In My Masters House - Chapter One -

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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#1 of In My Masters House

In My Masters House - Chapter One - Kelsie's Story

In My Masters House

  • Kelsie's Story -

Cederwyn Whitefurr

February, 2009.

All Rights Reserved.

Kelsie lay sprawled on her back, her muzzle hanging open loosely, and long, rough tongue lolling, as she snored blissfully. Her fur on her muzzle, throat and stomach was an almost blinding white, which paled to a greyish colour down the inner part of her thighs and ended in black socks. On her upper muzzle, the fur was a dark grey, that rose up over her eyebrows, flowed into a thick, luxurious mane at the nape of her neck, then down her back and outer-thighs. Moaning softly, Kelsie growled pleasurably in her sleep, one paw reaching between her thighs, down to the creamy white fur of her groin, where the paw lingered.

In her sleep, she dreamed of her beloved a human male her master who only last night, had pleasured this husky in ways Kelsie never knew imagined. He seemed to know instinctively, when he mounted her from behind that stroking her tender stomach would cause her to melt in his grasp, which she had done. Moaning softly, Kelsie twitched and one long furred leg stretched out, as she groaned and rolled over back onto her back. Her master, a kind, loving and gentle man had made love to her in every way imaginable and he thought he knew all sorts of kinks and such, but Kelsie had been trained from puppyhood to know how to please a master or a mistress, and she had worked a few kinks of her own, into their lovemaking.


Sunlight slowly crept across the bed, in which she lay, warming her body as it crawled up her trembling furred body, then began to seep through her closed eyelids. With a low, mumbled whine, Kelsie rolled over away from the sunlight, still half-asleep and not wanting her dreams of last night, to end. Kelsie yawned then her pale grey eyelids fluttered, as she cracked them open and then looked at her master, who lay in the bed beside her flat on his back and blissfully unaware that Kelsie had woken. Kelsie whined softly, then yawned with a jaw-cracking yawn, her sharp canines glistening wetly in the early morning sunlight, and her tongue curling up to touch the roof of her muzzle, as she blinked, then giggled quietly to herself.

With a delicate paw, she began to trace her furred fingertips lightly along her masters limp penis, curving her clawtips around the raised head, then trailing them down its length. Her tail began wagging from side to side, rustling against the bedsheets, as she watched her masters penis begin to slowly swell. Cupping it lightly in one paw, Kelsie slid over onto her knees, then lowered her muzzle and let her long tongue lap tenderly over the rising erection, savoring the taste of their last lovemaking her own scents mixed with those of her beloved master.

In his sleep, he groaned and shivered, as Kelsie began licking his penis from head to base then she threw away any pretenses of teasing, and her lips folded themselves around it and her warm, sensual tongue began to flick over and around it yer teeth barely caressing the rapidly swelling length. Taking her master's penis deep into her muzzle, Kelsie closed her eyes and began suckling him with long, slow strokes, her tongue curving around as much of his penis as she could then her strong throat muscles making the pleasurable suckling all that more wonderful. Kelsie knew how much her master loved being suckled and kelsie herself enjoyed it immensely, but there were other pleasures, she enjoyed more.

"Oh..oh god - " Her master moaned, slowly slipping from the dream, into reality.

Kelsie giggled, then began increasing her suckling, her tail swishing back and forth behind her, as she rolled her eyes up, to watch her master's expression.

"Oh...oh yes..." He moaned and shivered.

Kelsie smirked, her lips curving upwards, as she happily brought her master to full arousal, then slipped him from her muzzle and held his quivering penis in one paw, using her tongue to pleasure the sensitive tip. She held it in one paw, as she shivered and moaned in pleasure, before straddling her master's hips and then carefully, positining herself over him she yelped in pleasure as his saliva slickened penis, parted her wet vaginal opening then began to slide inside her. As she mounted him, Kelsie relaxed her gentle grasp, then slid herself down onto him, and leaned forwards, to lick his cheek.

" bad puppy - " He groaned, as he felt the incredible tightness of kelsie's young vaginal walls, and then he gasped as she squeesed her muscles along his penis, intentionally teasing him.

"Good morning master," Kelsie murred, then licked his cheek again, as she lay herself down on him, squeesing his penis with her muscles, her furred breasts pressed against his chest.

He groaned as Kelsie tightened her muscles even further, then she began rocking against him, uttering low, gasping moans. He knew how difficult it was for Kelsie to lie like this, whilst making love with him, so he gently pushed her back up, and clasped her paws with his hands, then watched as Kelsie tipped her head back and began rocking against him harder and harder. Her firm, lightly furred breasts rose and fell, as Kelsie groaned and shivered, delighting in the pleasure of feeling her master within her young body and knowing in turn, he loved the same sensations.


For an hour, Kelsie rode her master, bringing him right to the height of orgasm, then relaxing just enough to let him recover, before bringing him back to the heights again. Eventually, Kelsie could feel him shivering beneath her, and she dropped herself back down onto his body, feeling his arms wrap tight about her, as he gasped and his orgasm flooded into her warm depths.

"Oh my god, oyu...cruel puppy - " He moaned, as Kelsie squeesed with her muscles, milking every last drop from him.

"Cruel master?" Kelsie whined in mock fear, then giggled and licked his face lovingly. "I do not know the word master, as you well know I have been trained to please my master, in any way he could desire - "

He moaned and shivered, feeling the incredible unrelenting warmth of Kelsie's vaginal walls continuing to stroke his wilting errection.

"Yes, I was just teasing you my beloved pet truly, I love you more and more each day. You know how to pleasure me, and I can only hope, that you will teach me how to pleasure you in return."

Kelsie blinked, then a shy smile curled her furred lips, as she stroked his sweaty cheek with a paw, the black pawpads rubbing gently along his cheekbones.

"You do please me master - " Kelsie murred, as she shivered and wriggled into a slighly more comfortable position. "More than my lot in life, deserves, so rest assured you bring me much happiness master."

He grunted, then cuddled the anthro huskie tenderly, stroking her back and then wrapping his arms around her and kissing her furred lips. Kelsie whined in pleasure, shivering against him, then he rolled her over, and dismounted.

"I need a shower my love would you like to join me?" He smiled at her, as he rose and held out his hand.

Kelsie giggled, then shook her head slowly. "No thank you master I'll have my shower later, your human soap and stuff plays havoc on my skin and fur"

He looked at her, with eyes filled with love and pride for his beautiful pet, then kissed her upper muzzle and caressed her furred cheek. Kelsie licked his face adoringly, then rolled back over and snuggled down into the warm bed, inhaling the musky scents of their passionate lovemaking.


An hour later, he cuddled Kelsie in the hallway, playfully caressing her body, as he kissed her upper muzzle and held her tight, before he released her and headed for the door. Kelsie whined softly, her heart breaking every time he left her to go to work

"I'll be back in ten hours Kelsie, now, be a good girl, and don't get up to mischief!" He sternly told her.

Kelsie hung her head, like a bad dog, then she giggled and poked her tongue out at him.

"What I do, when you're at work master is my buisness, but I do miss you, more than I can find words to say. Please, hurry home, I'll be waiting for you in both senses of the word." Kelsie smirked, then her tail slowly began to swish from side to side. "Would my master like anything special for his dinner tonight?"

he come back to her, then wrapped his arms around her and pulled Kelsie tight, gazing into her upturned muzzle with a look of love and respect, which she returneed three-fold.

"I might like a nicely groomed and freshly bathed husky, called Kelsie to..." He whispered, then reached down and lightly caressed her finely furred pubic mound.

Kelsie whined in longing, her tongue lolling from the corner of her mouth, as she playfully humped against his hand, rubbing herself against his fingers. He grinned at her, then kissed her cold, wet nose, and left the house, closing the door behind him. Left to her own devices, Kelsie shivered, then glanced at the clock on the hallway wall, then decided to go back to bed for a few hours after all, her master wouldn't be home until about seven thirty that night more than enough time for Kelsie to bathe and groom herself.

As she sprawled back into her masters bed, she happily inhaled the musky scents of their lovemaking once again, and felt her own need for release making her body ache with desire. She rolled across the bed, then dug through the closet where she kept her human-like clothing, for those rare times when she had to go amongst the humans. In her masters home, Kelsie happily walked about dressed only in her natural fur just like the day she was whelped. To Kelsie, not wearing clothing, felt more 'natural' to her even though most humans, and more than a few of her anthropmorphic friends, thought of it as being mentally unsound. Kelsie giggled to herself, then pulled out a large black bag, which she sat on her masters bed. Unzipping it, she opened the bag, to reveal a surprising number of sexual toys some human-like, others more animal-like, and selecting one she knew from experience, brought her the most sexual pleasure, she turned and walked down the hall to the bathroom.

Here, Kelsie turned on the shower, then set her sexual toy a rather large canine-like sexual toy, on the shelf of the shower, then she rummaged under the sink for the special shampoo's and soaps, that wouldn't dry out her fur. Also, she retrieved a smaller object that looked like a sex-toy, but Kelsie knew better, than to leave her masters semen inside her body. With this device, she could cleanse out her vaginal walls and cervix with warm, soothing water and it also helped to prevent any nasty infections.

Once she had taken care of the necessary cleansing, Kelsie still felt the ache of her release growing more and more wanting so she stepped into the shower and let the hot water spray over her furred body, from throat to toe-tips. Turning about slowly, Kelsie wetted her front and back, then squirted some special shampoo into her paws and used it to lather herself up. Leaning her head against the shower stall wall, Kelsie sighed in pleasure, enjoying the warmth of the hot water running down her back. Fifteen minutes she waited, letting the soapy liquid penetrate deep to her skin, before she rinsed it off and shivered in delight.

Taking her toy off the shelf, she turned the shower off, then knelt down on the wet tiles, before she held the slippery rubber toy between both paws, and slid it under her tail. Taking several deep breaths to relax, Kelsie shivered and carefully pressed it agaisnt her tight anal sphincter, then she groaned as it began to slip inside her. Panting, Kelsie squirmed and wriggled, feeling the sexual to slide deeper and deeper, until it was as deep as she dared push it then she used one of her clawtips to flick the switch underneath it and it began rotating and pulsating, sending pleasure ricochetting throughout her body. Kelsie layherself down in the shower stall, propping her foot-paws against the shower wall, and one of her paws slid down her wet stomach, to caress and rub against her pubic mound. Carefully, she stroked her vaginal folds, then slipped her index finger inside and began rubbing her clitoris with a black pawpad, on the underside of her furred finger.

Between the vibrator deep inside her tail-hole, and her own fingers Kelsie was soon gasping and whining in pleasure, as she masturbated herself. Again and again, she slid the vibrator out as far as she could, whilst still having it partially inside her then she'd push it back and as she did so, her paw-pad would caress and tickle the sensitive clitoris. Each time, she arched her back inwards, a low whine of exstacy escaping her as she shivered and moaned in delight.

Ever since she had been bought by her kind, and loving master she had dreamed of the pleasures, of him making love to her like this, but a part of her was also afraid as her toys were quite well endowed but they were nothing, compared to her human master. Still, the thought of him, his strong, welcoming hands locked about her hips her tail to one side, and him pounding against her rump as he thrust in and out of her tight, puckered tail-hole...

Kelsie screamed in lust, right as she plunged the vibrator back in, and right at that second, her orgasm struck her like a thunderbolt making the husky arch her back and howl with almost bestial-like howls. For several minutes, she experienced one orgasm after another each one growing more and more intense as between her furred fingers and the vibrator firmly within her tight anal passages, she felt please grow beyond almost mortal bounds. At last, her shaking eased and she slid down the shower stall wall, to lay on her back, shuddering and panting feeling the erotic pleasure of the vibrator continuing to pleasure her in ways, she only wished her master would.

Weak, her fur slick with water, shampoo residue and an overwhelming scent of expelled passions, Kelsie brought herself back under control and switched off the vibrator and dislodged it slowly and carefully knowing how hyper-sensitive she always was, after her orgasm. Carefully placing he toy on the floor of the shower, Kelsie turned the water back on, and hurriedly bathed herself, turning her muzzle up into the hot spray and letting it run over her face, ears, neck and shoulders. Cleaning her toy off, using the shower rose set on hight pressure, she put it back on the shelf just below were the shower rose would hang on its hook, then she turned off the shower and stepped out onto the thick mats.

Even though she had brought herself to orgasm multiple times, it still did not feel as nice, as when she could feel her human master within her his arms wrapped around her slender furred body, and his scent mingling with hers, as she worked him to higher and higher pleasures each time that they lay together. Shivering with post-orgasmic feelings, and a little cold from her wet fur, Kelsie wrapped herself in a warm, thick towel and headed for the back verandah, where she would sprawl out in a sun lounge and let the wind and the sun dry her off.

Who knows Kelsie thought to herself, as she shivered and playfully stroked her still sensitive nether regions. I might even pleasure myself out there...

With those thoughts in her mind, Kelsie shivered and walked out of the bathroom, closing the door behind her, but glancing back over her shoulder her dewlaps curling in a smile, before the door whispered closed behind her.

~ Continued in Chapter Two - A Husky Alone ~!