"ursar ...."
Taboo Fantasies Abound! M Human X M Ursaring/Infernape
"are you gonna continue ursaring?" dillon asked, not caring that he had two, hot 'monhoods in his anus. ursaring only stared back at him, at a loss at what to do. surely he couldn't- "oh for arceus' sake, just kiss him ursaring!"
ursaing's birthday
So get in your places \*57 seconds later\* ursaring walks into the bar. "gee,it sure is dark in here."sais ursaring. ursaring flipped the lights on. "suprise!!!" everyone yelled.
Pokemon Boarding School: Climbing Rope
Percy ignored the ursaring's advice, unsurprisingly, and flopped onto his bed, exhausted.
Teddy Play Time
"ursaring please harder please!"
Kinktober Day 23: Watersports
And then, the ursaring sat on him. the eevee let out a yip as the massive, furry male shuffled and dropped atop him. that immense, furry rump engulfed his lower body, legs and sheathe hidden from view by the ursaring's bulk.
Chapter 6 - Last adventure on the mountains
ursaring jumped and used mega punch as soon as he took his feet off the ground. the fire pokemon was blown several metres back, and the bear laughed. --what a weakling -- ursaring commented -- guys, your turn.
Rest, Rut, Repeat
She came abruptly with a shriek, squirting down the ursaring's cock and wetting his sheath. her snatch clenched down like a vise with velvet walls. the lady bear's writhing and whimpering meant nothing to the instinct-driven ursaring.
Ch. 16: On the Point of a Crossbow
"i don't hate the ursar, not anymore than i hate anyone else. i jus' can't stand other people, whether they be dwarf or ursar or any other race."
Pokemon Boarding School: Pantsing and Punishment
Both the ursaring and arcanine drooled copious amounts of precum.
Pokémon Snap
The ursaring lets out a small, chuckled growl, pushed forward from the pleasure. the panda's orgasm pushes the beartic's own, growling out into the wood, turning into a loud rawr.
A Pokémon Cockslut adventure
But if i use them on a human turned pokémon they work perfectly, i've done it once before on ursaring there before. i think he loves it quite a lot already, isn't that right ursaring?" the ursaring grinned and nodded excitedly, "i love cocks!"