(The Ronin And The Wizard-Part 2)

Story by firewolf91 on SoFurry

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This is part 2 of Lily the empress's story.. hope you enjoy it! ;)

Story made by :Me

Tika and Kirito Yoshimura belong to :Lily the empress [on Sofurry]

If you want to repost this story link me it in a PM AND MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THE REQUESTER'S PERMISSION AS WELL!!

Or contact me at [email protected]

enough mumbojumbo..... TO THE STORY!!!!

(The Ronin And The Wizard-Part 2)

"Huh? What's this?" Tika says seeing an object near her dad's body.

(Note contents.)

Tika, if you are reading this, chances are i have fallen to someone or something. Do you remember those days i told you when i was worried it was nothing, it actually was something very much wrong.

A few years ago, you may remember him as Xavier, more know him as the wizard, we had banished him years ago for trying to sneak weapons out of our armory to give to the other clan. He did not take well to this, shouting that he would return to kill me and anyone in our family.

He is not to be underestimated. He enjoys watch his prey become victim to his... "monsters" that he has created, i do not know what is in those mountains he lives in. But just know this tika, do not let your guard down, not for a moment, do not pose as being weak to him or he will take advantage of you. Just as he did to your mother.

Your father Kirito~

So all these years that is why they never told me what happened. *sigh* I guess i know where i am going..

(1 Day Later)

Finally reaching the mountains after following some of xavier's troops, she notices they go a different way as she hides and waits for them to leave, running up the path to the mountains as she feels it getting colder every step she takes.

Soon reaching well below freezing...

(Hours later)

The winter air blasting over tika, she fights to control her balance, climbing up the mountain as the winds try to knock her off the mountain "I never did like winter, it's not for someone like me." she says with a sigh, freezing in her armor as she finds a small cave to wait out the blizzard.

Running inside she tries to get warm, she takes her armor off leaving her clothes only left. Hearing a slight slithering noise she pulls out her katana and looks around before asking. "Is anyone there? Hello?" she asks, her voice having a slight tone of fear in it as it echoes through the cave.

"How big is this cave?" she questions before deciding to venture further, her gut telling her not to...

The entrance to the cave getting smaller by the second, she decides to head back the way she came, to her surprise it only lead to an area that had light beaming from above her and not from outside.

"What the... this was the way i came!" she says frightened a little as she runs the other way, hoping she would not get lost in the cave.

(Farther up the mountain)

*chuckling* "she has no idea what i have prepared for her, soon she will." the voice says as it watches through the orb, seeing tika panicking as she tries to find the entrance...

(Back in the cave)

"No, no no no no no... this is not happening." tika says scared. She hears the slithering noise even more now, clearer then before.

"Wh- Who's there? I am not afraid of you!" she says unsheathing her katana again, entering a battle stance as she scans the dark for anything.

An object darts out of the darkness, grabbing her katana, leaving her defenseless. She yells in fright as she tries to run, darting inside the cave, she runs to a dead end before closing her eyes and saying "This is not happening.. this is not.. it's not happening."

Slowly getting backed into a corner, still hearing the slithering noise around her. Fearing for her life she closes her eyes as the slithering noise stops, she peeks her eyes open to see darkness before being grabbed from behind, it restraining her movement as she struggles against it.

"Let me go!!" she yells to her captor before seeing it was something slimy, nothing human, at least that is what she thought for the moment.

She is brought face to face with what may be her captor, or master of it. "Well then... i guess you made your way to me at last little girl" A voice says from the darkness.

Still struggling with her captor she is greeted by a mage looking person as she questions. "Who are you?" still trying to break free of her captor's grasp.

"Why, i am insulted you do not remember me, does the name... Xavier mean anything to you?" Hearing the name, tika curses him endlessly in japanese.

"You killed my father you-" she says before getting cut off by something arousing, she blushes slightly and moans as she feels something rub her crotch.

"Now now child, you wouldn't want to waist your breath and strength, you will need it for what your "captor" has planned for you."

Xavier says as he steps into the light, revealing his scales as he is a dragon grinning, looking her over to see the object rubbing her crotch.

"I see my pet has taken a fond interest in you." The dragon says with a grin before continuing, "Perhaps i should leave you here and... get to know it for a wile." He finishes before laughing, walking off and leaving her.

Still in her captor's grasp she struggles as the dragon walks off yelling, "COWARD! I'll rip your skin from your bones! COME BA-"

She is cut off by something penetrating her pussy, pulling out as she growls and moans loudly. Blushing more, she pants and wonders what it was before seeing the object, a tentacle, pass by her face as she freezes in place.

Fear enters her as she tries with all her effort to get free. "Let me go you foul beast! I am a daughter of the Yoshim-" she yells before getting cut off by the tentacle entering her mouth, shutting her up as she gags violently.

The tentacles restraining her begin to tighten their grasp as she slams her eyes in pain, some shoves up her pussy and her ass as more slither out and envelop her body. Blushing madly she tries to fight for control but to no avail, the tentacles still squeezing her harder as she yells in pain.

The tentacles let up slightly, as if to send a message to stop struggling, or it will only get worse.

Tika, still blinded by rage and feeling used, still tries to struggle, blushing and moaning through the tentacle as it thrusts in and out of her mouth.

The tentacles around her waist begin to crush her, determined to make her stop struggling as she screams in pain.

The dragon's voice echoing through out the cave with a warning. "My pet does not like it when people struggle. A word of advice, stop struggling or you may just die."

"My pet has a very short temper and from the looks of it, you are about to make it angry." he finishes, sounding like he is trying to help her.

Realizing that he may be right she slows down on struggling, after a few moments the tentacles stop squeezing and return to a restraining state. The tentacles in her butt begin thrusting deep, almost impaling her as the one in her pussy begins grinding inside her, sending wave after wave of pleasure as she moans loudly, trying to kick as it violates her, it seeming determined to make her submit.

The tentacles in her ass and pussy begin speeding up, the one in her mouth doubles it's speed, making her gag almost enough to where she should have vomited by now.

She yells in lust moaning, cuming as she twitches in the tentacle's grasp, blushing heavily. The tentacles do the same and cum into her, filling her up as her stomach expands slowly.

Her now flat stomach now looking like she was 10 weeks pregnant... She blushes as she moans, cuming a little more as she relaxes slightly.

Breathing loudly and completely exhausted, she notices something enter her ass as she yells in pain. Growling as she looks back to see it fertilizing her.

She yells in pain at the multiple eggs being pushed into her, each one making her cum even more, soaking the tentacles in her juice as she moans loudly.

By the time all was done 10 eggs were inside her, pushing her stomach out further as her belly now hangs, sticking out a foot or more.

The tentacles slowly put her on the ground and release her as she feels sleepy. Panting hard and realizing that she was just impregnated with eggs before she falls asleep inside the cave.

"My dear i must say i am surprised, you made my pet very happy, not many have done that." the dragon says as he snaps his finger, teleporting her to his room in his lair, letting her sleep as she thinks of what will happen now.