My New Master - Ch 1

Story by doublegeiger on SoFurry

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#1 of My New Master

Hi! This is my first submission to SoFurry. I don't know if people will like my stories.

They're a little... dark. No relations to anything IRL. Just pure fantasy for fun.

Hope I don't scar too much. :P Enjoy!

CH. 1

"How long is this gonna be?" I groaned leaning against the subway car doors. I looked back at the young bunny girl that was leading the way and gave her a disappointed look.

"C'mon, Sara." I began, "I know I agreed to help you move, but we've been on this car for a couple hours already! How far out do you live?"

The long eared rabbit just looked down hesitantly, "We... we're almost there..." She's a quiet one, I'll give her that. I don't even know why I'm helping her.

As I looked out the window, I watched as we passed through another tunnel, causing my reflection to fill up the glass. My short, tigress fur was covered by my long red hair going down nearly to my waist. I was still in my school uniform and was not happy that I was probably going to get it dirty from boxes.

Turning back to Sara, I gave her a hopeless look. As class rep, I promised my school I'd help any and all that need assistance, night or day. I'm eating those words now as I accepted her request without thinking. Sure I don't mind helping others, but we haven't started and it was already getting late.

"How long do you think it will take to move it all?" I asked, trying not to sound too impatient, but got no response from her. If I knew her better, I might have been able to read her face. Then again, I've never seen her around the school at all. I wonder whose class she's in...

"We're here." She squeaked as she pulled the stop cord and led me off the subway.

When we got to the street, we walked down a few lit streets before she turned down an alley. I stopped at the end feeling uneasy. "Are you sure this is the way?" I called out to her. She turned to look at me,

"We're almost there..." She made a small hint at a smile, and continued down the alley. There was a light at the end where she turned. Taking a deep breath I speed walked through the dark corridor, dodging trash cans and garbage. By the time I stepped back out on the other side, I found that I had been holding my breath. *gasp* I let out a breath then a chuckle for creeping myself out "...Sara?" I called looking around for her.

"Over here." My head snapped around to her standing at an apartment building holding the door open for me. I let out a sigh of relief knowing she wasn't leading me on a wild goose chase.

"Sara, I see why you gotta move," I laughed, "This place is just creepy. I feel like someone's gonna..." I couldn't finish the sentence before I felt the breath of someone standing behind me.

Before I could turn around, I was suddenly grabbed by the shoulders and hoisted up off the ground. I let out a scream of surprise as the hand clenched tightly over my arms. Over my shoulder I saw the head of a bull with the darkest grin I've ever seen looking back at me. He was built like a pro wrestler and was now holding me a good 4/5 feet off the ground. My heart sank to my stomach as I realized the situation we were in.

Turning back to Sara I called out. "SARA! Lock the door and call the police! Hurry before he..." I stopped yelling and looked upon my long eared friend that I came here with. She was still calmly holding the door open and staring at us. It took me a second to realize she had thrown off all her clothes and was just standing nude in this back alley watching me struggle.

"Sara!" I cried to her, confused as my captor walked me to the door. I looked about and saw a few people in the windows of the apartment. I cried out to them for help but none of them moved. I glanced back and forth from window to window noticing most of them weren't alone. In almost every second window there was a young girl doing one form of sexual act upon another and completely ignoring us. It finally dawned on me. "...this is ...a brothel?!"

As we approached the stairs three more women, two cheetahs and a doe, came out the door nude and staring at the ground, they came with knives and scissors in hand and quickly approached us.

I panicked and tried again to struggle, kicking one in the head. the young doe took a step back holding her cheek, yet the others ignored her. Instead they grabbed my legs, holding me steady as the doe stepped up again. She walked towards my restrained body, holding the knife. I went cold in fear, wondering what was happening.

"n...nNo clothes... allowed..." The doe whispered as she began cutting up my shirt clean off. The other girls stopped and looked at the doe almost in shock. In an instant the bull's foot came flying past me, kicking the poor doe girl in the chest. She flew back against the stairs in a cry of pain. But just as soon as she fell, she quickly forced herself to her feet and was silent again. She looked like she was going to pass out but obediently returned to do her job. The beast carrying me bellowed out at her;

"Dumb bitch. You speak only when spoken too. That's a week in the seat." His voice was loud and booming. The doe winced upon hearing the command but nodded and walked back into the apartment, past my supposed classmate.

As much as I squirmed I had no way of overpowering the girls, let alone the strong bull holding my upper body steady.

My tear-filled eyes snapped back to Sara who was standing in the doorway holding the door motionless. "Sara! Why are you doing this?!" I saw a twitch in her eye for only a moment before she returned to staring at the ground. I suddenly had a thick hand clasp around my neck lifting me off the ground and cutting off my airway. I was now nude and being held up by one of the bulls strong arms. He was looking around me and inspecting my bare fur. I would have been covering myself if I wasn't clawing at his grip desperately gasping for breath.

"Heh, good catch Sara. She'll fit right in." He smirked as he carried my gasping body in through the door and down the hall. As he waited for the elevator, my mind was running a mile a minute trying to think of a way out. My clutching at his thumb was all that was keeping from cutting my airway off.

As he held me, I could see into the open door beside us. Inside I could make out the silhouette of the doe girl from earlier. She was sitting in a chair that had her wrists, waist and legs bound to it. Behind it was some form of machine that two helpers were setting up. I finally saw underneath the seat were two long dildos pointing up to her rump. Each one was at least the length of my forearm. Above I saw the helper pull and fasten her head back so her mouth was facing another long dildo pointing downwards. My eyes widened when they flipped the switch and the three rods forced their way deep into her from both ends. The machine began pounding her relentlessly as she gargled some kind of scream. Her helpers paid no attention to her squirming as they just cheerfully chimed "See you in a week." Then they turned off the lights and closed the door on her muffled whimpers.


The elevator doors then opened to a large Polar Bear breathing heavily. I couldn't see what was happening until we stepped in. The mirror ceiling allowed me to look down on a horrible sight. There was a young skinny wolf boy beaten to a pulp gasping for breath on the floor. Blood was covering his face and half the floor. I suddenly felt the hand gripping my neck clench again causing me to squirm for breath.

"You gonna pay for that?" The bull barked at the polar bear who was wiping the blood off his knuckles.

"Faggot offered some gay shit to me. I ain't no queer." He said coldly, talking proud-like of his actions. I could see his head turned to me. "Like this cute little one." He said as he squeezed my ass. "I'll take her."

Before I reacted, the bull had pulled me away. "She ain't trained, and you're paying for him." he yelled pressing the bear up against the wall. The bear was taller but it was clear who had the muscle. The guy mumbled, pulling out his wallet handing cash to my captor. I was at the breaking point when I felt tears running down my cheek. The bull noticed me soaking his hand when he grumbled, "Aw fuck off." throwing me to the ground where I immediately gasped for air. I looked down realizing I was lying on top of the wolf boy. His face was broken and disfigured with his eyes staring in opposite directions. A cold chill ran down my spine when I realized the worst.

'he's dead'


I was yanked by my ankles back out of the elevator, naked and trembling and was pulled down a dark corridor. I found myself screaming for my life, clawing at the ground. With nothing to grab ahold of, I was suddenly lifted up off the ground.

"Please!" I begged. "Just let me go*ack!" I choked as I felt something wrap around my neck and click in place. It was tight and again making it hard to breathe. Putting a hand on my neck, it felt like a dog collar was on me. However there seemed to be an underlying wire running around the inside.

Realizing my opportunity, I sprang to my feet away from the bull, looking around the room. That bastard was talking to two other naked women and paying no attention to me. 'This is my chance!' I thought and forced my shakey legs to run. But after only two steps, his voice rang out.


The last thing I heard was a beep from my caller before wave upon wave of shocks ran through my body. My legs gave out beneath me and I fell to the floor in an uncontrollable convulsion. After a moment the shocks stopped and I was able to breathe again. Looking back at my captor, I saw the two women with him were also on the floor twitching. Within a moment they forced themselves back to a standing position and remained quiet.

"Heh figured I should show you how that works, ha ha." He chuckled as he walked over top of me. It was my first time being able to see him whole. He was as nude as the rest of the girls in this building. His giant cock was swinging half erect above me. His ball sack alone was the size of my head. Before I could even recover, he sat on my belly straddling me and blocked any chance of moving. His dick was bigger than my forearm and it's weight was like lead on my chest. "Those collars are fun, huh? My buddy's design. They shock disobedient girls on command. All I have to say is..." He leaned in to my ear with a dark grinning whisper. "...heel."

I small shock this time caused me to arch my back and let out a squeal. But before the air was out of my lungs, my head had suddenly jerked to the side and was searing with a sharp pain. He had struck me pretty hard across the face with little remorse. "And women don't talk. Learn that quick. Now get me off."

His massive dick was under my chin and pulsing. I haven't even had a boyfriend let alone touched a dick before. I was near hyperventilating from what he said. His face grew impatient. "You gonna get started or do I have to make you hee..."

I flinched at hearing the word again raising my arms quickly and pressing them against his cock. I started stroking it back and forth slowly trying not to cry. He replied by rolling his hips back and forthin unison. I continued trembling for a minute before he got impatient. "Jesus have you ever sucked a cock before?!" He bucked, forcing the head of his dick into my mouth forcing my jaw to stretch to its limit. He was aggravated with my lack of experience and finally stood up while I coughed and sputtered at the sudden stretch.

"Get her trained dammit. I'll be breaking her in later." He growled as he walked down the hall. I watched him grab a girl just stepping out of a room and forcing her to her knees. She didn't fight at all but simply opened her mouth and obediently took his dick into it. After only a moment. The bull had grabbed her hair and forced his entire meat down her throat. I could see the engorging of her throat from here yet she didn't even raise her arms in reaction.

I watched in horror as he grunted and pounded his dick in and out of her passive face until he slammed once more filling her with enough seed that it was dribbling down her bare fur. He just stood up and walked off without a whim. The poor girl left there struggled to walk as she disappeared around the corner. I was left alone with my mind racing a mile a minute squeaking out only a whisper.

"I have to get out of here."

"Whoopsie! That's a punishment right there, silly!" came a oddly cheerful voice. I twisted my head back in front of me to a skinny dog boy standing over me. He wasn't wearing anything but another collar. "Now it's your first day so I guess you know it's hush hush from now on~"

He was bubbly and friendly. The first non threatening face I've seen since being grabbed. He was a gray rabbit with light for on his chest. Upon looking him over he was as nude as myself. I realized finally my shame and covered myself to him laughing.

"Oh don't be shy! You gotta show off your goods here at all times!" He helped me to my feet with a kind hand. I was about to thank him but he put a silencing finger on my lips.

"Ap ap ap! Only moans and cum are allowed spittin' outta there!" He laughed like nothing was off in our conversation. "Now follow me!" He spun on a dime and walked into a room across from where I was weakly standing. The elevator had already gone back up and disappeared. There seemed to be no button to press either. With a shaky breath, I nervously followed the rabbit into the room.

The room was dimly lit and hard to make out his silhouette. He just moved about humming then offered me a seat. I accepted seeing as I thought my legs were going to give out. I collapsed onto the chair and took a deep breath and he came over to check my pulse. While he moved to my other wrist, my eyes were finally adjusting to the dark room. I could make out a table with some large odd shapes. My eyes went wide again when I realized it was another young woman strapped to it with a ball gag in her mouth.

I tried to jump to my feet but was stopped by my arms. Finally aware of what was going on, the boy had strapped my arms, legs and waist to the chair.

"What the f*ghaaah!" I wretched in the chair as another shock from the collar surged through me.

"Tsk* you just don't wanna listen now do you!" He just chuckled like it was no big deal. "You're just like this big silly billy!" He pointed at the girl who was bound, gagged and unconscious

"Now we gotta get you ready for your training." He walked over and carefree ran his fingers across and into my crotch. I winced at the sudden intrusion, having no control to resist. "Oh a first timer! Well let me pick out just the one for you!" He pulled his hand out and walked behind me. I was looking around only hearing his humming when suddenly a television flashed on blinding me. After a melody intro a voice came on.

"Welcome one and all to Brer's Brothel! The most exclusive and elite brothel in town!" I just watched in confusion as the announcer went on about the buildings history. But then it came to the women in the brothel.

"Our women are trained to suit all your needs, interests, sizes and ages. And while they are unharnessed, our specialty program ensures that they never speak, react and never disobey!" A montage of men violently having their way in various forms played across the screen making me realize the world I was being dragged down into. "So thank you for choosing Brer's Brothel and remember, Our pleasure is your pleasure!"

The screen turned off and within a moment I felt a strap around my forehead pulling my head back roughly until it was facing up. With tears watering my eyes I was able to make out a long purple dildo hanging down above my mouth.

A cold chill ran down my spine when I realized what I was sitting in. I forced my head to slightly turn to the side allowing me to look into the wall mirror. I saw myself strapped to the same contraption the poor doe from before was left in.

I let out a scream that was only silenced by another zap from the collar. My 'trainer' was back and lining the dildos above and beneath into place. "You just don't learn, jabber girl, now do ya!" He laughed like nothing was wrong. I let out a slew of profanities before he rolled his eyes at my next convulsion. "Now don't you worry jabber girl. I picked out a good first timer for ya. And I snuck you a bit of lube to celebrate your v-card! You can thank me later. Haha" He gave my crotch another tap before walking to the door.

I heard him stepping out when suddenly the whirring of a machine started behind me. To my horror, I watched the long dildo above me start to come down and press against my closed mouth. It was almost breaking my teeth before I gave out and let it continue into my mouth. I felt myself gag and cough but was only plugged up by the end of the foreign object. I had lost the ability to breathe and was only distracted from it when I felt something underneath. With another hum of the machine, I felt pressure against my vagina and tail hole. With my throat blocked and body restrained, I could only clench my fists as I felt myself be deflowered in the most horrific way I could have ever imagined. After a build up of pressure, I felt the pop of the first dildo force it's way into my vagina. The cone shaped anal toy took a little longer but eventually I gave way to it filling my back end.

Soon enough the machine would pull out and I gasped for air as best I could before being impaled once again. The three pillars in an offset slowly built up faster and faster. In a few minutes I was internally screaming from the pain of them pounding me at the speed of a sewing machine.

'Why is this happening to me?!' I was tearing through my mind trying to think of where I went wrong.

I was distracted from my nightmare for a moment by a flickering light appearing above me. A bright red glow now hung above my eyes. One line in bold letters just said;


The second line was a digital clock with 24 hours marked on it...




I had no power. I had no voice. I had nothing to hold onto. I was numb with pain after only a few minutes, gasping for what little air I could between pumps. I didn't know how I would manage an hour, let alone twenty four.

'Someone... Help me...' was screaming through my mind. Begging anyone to take me away from this nightmare of a world.

...but no one would ever hear my voice again.