Pokemon: Further Evolutions CH 5 (Part 1)

Story by That Box in the Basement on SoFurry

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#9 of Pokemon: Further Evolutions

Here we are with Ch 5! At this point, there'll be a few "guests" coming from the original story New Evolutions by red tygon. If you haven't read it already, I highly suggest doing so. As per usual, please don't forget to rate the story. The feedback really does encourage me to do more and to do better. And if you're new to the story, why not check out the previous chapters while you're here hmmmmmmmmmmmmm? X3 Alright, enjoy!

Pokemon: Further Evolutions

CH 5

Welcome to the Island

Kyo slowly began to stir from his slumber as he groggily came to. His eye ridges furrowed; he felt like he had been sleeping on the floor the entire night. There was a strange scent that filled the air he breathed in. His scales felt oddly flaky and crusty, as though he had spilled something over them and hadn't washed them out. His body felt stiff and ached at various joints and muscles.

He gingerly sat up; his muscle aches flaring up around his lower back, hips and thighs. He caressed them tenderly to try and ease the dull pains. He felt the scales along his back crack the glazy covering as he stretched himself, still sitting down on...whatever he was on...

_Did I...fall off the bed? _he thought to himself, slowly cracking his eyes open. As soon as he caught the first glimpse of where he was, his eyes immediately snapped fully open, and he abruptly stood up, causing his muscle aches to flare up again. He was still outside, at the entrance to the upper deck. Memories from the night before flooded his mind. He began to remember everything that had happened.


He leaned against the door frame as he clutched the side of his head with a hand. His eyes darted left and right, frantically scanning the area around him. He stopped, closing his eyes and giving himself time to calm down. Once he was, he opened his eyes and looked around again, this time fully evaluating where he was. He was definitely still at the upper deck, which was completely empty. No signs of any horny grass type, or any other morph for that matter. He was alone, left to his own thoughts. Looking towards the sky, he could see that it was early in the morning, which was confirmed by a nearby clock attached to one of the walls.

He closed his eyes, and took a deep breath. Okay, _he thought to himself, _so...I can safely say that _that...was _not _a dream. _He looked at the back of his hands and arms, both still encrusted with his dried up cum. He looked down at his lap; it was covered in his juices as well, even reaching down his thighs. _But...why...why did she do that? _His hand went to his chin as he tried to think of any possible reasons the female had done that to him. Unable to think of anything, he instead thought back to the situation itself.

_An odd smell...light headedness...desperation...and intense arousal... _His eye ridges furrowed in deep thought. _Argh! It seems so FAMILIAR! But I can't think of what it reminds me of! Come on...I know this... _After a few minutes of pondering, he shook his head in frustration. He just couldn't figure out what it was.

_I guess I should just...report this to someone... _he thought to himself, _I mean...n-not to get her in trouble or anything but...still worth telling someone... _Standing up from the door frame, he turned around, and re-entered the ship.


"Come ooonn," he said to himself quietly, "there's gotta be _someone _that works here that's awake." He stopped suddenly, picking up the sounds of footsteps somewhere near him. He turned to the right, and saw someone turn a corner. "H-hey!" Kyo shouted out as he tried to catch up with the morph. After turning the corner, he was a bit caught off guard seeing who it was. "Oh! O-Octavius!" he shouted after him.

His hand suddenly went up, the grass type pausing in his steps but not turning towards him. "WHO dares to address me so INFORMALLY?!" Kyo blinked once.

"I'm sorry...uh...m-mister...Octaviu-"

"BETTER!" he cut him off suddenly, startling the water type as he finally twirled around to face him. "WHAT is it you require from me young peon?"

"Still callin' me that huh?" Kyo said to himself, scratching the back of his head with a claw. "L-listen, I-"

"I am listening," Octavius spoke up. Kyo blinked again.

"I...I need to speak with you-"

"I _am _speaking with you," the grass type said abruptly. Kyo blinked several more times, staring at him in genuine confusion. Octavius blinked. "Well go on."

"...Right..." he continued, shaking his head, "Anyways, I need to tell you about something." His tail curled around his waist, and over his cum-covered-cock. "Something...happened to me last night..."

Octavius raised a brow. "And what was it?" Kyo blushed, and looked to the side.

"Well...you see...th...there was this girl I met...and...w-well she-"

"AH!" Octavius spoke up suddenly, startling the water type, "I think I know what happened."

"Y...you do?" said Kyo, looking at him nervously.

"Oh but it's SO obvious," he replied, "It is so COMMON amongst young male peons these days." He laughed obnoxiously loud, prompting some of the morphs in the nearby cabins to open their doors to see what was going on. "Though I do not DOUBT my answer, I shall ask anyways." He whipped out his arm, and pointed at Kyo's snout. "This female you met, she did not LIKE your first approach on her, and so she ASSAULTED your family jewels!"

Kyo blinked. "...Uh-"

"SO then you TRIED to get her to swoon over you AGAIN," he continued, turning away and pacing around, a single finger pointed upwards, "but then SHE decides to turn away from your gorgeous self and kicks you AGAIN!"


"So then you try her friends since SHE did not work out," he whipped his arms out in frustration as he continued, pacing and speaking at a faster rate, "but then it turns out that she had told THEM about your first attempt at her."


"So THEY have no interest in you, so you try to move on to OTHER females in hopes of starting over," his arm movements became more abrupt, appearing as though he were talking to someone that wasn't there, "but this ship is so SMALL, and news spreads around QUICKLY,"

"C-Can I-"

"Sowhenyoutrytotalktosomeone newtheyalreadyheard aboutwhatyoudidtothe FIRST femalesotheytakebyher exampleanddecide toignoreyou fortherestof thetripeventhoughyoubarelyjustmetandyou JUSTwanttofindacompatible personbecauseyouknowyou'retheperfectmatefor ANY femaleyoucomeacross whichiswhythe FIRSTfemalewaswronginherassumptionandshould apologizetomeformaking suchahighesteemed upperclassmanappearlikeasimpleton RIGHT?!!!"

Kyo remained silent for a moment, not saying anything at first. "Um...no...actually..."

"Oh," said Octavius, "Well what is it then?"

Kyo let out a sigh, working up the nerve to say it. "Well...you see...last night...I ran into a female morph." Octavius nodded as he listened intently, which was an odd contrast to how he had been acting since...well...since meeting him really. "She was acting strange, so I went up to try and help her. And...well...sh-she ended up..." He blushed, and turned to the side once again. "She...kinda...r-raped me."

Octavius gasped deeply, more deeply than Kyo thought was possible. "THIS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE!" he exclaimed, "HOW DARE SHE PERFORM SEXUAL INTERCOURSE WITH A NON-CONSENTING MALE!"

"Well, I don't think she really meant to-"

"WHEN SHE SHOULD HAVE COME TO ME FIRST!" Octavius continued, turning to the side and pointing a finger upwards, "Appropriate punishments must be made. She MUST learn to respect her superiors!" He turned back to Kyo, pointing at him, "Young peon, tell me who this morph is so that I may find her!"

Kyo hesitated; he had a feeling that Octavius wouldn't provide the help that he was looking for. He quickly came up with an excuse. "S-sorry, it happened at night, so I wasn't able to see what kind of pokemon she was since it was so dark."

"AH, WHAT a shame," Octavius replied, putting the back of his wrist to his forehead, "then for now, there is nothing I can do. If you ever figure out who it was, DO be sure to tell me. She MUST learn her lesson. I expect APOLOGY intercourse by the time we are through." He turned abruptly, and raised his hand to his side. "FAREWELL young peon. I MUST attend to some important business elsewhere. TA-TA for now." At that, he strutted away to wherever he needed to be.

"Yeah...see ya..." said Kyo, scratching the back of his head awkwardly as he watched the grass type strut away. Looking around, he could see some of the morphs leaving their cabins, having been roused from their sleep due to Octavius'...volume. Kyo's tail tightened around his waist, still feeling a bit uncomfortable being out in the open with nothing on.

_Should...probably go back to my cabin, _he thought to himself, _I've still gotta take a bath and wash out the...ahem, right, back to my room it is. _Flicking the tip of his tail, he hurried back to his section of the boat, and made his way back into his cabin. He received a few curious glances from some morphs that walked by as he punched in his combination with his tail still wrapped around his waist. He did his best to ignore them as he quickly opened the door and hurried back inside.

Closing it behind him and leaning against it, he let out a long sigh. Now away from others' eyes, he let himself uncurl his tail from his lap, once again exposing his member out in the open. He swished his tail behind him as he made his way to the bathroom. _I guess...asking Octavius was a bad idea anyways, _he thought to himself as he turned on the shower, _I guess I can try to talk to that Shino guy later... _He sat on the toilet seat as he waited for the shower to heat.

_Who am I kidding, no one's gonna take me seriously about something like this. _He flicked his tail slightly. _I mean, for Arceus' sake, sex is a _pass time. _Besides, I did say I wanted to _help _her, so she probably just took it the wrong way. _He let out a sigh, and shook his head. _No, intentional or not, it still happened. The least I can do is talk to someone. Maybe that'll finally put me at ease. _He reached his hand out and checked the water. Satisfied with the temperature, he moved in and began to wash himself down.


Kyo received more curious glances as he walked down the hall, once again wearing his shorts. Shortly after taking a shower, he had decided to put them back on. He still didn't feel comfortable with walking around with nothing on, and the "event" the other night didn't do much in changing that.

His arms were folded across his chest, mind completely blank as he made his way over to the breakfast area. He planned to go and speak with Captain Shino after eating. For now, he let his mind simply go blank.

A sudden beep sounded out from the PA system, before a familiar voice sounded out.


However, it was interrupted by another beep, before the voice of Shino came through. "Good morning everyone. I just wanted to let you know that it is _not _a real rule, and that you may disregard everything he sa-"

Another beep. "Good morning AGAIN everyone. I am cutting in to say: Disregard HIS words, for he is only a simple PEON, and SHANT be taken serio-"

And another. "Being the CAPTAIN, my words take more priority than hi-"






Static, and then silence...

The morphs around Kyo shrugged, and went about their day. Kyo shook his head, and continued on to the breakfast area. It didn't take long for him to get there, and soon enough was picking off food from the wide variety of choices.

_Let's see here... _he thought to himself as he walked up with his plate, _croissants...beagles...puffins...poke-foo-....really? _He shrugged. _Well...we _are _pokemon after all... _He shook his head, and moved on. _Pechas...Orans...fried Magikar-WHAT?! _He nearly tripped over his own tail. _...Right...still pokemon...some of em eat Magikarp... _He shivered. Somehow, he just knew that he would never get used to that concept. Shaking it off, he proceeded to take a look at the other choices.

_Man, would it be too much to ask for a few pancakes? I mean come on, they're meant for-oh there they are. _Reaching the end of the long table, he plopped a few pancakes onto his plate. _Hmmm...you know what? Maybe I'll give that Magikarp a try...and some poke-food...just this once. _Turning around, he accidentally bumped into the morph behind him, nearly causing the both of them to drop their plates.

"S-sorry," he apologized, "I really should have looked where I...was...going..." He nearly dropped his plate again as he made eye contact with who he had bumped into.

"'...Hi...'" said the Grovyle morph, hesitantly giving him a small wave, "'nice to...see you...again...'"

"Yeah..." Kyo replied nervously, instinctively curling his tail around his waist, "nice to...see you again...too..." His eyes trailed away from her, looking off to the side and staring down at his foot. Nothing was said for a moment, both of them merely standing there in awkward silence.

"'Ahem,'" said a morph behind the Grovyle, "'are you two done here? Cuz I'd like to have my breakfast within the next year thank you.'"

"'Oh, sorry,'" the grass type apologized, "'I was just...I'll be on my way.'" At that, she hurried over to a table in the middle of the room, and quickly sat down.

"Sorry ma'am," he apologized as well, bowing slightly, "I'll get out of your way now..." He then moved away from the serving tables, and made his way to the far side of the room, making sure to avoid the Grovyle morph along the way. He let out a long sigh as he sat down. Picking up his fork, he took a small chunk of his pancake and set it in his mouth, chewing it slowly. He leaned his free hand against the side of his muzzle as he ate, staring down at his food.

A few minutes in, a beep was heard, and soon after, Shino's voice came through. "Attention all passengers; we will be reaching at our destination within a few hours. Please have your things ready by the time we arrive. That is all." Hearing this, a couple of the morphs that had already finished their breakfast moved out of the dining room to return to their cabins.

Kyo simply continued to eat his breakfast in silence, occasionally glancing up to look at the Grovyle-morph, who he sometimes caught doing the same thing to him. He tried his best not to think too much about what had happened between the two of them the other night as he slowly chewed his food.

He was so focused on his breakfast that he jumped in surprise as a heavy paw suddenly landed on his shoulder. He turned to look, and was met with the sight of Teddy standing over him, holding a plate of his own in his free paw.

"Hello again my friend," the bear said to Kyo, "I am dearly sorry that I left you during your time of need. I promise that I will _not _do that again."

"It...it's alright," Kyo replied, "I'm sure you didn't mean any harm anyways."

"That I did not," he replied with a smile before asking to sit next to him, to which Kyo replied with a nod. "So," Teddy continued, "how did you fare in the duration of my absence? Did any problems arise while I was gone?"

Kyo looked back down at his food. "No...no problems..." Teddy furrowed a brow.

"Oh?" he began, "is that so?" Kyo only nodded in response. "So...no one had any problems with you being different from the rest?" Kyo shook his head, taking another bite from his pancake. "No one...thought it strange that you wore shorts? Or that you do not speak in poke-tongue?"

Kyo shook his head again, speaking in a low tone. "I...came up with an excuse for that. I told them that I was a sheltered pokemon who got used to human ways."

"Ahh, clever," said Teddy, nodding, "Did you come up with that on the spot?" Kyo nodded, continuing to stare down at his food. Again, Teddy furrowed his brow. "...Kyo?" He looked up at him, meeting his gaze, "are you...sure nothing happened?"

Kyo nodded, a blank expression across his muzzle. "Why do you ask?"

"Well..." continued Teddy, putting a paw to his chin, "you just seem so...quiet. More so than usual in fact. Did something happen to you that you want to talk about?"

Kyo shook his head, looking away as he tried to come up with something to say. "I'm just...uncomfortable...around all of these...naked morphs is all."

"AHH," Teddy began, startling Kyo, "Why did you not just say _that then?" His booming laughter filled the room as he heavily patted Kyo on the back. "Do not worry Kyo, you will adjust to the nudity in due time. After all, you will be here for _many days, so it's only a matter of time before that happens." He laughed again, continuing to pat him on the back. Kyo laughed nervously along with him, trying his best to appear happier.

"Th-thanks Teddy," he replied, faking a smile, "I'm sure I will."

"I am sure you will as well," said the Ursaring-morph, "I am glad that this was the _only _problem you have currently. Are you _sure _you are without any other problems?"

"Yeah," he replied, nodding, "I'm sure... N-nothing else comes to mind."

"Very well then," Teddy went on with a satisfied nod, "I shall take your word for it." He turned to his food and clapped his paws together. "Itadakimasu!" At that, he snatched up his fork and dug into his food.

Kyo looked back down at his pancakes and let out a silent sigh, poking at them with his fork before taking a piece and putting it in his mouth. Several minutes passed with them not saying anything to each other, with Teddy too busy stuffing food into his mouth to even speak, and Kyo unable to think of anything to say in the first place, before the water type noticed something out of the corner of his eye.

Looking up, he saw that it was Ken, the Scizor they had met when they first arrived at the docks. He was making his way towards the pair, hovering past the various tables. He stopped in front of them, before greeting them with a bow.

"'Good morning,'" he said to the Feraligatr-morph, "'I am sorry for interrupting your meal, but the captain would like to have a word with you.'"

"Oh," Kyo replied, nodding, "alright. I was...meaning to speak with him anyways." Nodding to Teddy in a silent goodbye, the water type rose from his seat before following Ken out the door.


"Hello Kyo," greeted the captain as the morph took a seat next to him, "I hope your morning has been good so far."

"It...it's been alright," Kyo replied, curling his tail across his lap, "There was a lot of food to pick from... That was nice..."

"Indeed," Shino said with a nod, "Now, on to business." He clasped his hands together and rested his chin there. "So, I am sure you heard the little...dispute Octavius and I had over the PA system." Kyo nodded. "Well, after that, the two of us had a little talk as to why he was using it in the first place. And _that's _when I learned something interesting." He leaned in closer. "Something about...you being...raped?"

Kyo's eyes drifted away from the captain. "Yeah... I was...actually meaning to talk to you about that after I finished my breakfast."

"Oh, I see. Do you want to talk later then?"

Kyo shook his head. "No, I'm already here anyways."

"Alright," Shino replied with a nod, "So then, tell me what happened."

Kyo took a deep breath. "...Well...last night, I took a walk around the ship. Everyone else was already in their cabins, so I thought I was alone. But at one point, when I was at the upper deck, I noticed there was another morph nearby. She was acting a bit strange, so I-"

"Hold on," Shino cut in, "what exactly do you mean by strange?"

Kyo put a finger to his chin. "Um...she seemed very tense, and her breathing was pretty heavy. Oh, I just remembered; there was also this weird scent in the air. It made my head go foggy and I felt pretty dizzy."

The captain nodded once again. "I understand now. Well Kyo, I'm happy to say that this female, whoever she was, had no intentions of raping you, and meant you no harm." Kyo's head tilted in confusion. "Tell me Kyo, did you take any pokemon behavior classes before you became a trainer?"

He nodded in response. "Of course, it's a requirement before I can take the trainer exam."

"Good, good," Shino rested his hands at his sides, "Now, during those classes, did you learn anything about what happens when pokemon go into heat?"

Kyo put a finger to his muzzle. "Hmm... Now that you mention it, it does sound kind of familiar."

"I'll refresh your memory then," the captain replied, crossing one leg over the other, "You see, at certain times a year, a breeding season begins. During this time, the females enter 'heat.' When that happens, they emit a scent that causes any pokemon nearby to become extremely aroused." Kyo sat up attentively as he listened. "Once that happens, all a pokemon can think about is finding a mate, and bearing cubs." He gestured towards him. "Does _that _ring any bells?"

Kyo's eyes widened. So _that's _what it was. I knew I recognized the behavior, but I couldn't remember the name for it... Come to think about it, Teddy talked about it on the way here. _He sighed. _Kinda wish I had remembered sooner...

"As you already know, pokemon morphs go through this as well, as it has carried over from their original pokemon form." He rested his hand on his knee again. "In any case, long story short, she didn't mean to rape you at all. She just couldn't control her urges is all."

Kyo nodded. "That's good to hear at least."

"And Kyo," Shino continued, "I should point out that heat season is approaching for many of the other morphs on the island, so you should be careful, as most of the inhabitants there are females."

Kyo gulped. "Well, thanks for the heads up at least. Either way though, I don't think I'm gonna be getting _too _involved with that stuff." He shivered slightly. "As...interesting as that sounds, I really just want to wait for the right girl to do anything with, especially if it leads to having a...child..." His heart skipped a beat as he realized something. "Wait...if I...mated with someone...in heat..." he looked to Shino in concern, "then...does that mean that I...got her...pregnant?"

The captain put a hand to his chin. "Well, it certainly is possible." Kyo's heart skipped another beat. "However, it really depends on which female you mated with." He looked up and met his eyes. "I know you didn't want to tell Octavius, which is understandable, but would you mind telling me just who this morph was?" Kyo hesitated, turning his head away from Shino's. He chuckled. "Don't worry, she won't be put into any trouble, but I really do need to know if you want me to answer."

Kyo let out a sigh. "I guess I don't really have a choice anyways." Shaking his head, he turned back to the captain. "It was a Grovyle-morph I ran into."

"Oh, then you're fine," Shino assured him, "lucky for you, but somewhat unfortunate for her, she is actually unable to have children at the moment."

Kyo let out a big sigh of relief. "Now that's _really _good to hear." He furrowed an eye ridge. "But...why _can't _she have kids? Is...something wrong with her?"

Shino let out a sigh of his own, though sounding sadder than anything. "It's a sad thing really. You are aware of what morphs were originally intended for, correct?" Kyo nodded, shivering slightly. "Well, are you also aware that they have recently been in use for illegal pornography movies as well?"

Kyo blinked. "...I...I'm sorry, what?"

"Didn't think so," said Shino, "I don't blame you; these movies have only recently begun to spread around. You see, once we started cracking down on pokemorph distribution in the black market, a new market started up. Since there were people who never got the chance to have one for their own, the ones who _did _began to film videos for _those _people to see, making sure to monetize the movies for profit."

"...R...really?" Kyo replied, unsure of how to reply.

Shino nodded. "That went on for a bit, and due to the fact that human males couldn't impregnate pokemorph females, there was no real worry for them. However, later on, a demand for morph on morph videos quickly began to develop. Since a good amount of pokemorph males could still impregnate morph females, it was decided for the females to be sterilized as well." Shino shook his head in disapproval. "Several females on this ship are victim of this, including your...ahem, new friend."

Kyo blushed. "R...right." He let out a sigh. "Still though, that..._really _sucks." He looked back up at the captain. "So...she can never have a kid for the rest of her life?"

"Thankfully, that isn't the case," Shino answered, "The way that the females were sterilized didn't involve surgery or anything like that. They just couldn't find the doctors that would do that without exposing their dirty secrets. However, they eventually found a way to disable a female morph's ovaries through the use of radiation. Kind of similar in the way that they developed the stones to induce a change into a morph, their scientists developed stones that targeted a female's ovaries and prevented them from working all together."

Shino took in a breath, getting a little winded from such a long explanation of things. "So...once we discovered this, we had our scientists reverse engineer the cursed stone, and create a stone of their own that undoes the effects of the other."

"Wow..." said Kyo, "you guys can just do that? Reverse engineer a radiation stone?"

Shino nodded. "We'd try and do the same to the stone that caused the morph, but unfortunately, the thing's far too complicated for our scientists to figure out. It's one thing to restore functionality to a body part, but...restoring one's body is another. It would be like trying to provoke de-evolution in a pokemon; only a very select few are capable of doing so."

"Oh...well, baby steps, ya know?" Shino smiled at Kyo's remark.

"There's something else I need to tell you though," the captain added, "I know I already told you this when we first met, but I really need to drive this in. Make sure that you keep your identity as a former human a secret, alright?" Shino looked him dead in the eyes, a very serious look crossing his features. "Right now, there's still a lot of bad blood between humans and the morphs on the island. A lot of them still hold grudges against us for forcing them to go through this change."

Kyo nodded. "I understand. I'll do my best to keep my identity a secret."

"Good," Shino replied, patting Kyo on the shoulder, "That's all I have to tell you, so you're free to go." Kyo nodded again, and stood from his seat. "And Kyo, do try to enjoy yourself while you're here. It's a beautiful island after all, and I'm sure there are plenty of morphs there looking to be your friend."

Kyo waved as he left. "Thanks, I will."


Soon enough, the S.S. Gyrados reached its destination; Pokemorph Island. Just as the captain had described, it truly was a beautiful island. The first sight everyone was greeted with was the gorgeous beach. Just behind it was a dense jungle, littered with palm trees and different foliage, left completely untouched by human hands. Off in the distance, they could see the outlines of a large volcano, as well as a few mountains. To Kyo, the scene looked like something straight out of a post card, but to many of the other morphs on board, it looked just like home.

_And it _is _home, _Kyo thought to himself as he walked down the bridge from the boat, along with the rest of the rescued morphs, _at least it _will _be. And soon too... _His thoughts were interrupted as he once again felt a heavy paw land on his shoulder. Turning to look, he found that it was indeed Teddy's as he was greeted with the sight of him.

"So how did it go?" the Ursaring-morph asked, "Did you get into trouble of any kind?"

Kyo shook his head. "No, it was nothing really. He just...wanted to make sure that I was ready for...all of this."

Teddy nodded, grunting. "Mrph, a good man he is. So, do you think you are?"

Kyo simply shrugged. "I can only hope..." He looked around as the group made their first steps onto the beach. He noticed a lot of the other morphs giving him strange looks. He couldn't blame them, as he _was _still wearing his shorts. Added to that, he was the only one carrying a bag on him. The only other morphs that _did _have anything to bring were carrying them by hand, as they had very little to carry. He was the only one who even _had _enough to fill a bag.

Shaking the thought aside, Kyo looked down at his feet, avoiding eye contact with the other morphs as he tried his best to ignore them. They stood around as they waited there on the beach, having been instructed to remain there until further instructions were given. They began to murmur as they talked amongst each other, though Kyo remained silent.

"'Hello everyone!'" a voice suddenly spoke up behind the crowd, causing many of the other morphs to jump slightly, "'Oh, sorry. Did I startle everyone?'" Turning to look, Kyo saw a rather handsome looking Persian-morph making his way down the bridge towards the crowd of morphs. "'My apologies for not coming down alongside everyone, but the crew needed help with checking all of the cabins and making sure that everyone made it down." He stopped near the end of the bridge, allowing him to stand slightly higher than the crowd, and allowing him to see everyone.

"'Now then,'" he began, putting a paw to his chest, "'my name is Zeke. I am one of the leaders of this island.'" He bowed briefly to the other morphs as he introduced himself. "'I will be acting as your guide for today. We will be making our way into the island soon. I'm just waiting for our messenger to come back and give us the Ok to go.'" He looked up as something caught his eye. He smirked. "'And here he is now.'" The other morphs followed his eyes to where he was looking, and saw Pidgeot flying towards them. It swooped past them, and landed next to Zeke.

"'The other leaders say they are ready to receive our new residents,'" the Pidgeot said to the Persian-morph.

"'Thank you,'" Zeke replied, nodding to him. The Pidgeot nodded back, before hopping up and flying towards the captain's bunker. "'Alright, now one last thing before we get moving.'" He folded his arms across his chest, swishing his tail slightly. "'First, I would like to point out that the amount of morphs that have been coming in have been increasing recently.'" He looked over the crowd. "'You guys are actually the biggest group we've had so far. Because of this, you guys are going to have to pair up.'"

The crowd began to stir as the other morphs scrambled to their desired partners. "'HOLD on hold on hold on hold on,'" Zeke spoke up, causing everyone to stop, "'Unfortunately, it will not be that simple.'" One of the human crew members walked up to Zeke, and handed him a notepad. The Persian-morph nodded in thanks as he walked away.

"'Due to the influx of morphs on this island, we need to be able to keep track of everyone's living arrangements. We won't be able to guide everyone to their individual cabins, so we've already paired you with a morph that lives in your general area as well. After the tour, you will find your way to your own cabin, whilst assisting your partner in finding theirs. If you get lost, your fellow neighbors will help you find your cabins. Does everyone understand?'"

The other morphs nodded in understanding, prompting a satisfied smile to cross the feline's muzzle. His eyes glanced down at the pad briefly, before looking back up. "'Good. Also, don't worry about your habitat conditions. We've already put into account what the most comfortable living conditions are for each individual morph, and have placed you accordingly. Some of you will be going to one of the sister islands, so you will be boarding a transportation boat to get there. Or, if you prefer, you have the option to ride on some of the Lapras that have graciously volunteered to help out in our efforts.'" Some of the morphs chuckled at this.

Zeke looked back down at the notepad. "'So then, let's get to the pairings then.'" For a good ten minutes or so, the crowd of morphs spent time getting paired up as Zeke called out name after name, or rather, species after species, as nearly all of the morphs were unnamed, save for Kyo and Teddy. The latter of which, much to Kyo's chagrin, ended up getting paired with one of the Lopunny-morphs from their trio.

_Why am I such a victim of Lady Luck's jokes... _the water type thought to himself, keeping his head down as more morphs were called up. Teddy continued to mouth his apologies as he stood amongst the peppy bunny trio.

"'Okay,'" said Zeke, "'last but not least, the area for our more _cold blooded _comrades.'" He looked down at the notepad. "'Oh, looks like we only have a couple.'" He looked back up. "'So, Toxicroak, you'll be paired up with Breloom.'" The two morphs moved toward each other, not very impeded by the others due to them already having partners. "'And...mister Kyo?'" The Feraligatr-morph looked up. "'You'll be paired up with Grovyle.'"

Kyo blinked. "............What?"

"'Oh,'" Zeke cleared his throat, before speaking to him in English, "You'll be paired up with Grovyle.'" Kyo turned, meeting the grass type's eyes. Hastily, he looked back at Zeke.

"Uh," he stammered, "is-is there any way I can...uh...get another partner?" Some of the morphs gave him a dirty look. Zeke glanced down at the notepad.

"'Sorry,'" he apologized, "'but it looks like you two are the only ones for your specific area. The both of you are better accustomed to cooler areas, so you two are the closest.'"

"Oh..." Kyo replied, looking back down. Zeke tilted his head.

"'Is there something wrong?'" he asked, raising a brow.

"Uh, n-no, no," Kyo stammered, waving his hands, "no...not at all..." Zeke shrugged, and looked back towards the group.

"'Alright, now that you're all partnered up, we can get moving.'" He began to step down from the bridge. "'Be sure to stay close to your partner. We have a good amount of land to cover, and I'd really prefer that we not have any lost morphs walking around. Trust me, it's not fun. Especially if it's someone of the same species as many others here.'" The group laughed, and Zeke smiled. "'Let's get moving then. Just follow me, and keep your partner in check.'"

"'Oh we will~,'" the three Lopunny-morphs said in unison as they swooned over Teddy's large form. At that, the crowd of morphs got moving, keeping close to their partners, all the while shooting a few dirty looks at Kyo. The Feraligatr-morph simply looked down, allowing all of the other morphs to pass by him. Off to the side of his wide vision, Kyo saw the Grovyle-morph hesitantly make her way to his side.

"'Um.........hi...'" she began hesitantly, stopping next to him and leaving him space.

"...Hi..." Kyo replied, avoiding eye contact with her. She held the side of her arm awkwardly, looking to the side as well.

"'So...'" she continued, "'we should......catch up with them. Don't want to...get left behind...'"

Kyo nodded. "Right...we should...go..." After a moment of silence, the two of them got moving, fast-walking to the back of the crowd as they began their tour of the island.


"'Here is one of the hot springs around the island,'" said Zeke, gesturing over to an area with his paw as he led the group, "'Like everything else here, you are free to visit them whenever you desire.'" The Persian-morph continued to point out various areas as they walked. Many of the morphs paid much attention to his words, while others simply talked amongst themselves.

Kyo and the Grovyle did none of that.

They continued to walk in silence, not looking at each other, not even so much as glancing towards each other. They only looked off to the side, occasionally down at their feet, as they silently followed the group of morphs.

"'Over there is our medical center,'" Zeke went on, gesturing towards a large tent, "'If you are one of the morphs who need to restore your ability to have kids, that is where you need to go. But I can't take you over there just yet unfortunately. We don't have the time to have you all go one by one, and the staff isn't even set up yet. They should be ready by the time we finish our tour though.'" Some of the morphs nodded in response, and allowed Zeke to continue the tour.

After several more minutes of silence, the Grovyle-morph spoke up. "'So...your name's...Kyo...right?'" Kyo hesitated, before nodding. "'Listen...I'm...sorry about...last night. I just...couldn't control myself. It was my first time going through heat, so...I had a hard time dealing with it...'" Kyo's eyes flicked in her direction, before quickly flicking away. "'I just...hope you can forgive me, though...if you don't...then I understand...'"

Swallowing his nerves, Kyo turned to look at the grass type. Even at a quick glance, Kyo could see the sorrow in her eyes. Her leafy tails drooped down and sagged, and the long leaf sprouting from her head was the same. Her arms hugged around her torso in an almost insecure manner. Thinking for a moment, Kyo realized that she was probably just as uncomfortable as he was when she had forced herself on him.

"Well..." Kyo began, "it...really wasn't your fault, so I can't say that I'm mad at you..." The Grovyle's tails perked up slightly.

"'So...no hard feelings then?'" Kyo shook his head, making the grass type smile slightly. "'That's good to hear. I hope I didn't hurt you at all. I didn't, did I?'"

Again, Kyo shook his head. "No, you didn't. It actually wasn't all that bad."

"'Oh?'" the Grovyle said, raising an eye ridge, "'You enjoyed it then?'" Kyo's entire face suddenly flared red with embarrassment at her words. Slapping a hand over his muzzle, the Feraligatr-morph turned his head away, curling his tail up and blocking his face with the fin of his tail. A soft giggle escaped the lips of the grass type. "'You did, didn't you?'"

"I...m...m-maybe," Kyo replied, "I-I mean I can't say I didn't-" He slapped a second hand over his muzzle. The Grovyle-morph laughed, which, despite his own efforts, sounded pleasing to Kyo's ears.

"'You don't need to be embarrassed,'" she told him, "'In fact, I rather enjoyed it myself.'" Kyo's cheeks flared up even more. He began to feel hot under his scales, which, in retrospect, shouldn't have been possible.

"O-oh," said Kyo, fanning himself with a hand, "y-y-you did huh? Uh...is-is it getting hot in here?"

"'Well, more humid than anything,'" the Grovyle replied, "'but it is actually pretty hot out.'"

"Oh good," Kyo stammered, continuing to fan himself with his hand, "it's not just me then."

The grass type giggled pleasantly. "'Is it alright if I ask you something?'"

"Sure," Kyo replied, too flustered to really think, "what is it?"

A blush rose to her face, and she turned her head away. "'Was that...your first time making love?'" Kyo tripped over his own foot, making him stumble and nearly fall over, if not for the Grovyle's swift movements. She caught his shoulder with one hand, and held his chest with the other. She helped him stand straight as he regained his balance. "'Whoa, are you alright there?'"

"Y-y-y-yeah I'm fine," Kyo stammered, covering his bright red face with his tail fin again, "J-just tr-tripped over a big branch is all."

"'Oh, okay,'" the Grovyle replied, a smile spread across her face. Kyo bit his lip as he looked away, trying not to notice the odd looks from the morphs he saw from the side of his wide vision. "'So.......?'"

Kyo blinked, turning towards her slightly. ".....S.....so what?"

"'What's your answer then?'" she asked with a raised eye ridge, "'You never said what it was.'"

"Uh-I..." Kyo stammered again, "well...I-I don't think it's important." The Grovyle simply shrugged, her smile still there as she faced forward.

"'Well, I can say that it was _my _first time,'" she stated. Kyo lowered his tail slightly, looking at her through the crevices of his fin.

"It...it was?" The grass type nodded, hugging her arms against her nude body.

"'When I...became a morph,'" she began, "'I was...fairly young.'" Her tails sagged slightly as she went on. "'I was only a Treecko when they morphed me. Apparently they wanted a more 'younger' female for their next movie, but since they didn't have anybody of the right age, they decided that preparing me at an early age would be the best decision. Thankfully, I was rescued by the time I evolved, and before they could stick me in any of their movies.'"

"Wow..." said Kyo, his tail slowly lowering, and his blush slightly fading, "that's...you must've felt relieved."

"'Well, I consider myself lucky, but unlucky at the same time,'" the Grovyle replied, "'Sure, I'm grateful that I never ended up getting forced to do what those twisted humans wanted, but I was still changed into a morph...'" She raised her hand up to her face, staring at it. "'Because of that, I'll never get to know what it's like to be a normal pokemon.'" She let her hand drop to her side. "'And because of what they did to me, my heat cycles are more extreme than they should be. Plus, since I'm still new to this, I'm having a harder time dealing with them than other females do when _they're _in heat.'" Her cheeks flushed red, and she turned away. "'But...you already knew that part...'"

Kyo's blush returned, and his tail rose to cover his face again. "R...right..."

The grass type shook herself out of her glum state, and turned to face him again. "'So what about you? I've shared my story, so care to tell me yours?'" She glanced down at his shorts before looking back up at the Feraligatr-morph. "'I've been wondering about why you're the only morph here out of this entire group that wears clothes. And don't think I'm going to look past the fact that you choose to speak human rather than your own species' tongue.'"

Kyo withdrew slightly as she pointed a finger at him, a nervous laugh escaping his lips. _She's so...forward all of a sudden, _he thought to himself, _then again, I suppose it's because she's being so open with me. I guess she feels like she can trust me... _He felt a tinge of guilt begin to grow within him. She had just unveiled her life story upon him, and now, in order to protect his identity as a former human, he had to lie to her.

Right in her face.

"Well," he began, mentally sighing to himself, "that's...mainly due to me being a sheltered pokemon."

The shapely reptile tilted her head slightly. "'Sheltered? What do you mean by that?'"

He tried to contain a groan; the fact that he was already lying to her after they had _just _made up for the other night was quickly getting to him, and it was killing him inside. "L...like...closed off. Private, ya know?" He looked to her and awaited a response, and she simply shrugged. "Well, I guess all you need to know is that I spent a lot of time with humans as a kid. Even as a baby-erm...hatchling," he corrected himself, "the only people I was ever around were human. Be...cause of that, I ended up learning English instead of my native tongue."

"'Wow,'" the Grovyle replied, taking all of this in, "'So...I guess that's also why you wear clothes. All of that time you spent with them got you accustomed to their ways as well?'" Kyo nodded, slowly turning his head away. "'I see. That makes sense I suppose.'" He glanced back up at her, seeing her eyes drift up towards the sky.

"Um...hey... Is...something wrong?" She shook her head.

"'No...it's just...'" she chuffed, a sweet smile crossing her muzzle, "'after hearing your story, I feel like the two of us are...kinda similar in a way.'"

Kyo blinked once. "...Really?"

The female morph nodded. "'Sure, I may not have learned another language or anything like that, but the both of us share something that not many other morphs have.'" Kyo looked to her as she turned back to him. "'Neither of us know what it's really _like to be a pokemon.'" Kyo caught his breath as she smiled at him. "'We've both been stuck with humans for so long that we never got to know what it was like to be _wild, _to be _trainer-less, _to be _free...'" She closed her eyes as the word left her muzzle, spreading her arms out to her sides. She realized what she was doing and quickly straightened herself, blushing softly as she returned her gaze to the water type's. "'Have...you ever wondered what it was like?'"

Kyo thought for a moment. _Well, at least I don't need to lie about _this. He put a finger to his chin as he came up with his answer. "Sometimes I have," he told her, "I remember watching a show about wild pokemon when I was young. I'd end up picturing myself there, running along side of the pokemon on the screen. I..." he laughed slightly, a blush rising to his cheeks, "Sometimes I'd...run around my room and pretend I _was _one of them. I think I ended up breaking some of the furniture in the process." The two of them laughed, earning Kyo a few looks of approval from the morphs that had glared at him before.

"'That must have been fun for you,'" the Grovyle sighed, a smile still spread across her muzzle.

"Heh, yeah," Kyo replied, still chuckling a bit.

"'Still though,'" she continued, her leaves beginning to sag again, "'I hate that we'll never get the chance, all because of what _humans _did to us.'" She let out a more frustrated sigh, folding her arms and looking off to the side. "'I don't think I'll ever forgive them for what they've done...'"

Kyo's heart sank as he was reminded of why his identity had to remain a secret. "You...really don't like em...huh?" The grass type looked to him in confusion.

"'Why would I?'" Her twin tails flicked out in agitation. "'All humans have ever done is ruin everything.'" She gestured towards the crowd of morphs in front of them as they walked. "'Just look _around _you; we're _all _here because of what they've done to us. We would've been better off if humans never befriended our kind in the first place, or better yet, never came into existence.'" Kyo's tail began to sag, and his eyes drifted downwards. "'Then we wouldn't have to be subject to _their _rules. Besides...all of them are the same.'"

"You're wrong!" Kyo suddenly spoke up, surprising everyone around him including himself. He glanced around, seeing several eyes staring in his direction. He turned back to the Grovyle, a surprised expression across her features. He gulped nervously, before continuing. "You...you're wrong," he went on, "They're not all the same." He looked around at the other morphs, many now listening to his words, though he had a feeling they had already been listening with their sensitive hearing. Now, however, he had their full attention. "Sure...a lot of them are that way. But...that doesn't mean that they're..._all _like that."

His mind drifted back to his parents. "My...caretakers...always did their best to make sure that I was happy." He thought back to when they had allowed him to take Totodile home. He smiled at the thought. "They even...got me a friend to make sure I wasn't lonely whenever they weren't home." He looked back to the grass type as he went on. "They always wanted what was best for me, which I'm grateful for. And I _know _that they aren't the only humans who show that sort of kindness." This time, his mind drifted back to Nurse Joy.

"On my journey here, I ran into a human in a Pokemon Center. She was scared of me at first, but she eventually ended up caring for me overnight." His tail began to curl upwards. "Even though she saw me as different, she treated me no differently than she would have if I were human." He subconsciously held his hands up, continuing on with his heartfelt speech. "Don't you see? They're not all the same. I can't deny that there are a lot of humans that are like what you describe, but there are _just _as many that are the opposite. They have kind, caring, and accepting hearts in them. You just need to give them the chance to show you them."

The Grovyle's eyes drifted downwards as she soaked in his words. "'Wow...'" she began, "'I...I never thought about that... All I've ever known were the selfish kind of humans. They were the ones who possessed me after all...'" She looked back up to the water type. "'Is...what you say really true? Are there really humans with kind hearts?'"

"'You better believe there are,'" Zeke's voice sounded from in front of the pair, making them both jump suddenly. They turned and looked to see the Persian-morph standing before them, having moved through the crowd and up to them. Kyo suddenly realized that everyone had stopped walking, something he had barely noticed when he had begun defending the humans. "'Oh...sorry to have startled you...again,'" he apologized sheepishly, "'but, I have a few words of my own I'd like to share...if you don't mind?'"

"Uhh..." Kyo scratched the back of his head, "sure, go right ahead."

"'Thank you,'" Zeke smiled, nodding his thanks before turning back to the large crowd, "'Now, I have no doubt that a lot of you still don't like humans, or want to like them for that matter.'" Some of the morphs looked away. "'However, as Grovyle said earlier, I would like you all to look around yourselves.'" Reluctantly, they did as he said. "'She was right in saying that we're all here because of the humans, but they are much more involved than you realize.'" As the Grovyle-morph had done before, Zeke swept his paw over the crowd. "'Yes, we're all here because of them, but that's because of what the humans are doing now.'" He let his paw drop to his side. "'Don't you see? It's _because _of the humans that we are gathered here today. _They _were the ones who got us this island. _They _were the ones who helped us gather you all together. _They _were the ones that rescued you from the black market.'" The other morphs looked to each other as the gravity of the Persian-morph's words set in.

"'It's as mister Kyo said,'" Zeke continued, swishing his tail softly, "'Not all of them are the same. There are those who are trying to make up for the wrong doings of the _twisted _humans. Now I'm not asking you all to toss aside your hatred for the humans, but what I _am _asking you to do, is to give them a chance. They can be very kind if you get to know them. If anything, they can be just like us given enough time. Trust me, I would know.'" He glanced over to Kyo's direction, before giving him a wink. He blushed at this, and turned away. Zeke chuckled as he returned his gaze to the large crowd. He clapped his paws together. "'Now then, we're almost done here, so how about we finish up our tour?'"
