The Gods of the Abunese religion

Story by vpn on SoFurry

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Here's a overview describing the Gods of the Abunese religion and their roles.

The Gods of the Abunese religion

The Abunese religion is one of the most important ones in the southern region of planet Nakti, mostly because it's one of the most worshipped religions, due to the extension of the Abunese kingdom and the history of the country itself. It's uncertain when the first signs of the religion appeared in history, but what is known is that it exhists since many millenia. Officially, the Abunese worship eight gods (without including Hyar'Emar, which is the Evil being of the religion), but there are also some other minor deities. Let's find out who are these nine gods.


The supreme god and the creator of Nakti. He created the stars, the planets, the animals, the people and the other gods. He's depicted as a winged reptilian humanoid with some beast features (maybe a sort of Tokaya?). The Abunese mythology says that light comes from his eyes. His semen is considered to make fertile every kind of soil, even the rocks. Sinit is usually associated to male fertility and sexual power.


Goddess of Knowledge, Arts, Craftsmanship and Intellect. She was the second daughter of Sinit, and she's usually represented while she holds a lantern, as she showed "the light of knowledge" to the Abunese. Say'Rada is married with Nyar. Say'Rada is depicted as a young black Tokaya with long white hair and dressed with an heavily decorated dress. Say'Rada is also known for being the most beautiful goddess of the Abunese religion and she is also the protector of fertility of the country. She's considered as the inventor of the Sarenasha ritual, as she has an incestuous relationship with Sinit and Nyar. She's associated to the sun as well.


God of the Dead and Embalming. He and his spouse, the goddess Hesut are the guardians of The Beyond. They escort the soul of a dead to "The Antechamber", where 25 judges ask him what he has done in his life. If his life has been respectful of the world, the people and the laws, he can reach The Beyond and become an Eternal Spirit, otherwise his soul will be eaten by Tan'Hat The Devourer, a demon of The Shadows. Erbur is the main judge while his wife Hesut is the 25th one. He is depicted as an old grey Emer with a long black hair and dress. He wears a helm with raven plumes, as black is the colour of death. A particular characteristic of Erbur is that he doesn't wear coloured clothes: they're made only by various shades of grey.


Goddess of the outer planes and protector of the souls. She's the wife of Erbur and she also acts as a medium between the living and the dead, while her husband rules The Beyond. Hesut is the 25th judge during the "Trial of The Soul". She is also believed to be the protector against snake and scorpion venoms. Hesut is represented as a orange Emer with tattoos on all her body and a black dress with silver jewels, and a black veil on her head, and she holds a staff with the head of a snake on its top. She keeps her hair in a series of dreadlocks. Hesut is also associated to the moon and the night.


The first son of Sinit. Nyar is the god of Wisdom, spirituality and Prince of Emotions. He's the protector of priests and scholars and he can control all the feelings of the mortals. Nyar is represented as a young green Tokaya with the traditional skirt and necklace of Abunese priests, and a white cape. He's blind, but the reason of his blindess is due to his own choice: he preferred to see the world with the "eyes of the soul" rather than using his own eyes.


God of War and protector of blacksmiths. Zoson is known for his fierce and sometimes cruel attitude towards his enemies. He likes the scent of the blood and he is an expert blacksmith. In Abun, all the blacksmiths must bless their tools and their products to Zoson before they can sell them. Zoson is depicted as a muscular middle-aged brown Tokaya with fire-red hair. His wife is the goddess Risia.


The second most beautiful goddess of the Abunese religion. She's a fierce competitor of Say'Rada in beauty, and she is the goddess of Love, Poetry and Carnal Pleasures. She's the protector of pregnant women, female fertility and newborn babies. The priestesses of Risia are skilled in various subjects, trained to the arts of war and perform sacred prostitution under the payment of an offer to the temple. Risia is also the patron of the Wapi warriors, an order made only by female warriors. Risia is represented as a dark blue Emer girl with black hair, who wears white and red sensual and semi-transparent clothes, a golden collier with rubies, and a veil made of white pearls. She's considered the opposite of Say'Rada, indeed they often argue together, and sometimes they "compete" against eachother by having lesbian sex. The tribadism sex position is sacred to Risia. Like Say'Rada, Risia has sex with Sinit too.


God of Written and Spoken Communication, Maths and Astrology. Quaneth is the creator of all the Naktian languages, and he can speak all the languages of Nakti. He's the protector of librarians and scribals. He is depicted as a old white Emer with black patches on his face and blue eyes, with a long white dress who holds some scrolls. Quaneth is also the protector of astrologists and he's skilled in maths.


The Source of Evil and Suffering. He's as ancient as Sinit, and represents the universal evil, that fights continuously against the Gods, losing always. Hyar'Emar is depicted in various shapes, usually as an anthropomorphic mantis or a creature with a goat head, the body of a lion and the tail of a reptilian; but his most common appearance is the one of a monstrous beast with the torso and the head of a Tokaya, the beak of a bird, four arms and the tail of a snake. He's the king of The Shadows, a place where the damned souls are doomed to suffer eternal tortures. The demons of The Shadows are created by him and they are his servants. Hyar'Emar is not married, although according to the Abunese tradition, he used to be the Devourer in the Trial of the Soul, eating the heart of the dead, if he committed a lot of sins during his life. But once, he attempted to rape Hesut when she was a young girl, hence the reason why his role as The Devourer during the Trial of The Soul was took by another demon, Tan'Hat.