Moonlight Ardour

Story by Mune_Metsukai on SoFurry

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The cicadas shrilled softly on the night air. Air that was cool and crisp, that carried with it the scents of a spring rainfall just past. The night is barely muted by the pristine glass of the modern Victorian building, situated in a huddled space amongst ancient oaks. The building housed the night classes, in which focussed things of a non-mundane nature. Specifically, magic. Classes here were held at night due to the belief that magic was more powerful at night, when the veil between the material, and ethereal realms was thinner... and thus easier to tap into...

Tristan's eyes stared out those perfect panes of glass, over the sheet of silver that cascaded over the gardens and trees below, made splendid by moonlight. Eyes studies that glow, eyes of splendid amethyst that gave form to his lusts... He wore the school's uniform over his silken, snow drop fur; though he wore his uniform tighter than the average student. He did this to accentuate his feminine curves... wide hips, voluptuous rump crowned by his teardrop tail. His long ears fell to about even with his teardrop tail, falling from shoulder length, obsidian black hair. Whether not he was seventeen or not, was hard to say, he definitely appeared it, but something that flickered in those incredible eyes disagreed.

The hare had been in the specialty classes for a number of months, and, it had not once trailed into more interesting territory... Boring was what stuck out in his mind... a whole lot of it too. Nothing worse than three hours of boring.

The professor cleared his throat, a soft sound. The large stallion stood on the podium, a... in comparison... small fox stood by his side. This boy was new, and he had Tris' attention easily enough. Honey brown eyes looked directly at the hare, directed in an uncertain gaze at the other boy. Then the professor's voice made both look away from each other.

"Now class, I'd like to introduce you all to a new student in our class this evening. His guardian is here on business and decided it would be best to have him join you other students in your regular routines." The stallion's voice droned on.

What was it about that voice that always seemed to drone, Tris wondered to himself. The teacher continued regardless however. "Everyone welcome Mitsukai Mune... I said that correctly, yes?"

Mune gave his head a slow nod, and offered up a polite smile. His body is petite, with feminine curvature not unlike Tris' own. His body held a lithe quality to it, and flowed with a natural sway. The uniform clung to all the right curves to add accent to his step, and was drawn out further by his bushy white tail. Paws were a soft black, along with black tipped ears, tail, and markings at either side of his nose. His hair is deep brown, cut short until you reach his much longer bangs, dyed a soft red, which under certain light could even pass for pink.

A few giggles passed around the class, after the professor's telling the boy to find a seat among the empty ones. The boy could not pass for straight even if he tried, and many of the masculine students, and even some females were giggling a bit as he passed to take a seat. Tristan's eyes hadn't left him. It was an odd sense of familiarity... had he met the boy before? Those honey brown eyes seemed like eyes he had gazed deep into once before, and, the soft fur.

Mune took the seat beside the hare, and the lesson went on.

The smell of pine filled Tristan's nostrils, and a cool breeze brushed his fur...


The white hare shivers a bit... he did not shiver from the cold, he shivered from the darkness that seemed to creep about the trees around him. His footsteps were muted by the snow under foot, and he had abandoned his boots awhile back for extra stealth. His fuzzy toes could withstand some cold; he was sure, his mission was too important to risk getting caught.

A tentative paw stroked the hilt of the sword sheathed at his side, caressing the pummel a bit and letting loose with a sigh. It was comforting, in the dark, to have his weapon by his side. He couldn't be far now from the camp... the informant had said the camp was only two hour's hike from town... it had been longer than that, but he was certain he had yet to pass his target. He trudged onwards, his sword, and the soft crunch of snow keeping him company through the dark.

Another hour passed before the moonlight, silver in its brilliance, brought into view the stream. The waterfall was frozen against a rocky outcropping, droplets frozen splendidly and glinting with a magnificence one swore could only be real in dreams. The ice thinned in the moving stream, and finally gave way to some barren water that shone with captured moonlight. A figure stood from the water's surface, noticeably shivering in the cold... no wonder, Tris though... the form was nude!

The moonlight seemed to caress the pale form, to stroke over subtle thighs and curved rump. The fox' tail drooped with the weight of the water that permeated it. The water trickled down over the taut stomach, to dampen the fuzzy fur of the... definitely... male sheath and sac. A silver marking on the fox' left hip caught the hare's attention however, and he knew he found his mark.

Slowly, Tristan drew his sword, the cold giving it a sharp sound as it slipped from its scabbard. The fox hadn't heard it, from what the hare could tell. White fur appeared silver in the moonlight, and he was dazzled... yet, he knew he must complete that which he was tasked to do. He made his approach, every step achingly slow. The shadows danced over his form, and he used them as if a cloak to conceal his very presence. He bit his lower lip, exposing slight fang as he moved every inch closer... he could almost smell the soft musk his quarry.

Tris swallows then moved quicker, sword brought about. The fox snapped around, a blade glinted in the moonlight and found itself at the hare's throat. He did not press any further... it was a warning, a command, ordering the hare to halt his steps.

Honey brown eyes stares into shifting green eyes. The fox let loose a breath he had seemed to be holding, yet, his sword did not move from its position.

"How did you..."

"...know you were coming?" the fox finished softly.

His voice was smooth as silk, gentle, full of kindness. Even in the odd stand off, he could was able to hold kindness in his tones... Tristan was impressed, was the fox forcing anger or other emotions out of his voice to sway him into a false sense of security? Fat chance with that sword out, he thought.

"You're good... you somehow heard me coming." Tris said with a bit of a grin.

"No... you were too good to hear." The boy said softly.

Those honey brown eyes... the hare could just sink into them... and be warm... so warm. No... Tris focussed on the boy's sword instead of those eyes.


Tristan snapped out of his daydreams when a paw touched his shoulder gently. A muzzle pressed close to his ear, "The professor is coming this way, look alive."

It was the new boy in the class, and he was serious. The professor reached his desk only seconds after the warning and appeared disgruntled, unimpressed. He nodded to the hare, and he responded with a meek smile... wasn't daydreaming, seriously, his smile tried to communicate. The stallion shook his head a bit, "I hope you are paying attention, this will be on the exam you know, Mr. Hawthorne."

"Oh yes Sir!" he answered.

The class wore down to a boring finish, and soon, the room emptied. Tristan thought about the odd fantasy... how could he have been daydreaming, since when were daydreams so vivid. Yet...

Mune offered a paw, "Hi, sorry if I interrupted in class, my name's Mune."

Mune's paw was held there, a gentle smile on his muzzle, a reassuring one. As he hoped, Tris took the hand and shook. The fox was glad. Tris' hand was warm in his grasp, and soft. "Is class always that boring?"

Tristan could not help but smile, "Always."


The sword did not budge; he did not plan on budging it... The fox held it firm, he was not about to let the hare get a swing at him. The hare had other ideas though, and the fox reacted quickly when the hare's own sword flashed upwards and knocked his blade aside. Moving with it, he brought his sword back around and tapped Tris' blade aside. The fox took a couple splashing steps in the water for balance and brought his sword up again. Both stood in offensive stances.

"Who sent you?" the fox asks, voice gaining a bit more of an uncertain edge to it.

"My employer shall remain nameless," the hare responded simply.

Banter was replaced once more by the clang of steel, both blades brought together in a sharp ring of weapons. The fox danced around slightly to bring himself within reach, a foot kicking out to catch the hare's knee. The hare was quick too however, and hopped back.

"So you are an assassin," the fox concluded.

Tris circled slowly, stepping into the water himself... damn its cold, he thought with a gritting of his teeth. If the fox could take it, this little noble, then he could too. His sword flashed out in a stab, but was knocked aside. He brought it back up fast to block a slash from the fox and weapons met again over the cold water. The hare found he was stronger than the fox, physically at least, and he put more force into a blow, bringing the fox around hard and grabbing hold. He pulled the fox in tight to his body, pinning his sword arm under his right arm and slowly sliding his own blade up the fox' stomach, caressing the fur there; he had the fox held.

"How did you know where I was... fox?"

The fox shudders softly; he felt the hare's blade slide over his sheath and orbs, feeling the biting cold of the steel against such sensitive parts of his body. He swallows hard, how he could answer that...

"I sensed you..." the boy muttered before an elbow caught Tris in the gut and forced him to stumble back.

Tris went to strike then stopped, a blush entering his cheeks. The fox blinked, and glanced down, blushing himself at the bit of flesh that poked from his sheath. The moon lay itself directly behind the boy, highlighting his soft features to the hare, and he could not help the own bulge that began in his own sheath, green eyes shifting slowly towards purple... lust.

"You... sensed me?" Tristan pressed.

"I sensed you... your aura. I felt your presence, and your approach," the fox elaborated.


"What are you thinking about?" Tristan asks softly.

The hare had decided to walk the fox home, knowing it was his first day on campus; he wanted to make sure the fox did not feel lonely out there in the middle of the night. Admittedly, he felt it himself sometimes, and it was nice to walk with someone.

Mune offered up a smile, soft, ice melting... "Just... thoughts of things long past."


"You can say that."

Mune hurried ahead a few steps and turned to look to the hare, eyes meeting. Tris felt warmth flood through him. Why did he know this boy... could wonder, yet both knew, yet did not understand? Tris brought a paw to caress along the fox' chin... could he kiss someone he just met? The moonlight made washed away adorability, and replaced it with beauty... the fox was beautiful, fur a pale silver. Yes... he could, he decided. He leaned in, and lips touched, and neither fought it. Muzzles parted ever so slightly, and tongues pressed to caress along the other.

Breath passed between them, hearts beat in time. They explored, tongue stroking inquisitively, far more frantic then the ever slow caress of their paws on each others' bodies. They were both awash in the scent of pine... the sound of steel slamming again against steel. The sounds echoed in both their ears. The splash of water as two forms moved, circling each other. It was like some dangerous dance, steel glinting angrily, and eyes studious.

The fox moved in, the hare slipped aside, blade cutting through the air to rend the fur before him. The fox yelped, blood danced along the blade of his assailant. His own sword slipped from his grasp. When the darkness cleared, he lay by a fire, abdomen wrapped in bandages.

"I'm... not dead?" the fox muttered softly.

"No... I can't kill you," he answers simply.

The fire crackled beside them. What had made the hare back off, he wondered to himself. A paw caressed his cheek, and then lips traced his jaw. The fox' eyes went wide, before a kiss was placed upon his lips.

"It is wrong to remove such kindness from the world... I could sense... you'd not harm me even if I were going to take your life, you let me get that cut in."

"Oh..." Mune muttered, blushing beneath his fur.

Tristan again kissed the boy, a warm and tender kiss that both could share in. The hare slid under the blankets, body as naked as the fox' own, and soon, they were pressed together, sharing heat, sharing their bodies. The shared their breath, their heat, their need... and arms kept them held close, paws groping tenderly. The moon would be their only witness, as tongue played against one another, and bodies ground together, the scent of male need filling their camp. A raging fire built in their loins, and brought a deep blush to both boys.

"So... I get to live?"

"I cannot kill you... but I cannot let you walk free..." Tris says softly, breathing deeply.

The fox blinked, watching the hare sit up, blankets slipping downwards to expose his body. The hare's thick shaft was sliding under the other's orbs, sliding down, over that puckered hole. Gently, he pressed, kindly, until flesh parted and allowed his engorged rod entrance. He felt the warmth taking his cock in, so wonderfully soft. The sounds of the fox' gasps and moans urged him on, to sink inch after thick inch into that soft ass.

"You are mine..." Tristan whispered so gently into the fox' ear, "And no one will kill you, so long as you are mine..."

The fox gasped, he couldn't understand the wonderful feeling of pleasure that rushed throughout his body. It proved almost to much for his tight body to take as the immense member slid deeper into his smaller form. His breath came in gasps, moans, moans he recalled only ever hearing from the whores in bedrooms next to his in inns. He would have felt embarrassed, but, there was no room for that right now... no... right now he only felt... loved? Was that love? He looked up into the hare's beautiful eyes and felt it burning there like the sun, it was so comforting, the hare loved him... he was not some whore.

"Are you mine...?" Tris whispered.

The fox swallowed hard, feeling a hard, deep thrust into his ass, hole stretched gapingly. He was taking it, and not fighting it at all. Arms threw around the hare, and held tight, whimpering in pleasure, his own fox tool hard and pulsating, dribbling pre onto his own tummy fur. He gave a slow nod of confirmation.

Tristan smiled and cooed gently into the fox' ears, a soft, relaxing tone. He thrust firmly into that body, balls tightening until with a grunt, seed flooded his bowels. He could feel it spill into the fox under him, flood into his demanding body, even bulging his taut belly a bit.

"Cum... beautiful fox..."

The fox glances into amethyst eyes, dazzled by them. He tenses then gasps, moaning, cum spurting thickly on his and the hare's belly fur. The hare reached between them as the fox watched. He could see the hare gather cum on fingertips and begin to trace symbols along his body in cum. The musk scent so strong danced in both their nostrils as the symbols were intricately drawn upon his fur.

"You hid being a Kitsune so well you know..."

The fox giggles a bit and pants weakly, "Thanks."

The hare coos soothingly once more, in gentle tones, as though piecing together a lullaby, the drawn symbols pulsing and glowing a bit. The fox gave a shudder in his arms, his form becoming slightly translucent, body made energy by the magical symbols. Three tails fan out softly from behind his voluptuous rump. The hare smiles adoringly before opening wide and feeding the fox' arms into his gullet, slowly, he began feeding the Kitsune into himself.

Moans escaped the boy all the while, every gulp made pleasurable as he slid between soft, caring lips. He felt that tongue caressing, working over toned shapes in his form. He sunk ever downwards, worked in by powerful muscles and every breath. With a thick slurp, the hare's throbbing length pulled free of him, leaving his hole open for the hare to tease as that rump slipped into maw. Down... down... ever down, into the warmth and heat.

The hare delighted in the flavour of the fox, and danced his tongue over him. He jerked his head upwards, legs straight up above the hare's head. A gulp... another deeper gulp, legs vanishing with such wonderful surges of pleasure... a bulge that vanished below the hare's sternum... and soon, the fox was sealed in the hare's body, not leaving a single bulge in him. The hare stood, giving a loud belch. He rubbed and grunted... "Mine..." and slowly, markings formed on his fur, his proof that he completed his mission... at least in part.

The marking swirled and pulsed, like living ink, silver and beautiful. Intricate design formed, caressing fur as it took shape into a fox tattoo just above his sheath, in his pubes. The hare caressed it and sighed soflty.

He padded away from camp... stomach still gurgling loudly...

Mune gently broke the kiss with the hare and looked up into brilliant amethyst eyes. "Do you smell pine?"

The hare chuckled a bit and shook his head, "Just our imaginations, I think, Mune."

"So... does the kiss mean we are friends?"

"Yea... I guess so," Tristan answered.

Fox and hare joined hands and walked home, the moon lighting their way...