at the top of her lungs, shuddering beneath the coyote. Her ravaged pussy spasmed and clenched around his enormous shaft until Thaily quivered underneath the coyote's weight, exhausted.

Using her distraction to his advantage, the coyote rammed his growing knot through her taut opening with a particularly savage thrust. Thaily collapsed forward onto her muzzle as he crashed into her upturned rump with his hips, packing the last few inches of belly-straining length into the she-wolf's thoroughly distended womb, hilting himself inside his bitch for the first time that night. Groaning with agony and delight, the she-wolf's sopping tunnel struggled to contain his sheer bulk, her mons bulging outward from the coyote's huge knot as it swelled further with every pulse of his heartbeat.

Thaily tentatively reached back to feel her opening, marveling as her fingers traced over their tautly joined flesh, gasping as she realized just how wide the coyote had stretched her. "My...god..." Her paw moved upward, tracing the bulge as she discovered with a shuddering whine that the coyote's oversized shaft had created a faint outline in her fur, reaching past her navel nearly to her ribs.

Spurred on by her touch, Teks brutally fucked the wolfgirl in short, deep thrusts, his entire fearsome length trapped inside her, held in place by his grotesquely huge knot. Thaily whined and cried out, growing louder with each painfully deep thrust as she felt his imminent release. "Do it, cum in me you four-legged fuck -- pound me, don't hold back --use me, fill me up!" she sobbed.

Every muscle in his body contracted as the coyote thrust forward, viciously scruffing her neck in his jaws as a long gout of cum jetted heavily against the very back of her womb, the coyote snarling his satisfaction as he dominated the core of her being with his absurdly huge cock, each rope of cum further distending her toned belly and pushing her toward a yowling, trembling climax. Nasty jolts of pleasure shot from her abused cervix while the coarse fur of the coyote's sheath fiercely stimulated her clit with every harsh grind of his hips. Thaily's cries rose to a wail as the coyote claimed her utterly, her whole body writhing and contracting as her womb spasmed around his immense thickness. Each forceful ejaculation surged from beneath the skin of her stomach to throb against the young wolf bitch's paw, still pressed against his blunt tip, until she could no longer distinguish each pulse as her belly swelled with his thick, scalding seed.

Marin growled in satisfaction, stroking himself to the sight of his lover savaging their fucktoy. "You look_good_ under him, Thaily -- you took all of it, like a proper wolfslut!" Huffing with exertion, Marin snarled as he painted her pretty muzzle with shot after shot of cum until his load dripped from her whiskers.

Teks sagged, briefly resting his full weight on the exhausted she-wolf before she collapsed with a startled yelp. Tangled together, pinned under the pleasant weight of the coyote, Thaily panted heavily, eyes closed as she enjoyed a peculiar sense of accomplishment at having taken the coyote's_full_ measure. His imposing shaft still throbbed and twitched sporadically, spitting slow little beads that added to the mess in her overstuffed pussy.

Regaining his breath, the coyote braced his legs and stood, his engorged knot tugging the surprised wolfgirl's hindquarters off the sheets -- then flopped onto his side, dragging Thaily with him. The coyote wrapped his forelegs around her, taking advantage of the new position to draw her close. Spooning her possessively, he nibbled her ears and neck, content to let his shaft marinate in the molten, wet heat of her sloppy cunt while he cuddled with the slim she-wolf.

Thaily pressed back into his touch, savoring his affection as she ran her fingers over her bulging mound, still unable to believe how much the coyote stretched her, then rested both paws on her no-longer-flat stomach. As she contemplated the distinct swell at her core, Thaily spoke up quietly. "Marin...does this happen to you? When you...ah, you take him? You, uh, bottom for him, right?" Gaining confidence, she ran a paw over her stomach for emphasis as she continued, "You take all of...this?"

Nodding, Marin looked at her levelly. "Yep. All of it. Sometimes we switch off, but I take every inch."

"Wow -- that's... I would -- I'd like to see that someday. To watch."

Teks growled appreciatively at this, unconsciously humping into the she-wolf, his softening tumescence throbbing at the thought. Craning his head to catch sight of Marin, the coyote locked eyes with his boyfriend before replying to her.

"You're on. We'll give you a show alright, but don't think_you're_ gonna get off lightly next time."

Part 2 -- More Than She Can Chew