Tamby the Luxray: The Wetting

Story by Foxon_The_Fur on SoFurry

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#2 of Tamby the Luxray

Tamby slept peacefully and calmly, squirming in her sleep as she dreamt. The night before was quite a new experience for her. Tamby may have been rough around the edges but she was still female and carried the same qualities and traits as one. She wasn't used to accidentally peeing herself, it wasn't like her but she would be lying if she said she didn't enjoy it in the end.

Underneath her, inch-tall grass prickled at her paws and underbelly. It tickled at her furred body but it she enjoyed the soft prickling of the grass against her; it helped her sleep at night on the frigid, windy nights that she had to endure through. She was always trying to find new ways to keep warm during the night but she had no such luck so she was forced to rely on trees and other flora around her for warmth. This night was colder than the average temperature for a night at this time of year, mainly because the wind had picked up during the night. Tamby wasn't prepared for this kind of cold temperature. Her fur assisted in the battle against nature but evidently didn't prevent the wind from chilling her body.

It was late in the night, between midnight and three in the morning. Tamby squirmed into the grass, rolling onto her back in her sleep. She was having such a pleasant dream. She remembered the warming sensation of her urine splashing the ground in front of her as she laid back and released her bladder freely. She smiled, opening an eye and realizing she was just fantasizing to herself in a dream. The grass below poked at her fur and woke her up. Tamby was on her side, her paws were near her head and her hind legs were folding inward so she could preserve what little heat she had left. She flicked her tail, feeling restless, yet couldn't move from her increasing fatigue. She wanted to just go back to sleep but something was stopping her from doing so. Tamby grumbled to herself. She knew that familiar feeling; she had to go pee again.

Tamby tried to roll over on to her stomach and push herself up so she could go tinkle onto a nearby bush but she couldn't find the strength; she felt trapped and immobile. She tried the other side, attempting to roll onto her back again and flipping her body but she couldn't do that either! Then it hit her; she was patrolling the roads for hours! No wonder she couldn't move, she had no rest that day, no relaxation; she knew that it was futile to move. She still had to pee though and she knew that if she couldn't move she would have to just try to get back to bed. She can always go to the bathroom when she gets up.

The Luxray closed her eyes and focused her attention to the blackness of her eyelids. Her ears perked, listening to the whistling winds pass by, rustling the nearby overhanging trees. Tamby's fur stood on end, her body shaking wildly from her lack of heat. She tried for almost an hour before she came to the conclusion; it was too cold to go back to bed. Between the uncomforting frozen air and the feeling of a full bladder poking at her insides with each minute that passed, Tamby knew she couldn't fight against her body long enough to return back to her slumber. She sighed at herself, a smirk slowly forming on her face. She knew what she needed to do to solve both problems...

Tamby tried one more time to shift her weight and raise her body up and onto her legs but she just groaned from the amount of energy it took to even attempt. She knew that she wouldn't be moving at all... Tamby almost began to panic, but she started to remember her "incident" from the previous evening. She sighed happily, remembering how amazing her urine felt on her fur, how warm it felt as it ran down her pussy. She started to relax, dribbling a few urine droplets onto her inner thigh. She tensed up and stopped herself but she felt the warmth of her pee and instantly wanted more. Tamby was stuck laying on her left side and facing sideways. Her legs were closed, her left leg's inner thigh damp with urine already. She closed her eyes, relaxing her muscles the best she could. A few seconds later she moaned lightly to herself and starting to feel more of her pee escape her pink crevasse and dribble down her leg and matte her fur. She instantly was overcome with relief, the warming sensation of her piss seeping into her fur felt so nice, more and more of her urine spurting out as she relaxed further. Tamby's urine droplets started to turn into a weak, constant stream, spurting freely all over her legs and caused her to grin from how naughty she felt peeing on herself, not even attempting to move away from the stream. Tamby simply just let her urine run down her sides and legs, relaxing completely and causing her stream to shoot out from her pussy full force. Her urine spurted out in a stream onto the ground below her bottom, dampening the ground below her and warming underneath her side with her piss. She moaned out again, hanging her tongue out from her needy release, eyes still closed shut. Tamby rested her head onto the grass and tried to return to sleep, still peeing freely, not bothering to move or even flinch as she urinated. After her first few seconds of peeing, she could hear the loud hissing sound her pee was making as it spurted from her pussy and spilled over her thighs and wetting the ground below her and soaking into the ground. She giggled, squirming with glee from how fun it was to play with her bodily fluids as she wriggled from side to side in her pee. As the hissing began to die down, signaling her bladder emptying, she pushed outward, making a strong, last spurt of piss shoot out in a long jet and sprinkle the grass a few feet away from her bottom. Tamby let out a comforting sigh, smiling as she finished up her business.

Tamby noticed that she hadn't peed as much as she would have liked, but the grass below her felt soaked and it kept her cute Luxray bottom warm, as well as her left side that she was laying on. She squirmed again, letting the urine underneath her soak into her midnight black fur, murring as she was overcome by warmth. She could barely open her eyes, overwhelmed with a weary tired feeling. She was surprised that she was worn out by enjoying her second experience with watersports. Tamby knew that she had a new fetish for pee, but she smiled at the thought of experimenting with her new interest in the future. After all, she did have a fun time.

With a tired yawn, Tamby relaxed her muscles and returned to her land of dreams, sleeping soundly as the sound of nocturnal Pokemon carried the night until Tamby would be woken up by the sunny rays pressing against her eyes the following morning...