Something to keep safe - Chapter VII

Story by Ryat on SoFurry

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#7 of Something to Keep Safe

And next chapter is there ! Took quite a long time to write, I really got blocked at some point. I'm still not totally at ease writing the explicit scenes, not to mention it was hard trying to find the right words since I actually never had a girlfriend.

So yeah, I guess most of you saw that part coming. Not really an original chapter plot-wise. Don't worry though, the plot is far from being finished yet, really far... Hope this chapter was worth the wait !


Hazel was back at the main beach and sat down on the pebbles. AuRon went hunting, almost fleeing her - and who would blame him after what happened ? The dragoness just hoped he would manage to feel better, as hunting with bright red scales might prove to be a bit challenging. She couldn't help feeling sorry for him. If he went up to the point of masturbating, her heat definitively was making his life hard. If only she could command it, she would try to make his life easier...

If she could control it. Hazel got a sudden thought that made her blush after a second. If... masturbating helped AuRon feel better regarding her heat, couldn't it also make her feel better ? The red dragoness quickly dismissed the idea. What was she thinking ? She was surely following the same kind of reasoning that led AuRon to the act ! All it would bring her was a very temporary relief. Even though, it still was a relief... She just couldn't bare her heat anymore. It was making not only her life a hell, but also AuRon's. And she couldn't satisfy it. Right now, she almost wished the grey dragon could pin her on the ground and fuck her roughly. Anyway, the way things were going, sooner or later something like that would happen. So why not force the events a bit and make it... enjoyable ?

She perfectly knew she only was trying to convince herself it was the right thing to do, even if it wasn't right. But the idea just was too tempting. Hazel just wanted to throw those concerns away and relieve herself the way she could. Why would appeasing her hunger be a bad thing anyway ? The more she was thinking about it, the more she was convinced it wasn't. Simply relieving the unwanted pressure her body was imposing sounded more like a normal behavior than anything else ! The red dragoness had a long sigh, forcing herself not to move. She already lost that fight, and she knew it. Let's face it, seeing AuRon right after the act really excited her even more than she already was. But yet, all this was scaring her. She wanted it, but also feared it. Once again, her own thoughts were contradicting themselves.

Hazel sighed again and sat down on the pebble beach. A quick glance down remembered her how excited she was feeling. Her crotch was moist from her own fluids, and she hadn't done anything yet... The dragoness thought a second about going to clean it in the lake, but she knew it was of no use considering what she was about to do. The fight already was lost anyway. Hazel took a deep breath and gave up resisting. She would do it anyway, so there was no point waiting any longer... Not to mention she sure didn't want AuRon to come back before she was done ! How ironic, she blamed the poor grey dragon a few minutes ago for doing exactly what she was about to do herself right now. Typical case of "do like I say but not like I do"...

The red dragonness brought her paw near her crotch and involuntarily shivered. Somehow, she had the feeling that what she would do wouldn't only affect the near future, yet she couldn't see how. And it wasn't like it would change anything to what she was about to do. She shivered once again when her fingers reached her folds, but that time not exactly for the same reason. It never had been that sensitive before ! Her own body was urging her to dig her fingers in her nethers. A bit shyly, Hazel lowered her paw and ran one finger around her pussy, smearing them with the fluids she could see glinting under the sun. She couldn't help but slightly pant at the pleasure it made her feel. Her folds contracted a bit, bringing her digit closer from the center. With a deep breath the red dragoness made the last step and slipped her finger in the hungry hole.

Hazel didn't expected to take such a pleasure from the action. It surprised her enough to let out a long moan of pleasure as her muscles contracted against her digit. She pulled the finger out of her vent and let out another surprised moan, not expecting the pleasure to also come from pulling out. Her vent contracted again on nothing, exposing the pink flesh between her tights. The red dragoness panted a bit, even more excited than before. There definitively was no turning back from now.

With a sigh of anticipation, Hazel slipped her digit again in her inners. She moaned again but this time didn't stop there. The red dragoness twitched and rotated her finger, still moaning of pleasure. Her digit was sliding perfectly within her, her own fluids having perfectly lubed it. Hazel knew she only was teasing herself, but what a tease was that ! The feeling of her finger rubbing her sensitive inners was already almost driving her mad. Soon she found herself closing her eyes and dropping her tongue, panting as her finger was triggering pike of pleasure after the other. And she had put only a part of her finger ! Yet at the moment she didn't dare getting farther than this.

Little by little, the red dragoness started to grow impatient. She didn't have the whole day for that after all ! And teasing herself only made her excitement worse. It certainly wasn't just by poking her inners like that that she would get satisfied ! Hazel leaned backward, almost lying her back on the ground, as she slipped her digit back in her inners. However, that time she didn't restrained herself and dug the whole finger at once. The dragoness let out a gasp with the pleasure she felt at that moment. That... What she just felt... Just feeling her whole finger inside her vent, muscles clenching on it... Her own thoughts were starting to get erratic, she could feel it. The red dragoness was feeling a wave of pleasure in her loins each time her muscles were clenching. She couldn't help but wonder if AuRon's member was as sensitive as her inners. If so, it would explain how he looked when she found him moments ago !

Anyway, it wasn't just by thinking around that she would get satisfied. Not to mention her own body was urging her to continue what she had begun. Hazel pulled her finger out, shivering as it sent a wave of pleasure through her body. But that time, without even waiting for the feeling to dull she slipped her finger back into her inners. The young female let out a loud moan as she pulled out again, starting to feel some pleasure building in her loins. Damn, that was it ! That was what the feeling her body was waiting for ! And she certainly wasn't going to stop there. The dragoness started to rhythmically put and pull her finger in her vent, panting under the feeling. The pleasure in her loins was continuing to build up, at the point she soon only focused on it, ignoring her surroundings. In fact she even closed her eyes, all she could hear was her own panting and the wet sound of her finger sliding in her inners, and all she could smell was the sweet smelling of her own fluids. And all she could think about was that wonderful pleasure between her legs.

As she continued to pull her finger in and out, moaning with each movement, her hunger grew even greater. She wanted more, always more. At least more than a mere finger. Before she realised it, the red dragoness had slipped a second digit in her inners, which instantly slid perfectly inside her thanks to her fluids. Another pull, another moan, another time in... Her own pleasure was driving her mad. The dragoness spent some long minutes pleasuring herself, panting, moaning and her tongue still dropping off her mouth. It was feeling like an eternity, but like she cared ! Every second was a bliss, every movement was triggering a spike of pleasure and every breath was turning into a pant or a moan. Was this what mating was ? If so, there was no wonder everyone was making such a fuss about it !

All in her pleasure, she started to fantasise. She imagined how it would be if a male was pounding her right now. A well-endowed male, of course... He would have savagely pinned her on the ground, exposing her belly and her pussy... By the way since when was she on her back ? He would have slowly spread her paws, leaving her defenseless against his erected member, trembling of anticipation... and then he would have fiercely dug it inside her. The red dragoness loudly moaned as her fingers mimicked the act, dug in her vent in a single sharp motion. The grey dragon would then mate her... no, fuck her, the most ruthlessly way she could imagine. He would forcefully plug his dick inside her, before quickly pulling it out and immediately after thrust it in again. His grey belly scales would brush against her yellow scales, she would feel his breath against her neck... Wait a second, since when was that imaginary dragon AuRon ? Probably since the beginning actually, but the question faded in the blur of pleasure her spirit had become almost at the same time it emerged. She didn't care at all who she was imagining fucking her. In fact it was even better if it was AuRon. Didn't she already dream of such a scene during those nights she spent in the grey dragon's cave ?

Anyway back to the important part, the dragon was ruthlessly fucking her, and he certainly was doing it properly - after all, if she was fantasying let's not have it half-done. Each thrust of her fingers was making her moan, louder and louder. Her thrust were harder and harder, Hazel plunging her fingers roughly in her inners and building more and more pleasure. Hazel felt like she wouldn't hold for long like that. Her body was getting tensed as the feeling in her loins was getting stronger and stronger. Driven by her lust, the red dragoness continued to slide her fingers in and out of her nethers, producing a wet sound at each move. Her whole crotch was covered of her own fluids, as was most of her paw. And yet she still wasn't satisfied. She wanted even more pleasure, and she knew she was close from having what she wanted. So close it was driving her mad.

For some long minutes, the dragoness pleasured herself, lost in her own lust and totally oblivious from her surroundings. She was moaning, panting and each of her movements was producing an audible wet sound. The pleasure between her legs was continuing to build, at the point she felt like it was going to explode. The dragoness was tensed, half-lying on the pebbles, her tongue dropping off her mouth. Nothing else than her pleasure mattered.

Hazel continued to fantasise, imagining AuRon fuck her even harder - if this was even possible. But soon even that fantasy started to fade in the mist of pleasure her mind had become. The red dragoness started to feel something else in her crotch, something even greater that what she had been feeling so far, something that she couldn't control. And something that was coming quickly. Hazel moaned louder as the feeling grew up in intensity, making her moves erratic. She suddenly understood what it was : she was on the verge of an orgasm ! The red dragoness plunged her fingers in a crazied rythm, giving herself entirely to the incoming apex of her pleasure. And suddenly, it came. All the pleasure that had been building between her tights exploded, washing both her body and her mind with a pure wave of pleasure. The feeling was so strong that Hazel let out a loud roar, her body violently arching backwards as she almost hit her head on the pebbles she was lying on. Her inner muscles forcefully clenched on her fingers, trapping them inside her, and her paw got generously sprayed of her fluids - but Hazel noticed none of that, the intense pleasure having temporally blacked out all her other senses. This only lasted a few seconds, but it was feeling like an eternity of bliss to the dragoness.

And then it ended, almost as quickly as it came. All of a sudden, all of the red dragoness' muscles relaxed, including her vaginal muscles that released her digits which slipped out with a wet sound. She was panting more than she was breathing, her tongue dropping out of her mouth in a comical way. In fact all of her body was now resting in a fairly unusual position, one fore-paw resting near her crotch on the ground and her rear paws widely spread. Hazel was feeling quite pent up, at least enough not to be able to move a single of her limbs. Or was that she didn't recover from her orgasm yet ? Her mind was feeling dulled, and so was her body. She stood lying there for a good minute, totally unable to move the slightest muscle.

With a huge effort from both her mind and her body, Hazel managed to raise her head and look at her body. What a mess she had made ! The paw she had used to... masturbate was totally smeared with fluids, and so was most of her crotch. She didn't even know her body could produce that much fluids. There was a strong but sweet smelling in the air, like a stronger version of what her heat was smelling like. If AuRon was to come here, there was no doubt that smell would arouse him quite a lot. She really had to get up and walk the few meters that were separating her from the lake to clean all this... yet she was feeling so great in her aftermath it was an almost impossible feat. Hazel sighed, leaning her head back on the pebbles. She had to get up as soon as she could...

AuRon started to walk faster, his prey on his back. He just heard Hazel roaring, and he was getting quite worried... though at the same time he had quite an awkward feeling. It was kind of a déjà-vu, but when did this already happen ? Well anyway he would find out pretty soon what was going on. The hunt had been pretty good, as despite being stuck with his bright red scales for quite a time, he had managed to sneak behind a deer without it noticing. So he really hadn't been away for a long time. In such a short span of time, there was nothing that bad that could happen, right ? Needless to say, he only was trying to reassure himself. He almost was at the pebble beach and he couldn't hear anything. It was both reassuring and worrying... and of course it made him feel even more worried. The grey dragon hurried even more for the last meters before the beach.

As AuRon went past the last few trees, he saw Hazel lying on the pebbles, being obviously fine.

"Hazel, you're all right ? I heard you roaring, I was getting kind of worried about... OhmygodIdidn'twanttointerruptyouIdidn'tknowyouwere-"

The grey dragon interrupted himself, instantly blushing. Now he remembered why he had that feeling of déjà-vu : this happened only a few moments ago, but with the roles reversed. AuRon only could stand where he was, his mouth still opened on the last word he was saying and unable to look away from Hazel. The red dragoness also was blushing hard, even though with her already red scales it only was causing her to have slightly brighter red scales - actually almost like the ones AuRon currently had.

Hazel quickly rolled on her belly, trying to hide her exposed crotch - even though it was of no use. She still had her front paw glinting under the sun, contrasting with the other one. The dragoness couldn't manage to look AuRon in the eyes and instead was looking at the ground.

The wind suddenly turned, sending her strong smelling right into AuRon's nostrils. Needless to say, it instantly aroused the grey dragon against his will, making his member slip out of its slit half-erected. With the heavy silence that was there for now half a dozen of seconds, it finished to make the situation truly awkward.

"... sorry." Hazel only managed to mutter.

AuRon finally managed to close his mouth, but it took him another pair of seconds to open it again to reply something.

"Go and wash this. Please." he abruptly ordered her.

The ashamed dragoness didn't say a word and awkwardly turned back before almost leaping toward the water. She then proceeded to wash her crotch as fast as possible, suddenly feeling incredibly dirty. What had gotten through her head ? Now AuRon was going to be mad at her, and he sure would be right. Did she really think she could get away with this without him knowing ? That was so silly... The red dragoness rolled entirely in the water, unable to get rid of her feeling she was dirty. That was stupid, her body was entirely clean...

Meanwhile, AuRon had sat down on the shore, laying the deer that had been on his back all that time on the ground. Unconsciously, his front paws were right in front of his own crotch, uselessly trying to hide his birthing erection - which for once wasn't complete. He had not to think about anything kinky, nothing kinky... A gust of wind washed the mesmerising smell of Hazel's aftermath away, letting the grey dragon more room to think about something else. That for sure was welcome. AuRon managed to regain a composure, his scales slowly coming back to their usual grey.

Hazel got out of the water, quickly drying her scales before stepping toward AuRon. Her eyes now were a bit less fleeing, but her look still showed how ashamed she was feeling.

"Well, you know... Somehow, this is reassuring." AuRon began.

Hazel raised her head, waiting for the rest.

"I mean, if you did it as well, that means having done it doesn't make me a pervert or what. I kind of felt horribly guilty earlier." the grey dragon finished with an awkward smile.

Hazel slightly chuckled, having the same awkward smile.

"You're... You're not going to be angry at me ?" she asked.

AuRon had a smirk.

"How could I ? It would be totally hypocritical to blame you for doing the same thing I did moments ago."

The red dragoness sighed, wondering if he was refering to the fact she actually blamed him before doing it as well. She didn't really want to know.

There was another short period of silence as none of the two dragons knew what to say. The wind was gently blowing through the trees, and the only noise they could hear was coming from the birds chirping in the forest.

"Well... What about we start eating that deer I hunted ?" AuRon suggested, breaking the silence once more.

"Sounds like a good idea. Let's stop making this moment more awkward than it already is." Hazel replied.

The grey dragon nodded, sighing. The moment sure was awkward... He grabbed the prey's neck with his jaws, dragging it between him and Hazel.

"The meal is served." he just said.

The two dragons began to eat in silence, both glad to have something to concentrate on. The day was nearing its end, with the sun starting to disappear under the line of trees bordering the lake. And what a day it had been for both of the dragons.

"I haven't asked you yet..." AuRon said between two mouthfuls.

"Asked what ?" the red dragoness enquired.

"Well, the same thing you asked me earlier. How are you feeling now regarding your heat ?"

Hazel blushed a bit.

"Uh... Better, I guess. At least, I can look at you without having any dirty ideas polluting my mind. Can you feel a difference ? You know, since you're pretty receptive to my heat..." she replied.

The grey dragon's nostrils dilated once as he sniffed the air, trying to get the draginess's scent.

"You're right, it's less overwhelming and doesn't affect me as much as it did. Though, might be as well because I... erm..." the grey dragon replied, slightly blushing at the end.

Hazel chuckled as she noticed AuRon's scales were getting slightly red.

"I got it, no need to say more." she smiled.

The grey dragon sighed, coming back to his usual gray.

"Today was really a catastrophe." he commented.

"Totally... But I guess it could have been way worse." Hazel replied.

AuRon raised an eyebrow. "How could it have been any worse ?"

"Well, I'm thinking about the first accident. This could have turned bad." she explained.

"Oh. I see what you mean."

Having nothing else to reply, the grey dragon resumed his meal. Hazel was right, that particular incident was a pretty close one, and led to him doing something he wasn't proud of. No even worse, it led to the both of them to succumb to their temptation. On the other side, it seemed like that let them relieve the pressure they have been under... but for how long ? All this was fairly complicated... and AuRon perfectly knew he stepped into something he knew nothing about. All he could hope now was that this step wouldn't lead to something unfortunate.