2.6 Heat Dream - Milo P.I.

Story by Kane777 on SoFurry

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#12 of Heat Dream

Well, its been over a year but I finally got another chapter finished. I apologise for this taking way way too long but hope you all enjoy what I have come up with :)

The sun was slowly setting that silent humid evening, in the frequently bustling city of Dobermide. Though the darkness was approaching the heat did in no way relent, it was almost mandatory to have all your windows open in weather like this. Despite the sticky and sweaty humidity, the roaring canine night life had already begun. Bright green, blue and red neon lights shone onto the streets from the club and bar doorways. The many tall buildings as far as the eye could see, illuminate the sky with fluorescent lighting. The sound of bustling rush hour traffic, making way to the loud pulsing waves of music. The celebration of another work day over, ready to last all night.

There was one canine however, one dog who wasn't in as high spirits as everyone else seemed to be. He trekked through the maze like crowds of the Dobermide night life towards home. Walking alone on the sidewalk, he passed by a handful of party goers. None of which even gave him a passing glance, not that he was surprised.

He finally reached his destination. Shoving open the door to his small apartment, he looked over what he called a home and sighed heavily. His hair matted to his face and his eyes half closed from exhaustion. Tossing that days junk mail on the old sofa at the back of the living room, he fell back on it's cheap exterior and sighed. After staring at the roof for a few minutes, he walked over to his nearby desk to boot up his laptop. As it powered up slowly, he took his camera out of his pocket and attached it to it. He made a point to save that days precious photos to a hard drive.

He stepped into his dank bathroom and looked at his tired, disheveled self in the mirror. Dark rings surrounded his eyes and his was hair matted to his head and face. Reaching into the medicine cabinet, he took some painkillers and drank some cool refreshing water. With a long sigh he thought about what had brought him to this low point in his life as he stared at his reflection.

Back then before this happened and he still walked on four paws, this life only seemed like a bad thought. He had it made as a pup, a big house, loving owners, the whole package. Every day was a day off, spending hours just relaxing or exploring the back yard. It was a simple life but he loved every day of it. But once he had been infected with the canine virus, all that changed.

Suddenly his entire life was turned upside down, filled with new responsibility and change. The family that had once taken care of his every whim, now treating him as more of an equal then a loveable pet. He had to get whatever work he could to make up for the more costly life this change had given him. Gone were his care free untroubled days.

Eventually he had to leave the home he had lived in since he was born, away from his family.

That felt like so long ago, but it still felt like he was living inside his own bad dream.

Nowadays he had taken on the rock bottom profession of working as a private investigator. Feeling that it was the next logical step since he became barely noticeable to the public. Spending his days working to expose the dark, unpleasant side to other people's lives.

He had just returned home after getting some choice pictures of cheating spouse in a not so choice situation. Despite a job well done he didn't feel like it was much of an accomplishment. Having to flee the area when he was spotted by their rather violent friends and chased through an alley.

'It may not be glamorous but at least it's a living' he thought to himself. He trudged over to his sofa again and collapsed back onto it with a sigh. As he searched the arm and cushions for the TV remote, his mobile phone sprang to life in his pants pocket. He fished it out and answered it.


"Hey there Milo, it's been a while darlin"

Time seemed to stand still at that moment. Milo's blood ran cold as he recognised that voice straight away, his mind going a mile a minute. He hadn't heard that voice for a long time, but that southern accent still sent a chill through his spine. Once again it looked like his work had unfortunately found its way into his personal life. After a few tense seconds of not being able to speak he worked up the courage and responded.

"Dixie, uuuhh w-what a nice surprise," he lied. Sweat dripping down his face. He wondered how on earth she had got his number in the first place. "To what do I owe the pleasure? I figured after the unpleasantness that occurred last time we saw each other that..."

"I'd be hollerin at ya?" Dixie cut him off, chuckling. "Maybe another time kid, but right now I wanna talk some business."

Milo just stood there, sweating bullets after hearing this. He could only guess what talking business with her would imply.

On her side of the call, Dixie put on a more professional exterior. When she next spoke it was with complete seriousness. "Let's cut to tha chase, I need you ta dig up some dirt on someone for me."

"Really?" Milo asked, shocked beyond words at this bizarre revelation. "I thought for sure I would be the last guy you'd want to be snooping around your business."

"Well the way I look at it, who better to sniff out someone up to no good?" Dixie once again smiled on her side "Then the guy who sniffed me out."

In the not too distant past.....

'Well this week was a complete let down' Milo thought to himself. He had just stepped out of the elevator on the top floor of the 'Heat Dream' building. 'Danielson gave me a whole week to investigate Miss McIntyre and I came up with squat'. Milo headed down the hallway to Tom's office at the far end. Looking down at his wristwatch, he figured he had a few minutes until Mr Danielson wanted to see him.

After a short distance he noticed he was passing a lavatory, he figured he had time before his meeting.

As Milo went to open the lavatory door he could have sworn he heard a strange noise. It was a muffled sort of banging noise accompanied by a male's muffled whispering. It seemed to be coming from behind the door on the opposite side of the narrow hallway. Pondering the explanation for a moment Milo would have just ignored it if not for the clearly female voice that suddenly said...

"Will you stop with the worryin' honey, they can't hear us in here. Now shut it and rut me."

Milo knew that voice the second he heard it. That was Dixie McIntyre alright and from the sound of it he had the perfect piece of info for Danielson. Right behind that door.

Slowly and as quietly as possible, Milo snuck up to the door. He pressed his pointed ear against it so he could make sure he wasn't noticed. Satisfied he had not been revealed by the panting oversexed pair he grasped the door handle. Pulling his cell phone from his pocket he set it too take photos and braced himself.

In the matter of a couple of seconds he pulled down on the door handle and pulled open the door. The gust of wind from the sudden action hitting him in the face. His camera phone flashed again and again as he started taking the photos before his mind could even contemplate what he was seeing.

Inside the poorly lit supply closet there were rows of long shelves covering both the right and left wall, so Milo's eyes immediately focused on the back wall. The rhythmic thumping sound was definitely something or someone crashing against the wall over and over. Milo had a front row seat of Dixie getting pounded like a slut with her legs wrapped around the backside of an average looking guy with a camera around his neck.

Milo could tell very little about the male employee with his back to him, besides the fact the guys pants and briefs were around his ankles. It looked like he was a tall, slim jack russell terrier with mostly white fur, except for his black ears, thighs and his wagging tail.

For a few tense seconds Milo just stood there in awe as they seemed to just carry on rutting despite his not so subtle entrance and flashing phone. If anything the male of the pair seemed to be pumping harder into her, his rear clenching up each time he bottomed out inside her. With a loud clear of his throat Milo seemed to get their attention.

Dixie unwrapped her legs and sat herself down on the boxes of paper she had used to keep herself upright. She could still see Milo's face over the shoulder of her now completely shocked partner.

"Uuuhhh this... this ain't what it looks like" Dixie had stuttered, figuring half way through that sentence that she was caught in the act. She could only sigh and lean back against the wall, grimacing when she realised how sore her back really was.


"Exactly Dixie, it was because of my photos that you were fired not too long ago" Milo replied. He was now deeply suspicious of this being a set up, she wouldn't have been the first to try. "Ok, say I was interested, what's in it for me by taking you up on your offer?"

"Well the short version is there is a no good, two timing weasel on the inside that is helping our new boss blackmail Tom." Dixie held a hand over her heart and sighed "Since we had last met, Tom and I have become very close and it hurts me to know that right now I can't help him out of this mess. That's why I want to use your skills to find out which of my friends is the snitch, money is no object if you can do this."

Milo laid back on his beat up old couch and looked around his hole in the wall of an apartment, seriously contemplating Dixie's generous offer. After considering his severe lack of options for a moment he knew what he had to do.

"Ok you've got a deal," he answered "When do I start?"

"As soon as possible," Dixie said, pleased that he had taken her offer. "Meet me in front of the 'Heat Dream' company building two days from now at 9:00am in the morning" "You'll need a way of getting through the front lobby but don't worry, just leave that to me."

Dixie was then startled on her side by the sound of her houses front door opening nearby. Tom Danielson had innocently just walked in and was heading towards her.

"I have to go, remember 9:00am," Dixie whispered before hanging up. She puts her ear to the bedroom door and waits anxiously to hear the music start to play.

two days later......

Though the night was long and eventful, eventful for some more than others, the sun rose once again to the heavens as a new day began. The deserted cold, dark streets of the night becoming crowded with commuters.

Milo walked briskly down the crowded street towards the 'Heat Dream' building. He still didn't know yet exactly how Dixie planned to get him past the front desk. There was still the itching feeling in the back of his mind that this was all just a elaborate hoax by Dixie. Though with his current financial situation he really didn't have much of a choice. So with his camera safely hidden in his pants pocket he kept walking. Once standing in front of the building, he leaned back against

the wall. He raised his sunglasses and scouted the area for Dixie to show up.

Soon after arriving he caught sight of said Saluki. Being pulled up on the sidewalk as a passenger. He recognised the driver instantly as Danielson as he hid his face and hoped he didn't recognise him. He watched from a distance as she said her goodbyes and kissed Tom. So much had changed since he had last seen both of them both in the same place.

As she waved to Tom she walked over to Milo and grabbed him by the arm. Without as much as a hello she dragged her embarrassed partner through the open glass double doors and towards the front desk. He was really nervous now, he knew he couldn't trust her for a second. She probably recorded their phone conversation on her end.

Milo and Dixie made their way to the front desk, while Milo fidgeted with the fake work pass around his neck. His eyes kept moving from one stranger's face to another, looking out for anyone that remembered him from the last time he was there. As they walked, Dixie noticed Milo was being very obvious by how he was acting. With a scowl she nudged him in the shoulder roughly, giving him a look telling him to keep his cool. When they reached the front desk, they noticed the blonde, female saluki sitting on the other side. Her earring glistening in the light as she leisurely chewed on a piece of gum. She was lazily reading a magazine as she chewed, passing the time until her next break.

'Just as I was hopin' Dixie thought with a not so innocent grin on her face. 'Gettin Milo in there will be a piece of cake'.

"Hey there Tanya darlin," Dixie whispered in her target's ear making the poor girl jump almost out of her seat. She was slightly worried when the girl started choking on her gum but had to hold back a chuckle when she swallowed it.

"Dog's sake Dixie, thanks for almost killing me geez," Tanya said sarcastically. She had already taken another stick from her pocket and started chewing it. "Besides making me swallow my gum why are you bothering me?"

"Well hon, I was just showing Milo here where to sign in seeing as he's the new guy." Dixie suddenly put Milo in a headlock and ruffled his hair "Look who finally has an assistant."

Tanya was left stunned for a second before regaining her composure. She searched through the paperwork on her desk before looking up at Dixie again with a look of confusion. "That's strange, canine resources didn't send down any mention of a new employee starting today."

Milo was starting to get nervous at this point, yet he noticed Dixie was entirely keeping her cool. He could only assume she had a plan.

"Well if ya wanna call the CR office and ask em, we'll be stuck here forever as they bark your ear off." Dixie took hold of the pass she made around Milo's neck and pulled him towards Tanya. "See here, he has a pass already with his name on it. If anyone asks I'll take the rap for ya"

Tanya looked at the pass, then the phone on her desk, then the pass again. After a few moments of deep thought she just sighed and rubbed the bridge of her snout in aggravation. "Fine Dixie you win," Tanya finally said making a shooing motion. "Just don't get caught and mess us both over alright?"

Dixie had a huge grin on her face, her tail wagging in quick motions behind her. She grabbed Milo by the arm and dragged him towards the elevator. "Relax hon, nothin to frett about."

Dixie dragged Milo around the desk and towards the back of the room, to a row of elevators along the wall. There was of course a small gathering of canine workers waiting patiently for the next one to open as Dixie pressed the nearby call button.

"Now I'm sure I don't have to tell ya where the boss's office is do I?" Dixie asked Milo rhetorically.

She was being rather blatant with her air quotes on the word boss with a look of distain on her face. "Just get into that bitch's room, find out anythin you can on who her lackey is and get out of there."

Milo just nodded, completely focused on the still closed elevators and waiting anxiously now for one to finally open. He was brought back to reality when Dixie held both of his hands in hers and looked into his eyes with sincerity.

"Please help get Tom his job back." Dixie asked him with a hint of a sadness in her eye "It's all my fault this happened and I need to fix this for both him and me."

Milo could tell from her expression that she was truly depending on him. He responded by squeezing her hands in return and nodding "Don't worry Dixie, you can count in me to get the job done."

They were brought back to reality by the elevator's bell as it opened up in front of them. Other employees and visitors started heading towards them and entering the elevator one by one.

Leaving enough space for one more.

Dixie released his hands and stepped away from Milo. "Ok then hon, get to work. I'll meet you at the café across the street at 7:00pm with what you have found out." She leaned forward and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before turning and walking away.

Milo stood there for a moment in silence, surprised by the sudden change in her attitude and just watched her walk away. He was now fully focused on his mission and stepped into the empty elevator. Once inside he selected the top floor.

As floor after floor passed by on the way to the top floor, Milo kept his position in the back corner.

He watched as, floor after floor, the elevator's inhabitants dwindled as they left. Milo was pleasantly surprised when he was soon the last person in it. His stop on the top floor was closing in as Milo took his camera out of his pants pocket. He decided he needed to check he had space in its memory for his mission. Of course he had checked before he left the house that morning. He used the few moments he was alone psyching himself up. 'Right, all I've got to do is get into that office and do a quick sweep of her desk and cabinets' Milo thought. 'Just hope Dixie has taken care of keeping that room deserted while I work.'

With only twelve floors to go until his destination, the elevator suddenly made a dinging sound and came to a halt. This brought Milo back to reality in an instant, he looked up from his camera at the number display above the door. Realising this was going to be another distraction from this mission, he frowned and crossed his arms.

'Darn it, so close' Milo thought to himself, watching and glaring at the doors as they slowly open.

Soon he was joined by two attractive canine women. One wearing a casual outfit of a standard black t-shirt that just about covered her larger assets. As well as a pair of slim looking dark jeans. The other was slightly shorter in height and was clearly much younger than her female friend. Wearing loose fitting shorts and a oversized shirt that left her upper body entirely to imagination.

Milo instantly recognised the two women as he had seen them both many times before. Just not in person.

It was Rita and Angel themselves that had joined him in the elevator, both noticing him instantly. At first there was a period of awkward silence as Milo did his best to avoid eye contact to avoid drawing attention to himself. If either of them caught on to the fact he was actually trespassing by being there his plan to get upstairs would be sunk.

After a few seconds of silence, Angel noticed the third person in the closed space they were in and stepped closer to Milo. She reached for his building pass to get a closer look at it. After a few seconds a look of mistrust and confrontation grew on her face. "Are you new? I don't think I've ever seen you here on the upper floors before."

"Yeah me neither," Rita followed up, stepping closer and bending down slightly to get a closer look at the plastic tag around Milo's neck "You know you need permission to be up here right?"

Milo had to think fast if he was going to get out of this, his cover was this close to being blown so soon. He had to think fast, he needed a distraction and an escape method as soon as possible. It was then he noticed behind the two canines the door of the elevator was still open. He still had a chance at an escape plan if he did this right.

"Wait, now I recognize you two," M,ilo suddenly blurted out with as much innocence as he could muster. "Your Rita and our Angel right? Wow I must have seen both of your movies five or six times each."

Rita was a little surprised by his sudden supposed realization, but Angel was in no way convinced. Her eyes staring daggers in Milo's direction and her short curly tail frozen in place. She was not amused. "It doesn't matter who we are right now, we both want to know who you are."

"Yes, yes, in a second, but first I just have to get a photo with both of you, my brother will be so jealous!" Milo insisted.

He hated having to stoop so low as to use the fake brother routine but this was a dire situation. He removed his camera from his pants pocket and set it up to take a picture. While he had his back turned to his two soon to be victims, he turned the flash setting on it to maximum 'they are going to hate me for this'.

With his camera all set up for his plan, Milo grabbed both Angel and Rita quickly by the shoulders. Fixing their position so he was standing next to them, but most importantly so he was standing closest to the open lift door.

'Well here goes nothing' Milo thought as he aimed the camera at their collected faces and moved his finger to the picture taking button.

Just before the picture was taken, Milo used his free hand to cover his eyes and braced himself. This would sting his eyes, but nowhere near as bad as the other two targets.


For what could have only been a micro-second the elevator was filled with a blinding light as Milo took the picture. As soon as it happened Rita and Angel collectively howled loudly in pain as they covered their eyes in shock and anguish. Uselessly flailing around for a wall to lean against as they waited for their eyes to stop burning so they could rub them. They were both so distracted that the last thought entering their minds was where Milo had disappeared too.

Milo used this opportunity to make his cunning escape, despite being partially blinded by the light. Holding a hand over his eyes hadn't fully saved his vision so the room was still blurry to him. Thinking quickly he ran out of the door, but not before pressing the button for the next floor.

He got out just in time to watch the doors close behind him. Rita and Angel still reeling from the camera flash.

He was so distracted by his plan actually working that he did not even notice the presence behind him. Having stepped out of one of the nearby closed doors in the hallway he was standing in. The stranger stalked up to him and leaned close so their lips were right next to his ear.

"Your late!" his assailant shouted from right behind him.

Milo jumped ten feet in shock from the sudden shouting, unfortunately he had collided with the closed elevator door head first from the surprise. He fell to one knee and rubbed his ear in complete shock, unable to comprehend that someone had sneaked up on him so easily. As if his situation wasn't already enough of a headache. He turned around to find out who had snuck up on him and scared him half to death, planning to yell something himself.

There stood the dazzling Georgette, vicious scowl on her face as she crossed her arms against her chest. She stood towering over Milo's knelt form in nothing but a fluffy white robe. The robe's colour was a shade of white that perfectly matched her silk soft fur. It did nothing to hide the size of her bust, protruding quite clearly from her chest and barely kept hidden by the loosely tied string. It was clear from the angered look on her face that she had been waiting for a long time.

Although why she was waiting for him in particular confused Milo to no end.

"I'm sorry, have we met?" Milo asked in complete confusion "I think you have me confused with someone else."

He turned and eyed the closed elevator, already thinking of ways to get away from her and back to his mission to reach the top floor.

"Nonsense!" Georgette shouted, taking his wrist in a tight grip and lifting him effortlessly to his feet. She gave him a once over and immediately noticed his pass around his neck "Now enough talking, you've already put me behind schedule."

"Wait where are we gooaahh," Before Milo could finish his question he was dragged roughly through a nearby door, peering out to see if anyone had witnessed what had gone on. When she let go of his wrist he rubbed the sore area where she was crushing it and was startled by the sound of the door slamming shut behind him.

"Well, are you going to just stand there?" Georgette asked him.

As Milo turned to her still completely confused to give her an almighty death glare, his eyes instead widened in further surprise and confusion.

Georgette had switched on the lights that surrounded her makeup mirror, so large it took up almost the entire back wall. From the angle that Milo was staring at her which was from directly behind, she seemed to be glowing like some kind of goddess.

Milo could not take his eyes off her or even move as he admired Georgette with his mouth wide open. He thought he was going to have a stroke when suddenly her robe strap was slowly undone.

Georgette opened her robe in what seemed to Milo like slow motion, as if she could read his now not so innocent thoughts.

It feel in a heap on the floor around her uncovered bare ankles, leaving her in only a very skimpy matching set of underwear and bra. Seemingly ignoring the fact Milo was standing right behind her, She admired her body in the mirror, a smile spreading on her face as she looked at the reflection of her chest. Her smile soon turned into a pout as she looked at her naked neckline.

"Curse my misfortune, why can I not find the perfect necklace to go with this ensemble." She noticed the reflection of Milo's blushing face and turned her head so she could see him directly. "Don't just stand there like a peon, help me find it!"

Milo stood there and just stared at her amazing body, unable to move for a moment as he admired her curves. His once loose pants now getting tighter by the second. He was able to get the circulation back to his brain for a brief moment and turned to gaze at the only exit for a second.

He had a clear path to the exit, all he had to do was talk his way out of this situation and walk out the door. He had a plan already forming in his head, though he got quite the shock when he turned back to look at her.

Georgette had decided to begin her search by checking the shelves underneath her vanity table. She was now bending over openly and blatantly right in front of her aroused guest. Her tail by reflex had risen as she arched her back, leaving nothing but a thin black thong covering her glorious white rear end.

Milo didn't know what to do, he was blushing red like a tomato as he tried to avoid staring at her upturned backside. It didn't seem possible for him to tare his eyes away from it, he could only hope he wasn't starting to drool. Her swaying ass just looked so perfect, like two mounds of soft perfect white snow pushed together. He tried to will his body to move and flee the room while she was distracted, but by this point his erection was by now aching in its underwear prison. His crotch was making a very noticeable bulge that was pointing right at her rear.

Hearing only the noise of her own rummaging, Georgette looked back over her shoulder and glared at Milo. "Will you actually start looking please?" she asked, clearly agitated yet not seeming to notice exactly where Milo's eyes were staring at intently. "Look up in that cupboard above me right now" Georgette ordered with a huff as she continued to bend over and rummage through her stuff.

Milo gulped and slowly stepped behind her, being extremely careful not to anger her by grinding against her presented backside. The very notion of walking or even running away from her perfect body now the last thing on his mind. After only a few steps he was in the right position to reach above her, though he could not resist a peek down there though.

She was only mere inches away from his crotch now. Her curvy hips easily within reach of his now sweaty hands. The only thing blocking his sight of her upturned crotch a thin black string of fabric nestled in the crevice. If he stepped forward just a little he could easily just push his now very erect member right up against her butt. Sure she would probably kill him within seconds but for those few seconds he could feel her against him, it would be worth it. But Milo controlled himself somehow, he was there to do a job.

"Look, as much as I would like to stay and help you look," Milo said, having to pull his gaze away from her ass. "I uuhh have to help Dixie get prepared for a photo shoot in a few minutes so if you don't mind I am just going to head out."

Milo was startled when Georgette suddenly froze, her hands clenched in closed fists on the table. She was completely silent with her body still bent over.

"So let me just make sure I have this right," Georgette suddenly stood up straight but didn't turn around, her freshly brushed hair and fur started bristling. "You are not really MY assistant?"

Milo would have said he told her so but watching her startling to lose it, he bit his tongue.

"Instead of saying yes to making Angel my subordinate again like I demanded, on more than one occasion!" Georgette slowly rose and fully turned to face him. "That bitch instead turns me down AND hires a new assistant for that country whore instead!" Georgette had completely lost it at this point. A raging fire in her eyes and her teeth bared in absolute anger. "I bet that low class bitch put you up to this didn't she, probably laughing her arse off as we speak."

At this point Milo was shaking like a leaf on his feet as he started to slowly back away from her. Aiming for the only exit from the seemingly small and getting much smaller room.

Georgette noticed him trying to get away through her rage. Her face now a light shade of red from both anger and slight embarrassment. She walked over to him faster than he was moving and grasped the scruff of his t-shirt. In moments she had him pressed against the exit door, her body pushed right up against his.

Georgette stealthy reached down and grasped Milo by his rather large weak spot between his legs. "Maybe I should do the right thing and just kick you out of my dressing room. Not giving

Dixie the satisfaction of seeing how furious I am with her!"

Milo was partially relieved that she was considering a peaceful solution while she held his crotch. Despite the worrying situation he was stuck in, he was still half erect in the grip of her manicured fingers.

"Or maybe I should jut teach you a permanent and painful lesson right now." Georgette reached down further and gripped his full sore balls in the palm of her hand. She quickly increased the pressure as she began to squeeze them roughly in a tight grip.

Milo's eyes suddenly bugged out as he instinctively grasped her arm with both his hands. He whined like a little puppy as he felt his nuts slowly being crushed by what felt like a mechanical vice. He tried to cry out but no words came as he pushed back against the closed door behind him. He peered down at where her hand was slowly castrating him and them into her eyes with his best sad puppy eyes look.

"You know, its hormone driven ruffians like you that almost makes me want to quit working here."

Georgette could feel that despite the pain she was sure was agonizing, he was still sporting a mild erection. She could feel it pulsing against the top of her clenching fist. "How can you still be hard you pervert?" she asked, squashing him against the door with her half naked chest.

Just as Milo was convinced she was going to finish what she'd started, he felt someone knock on the door from the opposite side.

"Sorry for interrupting Miss Georgette, but I was sent by the boss to hand you this week's revised schedule." After knocking a few more times, the mystery person decided to check if she was even in the room. They did this by checking if the door was locked, by turning the door handle.

Suddenly with a loud crash the messenger, Milo and Georgette found themselves in a heap on the floor. The poor innocent employee had not time to react as the two bodies of the room's occupants sent him sprawling to the ground.

Georgette sat up and shook her head as she tried to regain her bearings, her head aching from landing on Milo. Her look of confusion as to what had just transpired then turned back to a look of anger. She recalled what she was in the middle of doing. Getting to her feet she scouted the area for her deserving target but was surprised when she realized he had escaped.

Milo clearly heard the sound of Georgette's barking meltdown, as he stepped into the elevator once more. He rapidly tapped the top floor's button as he gasped for breath. He had never ran as fast in his life. Because he was originally only a few floors away from the roof originally it didn't take long for the doors to open.

Milo stepped out of the elevator and checked his watch, walking into a quite large waiting area. A set of chairs in the back corner, next to a large single desk against the side wall. Clearly the desk of the boss's secretary he thought as he sneaked across the room. He headed past the empty desk to the big double doors at the back of the room.

Taking his camera quietly out of his pocket, Milo pressed his pointed ear against the door and listened. He was finding difficult to make out what the sounds were, coming from that room. But

Milo could have sworn he heard a rhythmic smacking of something solid on bare skin sound. A loud booming sort of sound every few seconds with a small amount of muffled talking in between. Milo was frustrated that there were people still in his office. How was he supposed to uncover what he could for Dixie if the room was occupied.

Taking a big risk, Milo carefully and quietly walked over to it and pushed open one of the big office doors. He kept as silent as possible as he stuck a couple of fingers in the crease between the doors and pulled to made enough of a gap to peek through. He almost gave himself away by gasping in surprise, he was shocked at what he saw.

Milo watched in disbelief as one of the main targets of his investigation, that being Miss Stella Jones, was roughly spanking the backside of a red furred female husky.

From his vantage point he could only guess her breed as all he could see was her backend, with her dress pushed up and her panties pulled down. They were not fully taken off however, just low enough to give Milo a view of her bare buttocks. For a few moments he just kneeled there in the doorway and watched as Stella rained blow after blow on the poor girls rear, completely unnoticed. He could only sit there, forced to listen to Jenna's yelps and the deafening smack each time Stella's manicured hand made contact with Jenna's abused butt.

"When I send you to get me a simple cup of coffee my dear, I do not expect it to take you so long to do it."

"My furry god, what is it with these people' Milo thought to himself as he aimed his camera view. Pointing his camera lens at the lewd couple and starting to take some close-up shots. 'Honestly, if they aren't bent over half naked in front of strangers, they're bent over for each other.'

After a particularly harsh, loud spank across both cheeks of the husky girl's pink, quivering backside. Milo's sensitive canine ears perked up at the sound of the elevator behind him rising to his floor. He had to think quickly, if he stayed where he was the occupants would notice him instantly. He frantically searched the room for a hiding spot while hoping his presence wasn't noticed by the two women in the office next door.

Suddenly the elevator's bell rang as its doors opened, revealing one lone female as its occupant. With a swish of her short tail, she casually made her way over to the office on the opposite side of the room. She then suddenly came to a complete halt and looked over at the nearby desk.

Milo watched the woman's feet as she walked across the room, hidden from sight underneath the desk. He was huddled in the leg space, trying to keep his breathing as silent as possible. He almost gasped when he saw her feet were inches away from him as she stood at the desk. For a tense few seconds all Milo could hear was the moving and sorting of papers with the occasional sigh.

'Oh man' Milo thought to himself 'after what happened between me and her earlier, she would be less than happy to see me again'.

Milo nearly breathed a sigh of relief when said lady stepped away from the desk and left the room. She walked right into the office that Milo had been spying on just now. 'Well, that is in no way suspicious' Milo thought to himself sarcastically. Once he was sure the coast was clear he made his way out from under the desk and stood up straight again. 'Phew that was a close one' Milo thought to himself, creeping over to the office door once again.

He peered into the office just as the visitor had coughed to get the other ladies attention. He was lost for words when he watched Stella get up from kneeling at Jenna's behind in response. Jenna's panties were pulled down and off entirely now, leaving nothing covered and nothing to the imagination. Her crotch fur was now completely soaked, meaning Milo could now clearly see her aroused and abused pussy in full detail. Seeing this reminded Milo how sore his previously abused crotch was as he stiffened in his loose pants. Through all the teasing and punishment that had been inflicted to him he found it hard to not think about Jenna in that way.

"Well well, it's about time you turned up my dear" Stella said

Milo listened close as the two ladies started chatting, though his eyes were glued to the now held down body of Jenna. He nearly moaned under his breath when Stella unceremoniously shoved two fingers full depth right up Jenna's aroused pussy. He tried to pay attention to the conversation but the sound of Jenna's groaning was such a distraction.

"Well it seems to be just as we predicted, Dixie is on the hunt for the rat in her circle of friends."

Milo's attention was aimed straight at the two women when he heard that, sounded like he might have hit pay dirt. He aimed his camera and started video recording.

"I am under suspicion, but not any more than the others, I should be safe for a while." She was going to continue but Jenna wouldn't quieten down under her hand, she shut her up by putting a hand over her mouth. "If we are going to keep things how we want them we need to get Dixie off our scent."

"Of course, but how do you suppose we do that?" Stella asked

"Well how about we give her what she wants, we bring back Tom Danielson." Before Stella could get angry she quickly continued. "Not in his previous position of course, more of a low standing employee that you can keep your eye on."

"Yes yes I like that" Stella said with a smile, her fingers moving faster in and out of Jenna's moaning body "we keep the girls happy and we don't have to hear from them about this."

'Oh I wouldn't be so sure of that ladies' Milo thought to himself with a full on smirk on his face. 'Something tells me that this little recording is going to screw your plan right over I'm afraid' Milo nearly jumped out of his shoes when a cell phone started going off in the handbag next to Jenna. He watched as Stella lazily walked over to the bag and held up the phone to look at it.

"Well speak of the devil"

Milo on instinct used his phone to zoom in on the flashing text on the other phone, clearly saying 'Danielson' on it. He zoomed back out when Stella started walking over to where Jenna's head was laying as she held the phone to Jenna's ear

Milo listened intently to the phone call being made in front of him and made sure to record every word that was being said. He was confused as he listened to their conversation, wasn't Tom in a relationship with Dixie right now. 'Why would he ask out Jenna out of nowhere if Dixie is hiring me to help him get his job back' He did consider that he only assumed Dixie and Tom were a couple based on what lengths she was going to to help him. 'What is your game Danielson?' he thought to himself.

"How about you use this opportunity to invite Tom here to see me about a job interview."


Oh so that's your game Stella' Milo thought to himself, giving Stella a harsh death glare from his hiding spot. 'You're gonna use Jenna as a pawn to manipulate Tom and Dixie to get them both off your back'

Milo had seen enough and turned off his phone, putting it back in his pocket as he stood up. He gave the door one last look of disdain as he headed for the elevator. He was suddenly spooked by the deafening howl Jenna made from the other room, accidently knocking a cup on the desk he crashed into. He could only watch as if in slow motion as the cup fell to the ground and shattered to pieces. For a few short seconds there was only silence, no-one moved, no-one spoke as if the silence was deafening.

Milo's ears perked up as there was suddenly a sound of someone heading his way from the other room. He looked around frantically for a hiding spot, he couldn't hide under the desk again. His attention was soon aimed at the slightly open window behind the desk as he planned his escape in his head. Looking out of it he quickly remembered they were at least twenty floors off the ground and that if he jumped he would be a goner.

Suddenly Stella's accomplice threw open the door as they scanned the room with their eyes. From what she could see the room was deserted, the only noise coming from the widely opened window. The woman scowled and slammed the window shut again and turned to go back to the office again. "Lousy wind breaking a cup like that, frighten me half to deaf." She muttered as she went back in.

If the woman had turned around just once more she would have noticed the door to the elevator closing on the other side of the room.

Milo breathed a sigh of relief from within the elevator as it headed down to the ground floor. "Phew that was more than too close," Milo said to himself as he looked over the pictures and video he had recorded "But I suppose it's just part of what I do"

After maybe ten or twelve floors Milo's good mood suddenly fell as the buff security dog from before stepped into the elevator when the doors opened. At first the guy just stood behind Milo as the elevator continued to drop, 'maybe I am still in the clear' Milo thought.

That idea was quickly shot down when they reached the bottom floor and he felt the strong grip of the guard grasp his shoulder from behind. Milo just lowered his head and sighed as he was guided out of the elevator and through some doors the opposite side of the room to the only exit.

Milo just sighed and closed his eyes in anguish, he had been brought into a windowless room and sat on a lone chair in the middle. On one side of the room were a dozen monitors above a desk with a keyboard on it, the exit door now behind him. The guard had confiscated his phone and then for some reason handcuffed his wrists around the bars on the back of the chair. He didn't think it was a good idea to try and resist against a male that muscular considering the size difference so just sat there in silence. This was the end of the road for him, he assumed any second police officers were going to walk in and lock him up for sure. His ears perked up at the sound of the door behind him opening and hearing the sound of high heels clicking with each step of the new visitor.

"Let's see what we have here,"

Milo felt a chill go right down his spine and his heart beat go through the roof, it couldn't be it just couldn't. When he saw her walk around him he felt cold sweat drip down his face in horror. The woman that had just walked in was Stella.

"One count of trespassing on private property, one count of fraud using a fake name badge to gain access to said property and my favourite.." Stella stood behind Milo's chair and whispered in his ear "Recording conversations without consent."

Milo was shocked at first that she knew, but realised she must have looked through his phone when they captured him. His realisation was proven true when she walked over to the keyboard on the desk and booted up the monitors. On each monitor was a display of one of his taken pictures or the video footage he had just recorded. Milo could only watch as each monitor went through his stored pictures in a slide-show style. He was thankful right then he had transferred the pictures from other cases he worked on onto his laptop and deleted the original copies.

"So I guess this is the part where you get the cops to drag me away?" Milo said, his head drooping as he waited for her to confirm his fear.

He was brought back to reality when Stella's high heeled foot suddenly landed on the chair, right between his legs. Thankfully her foot had landed on the edge of the chair, inches away from his crotch and stayed there. He looked up in shock at her grinning face as she leaned forward and rested her soft hand on the side of his face, keeping his eyes locked on hers.

"Now that would not be best for business would it cutie." Stella said, stroking Milo's cheek like he was a mere pet to her.

"It wouldn't?" Milo asked in surprise, not openly acknowledging her unwanted stroking of his cheek fur. His face clearly showing his confusion.

"Oh of course not," she replied, standing up straight and turning to face the many monitors on the wall. "You see Milo, if that is your real name of course," she continued with her back to him. "I don't see how I can make sure you keep your cute trap shut about what's going on in this company." She tapped a button on the keyboard and the video footage took up all of the screens. "If you are locked up in some police station miles away and decide to spill the beans." She looked at him over her shoulder with a scowl "In a desperate bid to get a lighter sentence through a plea bargain..."

Stella picked up Milo's camera from the table and inspected it "Besides it seems to me you are quite skilled with a camera, I think I know of a way we can both benefit from your presence here."

Milo was very sure he could not trust Stella for one second, considering what he had already seen her do. But considering it was either accept Stella's apparent deal or do jail time, he had no real alternative.

"What are you getting at Stella?" Milo asked with curiosity

"Well it is really quite simple cutie." Stella replied aiming the camera so Milo's entire body was in the shot. "I could use a photographer and cameraman of your talents to make this dump a real success." When she finished talking, she took a picture of him handcuffed to the chair. "That way I can keep an eye on you and make a fortune off your skills and you well, you don't end up bent over in prison."

Milo had a look of disgust on his face at the thought of how Stella could be so evil and manipulate him like that. But he knew deep down he really had no choice, he was just another game piece to her and he had nowhere to go but where she wanted him.

"Ok," Milo finally muttered, his face showing a look of sadness "You have a deal."

"Oh that is marvellous news darling." Stella beamed with the biggest grin on her face. "Well I guess that means you can begin your job immediately." she said heading behind him to the handcuffs digging into his wrists. Just when she was about to release his bonds she suddenly stopped and stood up again. "Although..."

Milo frantically turned his head to stare at her in fear "Although what?" he asked her while starting to sweat again.

"Oh don't be worried my boy you are still going to be freed." Stella said with a smile on her face

"it's just that I promised my assistant some... well.. retribution."

Milo's jaw dropped as the door behind him suddenly opened, light pouring into the dark room that cast a shadow over Milo's trapped form. He jumped in shock when his chair was leaned back and he was face to upside down face with Stella's quite angry looking assistant.

"Well well what do we have here?" the woman asked mockingly, pushing the chair back onto its four legs before grasping his shoulders from behind roughly. "Seems our little troublemaker that I had the 'pleasure' of running into earlier has nowhere to run."

'Oh god no' Milo thought to himself, of all the canines in all the world how could he be in this situation with her. He could tell by her tight grip on him that she had not so easily forgotten what had happened the last time their paths crossed this morning.

"Oh I am going to quite enjoy returning the favour." the woman said before releasing his shoulders and kneeling between his shivering legs "and then some."

Milo was so afraid and yet confused at what she was planning to do to him, especially when she got down to near his crotch. 'Oh man please no more groin pain' he thought to himself as he watched her suddenly grasp his belt and pull it all the way off his pants. He didn't even notice Stella picking up his camera again, that is until she aimed it right at him.

"Don't worry too much." Stella said watching him through the screen on the back as his lower half was undressed. "Just a little insurance that you will not go back on our deal, now smile!" she said as she turned on the video recorder and kept it facing his half naked body.

Although shocked beyond words by what was going on, he was brought back to reality as he felt a chill on his crotch. His boxers had been pulled down and off, leaving his semi-hard erection naked in the cool air. He tried a last ditch effort of crossing his legs but they were just spread wide and held still.

"Well it seems you're not as much of a 'little' troublemaker as I thought brat!" The women said as she openly inspected Milo's cock from every angle.

Her manicured fingers closing firmly around his hardening dick as she examined every inch of it closely. She even leaned closer and took a soft sniff of his pure male musk as she slowly started to stroke the shaft back and forth. She stroked it, leaning her body on one his now more relaxed legs, enjoying the softness of his fur as she basked in his maleness.

Milo could only look down at his would be attacker in confusion, seconds ago she sounded like she was going to tear him apart. A small voice in the back of his head telling him she might still do just that, completely ignored by Milo's hormone filled mind as he leaned back and enjoyed the sensations. His toes curled on the carpeted floor of the room and his back arched as the female's fingers teased and lightly rubbed over the head of his dick.

She was certainly more than skilled at giving men intense pleasure yet there was always the fear of pain when she let her sharp nails drag over the skin. Leaving small white lines on the shaft that would temporarily mark their crotch as her property. 'Males are so pathetic sometimes' she thought to herself as she teased the head of Milo's cock with her talented digits. 'You can have them scared and almost begging for forgiveness one minute and the next..' she gripped the shaft tight and started a soft yet firm milking motion from the balls to the head until soon a drop of pre appeared at the tip 'they positively drip with how much they want you to touch them'

Stella watched contently from behind her assistant, making sure to get the whole thing on tape in high detail. She couldn't help but push her hand into her panties and start slowly stroking herself at the arousing sight. Her underwear already wet from arousal as she watched Milo get tortured and the round firm rear of her assistant shake back and forth slowly as she became aroused too. 'Quite the nice backside on this girl' Stella thought to herself as she watched her tail lift and wag slowly in enjoyment. 'Still not as nice as Jenna's, though It would be interesting to compare them sometime'.

Stella's assistant could almost feel Stella's gaze on her bent over rump as she continued to stroke the slick pre all over Milo's throbbing erection. Without even thinking she arched her back and spread her own legs, giving Stella and the camera a blatant view of her damp panties under her dress. All she could think about was how hard and even how warm Milo's dick was as she watched it glisten in the light. She couldn't hold back anymore and she knew Milo couldn't either.

Milo was at this point quite close to his sweet release, which after the teasing and the rough crushing he received earlier was overdue. He humped up at the fingers stroking his cock again and again and clenched his eyes shut. He was going to cum and he couldn't hold back. Seconds from sweet nirvana he felt the talented fingers leave his crotch and whimpered in anguish. Opening his eyes he watched surprised and relieved as the assistant stood up and removed her quite wet panties before throwing them to one side. Letting out a groan of lust when she climbed onto his lap and ground his dick between both their pelvic bones.

"My goodness, I can almost feel your heartbeat through your erection big boy!" the woman sighed hugging his body close. Her chest pressed against his in a tight embrace as she panted into his ear lustfully. "Are you ready for the finale and your close up?"

Milo could only whine in response, his wrists tugging at the handcuffs holding him back. He could feel her breasts pressed against his chest tightly and her dripping wet pussy coat his bone with scalding hot secretions. With all thoughts leaving his mind except one he bit down on her neck and sucked on it roughly.

The assistant howled in pain and lust as she got up and gripped his maleness tightly, with ferocity she sat down on his lap and took his hot throbbing length to the balls deep into her pussy. She dug her nails deep into his back and wrapped her legs around his hips tightly, bouncing on his lap as she took the full size of his dick over and over. She could not believe how good this felt, it was like he had gotten even bigger then she thought he was while stroking him. She had never felt so stuffed as she rode his cock like she was in a rodeo, unable to keep her eyes open from the intensity.

Stella could only lean against the table in complete shock and arousal, it was like they were trying to kill each other through sex. She just stood there amazed at the barbaric rutting going on in front of her as three fingers repeatedly pushed back and forth into her own pussy. She could barely keep the camera in her hand from shaking from the tension.

Suddenly without warning Milo raised his head and howled like a wolf as his arousal finally came to a boil. With each twitch and buck of his hips he filled his mate with load and load of his boiling hot canine cum. His balls after all that they had went through today finally releasing inside her full pussy.

The assistant was only seeing stars and white light as she felt Milo fill her to the brim with his load. Her pussy clamping down on his dick over and over as she felt one orgasm crash through her after another. She held onto him for dear life in case she fell off the straining chair they both sat on.

After what felt like hours of ecstasy both Milo and his partner finally started coming down from their collected release, both panting loudly or in her case wincing at the feeling of his bite marks on her neck.

Stella stopped the recording and sent all the video footage to her email account, if she couldn't use this against Milo she could at least find OTHER uses for it.