Slumber Party (Part 2)

Story by BigFurryMonster on SoFurry

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#2 of Slumber Party

As the game progresses, things get more risque. The lines crossed now go a little further.

Maverick's chestnut-colored short fur was mussed a little as was his mane and he was wearing nothing more than his boxers and a t-shirt. He cleared his throat and nodded his head to Tasha. His boxers were stirring from the proximity and he looked down at the carpet. "I was awake the whole time. I should have stopped you, but I didn't." Maverick looked to an embarrassed Nina and smiled a little. "That was wonderful by the way."

"Thanks." Nina squeaked out in a whisper, she didn't look up.

"Okay Shan, it's your turn." Tasha giggled and pointed between Mav's legs, taking care to brush the tip of her finger against the head of his cock underneath the boxers. When he jumped a little she grinned all the wider and reached into the hole on the front, stroking his cock underneath its shroud. She leaned into him, forcing him to sit back and angled the hard cock outward so they could all get a look at it. As an afterthought she pulled his boxers down his legs and over the hard member and dropped them to the floor. "Your dick looks so juicy."

Shannon cleared her throat and shook her head, not willing to progress any further. It was one thing to dare someone else to do it but she couldn't follow through. It wasn't easy to admit that she was scared, intimidated by men and their equipment in general. Pulling her eyes away from it she didn't look up at any of them. "I can't."

"Come on." Tasha pleaded. "I didn't tell you to suck it just lick it."

"No." Shannon replied quickly, standing her ground.

"You promised." Tasha replied while tapping her cheek. "What punishment should we come up with?"

"None." Maverick's baritone voice said in reply before Tasha could go any further. "Since I'm playing now we're not coming up with any punishment for her, as much as I'd love to have her beautiful lips wrapped around my cock we're not punishing her for not wanting to do it, but we will be changing her dare."

Shannon's ears perked forward and she dared look up at them, Maverick in particular. "Oh?"

"Show me your tits." He said with a smile. "That's your new dare."

Having been spared the embarrassment and uncomfortable feeling of having another cock forced upon her she nodded her head in agreement and unbuttoned her pajamas. She exposed her chest for a good thirty seconds before buttoning them back up silently, still sporting a blush.

"I guess that means it's my turn huh?" Shannon took a second to gather her wits and looked up at them. "Are we sure we want to still play?" When no one replied she nodded and sighed. "Truth or dare Maverick?"

"Dare." He said with a shrug, keeping the rolling theme going. "I'm not going to do something to someone that doesn't want to do it."

"Fair enough." Shannon chewed on that for a moment then looked at Tasha, literally biting her own lip as she thought of what to dare the brave rabbit with. In the end she decided to go for broke and try her hand. "I dare you to fuck Tasha in the ass."

"Done on my end." Maverick said while pulling a small bottle of lube out of a pocket on the side of his boxers and dropping it into Tasha's lap. He grinned broadly. "Maybe I should rethink my last statement and just do it?"

"No need." Tasha dropped her pajama bottoms and bent over the couch, burying her face into Nina's lap causing the jumpy mouse to yelp. She unbuttoned the front of her friend's pants and took them down, exposing the white fur of her pussy to everyone. She wiggled her ass at Maverick and licked Nina's slit gently with the tip of her tongue, just tracing it around. "Fuck my ass big boy, but be gentle."

Maverick was surprised but he had always wanted to do a girl's butt, he slathered his cock in the viscous lube. He didn't have to prep himself; Tasha and Nina were doing a good job at that. Kneeling behind Tasha he pressed the head of his cock against her puckered little hole and groaned, his eyes rolling up into his head. With each inch that slid in, slowly, he begged his body not to succumb and just blow a load right there. It was hard to hold on to the feeling. Tasha's ass was so tight. His hands rested on her butt cheeks and he spread them a little. "It feels so good."

Having realized her slumber party had broken down into an orgy, and being really surprised to see Tasha giving Nina head Val couldn't help but stare in disbelief. Her fingers slid down into her pajamas and played with the lips of her virgin pussy. She was blushing and horrified but turned on so much by her brother fucking Tasha's ass and at the same time Nina squirming and crying out in ecstasy, not a hint of protest on her face. Val found herself breathing hard again. Her eyes fell on Shannon, who couldn't watch the scenario unfolding she just hid her face in a pillow and would not look up.

Tasha cried out when Maverick finally buried himself to the hilt inside of her causing Nina to push her face back downward. None of them knew that Nina and Tasha had been going out, and sleeping together, for a very long time now. She put a hand behind her and grabbed on to Maverick's hips, forcing him backward a little. When he started thrusting she pushed against him again with her hand trying to slow him down. She was by no means a virgin anymore but she hadn't had a cock in her ass before so she supposed she was a virgin in some way. "Slower!" She moaned.

Maverick was breathing heavily as he forced her down onto the couch and pressed his weight against her body. It was clear she was in some pain but she was making no move to get him to stop and he couldn't keep himself still. Groaning, he thrust his hips against her ass harder, causing a wet slapping sound to issue forth from their connected skin and fur. Her muscles were clenching against him rapidly causing him to come closer. Mav almost lost it when he felt fingers on his balls massaging him somewhat roughly. When he looked back and saw Val's head disappearing behind him he grunted. Her tongue felt good against the skin of his balls and the opening of his ass. As she probed lightly with one wet finger and licked back toward the shaft of his cock he cried out and let loose a huge load inside of Tasha, filling her up and causing some to slide out around his cock and stick to Tasha's cheeks. With a groan of pleasure he pulled out of her ass and fell to the floor with a roll. His sister cleaned his cock with her tongue and long equine mouth and he laid back and enjoyed it, letting her curl up on his chest afterward.

Nina slid off of the couch, Tasha had stopped licking, and put her crotch right in Maverick's face. She grabbed his mane and forced him to lick her snatch. As she leaned forward to enjoy she yelped when Val shot forward and gave her the same treatment she had given Maverick. A soft, warm tongue probed her ass open and slid inside and she grunted, humping Maverick's face and Val's tongue. She was close, so before she knew it she was writhing and attempting to keep her balance as an orgasm hit her hard. Her body shook and jerked on its own as he continued licking until she couldn't take anymore, rolling off of his body. "Oh god I needed that."

Shannon sat on the couch aghast at what she had seen. Not only had they basically had an orgy right in front of her but Val and Maverick were brother and sister. They had crossed a line that should never be crossed. Shan quietly stepped over them and rushed out of the room, closing herself in the bathroom and locking it behind her. She pressed her back against the door and slid downward, putting her face in her hands and crying.

Val was the first to follow Shannon, when she heard the girl crying she knocked on the door and spoke softly. "Shan open the door honey and talk to me."


"Come on baby, talk to me." Val said in her most disarming voice. "What's wrong?" Val stood there for a long time listening to Shannon cry and waving the others away. She let Shannon cry for a long time before asking again. When the door cracked open a little she opened it slowly and stepped inside, closing it behind her and locking it for privacy. Inside, Shannon was a mess. Her eyes were puffy and she was sitting in the corner with her knees pulled up to her chin.

"What's wrong, it's just a little sex nothing terrible." Val whispered, putting her hand on Shannon's shoulder.

"It is wrong." She replied through a sniff.

Val sat there for a long time next to Shannon awaiting an explanation; she waited for what seemed like an eternity before the girl spoke again.

"I'm sorry, I just get upset sometimes." Shannon looked down at the tiled floor and then back up to Val. "I... am not a fan of sex."

"Obviously." Val said with a laugh, she was glad when Shannon laughed too.

"My brother and father." Shannon began speaking then sniffed once when her voice broke down again. "They raped me."

"What?" Val said in surprise, putting her hand on the girl's shoulder.

"It started when my mother died." Shannon said softly, not looking up to Val. "It was only a few years back, you remember. After we buried her my father sunk down into himself for the longest time. I did everything I could to make him feel better. The only thing I got out of him in reply was how much I reminded him of my mother. I didn't think anything of it at the time. A few months ago my father came into my room and lay down on my bed while I was sleeping. He touched me, kissed me in ways that a father shouldn't do with his daughter. When I protested he called me Natalie, my mother's name. He wouldn't stop. When he was finished I went to find my brother, it's the only thing I knew to do. At first he was just as shocked as me. I found solace in his arms for a short time, and then it happened again. He tricked me into trusting him and then he..."

"Don't." Val said softly, touching Shannon's cheek. "You don't have to say it."

"I do." Shannon replied with a shake of her head. "He did it in my butt, just like Tasha."

"Why did you dare her then?" Val asked, arching an eyebrow. "Surely you didn't think that Tasha of all people wouldn't do it. She keeps saying she's a virgin but we all know she's done things."

"I didn't think she'd go through with it." Shan said softly, shaking her head. "Then what she did with Nina and you two making out, and Maverick's thing and all the sex. God I can almost taste the sexual tension in that room."

"We're teenagers; it's supposed to be that way." Val said with a giggle. When Shan smiled and wiped her eyes she rubbed the girl's shoulders. "We won't ever ask you to do that stuff alright. You can join if you want but we're not going to force you."

"I know, I just lost my cool there for a moment." Shannon took a deep breath to steady herself and stood up with Val in tow. "Let's go back out there but please don't say anything alright?"

"You have my word." Val said with a nod leading Shannon out of the bathroom. When they walked out into the living room the others were sitting on the couch talking. The concern on their faces was clear. "Don't worry, Shan just couldn't take all the sexual tension flying around. She got a little scared and needed a moment alone."

"Sorry babe." Maverick said with a smile, patting the sofa spot next to him. "You don't have anything to fear, like I said, I don't do anything to anyone that doesn't want it. And vice versa only in reverse."

"Thank you, sorry guys I just got a little overwhelmed." She shrugged and smiled a little, trying to look sheepish not upset.

"Okay I'll come out with it. Nina and I have been dating for months." Tasha said out loud, lifting a weight almost visibly from her shoulders simultaneously. She put her arm around Nina's shoulders and kissed the beautiful white mouse with full tongue. "We've been keeping it under wraps, no one knows but you guys."

"I sort of had my suspicions." Maverick, surprising them all, said with a laugh. "I caught you two having a moment behind the bleachers one day but I didn't say anything."

"That's a load off." Nina said with a nervous look on her face. She paused for a moment and cleared her throat. "We need to talk about what just happened here. I've never been sexually promiscuous, you all know me that much. Tasha and I have an agreement and I want the same from you. I don't think it would be wise to bring any more participants into this. I'm even a little nervous about just you guys but Tasha and I sort of planned this from the beginning to test how you would take it. Shan you don't have to participate but I ask you and everyone else to be discreet about this. I don't want any of us branded whores, sluts, or easy. Mav you shouldn't have any problem with that, people pat guys on the back for situations like this. Girls get the short end of the stick."

"Doesn't matter. Had sex." He said mechanically with a grin on his face. Seeing that she was only marginally amused he shook his head and laughed. "You have my word, especially since my sister just licked my balls and gave me a rim job. My parents would kill us."

"No problem here. I'm not ready for butt sex though." Val said with a shake of her head.

Nina looked to Shannon who still looked a little distressed. "Shan?"

"Don't worry I won't tell anyone, I swear." She didn't look up at them.


A few weeks had passed since the slumber party. Val knew that Maverick, Nina, and Tasha had all been having sex when they could. She on the other hand had not participated since the episode with Mav and Nina. She didn't know what had prompted her to lick her brother's private spots but the thought still excited her. She had been chewing on asking him to take her virginity for the longest time but she had not worked herself up to it yet. The thought was still daunting. Until she could work herself up to it she would have to suffice with peeking in on the trio as they sucked and fucked themselves silly.

Shannon had not talked to anyone but Val since the 'incident' as she called it. She knew her friend was having a hard time reconciling it after what had happened to her. In the end Val had convinced her that when Shan hung out with them they would just keep the sex to themselves.

Val hated being the mediator between them but Shan still insisted that no one know. She had confided in Val that it hadn't happened since between her and her male relatives but she was so scared when she went home. To that end Shan had been spending a lot of time at Val's house. Val's parents didn't mind, Shannon was a polite girl and they loved her for it.

Looking up from her thoughts she spied Shannon heading toward her house not ten steps away from her, around the corner. "Shan!"

"Hey, I was just on my way to see you." Shan said as she stopped to wait for Val.

Val smiled and put her arm around Shannon. "I just left the mall."

"Cool, so what are you doing tonight?"

"You mean what are 'we' doing tonight." Val corrected with a squeeze. "Mav bought that new movie that came out, the one with the robots?"

"Awesome." Shan said with a smile. "So the whole crew will be there?"

"Yup, and don't worry we'll get them to keep their clothes on for once." Val said while rolling their eyes. "Nina says she was trying the whole lesbian thing but she just can't get rid of her urge for the cock."

Shan blushed and put her hands on her cheeks. "I don't think being a lesbian works that way, you either are or you aren't. It's not a switch you turn on its something you just are."

"I wouldn't know, I don't even know how I feel about heterosexuality honestly. Tasha and I kissed, yeah, and there is that thing I did with Nina but I'm just so confused you know?" Val shrugged and straightened the straps on her pack. "I don't know if I'm ready for anything more yet. I mean physically I can barely contain myself but mentally I just can't get past certain things."

"Like that fact that Maverick's your brother?" Shan said with a hint of questioning and a hint of curiosity.

"Well that is one thing, yes." Val confirmed. "But you have to admit, he's so handsome. He's got those muscles, he works out, he's on the football team, and he's in weight training. Oh god." Val squirmed a little as she walked and groaned a little.

Shannon couldn't help but laugh. "I know, I have those same raging hormones too. I guess if it's something you want it's a different story. Listen I don't mind if they do it but just keep their horny paws off of me okay?"

"No problem babe." Val assured her with a squeeze.

Once they reached the house it was quite clear from the groaning and moaning coming from the living room what the three of them were doing. Val and Shan exchanged glances with a knowing grin and rounded the corner to find Tasha and Nina both bent over the couch looking straight at them. The two girls had their lips locked. They parted mouths for just a second to acknowledge the two and then continued on. Maverick was behind Nina fucking her with abandon while using his fingers on Tasha at the same time.

Tasha looked up at Maverick and licked her lips, wiggling her ass a bit. "My turn big boy."

"I'm not done!" Nina whined as Mav pulled out of her in order to fuck Tasha. The white-furred girl grabbed Tasha's head and pulled it toward her waiting crotch. "Come on baby please, I'm so close."

Val grabbed Shan's hand and tried to tug her on past the scene but she wouldn't move. Not knowing what to do she just stood and watched the trio. Tasha buried her face into Nina's womanly parts and Nina cried out in response. Val was getting wet watching her brother's cock slide in and out of Tasha's sloppy soaked pussy. She watched Shan for a moment then turned back to the scene in front of her when she couldn't divine anything from her friend's face. Maverick was drilling Tasha like they hadn't had sex in weeks, his stamina was amazing. With Nina writhing beneath Tasha Val couldn't take it anymore.

Val slid her hand under her skirt and touched the front of her panties, they were nearly dripping wet. Sliding her fingers down the front of that soft cotton garment she touched the lips of her pussy gingerly and wrapped her legs around the nearest object to her, one of the pillars standing in the entrance to the living room. The feeling of the squared corner touching her felt good, she wrapped her hands around it and humped it up and down a few times then stopped. It wasn't enough though. Val Rushed over to Nina and jumped over the couch, pinning the girl down next to her brother and Tasha.

She felt bad for having abandoned Shan at the door but her urges were too strong. After pushing Tasha's head away with a giggle she crossed her legs between Nina's, straddling the girl's crotch. Val hurriedly grinded their two wet pussies together. Her sigh of relief was genuine when Nina reached up and wrapped her arms around Val. The two of them writhed together loudly and wetly. Val's cotton-clad pussy created just the right amount of friction for both of them as Nina cried out and went limp, panting and giggling madly.

"Now I'm not done." Val pouted and slid her panties off of her legs, lifting her skirt up for the world to see. "I need something, quick!"

When Tasha groaned and rolled over on her side leaving Maverick hard and wet they stared at each other for a moment. Something exchanged then, unspoken and borderline primal. Before she knew it Mav was on top of her, pressing the head of his cock against her virgin womanhood. Val was breathing hard, she didn't want this yet but she did at the same time. It was scary but in a good way. When she felt the head slid inside so easily she sucked in a breath and grabbed on to Maverick's muscled body. There was a little pain and then a feeling of release, a bit of relief. Her brother was going slow and she couldn't help but moan and dig into him with her fingernails.

"Fuck you're tight." He groaned into her ear in his deep voice.

The sound of his voice in her ear and the feeling of his big body pressing down on hers made her yelp out a moan and push him back. She reached down and stroked his cock while her pussy exploded in a spray of her thick juices. Val cried out and her muscles jerked her around a few times as she lost her breath and continued to squirt out small sprays of liquid. When she guided his cock back into her she was very sensitive. It was an odd feeling, a good one but odd. She came again, and again, Nina had slid down between her legs and was giving them both a good tongue treatment so she got a face full of hot cum. The more Maverick fucked her the more free she felt. Her legs wrapped around his body and she pulled him in as he tried to pull out of her again. She felt him tense and was glad that he was wearing a condom but she could still feel the hot fluid inside of it.

"God I hate you guys so much." Shan said finally through hard breathing. Something snapped inside of her, something deep inside of her mind. Her voice became a throaty growl. "I am so fucking horny. Someone will have to satisfy me, now."

Shan snapped her fingers and pointed to the floor by her feet. "Grovel and pleasure me."