Anya and Kirvan – In love with a vren

Story by Lunarmon on SoFurry

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#1 of Anya and her vrens:

Lunarmon here, this story is written after Lotta Olivecrona's books ‘Vren' this story takes place shortly after the end of the second book, as the third book hasn't been translated to my language yet, I might improve some parts of this story late when I have read the two books again, and of cause the copyright of characters and so on belongs to Lotta Olivecrona. Enjoy

Note: The tag Werewolf is just the closed I could come to what a vren are, as they are not from this world, so acutely there's no werewolf's in this story.

Anya and her vrens:

Anya and Kirvan â€" In love with a vren

It was getting late and Anya looked up at the sky as she walked through the forest, there were a few clouds but it didn't look like it'll begin to rain anytime soon. She then casted a glance over her shoulder at the three vrens who followed behind her, she looked at Tarrek, who made up the back, then Vasslo who, like herself, had the gift and who taught her how to use more of her powers, then she looked at Kirvan, the one of them she had known longest and who had protected her since they met.

She got a strange feeling she didn't understand and looked forward again, in the past few days, since she parted with her brother Illyan at the ruins of their parents' farm, she had had this feeling every time she looked at Kirvan. She was so deep in thought, that she didn't notice that Kirvan had walked up beside her.

"Are you alright Owner?" He asked her and looked up at her, she stopped her thinking and looked at him.

"I'm fine Kirvan, I was just thinking that we should try to find a suitable place to camp for the night." He nodded to her and the other two went to them.

"Then I and Tarrek will go scouting Owner." He said and looked at Tarrek, who nodded her agreement, before looking back at Anya who gave them a smile.

"Okay, then Vasslo and I will look for some more firewood and if you can, try to catch us some dinner." The two vrens nodded and run into the forest, she and Vasslo soon found enough firewood for the night.

A few moments later Tarrek returned. "We have found a good place to set up camp not too far away, come I'll lead you there." She said and Anya and Vasslo took the firewood and followed after Tarrek into the forest.

Soon they reached a small clearing, where Kirvan was preparing a deer, he had caught, Anya nodded to him before she got to work making a fire to cook the meat over, as they were eating, she looked at them all, but her eyes kept returning to Kirvan and she got this strange feeling again and she felt a wetness between her legs, she blushed and moved her legs so that the vrens couldn't see the wet spot between her legs.

"What is this?" She thought "why am I wet I know that I didn't pee myself and why do I get this feeling every time I look at Kirvan." She had stopped eating as she thought to herself.

Kirvan looked up from his food and looked at Anya, he saw her red face and that she wasn't eating, he begun to get worried, she had acted strange the last few days but she wouldn't tell him what was bothering her and she also acted strange when he got close to her. He carefully moved over to her. "Is something wrong Owner?" He asked her and saw how her body twitched before she looked at him.

"I'm fine Kirvan, just not very hungry right now." He looked at her.

"Are you sure Owner." He said and looked concerned at her, she smiled at him.

"I'm ok, it's nothing to worry about" she then lifted her head and smiled at Tarrek and Vasslo, who also looked worried at her "I'll be fine, you don't need to worry." She then began to eat again while ignoring their concerned looks.

After they had finished eating, they all just sat relaxing after a day's wandering but Anya got more and more uncomfortable as evening got closer, and the concerning stare from the others, wasn't helping at all. Suddenly she stood up, and the three vrens turned their heads to her.

"I'm going to take a look around, you can stay her and rest." She then turned around and walked into the forest, the vrens looked at each other.

"There's something wrong with her, she acts different, I'm worried." Tarrek said as she looked at the other two.

"Me too," said Kirvan and looked at Vasslo "do you have any idea of what is wrong with her?" Vasslo shakes his head.

"No I don't know, she is getting better at shielding her mind but I'm not sure if she can handle it on her own, even if she don't want to talk to us about it, I think that she needs us," he looked at Kirvan "follow her Kirvan and if you can, help her" he smiles "but try not to be seen, she didn't order us to stay here, but still." Kirvan nodded.

"I know what you mean and I was going to go after her." He then got up and followed after Anya into the forest.

As she walked, she thought over what had happen to try and understand the feeling in her, she had never had it before" she sighed "if only my mother and father hadn't been kill by the mountain people." She thought to herself, as she was thinking about her problem, she had come to a cliff, with a river a few meters down, she stood at the cliff edge and stared over to the forest on the other side of the cliff, she then looked up and down the river and saw that the cliff ended further down the river and the river seemed less strong down there.

"We can get over the river down there." She said to herself as she tried to think about something else, she then turned, but the ground was more slippery than she thought, and she lost her balance and fall over the edge of the cliff, as she fall she remembered last time she fell down into a river from a cliff and how Kirvan was right behind her.

She then heard a family voice who shouted. "Owner!" And she saw Kirvan jump over the edge after her, at first she was shock to see him but then she hit the water and swallowed a lot of ice cold water, then she felt two paw-hands grip her and pulling her close, she turned her head and saw Kirvan holding her while he try to hold them above the water.

"Kir...Kirvan, what are you doing here?" She asked as the stream took them further down the river.

"I followed you to make sure you'll be okay," the stream was getting more calm and it was easier for him to keep them afloat "when you slipped and fall over the edge, I jumped after you" the stream was now so calm that he could get them into the shore, after they had crawled up on land he looked at her "I was afraid, that I was going to lose you." She looked at him and put her arms around him.

"Thank you Kirvan, for being there for me" she then smiles at him "this reminds me of the time, just after we met." He looked at her and nodded.

"We jump into a river to get away from the hunters and had to go the rest of the way to your home wet... and it also begun to rain." He saw her smile at him.

"Yeah back then I didn't feel safe so close to you, under the bedroll we used as cover against the rain," she then laid her head on his shoulder and whispered into his ear "thank you Kirvan." As she laid her head on his shoulder, his entire body shivered and he laid his head at her shoulder.

"It feels quit nice to be this close to her." He thought as he felt her arms around him pull him closer to her.

For a few moments they just set like that enjoying being so close to each other's body, until the cold water in his fur and her clothe began to get uncomfortable, then she heard Vasslo's voice.

"Anya are you okay, what happened?" He asked her through mind speech, still with her arms around Kirvan, so he could hear what they said, Anya explained that she slipped on the edge of a cliff with a river at the bottom and how Kirvan jumped after her and that the river had taken them some miles downriver. After that they agreed that Vasslo and Tarrek should stay at the camp for the night and come downstream tomorrow and Anya and Kirvan would make a little camp where they were for the night, even though Anya didn't have any equipment with her, but she told him that she'll be alright.

After that Kirvan and Anya gathered enough wood for a fire and set down beside each other to dry, after a while Anya was still clod and admitted that she had to take her wet clothes off, she turned her head to Kirvan and saw him looking at her, she blushed and looked him in the eyes.

"Kirvan, I don't think I'm going to get warm as long as I have this wet clothe on" she pulled a little at her wet shirt "but I don't have any other clothe here" she looked down "if I take me clothes of, will you keep me warm with you fur?" She ask in a uncertain voice and closed her eyes, "oh why do I feel like this and what if he wouldn't help me keep warm, out here this little fire isn't enough to keep me warm." Suddenly she felt two furry arms around her, holding her close and she laid her head at his chest.

"Of cause I'll keep you warm Owner" he laid his head on hers "I like you and I'll do anything for you." Before she knew what she did she kissed him on his muzzle, his eyes opened in shock before he returned the kiss with as much feeling as she put into it.

After a few minutes she broke the kiss and begun to take her clothes off, first she took off her shirt and reviled her breasts to Kirvan, then she toke of her shoes, socks, pants and panties and she shivered in the cold wind, totally necked in front of Kirvan, who looked at her with green eyes full of caring for her.

She then fall down on her knees and Kirvan moved to her and put his arms around her, pressing her against his fur to keep her warm, she laid down with Kirvan and curled to make herself as small as she could so Kirvan's fur covered more of her body.

For a long time she just laid there, listening to his heartbeat and his breathing as he slept, enjoying the feeling of his warm fur against her necked skin, she then noticed that his heartbeat and breathing had increased and she felt something poke at her legs, she looked down and to her shock saw his hardening penis at her legs, then she heard him whimper and she was just about to wake him when he moaned.

"Anya I love you." As she heard that everything clicked, the strange feeling every time she was close to him, why she acted the way she did against him and why she was getting wet around him, as she was now. She felt the wetness at her exposed cunt and shivered.

"Could I really be in love with Kirvan, a vren?" She thought to herself as she felt his breath on her neck and his half-hard cock at her legs, close to her unprotected pussy, "should I wake him and confront him with what he said or should I just act like nothing happened" she thought and shivered as she felt his cock hump at her legs and Kirvan moaned her name again, she moved her hand down to her cunt and felt the wetness on her fingers, before she moved her fingers over her pussy lips slowly a few time, before slowly pushing two fingers into her pussy and begun to move them in and out, she closed her eyes and moaned as the pleasure coursed through her, as her two fingers moved in and out of her, she used another finder to rub at her clit, as an orgasm begun to build in her she begun to move her fingers faster in and out of her cunt she begun to moan more.

As the orgasm hit her, she pushed her fingers as far into her as she could, without breaking her virginity, and moaned.

"Kirvan..." she held her wet fingers in her pussy for a few moments, while recovering from her orgasm, before she pulled them out, she begun to cry quietly because she didn't know what to do, she knew now that she love him, there was no doubt in her mind anymore, but did he really love her or did he only moan her name because he was so close to her body, her crying was slowly becoming louder.

Kirvan begun to stir, feeling that something was wrong, after a few moments his ears heard Anya's crying and he woke up instantly and looked at Anya and saw her crying under him, he didn't know why she cried, but it hurt him to see her cry and before his just awakened brain could think, he lowered his muzzle to her neck and stroked her lovingly.

"Please stop crying Owner." He felt her body twitch as he spoke and her crying became a light sobbing.

"Kir...Kirvan." she said between sobs.

"Shhh..." he said to her "I'm here, nothing's going to hurt you." He stroke her neck some more, all thoughts about whether he should be stroking her like this or not meant nothing to him, Anya was sad and he'll do anything to comfort her.

"Kirvan?" She asked with a small voice and he gave her neck a lick.

"Yes, Owner." He said while stroking her cheek.

"How... how do you feel about me?" She asked and felt how he stopped stroking her.

"What do you mean Owner?" He asked her and look down at her, she turn around so she could see into his green eyes.

"I heard you moan my name in you sleep," she saw his eyes opening wide, "and I felt your..." she blushed "thing between your legs hump at me." She saw unmasked terror in his green eyes and he jump of her and looked down into the ground.

"I...I'm sor...sorry." He said in a tone filled with more fear that she had ever heard before.

"Kirvan" she said as she kneeled in front of him, he continued to look into the ground and mumbling an apology "Kirvan look at me" she said to him and slowly he lifted his head and she saw tears running from his eyes "Kirvan just tell me, honestly what you feel for me, you know that I'll never hurt you." He slowly opened his muzzle and whispered.

"I love you, with all my heart." He then look down at the ground again, sure that she would do something against him. He then felt her arms around him and barely believed the words she said.

"I love you too, Kirvan." He lifted his head in a jerk and looked into her eyes and saw, love, and nothing else, she carefully kissed him again and felt his tongue pushing into her mouth, they bout moaned as they kiss, the kiss continued for a few minutes before they had to break away for air.

"How... how long has you..." he looked at her, not sure if he should ask.

"Loved you?" She asked and he nodded, she looked at the night sky "I'm not sure, since we met the first time we have been busy and we had to be careful and we couldn't just be our selves but the last few days we have just been us four, no other human to think about or try to hide from, I think that is when, I began to notice my interest in you, but not before tonight, did I realize that I loved you" she kissed him again "perhaps it was a good thing that we fall in that river, so we could be a little alone." He looked at her.

"Is that why you have acted so strange lately?" She nodded and smiled at him.

"Each time you were close to me, I got this feeling and I didn't know what it was and I became wet between my leg" she blushed as he looked between her legs and saw her juice running down from her cunt "but while I laid listening to you heartbeat, you suddenly moaned my name and... and it all just fall into place, if my mother had still been alive she might've been able to tell me what that feeling was," she stared on into the sky and Kirvan placed his arms around her, pulling her closer to him, he knew that she still hadn't gotten over the loss of her family, "thank you Kirvan." She said after awhile and buried her face in his chest.

"No need to thank me Owner," he gave her cheek a lick "I like having you this close to me, and, there's something I'll like to ask you." She looked at his face.

"What?" She asked and he lick her on the other cheek.

"Will you be my mate?" She looked at him for a few moments without understanding what he meant, then she smiled at him.

"Yes, I will." She then buried her face in his chest again, crying in happiness.

He held her close as she cried and shivered at the feel of her soft body against his fur, as her crying subsided, he whispered into her ear. "Will you mate with me now or wait for another time, so we can become true mates." She lifted her head and kissed him deeply.

"Now, Kirvan, who knows when we'll be able to mate again," she lowered her head and he saw a tear run down her cheek "what do you think Vasslo and Tarrek will say, if they find out, will we even be able to mate when they are close?" she asked worried, Kirvan thought about it, he didn't know what the other two will say about them being mates, but he was sure that they would accept it.

"Don't worry Owner, I'm sure everything is going to be okay" he licked her cheek again and tasted her salty tear "do you still want to mate with me tonight?" He asked and she raised her head and he saw the determination in her eyes, which made him smile.

"How do we do it Kirvan, I've never been with a man before... of any kind." He nuzzled her neck and said.

"Get down on your hands and knees and lower you front down to the ground and raise your ass into the air." She did as he said and a shiver ran through her body as the wind blew over her.

"Like this?" She asked and Kirvan nodded and walk over to her and began to sniff and her pussy and ass, before he gave her cunt a slow lick which made her moan out in pleasure, he then jump on her, with his hardening cock out of his sheath, and gave her neck a lick.

"Are you ready?" He asked her and she nodded her head, the feeling of his warm fur on her back, together with the anticipation of what was about to happen, she just could get a word out.

She then felt his hard shaft at her slit and shivered, as he push into her, the feeling as his cock moved into her, was more that she could take and she raised her head and moaned, as her second orgasm of the night went through her. In the midst of her orgasm, she felt Kirvan thrust into her, right through her hymen, the pain was short and the pleasure of her orgasm washed away the pain.

After he had thrust into her, he stayed still so she could get used to him in her, he licked at her neck as she cummed, as her orgasm subsided he begun to pull out, until he was almost out of her before he thrust into her again, she moan as he pulled in and out of her harder and faster, over and over. She move one of her hand down to his shaft and begun to touch it while he continued to thrust into her, she felt a growing bulge at the end of his cock and she moan, she knew that he was going to push the lump of flesh into her and she took her hand back to steady herself, she then felt the bulge hitting her stretched cunt, she felt a little pain as Kirvan tried to push it into her, she then thrust back at him as he thrust into her, it went straight through her innermost barrier into her womb, stretching her cunt even more and she felt Kirvan's fangs on her neck as he begins to cum into her womb his fangs bit down into her a little and she moaned as she cummed together with him, she felt his warm seed splashing in to her womb filling her so much that her belly swelled some.

After a few minutes they stopped cumming and Anya moaned at the feeling of his hard cock in her. "What...what was that at the... end of your shaft?" She asked between pants, he licked at her neck where a little blood seeped out of the bite wound.

"It's my knot, it's to help insure that the female gets pregnant but I don't think I can get you pregnant." She turned her head and saw his ears hanging down.

"You want to have kids with me?" She asked him and saw him nodding.

"I will love to but I don't think it's possible for us to crossbreed" he lick at her wound again "and sorry about the bite, Owner, it was instinctual I couldn't stop myself." She smiles at him and lifts one of her hands to the side of his head.

"There is nothing to be sorry about I know you'll never hurt me on purpose and" she turn her head so much that she could give him a kiss on the side of his muzzle "if you are willing to try, then just try to get me pregnant, as far as I know, none other human has ever mated with a vren, who knows, maybe we'll have some children some day." His ears peeked when he heard her, she was willing to breed with him, if they could, he licked her again happily.

"Thank you Owner" He said while nuzzling her cheek, she turn her head to him again.

"Kirvan call me Anya, at least when we're alone, I'm not just you owner any longer, I'm also you mate and as you mate I want you to call me by my name." She then kissed him on the side of his muzzle again, he smiled at her and nuzzled her neck.

"Yes Anya, you are my mate now." He whispered into her ear, he then pulled his softening cock out of her, and a little of their cum, together with a little blood from her broken virginity flowed out of her, but most of his seed remained inside her womb, he laid down above her to keep her warm through the rest of the night, he nuzzled her one last time before he laid his head beside hers. "Sweet dreams my mate, Anya." He then closed his eyes and joined her in her sleep.

Too be continued (If anyone wants to see more of this, and if so there's a change that I go even more away from the books than I might have done here)