Something to keep safe - Chapter VIII

**A little friendship** AuRon opened an eye and widely yawned. After the disasters of the preview day, the two dragons just headed back to the grey male's cave and went to sleep without any other incident happening. And now was the next day. For...

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Something to keep safe - Chapter VII

**Reversal** Hazel was back at the main beach and sat down on the pebbles. AuRon went hunting, almost fleeing her - and who would blame him after what happened ? The dragoness just hoped he would manage to feel better, as hunting with bright red...

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Something to keep safe - Chapter V

**Catastrophe** Hazel slightly opened an eye as the luminosity in the cave increased. Again she had slept like a rock, which she wasn't complaining at all since she naturally was a light sleeper. And needless to say, the grass in this cave was so...

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The Mysterious Dragonman - Chapter III

The Nightmare's Beginning After that discussion, no one spoke for some long hours. Lông, Solaria, Calemvir and Sita all fell asleep quite quickly - and surprisingly, considering how hard and uncomfortable was the metal of their cages. But at a moment...

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Something to keep safe - Chapter VI

**Temptation** AuRon paddled a bit around the shore, unsure about what to do. This day has been a total disaster so far. First the events of the morning, and now this "accident"... And not to mention that both dragons were highly aroused by all this...

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Ode to the Wind Flight

Blowing above our head, Blowing under our wings, Blowing through our fur, Or between our scales. Running through the rifts, Running through the plains, Running above the oceans, Or staying still a moment. We are like the wind, Always in...

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Something to keep safe - Chapter IV

Summer's heat Hazel sighed as the hot sun was hitting her scales, deliciously warming her. This was definitively was making her somnolent and even less willing to do anything. The grey dragon was still lying at her side, seeming in the same state...

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Something to keep safe - Chapter III

Awakening AuRon moaned as he half-woke up. He was feeling deliciously well, lying like that on his cave's soft grass. In fact, so well he didn't really bothered opening his eyes more than half a second before closing them again. Apparently the...

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The Mysterious Dragonman - Chapter II

Chains of Sorrow "So, what do we do now ?" asked Sita. Lông sighed. "Waiting. What can we do else ? I don't know about you but I've just no energy." Solaria nodded. "It's right I'm not on top form... One doesn't wake up fresh and disposed after...

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The Mysterious Dragonman - Chapter I

The awakening Sita moaned as she slowly awoke. Her head felt like a train ran over it, and her whole body was feeling weird. She tried to open her eyes but to no avail : her vision was so blurred that it wasn't even worth the effort. She finally gave...

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Something to keep safe - Chapter II

A day like no other "And there we are : my cave !" AuRon announced, smiling while looking back. Hazel was walking behind him, seeming a bit exhausted. "Ah, finally. For a young male your territory isn't that small..." she slightly smiled. "Well,...

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The Mysterious Dragonman - Prologue

The Mysterious Dragonman Show After a last hour of lesson that seemed like an eternity for every student in the town, the school bell rang, finally announcing the beginning of summer holidays they all were waiting. Finally, free from lessons and...

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