Dire Consequences

Story by StGeorgesHorse on SoFurry

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#32 of The Moonrise Chronicles

       Edward helped to unpack the car,

carrying Maggie's thing to the room the couple had graciously given over to

him. She bounced on the bed, reveling in the noisy springs. "I don't think

we'll being doing too much on this old bed. We'll wake the house and the

neighbors as well."

Maggie, there aren't any neighbors

for miles."

"I know!" she said with a wink.

He sighed and shook his head, but

he secretly smiled. It was good to have her back. He sat down and rummaged

through his box of childhood memories. He noticed his Barber dime, then the

fact that there were two. He picked one of them up, dropping it immediately. It

left a burn mark on his fingertips.


"What's the matter?"

"I tried to pick up my lucky dime

and got burned!"

"Yeah, that can happen now. I saved

your real one from the dirt at the park. I had to pick it up with a dead leaf."

"You saved the one I cut out of my


"Sure. I knew you'd want it back!"

"Oh God Maggie, I could just..."

Her eyes went wide. Wolf ears

sprouted from her head. "What?"

"Come on! Where going for a walk


They excused themselves and headed

down the lonely broken down road. At one point Maggie slipped out of her cloths

and tossed them in a pile. She changed into her feral self and ran off down the

road where the wood's encroachment seemed to squeeze it down to a mere path.

Edward watched her rush off, and

knew it was time for a game of chase. He stripped too, morphed into his

formidable Dire Wolf form and loped after her. He wasn't afraid of losing her;

between his excellent nose and the fact that she wanted to be found, this was

going to be an easy game to play.

They gamboled about with their game

of tag for a while, enjoying the freedom of being out in the middle of nowhere.

It wasn't often you could be yourself without fear of being found out. If the

locals thought that wolves were moving back in, it would be another media


After they tired of their innocent

games, Maggie was ready to get down to business. Edward wasn't so sure. "Look

Mags, this body is enormous compared to yours."

"Oh give it a try. What's the worst

thing that can happen?"

"I think you already know. Do we

really have time to be stuck together for an hour?"

The young wolf rolled on the ground

laughing. "Yes! What else are we going to be doing out here? It's not like

we're in any danger. This place is the sticks. I think we could fuck for three

days straight and no one would care." Then she sobered up. "Care to give it a


He lowered his head. "No. We are

guests and we'll respect that. I'm sure that they can excuse a few things, but

remember, I'm supposed to be engaged to Verona."

"Ok. I'll try to behave. Maybe

tomorrow you should bring her out here. I'm sure she'd be all over you like


"That's not funny!"

"Sorry. But she has the hots for

your really bad. It's mostly biological, but that hardly matters. I think she'd

shag a poodle if she thought it would help."

He was growing tired of her

frivolity and pounced. She immediately went into a submissive pose, ass up,

tail high. The last time had been fun, but now he felt darker urges. It was as

if his mind was retreating and something else was coming forward. It wasn't

evil, but it was primal. It was a bit like when he battled the netherwalker. He

hoped the girl knew what she was in for.

His cock slid out like a newly

forged sword; hot, red and long. He tried to set his front paws on the ground

on either side of her, but he felt an overpowering urge to pin her down. His

front feet landed on her shoulders and her front was pushed to the ground.


He didn't seem to care. He lowered

his body to match hers and poked around until his cock found what it was

looking for. He pulled in his hips, forcing his cock inside. He could feel her

back feet digging at the earth as he made his way inside. The farther in he went,

the more her feet worked the soil until it seemed she was trying to dig her way

out from underneath him.

Inexorably he went deeper and

deeper. He only stopped when he couldn't penetrate her any more. He let out a

low chuckle, more of a growl really. Luckily for her she was young. A full

grown she-wolf could have taken him all the way, right down to the knot. There

would be no locking of the bodies today and for that she should be grateful.

He grabbed the back of her neck and

went to work. He could feel her trying to accommodate his larger size but it

seemed that she was already at her limit. He had warned her! It wasn't his

fault if something happened. If she ended up as damaged goods, it was her own


He dug his hind claws into the dirt

and with a firm grip on her top end, proceeded to drive his cock in with what

almost felt like malice. This body was full of dark emotions and deep feelings.

He tried to pull it back under control, but he couldn't. It was like trying to

swim and pull a boat at the same time. It just wasn't happening.

"Hang on Mags", he growled. "I

think this is going to get crazy."

She could barely speak. "Going to?

What the hell do you call this?" His vocal cords refused to respond anymore as

he went into a mating stance.

 By this time her back end was smarting from

the huge, engorged werewolf cock jammed inside her.  She should have known better, but she was so

trying to please him. In retrospect, something a little smaller and a little

more human would have been in order.

She could smell his scent, and it

was overpowering. It stuck in her nose and blocked out everything else. On a

human level, it was like sniffing a bakery full of sweet rolls, or open bottles

of perfume at the department store. It was a wonderful smell and she loved it,

but it was overwhelming.

The problem was that like he had

warned, his new form was big. As a wolf, she was not yet full size. As  a Dire Wolf, he was so damn big he could have

hammered a pony to death with his cock. His weight pressing down on top was not

something she could ignore, nor was it anything she could get out from under.

She was stuck until such time as he felt like they were done.

She started panting from all the

heat being generated inside her. It was as if he were producing heat through

friction. Then again, maybe he was. She didn't think her body could produce

sufficient lubrication to accommodate that much meat. Even her pelvis felt like

it was widening again. It was a good thing the kind could heal rapidly, because

otherwise she wasn't going to be doing any walking for days.

Edward was now watching what was

happening from the back of his mind, like sitting at a drive-in watching the

movie playing on the big screen. There was a surreal quality to it. But while

his eyes seemed disconnected, the rest of him was running at one hundred and

ten percent. Maybe more. His senses were overloaded now, like that fateful

night in New York. Even from here, so far away from the farmhouse, he could

smell Verona. It was tickling his nose something wonderful. The problem was,

his body wasn't distinguishing between her and Maggie, and therefore Maggie was

taking the brunt of the mating ritual.

His cock was churning away little a

sewing machine on cocaine and steroids. 

And the more she squealed and yelped, the more it egged him on. No one

had told either of them the full effects of being a Dire Werewolf. It was not

something that sage people put in books, and in the case of Edward, nothing anyone

had witnessed in many, many decades.

Consenting sex between humans was

one thing, but between werewolves, it became something uncontrollable. If his

scent had triggered Maggie's body to the proper response, then all would have

been well. But she was too young, and he was going to tear her to pieces before

he finished.

Her cries grew louder. His howls

shook the woods.  Together they echoed

for miles. Herds of deer fled the area, and every woodland creature with legs

hightailed it out of the region as fast as their respective bodies allowed. Those

with wings took to the air. Animals knew when it was time to save their hides.

His furry backside was a blur on

top of Maggie's smaller feral body. Outside of that, he wasn't moving a muscle.

He wasn't stuck of course, but she was, and since she couldn't move, she

whimpered and whined and howled until her voice was hoarse.

The big black form on top of her

suddenly stopped. She didn't know why; she didn't care why, she simply thanked

her lucky star that he had. She heard him sniff, and then without warning or

ceremony he pulled out and left her to fall to the forest floor.

In the next instant a man appeared.

He had a knife in one hand and a gun in the other. Edward growled and dived as

the man shot at him. "Good damn it!" the man shouted. Edward slipped into the

shadows. The man grabbed Maggie by the scruff f the neck. "Are you...?"

He no more than got those words out

when the dark beast launched from the rear, knocking him down and tearing

Maggie from his grasp. Silver bit into the werewolf's skin, sending him off a

good twenty paces while the smoking wound healed. He sized up his opponent.

                The man

looked like a biker. He smelled of many things. But the silver tended to cloud

a lot about him. He was big for a human, and hairy. He looked like a typical

biker as seen in the movies or on the television. Edward tensed up his muscles,

looking for an opening. All that silver made a direct attack difficult. The man

knew his stuff.

The man lined up his pistol and

took aim. But for some reason he didn't fire. "Look you. I don't want no trouble.

But if I have to, I'll but you down quicker than a..."

He didn't get a chance to finish

his sentence. Maggie had bit him on the leg and was now hanging on for dear

life as he tried to kick free.

Edward looked for an opening, but Maggie

seemed to have found the only spot this guy that wasn't coated in silver studs

and baubles.

Taking a different approach, Edward

lunged and grabbed the pistol out of the man's hand with his teeth. He had to

assume the gun was made of more durable metal than noxious silver. He was

right. He spit the steel gun a good twenty yards into the woods.

By this time the commotion had

attracted an audience, only in this case, there was audience participation.

Verona split right out of her dress and stood by Edward, snarling and growling.

Then she stopped. Her aunt was waving her down. "Don't!'

The man in the leather and silver

looked behind him as he still tried to shake loose the wolf desperately trying

to hamstring him. "Mom?"

Edward fell back on his tail,

morphing back to human in his confusion. "Whose mom?"

Verona changed back to. "Billy?"

"Hey cuz. What the hell are you

guys doing here? Haven't heard word from you guys is forever!"

Edward was sitting in the dirt,

ignoring the stones biting into his skin. Maggie didn't revert, but stayed in

feral form in case this was a trick. But she did let go of his ankle.

He looked down at her. "Thanks! I

might need that leg later on, you never know." He stuck his hand down just like

she was a human. "Glad to meet ya I think. Name's William, but everyone calls

me Billy."

Maggie morphed and careful shook one

of his finger tips.

"Oh, yeah. Sorry about that. I tend

to get overboard wearing this stuff. Seems a shame to let it go to waste." He slid

a number of rings off, stuck them into his pocket and extended his hand again.

She grabbed and shook it.

"Maggie. Maggie Peterson."

"Well Maggie, can I ask if you're

alright? This nasty thing was working you over pretty damn good."

"Oh, it's ok. I'm tough. And

besides, I asked for it. Meet my father, Edward Peterson."

"Father? Hey now, I'm not into no

kinky stuff going on here."

"I'm adopted."

"Oh, then in that case, whatever.

Peterson you say."

He was looking over Edward from top

to bottom. Peterson? Not the Marquette's grandkid?!"

"Does everyone know who I am except

for me?"

Billy jumped up and down. "Holy

hell, I nearly took out Little Eddy Marquette! I so remember you when you used

to come and visit! Hey Verona, remember this guy?"

"Yes Billy. We know who he is. And his

last name is Peterson." She was trying to keep her cool. Her cousin was rather


"Whatever. So where have you been

cousin? You're looking pretty damn good!"

"New York."

"Whoa!" He stepped back." You mean

to tell me I just missed you guys?"

"Missed us how?"

"I went to investigate all the trouble

that just happened there. It sounded like some of the kind were having a party

without me."

"Yeah, that was us."

"Geez! You guys tore up the town!

What the hell happened?"

"Long story..."

"Are ya leaving soon?"


"Then we have plenty of time." He

stuck his hand down to Edward and hauled him up. "Sorry Eddy. I would never

have recognized you under all the fur and muscle. No one can turn into the big

guys anymore. I didn't want to kill you or anything, just get your attention."

"With a silver bullet?"

"Oh hell no! That pistol of mine is

loaded with the regular stuff. No point in loading it with silver. I'm not out

to kill off our own kind. I just go looking for them."

"And all the silver?"

"Oh this," he said fingering it. "Ma

and Pa have a bunch of it in the barn. Most of it came from the last werewolf

hunter to visit these parts. Since I can wear it, I do. Throws off the other

hunters, though they are few and far between anymore."

Billy was still assessing Edward. "God

damn. The last time I saw ya, you was a skinny little kid. It's been a hell of

a long time. It's good to know yer still alive. Too many of us are gone."

Then he turned his attention to the

other older couple. "Aunt Lupenia? Uncle Rey! It's good to see you! I've been

looking for you for years! So glad to see you're still alive, and looking good!"

Edward was still in shock. "Verona?"


"Is he really your cousin?"

"Billy? Yeah."

"Why can he touch silver?"

"Haven't you ever heard, there's

one in every batch?"

"Something like that."

"He's just like a typical werewolf hunter.

He can touch silver. He can swallow it. It used to make me shiver when he did

that, after my first transformation."

"Kind of like I did when kids would

swallow goldfish?"

"It's not the same Edward, not even

close. He's a good kid, though he's all grown up now. Look at all that hair! The

man's a literal beast."

"So where does this guy live?"

"How the hell should I know? I

thought he was dead, along with Aunt Sophia and Uncle Marc. I think you had

better get dressed and we'll all go back to the house and straighten this out."