As he tried to move, he could feel something cold restraining his arms as they were hanging above him as well as a clinging sound, probably some chains holding them up to a hook, while his feet were barely touching ground from the tip of his toes.
Restrained elegance.
"Unit thirty-two, do you copy?" "This is unit thirty-two." "Could you respond to a 10-92 at hilltop Motel?" "On my way." They didn't need to set the sirens, because it was a rather ordinary case. When the car arrived to the shady motel, the...
Hypnovember - Day 6: Restrained
Here is the missing and elusive day 6 with the prompt "restrained". an anonymous commissioner had the same idea i had for that prompt: a snake holding down his victim. but he wanted to give it a special and tasty twist.
Hypnovember 2023 Day 6: Restrained
:d if you enjoyed this story, and want to help support me i have a kofi ^_^ posted using postybirb hypnovember 2023 day 6: restrained written by: tiranmaster jerking upright jarvis almost immediately regretted the sudden action, the world swam
Sam Greentext
\>The guards had left you alone a good 5 minutes ago now, but the sound of gunfire was still getting closer. \>Not like you could do anything about it though. \>You couldn't even try to hide against the wall in your present state. \>your wrists...
The Neon Night Life, part 4, Part 2
I sat in the wolf's lap as I got the collar just tight enough around Todd's neck. To loose and you would yank your guest around, and if it was to tight you couldn't breath. The wolf watched me with his emerald eyes as I tightened the collar, giving me...
The Dragon's Due Chapter 3
Completely restrained by the plant now, you dangle several feet off the ground. the vines continue to play with your breasts, as they continue to swell in size.
Latex Bondage Labs
He'd never woken up with this bad a headache before. He'd never woken up completely naked before. And he'd most definitely never woken up with his arms and legs tied down before. Levi opened his eyes, his heart racing as he pulled at the restraints...
Unexpected 2 Revenge (Story only)
I woke up with my wrists and ankles sore, trying to shake myself awake. I tried to reach down to rub my eyes. The grip on my wrists did nothing but tighten as I swung lightly on chains. My eyes adjusted in the dark to the sight of Katt full size in...
The Kobolds of Mothhome
You wipe the sweat from your brow and sit on one of the larger rocks that litter the ground around you. The only road through this part of the Hazy Mountains is thoroughly blocked. Rummaging through your pack you dig out your map and unroll it on the...
Rubber 3 - Slave ball
**Rubber 3 - Slave ball** Mistress had been keeping me chaste for the past week, all locked up in a hard plastic cage, not able to get erect. It was agonizing for me, since she would tease me every morning and several times at night. Not that it...
Cynthia and Her Pets
Do you write, draw, or compose music? Do you want a place to share ideas and collaborate with other artists? Do you need to find someone who can help make your dream game, comic, video series, or any other project a reality? Maybe you just need a place...