First time for the second time

Story by Drackir on SoFurry

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This is a fair bit longer than my other stories on here. Hopefully it's more enjoyable. It does take a while to get to the sex I suppose but just like all good meals it's always best to build up an appetite.

Anyway, this is dedicated to a good reptilian friend of mine who lamented the lack of lizard cocks. As such I have done my part to remedy this. Hope you all enjoy it.

Please feel free to leave critical feedback or even a message saying you liked it.

I am also kinda taking requests. So if you want some smut down just drop a note to [email protected]


"So..." The kangaroo, Chris, toyed with the straw in his drink swirling the ice cubes. First clockwise t hen counter clockwise. He was just a visitor here, the entire country not just this small appartment, and his friends just up and left. How could his friends just leave him here with him? He barely knew the lizard!

He pulled his coat around him slightly, despite being here a week he still found it much colder than at home. Beanie, over coat, jacket, long sleeved shirt, long pants and thick socks all brown or dark colours, darker than his own natural light brown fur. The only colour a brightly striped scarf.

"Yeah?" The lizard, Ian, younger or at least younger looking, was obviously a local. Even with just the one word his accent was deep but understandable. He picked up his drink, his long webbed fingers gripping the glass easily and drained it, all the while watched the 'roo, a smile on his face. He didn't really stand out as far as lizards went, green scales and a crest on his head with a larger than average frame. This particular example of lizard kind wore blue jeans with a black belt and a plain white t-shirt. Around his neck was a paw print necklace. "Well? Spit it out!"

"Do you, like, shed?" Chris groaned on the inside. Of all the questions to blurt out it had to be the most

inappropriate. Well the worst that could happen is he'd be offended, kick him outand then he'd have to find his own way home.

"Well of course. What do you think my belt's made out of?" The kangaroo tried to look but stopped when the lizard started laughing "Oh god, they said you were naive but I never thought..." The lizard shook his head, wiping a tear from his eyes. "I'm sorry. They don't have us guys where your from huh? Yeah we shed. We shed in patches and every few years we kinda shrug it all off. Why you wanna see?"

"I erm.. No I..." The kangaroo felt a blush coming to his cheeks. He wasn't used to people being this open. At home a lizard like this would be avoided at all costs, even crossing the road. Yet he was kinda entranced by how easily the lizard seemed to talk to him "It was a stupid..."

"Naw, c'mon" The lizard gripped his wrist and pulled him up. "It's only fair. Besides, the bedrooms warmer."

"Hey look. What about everyone else?" The kangaroo protested loudly, trying to resist the lizards oddly strong grasp around his wrist. He was well aware of all the eyes upon him as the lizard deliberately dragged him to the bedroom.

"They won't be back for a while. They had to meet their advisor or something. Whatsa'mater? Not used to strange lizards dragging you to their bedrooms?"

"No never. Lizard or well.. anything or one really" The kangaroo replied, the blush that had started from

embarrassment growing deeper. He blinked as he walked into the dark room reaching out for the light switch instinctively and instead finding his paw on something smooth and cool to the touch.

"Mmmm.. well thats a good start" The light flicked on revealed his paw on the lizards paw. A slight red running across the lizards facial scales as he turned his hands and squeezes the kangaroos. Leading him by both hands and sitting him down on the bed. "Now, it's just a small patch on my back. It might look kind of gross"

Before the kangaroo could do anything, let alone voice his opinion that maybe he didn't really need to see dead scales the lizard had turned around and pulled off his shirt. The lizards back was smooth up until about an inch above the waistline where the scales above his tail stood out. His green tail poked out of a hole in the back of the jeans, a few buttons making the gap adjustable and then covered in the black belt.

"Wow... Does it hurt?" The kangaroo asked as he reached forward, brushing his finger down along the lizards back slowly, not realising what he was doing until his fingers touched the smooth scales. Where the scales changed though he found them rough and dry.

"Naw. I mean it doens't hurt when you loose fur right? The scales underneath are a bit sensitive though. And.. Mmmmm... Thats nice..." The lizards soft moan filled the room and red flushed through his scales for several seconds before fading slowly except for above his tail leading down into the jeans.

"Well.. Thanks for showing me." Chris said as he withdraw his paw, blushing more as the lizard slowly turned around looking at him. He felt he needed to add something else. Something cool, suave. Something that might invite the lizard to invite him to see more. "It was really ah... educational". He winced, apparently whatever that something was it wasn't something he could say.

"Educational huh? Well. How about you teach me a few things?" The lizard stepped forward and slowly tugged off the kangaroo's scarf, wrapping it around his own neck and grinning down at him "Like what a kangaroo looks like without his top on."

The kangaroo opened his mouth to protest and found the lizards finger pressed agaisnt his his lips "Ah Ah Ah. Fair is fair. So then..." The kangaroo blushed as he felt the lizards long fingers moving inside his jacket and then out again, gripping the overcoat and tugging it back. Chris blushed but helped the lizard tug it off. Then the jacket and the long sleeve t-shirt, like layers of the onion, revealing his torso. A slight belly from too much beer at the bars at home covered in the same light brown fur over the rest of him.

"I umm.. Well.. It's kinda standard kangaroo issue." The kangaroo began and then gasped out as surprisingly cool fingers worked across his chest, stopping and teasing a nipple slowly and making the kangaroo blush and press into the hand. "'nd those are... nipples. Kinda sensitive to the touch... and..."

"Do you know what this means?" The lizard asked, one hand still teasing the nipple nice and slow as the other moved up and toyed with the paw print necklace.

"That... you have no sense of fashion?" The kangaroo gasped out, his brain unable to do it's usual job of analysing and censoring every statement he made to strangers, if the lizard could still be called a stranger. "I..."

"So you do have a sense of humour!" The lizard grinned, triumphant over this small victory, and lowered his head. A long blue tongue flicked out and slowly worked the nipple he wasn't teasing for a few seconds. To the kangaroo though it was a small eternity. The tongue returned at the lizard continued speaking "It means I'm a mammal lover. And I have to say you are one of the scrumiest I've ever seen."

"My friends... never had to meet their advisor did they?" The kangaroo blushed and gasped, barely able to get the words out as the long talented tongue continued its assault. The lizard nodded slowly and moved up gently pressing his lips against the kangaroo's. The two odd muzzles pressed awkwardly but passionately the kangaroo surprised at first but pressing back with enthusiasm only to find the grinning lizard back away.

"They thought you needed to unwind a little. And well I liked the look of you. And we've been chatting online for a little while, though you didn't know it." Before the kangaroo could ask the series of questions that statement left the lizard had pulled off his belt, bringing his attention to the lizard smooth stomach and the red glaze like a treasure trail.

"Whats with the red?" Chris asked, straightening up and looking at the lizard, his blush still just as present as he reached out, stroking those wonderfully smooth scales again. The red deepening as he did so.

"Arousal signs... When I get horny I start going all red across my face" The lizard gripping the paw on his belly and raised it up against his face tracing the red areas slowly. "My belly" The hand guided it down to stroke across the red areas stopping as it hit his waistband. "...Back" The guiding hand held the kangaroo's paw steady as he turned, letting him feel the warmer section along his back. "And.." A rustle of clothing and the jeans fell revealing a pair of black boxers. The guiding hand slide down to between his legs "Thighs... It can be quite annoying when I'm flirting, giving away my intent on my face"

Chris' breath was coming deeply, his erection going from a pleasant semi still held within its sheath to a full on rock hard boner, confined within his own trousers. He found his throat dry as the lizard let go of his paw, letting it rest on the unusually warm thighs. "I.." He swallowed getting some moisture in his mouth and throat again "We give off scents to each other. In a way it might be worse."

"It could be at that." The lizard turned around again, watching the kangaroo's eyes fixed on him, on all of him. The red intensified, he'd been desired before but never like this, by someone who had never had a chance to know a lizard like this before. "Ready to finish your education?" He grinned and tugged at his black boxers, sliding them down an inch and then stopping, looking at the mesmerized kangaroo. "Then you just have to finish undressing first."

"Me first?" The kangaroo felt his throat drying out again but nodded. He quickly kicked off his large shoes and socks. He slowly stood up, his paws shaking slightly as he fumbled with his pants button.

"Hey, just relax. Nothing you have in there is going to make me suddenly vanish. I'm all yours." Ian said softly as he pressed his lips to the kangaroos again, applying a little tongue and stroking the short fur on his partners arm. Chris nodded slowly as the lizard slipped back from the kiss. A smile slipped onto his own muzzle, apparently the lizards eternal grin was contagious. This time the kangaroo easily unbuckled his pants and let them fall down, tight white underwear still restraining a healthy erection.

"Let me" The lizards fingers slipped down across the warm stomach, squeezing the extra fat just a little and then slipping into the underwear. He tugged it down quickly, his erection bobbing into the air, precum coating the tip as the kangaroo moved his paws to hide himself only to find the lizards hand pulling them away. "Don't... Let me get a good look, then its your turn."

The kangaroo felt as though a fire was burning across his face, his hands twitching to cover himself as the lizard ducked down, his head so close to his erection. A soft finger pressed against the tip softly and he groaned, a spurt of pre shooting onto the lizards chest. "Oh jeez... Sorry, I just"

"Shhhh.. I like it, him... you. Everything. Now, sit back down and enjoy." The lizard straightened up and pushed the kangaroo's chest softly, pressing him back onto the bed. He stepped back and grinned as he turned around, lifting his thick tail base, the whip like tip wrapping over his shoulder as he tugged down the boxers revealing a tight green ass, although now almost glowing red. A whine from the sofa reminded the Lizard of his audience need as he turned around proudly displaying himself for the 'roo.

"You... You're a girl?" The kangaroo exclaimed pointing at the moist and open genital slit, already dripping his juices. The lizard stepped forward, leaving the boxers on the floor behind him and shooks his head."No, just different anatomy. All my junk is kept inside me. Some lizards slide out just from arousal. Me on the other hand" A paw slide down his smooth sleek front and slide a finger just a centimeter inside his slit and gasped, his finger coming out along with the tip of a pointed cock "I need some direct stimulation". The kangaroo watched in amazement as the lizards long fingers toyed with the tip, more and more of the lizards slim member slid out. A fair bit longer than the kangaroo's own but also far slimmer.

"Do you like what you see?" The lizard grinned, already knowing the answer and advancing towards the kangaroo. Without waiting for a reply he pressed both his hands on the kangaroo's shoulders pressing him back onto his back and then laying atop him. His smooth body and slim maleness grinding against the soft, short furred mammal, his short stubby cock grinding back, both of them oozing their own type of pre, the kangaroo from his tip and the lizard from his slit.

"Look Ian. I really am liking this but..."

"Shhhh..." The lizard interrupted and pressed into a slow careful kiss, tilting his muzzle and letting their odd muzzle press against each other as one long thing tongue pressed against the mammals shorter one. The lizard slowly drew back and sat up, looking down over the kangaroo with unhidden lust in his eyes. Without speaking he moved up, kneeling and moving so his tip hung in the air over the kangaroo's muzzle.

The kangaroo felt his blush burning his cheeks as the long thing lizard cock hung in the air above his muzzle, moist from a combination of the slit juices and his own precum. He hesitated, eyes switching from the cock to the lizards smiling face, as a hand gently stroked his red hot ear. Without asking or needing to be told he wrapped his paw around the base, covering up less than half as his fingers overlapped each other easily. The lizard groaned and he felt his paw getting sticky from the juices being released onto the back of his paw. He leaned up and licked at the tip slowly and watched the lizards groan, hips pressing forward and his member twitching.

"Just like that Chris. Just take what you... ohhh.." The lizards words were lost in a soft moan, his fingers stroking the sides of the 'roo's head as his felt and watched the kangaroo's muzzle open and pull his tip in.The kangaroo moaned himself as he tasted the lizard. The taste was odd, different, kind of metallic, but not unpleasant. His tongue lapped across the tip, finding the taste to be more appealing the more he tasted it. His muzzles pressed up and took as much as he could easily and then pressed further, all the way to his paw, feeling the slender lizard cock slide down his throat. He felt the lizards hands squeeze down on his ehad as he deep throated him, holding him there even as he tried to pull away.

"Oh yes... yes..." The lizard spoke out, the words not forced like dirty talk but the product of having his cock treated like no lizard could ever do so. The heat and moisture driving him forward despite Chris trying to pull back. He felt the kangaroo's paws on his stomach and finally pulled back to find the kangaroo coughing and spluttering. "Sorry, it just felt so..."

"Shut up." The kangaroo replied, no hatred in his voice and instead opening his muzzle and returning to his prize, sticking to the tip and bobbing up and down quickly. The lizards breath started coming deeper and deeper as the kangaroo increased his suction. Soft moans got louder and louder as he felt his pleasure growing and growing.

"I'm going to cum" The lizard uttered out in warning but the kangaroo kept going, if anything renewing his actions with a new found passion. The lizard grunted once and then thrust hard as his erections swelled with his seed and then spurted hard. Thick spurts of even more metallic tasting cum filled the kangaroo's muzzle. He kept sucking until he felt the lizards pulling back, the long erection already sliding back into it's protective slit.

"You don't have to swallow. I know it tastes kind of odd to mammals" The lizard panted out as he watched Chris, his muzzle full.

Chris debated whether to spit it out or not. The taste was already in his muzzle so he decided to swallow and then grinned up at the lizard. "I've had worse."

"Well now, I think its your turn. So how about..." The lizard slowly moved back, lifting his tail as he does so, his hand wrapping around the kangaroo's stock member and holding it up as he lowered himself down.

"No stop" The kangaroo gasped out as he felt the tight entrance of the lizard pressing against him. The lizards eye ridge raised in question but raised himself.

"I just... I don't really doing this the first time. Not that i'm thinking this is going to be anything more but you know how it is and..." The kangaroo babbled and was only silenced by the lizards lips against his, briefly silencing him.

The lizard moved his head to the kangaroo's ear and whispered "You sure I can't entice you? Your pretty thick so i'll be all tight". He slowly lowered his rear again, letting the kangaroo feel his hole gently spreading over him.

"I just don't..." Chris started only for the lizard to pull back off and nod.

"Mmmm, gotta respect a guy who sticks by his morals. I don't think anyones ever turned me down like that before. I can't just leave you hanging though.". Ian slowly kissed the warmer mammal softly then let his lips trace down, loving the unfamiliar feel of fur running against his lips and body. He kept going at his own pace until he found his prize, the thick short erection of the kangaroo beneath him. With one slow, precise, practiced motion he slid down to the base, feeling the warmth fill his muzzle.

Chris moaned and let his paws rest on the back of the lizards head, stroking the crest slowly. He shivered as he felt the lizards long tongue slowly wrapping around him, a sensation completely different from the few other males he had ever let down there. He groaned deeply and pressed up against the wonderful mouth. It didn't feel as hot as his last lovers but the way that tongue moved was driving him wild.

He suddenly gasped out, his hips thrusting up even further as his claws gripped at the sheets. The lizards tongue had found his oozing tip and was now sliding. "Fuuuuuuck... Thats... New" The kangaroo grunted out as the tongue started to thrust in and out of the tip.

More and more pre filled the lizards muzzle, which he swallowed willingly, the kangaroo's preseed tasting different to other mammals but far more pleasant if anything. He continued working his tongue as the gasps and groans of the kangaroo filled the room. Without warning the thick cock in his mouth suddenly started spurting, the thick mammalian seed of the kangaroo washing past the thin agile lizard tongue whcih had been pushed out of the tip. He pulled off and let it splatter across his face, his fingers wrapping around the cock and stroking every last drop out.

"How's that for educating you on reptilian anatomy?"

It's over!