Beneficial Arrangement

Story by speedingz on SoFurry

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This took an embarrassingly long time to write... What should have been done months ago now becomes a Christmas present, as I haven't got anything else anywhere near prepared enough yet heh. So... Merry Christmas, Justin! Sorry this a) took so damn long to write, and b) wound up as a Christmas present rather than just a random gift at a reasonable time during the year heh. I hope you like it though! Hopefully it lives up to what you were expecting; if there's anything you'd like me to change, just let me know!

That goes for the rest of y'all out there too... Hope you guys enjoy it, a little mashup between HolidayPup and a character the two of us created (the stallion!). Any constructive criticism is welcome in the comments, as are any other sorts of comments!

Special thanks to both HolidayPup and Abyssa for drawing the awesome artwork accompanying this one!

Love ya Justin, hope ya likey!

(Fingers crossed this works!)

Sighing, Eli ran a hand across his forehead, wiping away the sweat for the umpteenth time. No matter how much he tried to keep cool, with the cruel sun beating down upon his dark pelt all day it was all but inevitable that he would sweat heavily. He stank; his short fur was clinging wetly to his body all over, plastering his clothing tight to his tall form. "And now the sun is gone, and I'm still sweating like a pig..."

The sun had been hidden by a thick layer of clouds an hour before, clouds dark and ominous and promising to bring more than simple respite from the harsh sunlight. Every now and then the sky flashed, off in the distance, and only seconds behind the distant boom of thunder drifted down the valley slopes to him. The peaks across the vale were all but obscured in the untimely dark, great beetling cliffs half-hidden behind an ethereal fog. In the last five minutes alone, that dark fog had spread across two more mountain peaks; within another twenty it would be sweeping across the valley floor towards him.

"And I'm still no where near ready to go in..." Cursing under his breath, Eli swept his sodden mane back with cloven fingertips, casting his eyes around the wide pasture once more. Its great doors lying open, the gabled barn remained only half-full; with a grimace he was able to count at least another 50 sheep still grazing in the fields, occasionally looking up whenever a particularly loud crash of thunder hit them. Bitterly, he wished that his old sheep dog had still been here to help him; she had been almost 15 years old when, blind and body failing, she had finally passed quietly in her sleep. "I could sure use your help now, Arella..."

With a grudging sigh he closed the gate through which he had just herded several sheep, turning his weary eyes back to the field. "I don't suppose whistling would help?" he asked sarcastically, grunting. "Stupid sheep barely even know which way is up, let alone which way leads to safety..." The herd's ram, his old brazen bell hanging from his neck, hadn't been any help... Rather than help Eli, he had instead started leading the bleating sheep in the opposite direction slowly, blatantly ignoring the oncoming storm. "Stupid sheep..."

Running back into the milling throng, he tried to direct them as best he could, but without the dog there running help, the sheep simply moved out of his way when he tried to hustle them back in the direction of the barn, baahing irately when he gave one a shove. "To hell with this..."

With a panicked bleat, the nearest sheep suddenly found herself hoisted bodily into the air in the young stallion's strong grip. Baahing piteously, she flailed her limbs as he ran back towards the barn, and occasionally a sharp hoof connected with his face, only adding to his irritation. Grunting angrily, he tossed the sheep back down onto her feet at the entrance to the gate, and whinnied in frustration as she took off at top speed. Gnashing his teeth, he dove for her and only caught the barest hint of fleece in his fingertips before she pulled free of his grasp. The velocity of his jump carried him onwards and downwards, and with a grunt he collided bodily with the ground, air rushing out of his lungs in a woosh.

Clambering to his legs and trying to catch his breath, he shook his fist angrily at the fleeing fleecy sheep. "Fine, stay out in the storm, why don't you? See how much I care!" Kicking the gate in frustration, the clang of his hoof against the metal grating only served to put an extra pep in the sheep trying to avoid him. "I've had it with these blasted animals..." Smouldering, he turned back to the house, fully intent on heading in... And nearly jumped out of his skin.

Sitting on the porch was a large canine, easily the size of a large german shepherd. However, what startled him most was the dog's colouration... Deep russet brown fur coated the top of his body, whereas his underbelly and legs were covered in short golden fur. Dingo..._he thought with a sudden jolt of adrenaline. _What the hell...?

Getting to his paws in one fluid motion, Eli could almost swear that he saw a slight grin on the dingo's long muzzle... But that's just stupid. If anything, he's just licking his lips at the thought of one of these sheep. "Get out of here! Hey! Get!" he yelled, casting his eyes about and picking up a long, thick branch lying nearby. "C'mon, just leave!"

Rather than leave, the dingo merely strolled towards him, tail swinging idly behind him as his hips shifted back and forth. When he was within a few meters of the stallion he stopped and sat, possibly due to the stallion's now-shakily held stick waving back and forth before his muzzle. However, if anything he looked more amused than ever, not even bothering to track the stick's motions with his eyes. And it was a he... The dingo's shortly furred sheath bobbed up and down to his breathing above an equally impressive pair of balls, and if Eli hadn't been slightly worried for his own health he may have stopped to enjoy the view. However, given the current situation, he barely even gave them a second glance. This isn't how dingos are supposed to act... he thought with a frown, confused. Dingos never attack people... They're nowhere near big enough! _ Taking another considering look at the dingo, he suddenly wasn't sure. _This guy is pretty damn big though...

For a long moment the dingo's deep golden eyes were fixed dead on his own brown ones, and then the dingo... Rolled his eyes, muzzle cracking open into an amused smile. There couldn't be any denying it this time... Tail still shifting idly back and forth behind him, his muzzle opened, and for a moment Eli tensed, expecting those sharp, exposed fangs to close around his muzzle any moment.

Instead of spring at the stallion however, Bandit merely said "Hello" as politely as he could, giving a winning smile. "I noticed you have a bit of a problem here with the sheep?"

Eli blinked once, blinked twice, and then suddenly everything clicked into place in his head. These goddam ferals will be the death of me... he thought, muttering strong imprecations under his breath. "You scared me half to death... Shouldn't there be some way of telling you lot from the animals?"

Chuckling, the dingo just grinned at him. "Wouldn't that just make everything too easy though? There's got to be some excitement in life, some thrill, otherwise why bother continuing?"

Rolling his eyes this time, Eli grumbled for a moment. "Personally, wondering if I'm about to be eaten definitely doesn't constitute as a fun experience..." He gulped slightly at the almost predatory glint that came into the dingo's eye. Damn ferals... Extending a paw awkwardly, unsure of the social conventions that the dingo might follow, he said hesitantly: "I'm Eli... You are?"

Striding forwards, the dingo clasped Eli's hand in his own surprisingly dexterous paw, squeezing firmly and shaking briskly. "The name's Bandit... But don't worry; I'm just your average brush wolf. My parents just had a... 'Charming' sense of humour, you might say."

Eli gave a nervous chuckle, releasing the dingo's paw. "So... If you don't mind my asking, what brings you here?" Looking around, he continued, saying: "Considering where we are in the mountains, I don't even get many people around here, let alone ferals. What brings a feral such as yourself to this place?"

Bandit gave him a good-natured grin, tilting his head up slightly to gesture over the stallion's shoulder. "I don't know about you, but I'd prefer not to get half the ocean dumped over my head tonight, and since you have a barn I was kind of hoping that I might be able to find some room in there?" Seeing the stallion's hesitation, he carried on quickly. "Also, I happen to be... Shall we say uniquely qualified to herd sheep?"

The stallion suddenly gave him a flat, considering stare, glancing briefly at the sheep behind him before returning his gaze to the big canine. "What do you mean by that? I don't exactly intend to guide them into your stomach..."

Tilting his head, Bandit seemed puzzled for a moment, but then he abruptly let out a huge burst of laughter, swaying as though he were about to fall over. "Guide them... Into my stomach... I've got to remember that one!" he wheezed out between chuckles as the laughter slowly trailed off. "Oh man, thanks for that, I've really needed a good laugh like that!" Wagging his tail slightly, he returned the stallion's quizzical stare with an earnest one. "No, I mean, I'm rather good at herding them... To their pen." Turning sideways slightly, he stretched a little, drawing Eli's eyes to his lithe, athletic form. "Being a dingo has its advantages... Not the least of which being that those idiots out there would be terrified of me!"

A sudden, powerful gust of wind flung Eli's long black mane back into his eyes, and with a grunt he swept it back, rolling his eyes. He could smell the rain in the air, but more than that he could feel the charge of the lightning in the air... The static electricity seemed almost to jump from his body, fur standing on end in patches. "So... What do you want in return? I'd be willing to let you help, but I wouldn't want to make you do it for free." Considering for a moment, he continued, "Do ferals... Do you even use money? Is there any use for it in... You know... Wherever you live?"

Bandit just grinned in response. "There's a storm coming, so really all I'd like would be some shelter for the night. The barn would do fine, so long as it doesn't leak... Tomorrow morning I'll be out of your mane, and you can be back to your usual routine." Holding out his paw again, he said: "So what do ya say? Sound good?"

Eli hesitated a moment longer, but he really couldn't see a disadvantage of the arrangement. Help with gathering in the unruly livestock for cheap, and hopefully in time to avoid the storm. Maybe even a little company later, if he'd like. "You've got yourself a deal, Bandit." Clasping Bandit's proffered paw, he gave a single firm shake. "I wouldn't make you sleep in the barn though, unless you're really dead-set on it. There's plenty of room in the house," he said, gesturing behind him. "Plus, we've got to make sure none of those sheep end up in your belly by accident!"

The dingo just gave him an impudent grin, flashing his sharp white fangs again. "No, that would be most unfortunate, wouldn't it?" Giving the stallion a light headbut to the stomach, he turned Eli around to face the wide-spread sheep. "Just go out there and try to guide them as best you can... I'll herd them back to you, and you try to get 'em back into their pen. Capiche?"

"Capiche," Eli said in agreement, making his way back over to the barn. In the corner of his eye, he saw the dingo vanish into a blur of motion, racing silently across the wide pasture. Even while he was running, the stallion found it hard to take his eyes off the dingo. There was just something... Alluring, something wild and powerful about the feral dingo. Tail streaming out freely behind his pumping legs, he raised his face to the sky and let fly a wild howl, the raw sound striking a momentary chord of fear within the stallion. Those sheep sure aren't going to like this...

Sure enough, the sheep had begun to look up towards the dingo as he made his way around the perimeter of the wide field, howling the whole way. Eli's spirits soared with the high-pitched sound; there was just something incredibly alive_about the sound. Plus, the sheep were beginning to look panicky, and a few closer to the dingo had actually started into a shambling run back across the pasture, right to the barn. _This won't take any time at all!

_ _ As if in mockery of his hopes, a sudden cold splash against his neck made him clap a hand to the spot, shivering despite the warm air. Damnit, it's starting... "Let's make this fast, Bandit!" he bellowed. He couldn't tell if the dingo had heard, but his running seemed to be a bit faster as the dingo ranged back and forth across the field, slowly shunting the sheep back towards the stallion.

The first of the wide eyed sheep didn't even bother to look at him before bolting in through the pen door, not stopping until it was pressed up firmly against its compatriots. Then it turned around and gave the dingo a baleful glare, as though challenging him. That's not a challenge you would win there, pal, Eli thought with a grin. Not even sure it would be one I could win!

Now the rain was starting to come down in earnest, and with a sigh he held a hand briefly over his head to block the oncoming water before giving up. There was no getting around it; he was going to get wet, probably more wet than any of the fleecy idiots he was responsible for. There were times he hated his job; this was definitely one of those.

Running out from the barn, he made for the nearest few sheep, a group of five or so milling about worriedly. Laying a firm hand on a pair's necks, he gave them a shove towards the barn, and was amazed when they actually followed his suggestion at a quick trot. Quickly repeating the same with the others, he flung his mane back once more and wiped the water from his eyes. By now the rain was a veritable downpour, and his short black fur was soaked from head to hooves. Damn it... "Hey Bandit, where are..." he started, then stopped. Somehow, in the time it had taken him to get to those few sheep and point them in the right direction, the dingo had managed to not only get the gate of their pen open again, but herd all but one sheep directly into it. That one remaining sheep was well on its way as well; it had been the last he had redirected, and with a rueful grin he watched as the dingo shoved the sheep hurriedly into the pen. That done, he reared up on his hind paws and swung the gate shut, deftly latching it again so that the sheep couldn't escape. Finally, he looked back at Eli. And smiled. That cheeky bugger!

Running back to the barn, he gave Bandit a tap on the shoulder and then sprinted back to the porch, practically diving under the protection of the roof. A moment later, the dingo appeared beside him, sides heaving from the exertion. He looked happy though, and a little tired. "Thanks so much, Bandit! That was..." Abruptly he cut off, realizing that he had actually been patting the dingo on the head. Jerking his hand back, he looked in askance at the feral, wondering if he had broken some social stricture, but there was no anger in the dingo's golden eyes, only contentment. "You were pretty damn good at that, I've got to say. Have you done it before?"

A wide, predatory grin spread across Bandit's soaked face, lighting up his eyes. "Eh, I could have done it faster probably if I hadn't lollygagged about at the start."

_Lollygagged? They were all caught within five minutes! That's got to be a bloody record! _ Not that he would have told the dingo that... He didn't want to gush at the dingo, or make him realize that he could do the job ten times faster than Eli himself.

"Well, you were awesome anyways Bandit, thank you so much," the stallion said whole-heartedly, giving the dingo another pat before jerking his hand away again. Damnit, he's not a dog! I can't just go about patting him like a common mutt. "Care to come in? I think a job like that warrants some food; I've got a pile of food from yesterday I never got to."

For a moment, it looked like the dingo was shocked by the offer, but with a grin he gratefully nodded, waiting for the stallion to open the door before slowly walking in. "What kind of food are we talking about here, Eli?" he asked with a grin, licking his lips. "Wasn't expecting anything at all; whatever you got would be awesome!" Giving himself a quick shake, he looked around with interest; there was a lot you could learn about someone by the way their home was kept. His host seemed to be on his own at the very least; the house was fairly clean but had an empty sort of feeling to it. The furniture was simple but looked comfortable; the walls bare plaster in most spots, but in a few he had hung a few simple mementos... A rack of antlers from a stag and an old-fashioned flintlock rifle hung by the fireplace, but an old faded pressed flower in a frame spoke of the women who had lived there once. Mother, maybe? A framed picture on the wall confirmed that; the stallion himself was evidently little more than a half-grown colt in the picture, surrounded by a tall dark stallion, a slim brownish mare, and a couple of others colts, although they seemed slightly older than him. Family, though where they are now is anyone's guess I suppose.

Eli grinned; he hadn't figured that the dingo would be too picky. "Well, I had some rather carnivorous friends who were supposed to come over the other day, and bought a bunch of steak for them, but they never showed. Still haven't heard from them..." Shaking his head, he gestured back to the kitchen near the back of the house. "It's back here, Bandit!"

Looking at the old photo for a moment longer, Bandit allowed himself to be pulled into the kitchen by the stallion's voice. His stomach was all but empty anyways; it had been a few days since his last kill.

Head lifted and nostrils flaring, Bandit let his tail wag slowly as delicious meaty scents filled the air. The kitchen itself was similar to the rest of the house: an old-fashioned white gas stove huddled by itself in the corner, and Eli was bent over into a similarly dated fridge. The stallion was rummaging around as though he were trying to find something buried at the back, and with his host's back turned, Bandit took a moment to look around the room again in slightly horrified wonder. With the walls painted a pale turquoise and an old floral patterned set of drapes covering the only window, it was one of the most singularly ugly rooms Bandit had ever set paw in, barring none. He couldn't remember seeing one that even came close to the immense archaic eyesore that the room presented.

Eli turned back, and although Bandit tried to wipe the expression off his face as fast as he could the stallion still chuckled. "Lovely place, isn't it?" His own muzzle scrunched up in an imitation of the dingo's, and with a chuckle he swept a hand around dismissively. "Unfortunately, this place isn't exactly up to date; no one ever sees it, so why should it be?" Shaking his head, he said: "My parents got it this way from their parents before them, and I haven't really seen fit to change it since they left."

Sweeping his mane from his face absently, he looked around the outdated room for a moment, mind floating, before he realized he still held a plate in his other hand. "Oh... Sorry! I have your food here!" he exclaimed, tilting the plate down slightly to let the dingo see. "Steak work for you?"

Bandit grinned happily, eager to be looking at anything but the dreadful room. "Steak would be brilliant!"

"Glad to hear it!" the stallion said, laying the plate on the ground. "Can't say I eat much of the stuff myself, but I've got some friends who swear by it, so I always try to keep a little on hand." He reached down towards Bandit, and the dingo got the impression that he had been about to pat his head. Apparently, the stallion got the same impression, because almost instantly that hand snatched away to scratch nervously at the horse's neck. "I'm so sorry, Bandit..." he said with a blush. "I... I'm not exactly used to dealing with ferals, and you do look a lot like a dog..." His blush deepened if anything, and Bandit gave him a lopsided grin back.

"Not to worry, my fine stallion, I get it all the time."

Eli sighed in relief, glad he hadn't offended his guest. Although, judging by the smells wafting up from his armpits, he was probably about to if he hadn't yet. "You know Bandit, I think I'm gonna go have a shower; I feel like I've been rolling about in the pigs' pen for a few hours. You okay here for a bit?"

Bandit nodded with a grin, tail wagging slowly, but his eyes never left the steak below his face. So maybe not so different from dogs after all, Eli thought with a chuckle. "TV's over in the other room when you're done; go wherever you want, I'll be back in fifteen!"

Closing the bathroom door behind him, Eli sighed as he tugged his soaked shirt over his head, letting the sodden linen fall to the floor. Trailing his fingers lightly across his chest, he unconsciously traced out the light trail of white fur between his pectorals. Beginning in a large patch on his collar bone, the fur twisted its way sinuously down his chest and abdomen, stopping just short of his belly button. All around it his glossy ebony fur, now matted down and heavy with rain, flowed smoothly from head to tail with barely a pause save for a patch of white running along the bridge of his muzzle. As usual, the sight of his pink nose in the small mirror made him grimace slightly; he had never thought it looked particularly good, and it hadn't made fitting in at school any easier. Still, his somewhat muscular build from working the farm had never hurt.

Still, with Bandit likely waiting for him to come back, he figured he probably should quit wasting time. Dropping his stained blue jeans to the floor, he undid the snap above his tail on his boxers and slid them down his muscular legs. Kicking free of the sodden garments, he clopped over to the small shower stall, ducking his head under the low door frame as he wedged himself into the minuscule space. His grandparents had cheaped out on the bathroom when they were building the place, opting for the cheaper but necessarily smaller "human-sized" fixtures despite the obvious physical dissimilarities between equines and humans, and his parents had just never bothered to do anything about it. He certainly wasn't planning on changing it any time; it would just be too much of hassle getting the parts in, and frankly the bathroom wasn't large enough for anything much bigger.

Letting the warm water flow across his mane though, he was willing to put up with the cramped space just for that feeling... Coming in from a long day, and no matter how filthy you might get, cleanliness was only a few minutes away. He almost never felt as relaxed as he did in the shower; a lot of his best thinking was done there too. Whenever he had an idea for a story he would like to write down, it always seemed to come to him in the shower, and when he wanted to flesh one out the shower always seemed the place to which to turn. Eli had no idea why that was, but he didn't really care... So long as it worked, he was fine with it.

Today however, he simply let the water flow across him, thoughts skittering around randomly in his head as he performed his daily rituals. It seemed like no time at all had passed before he reluctantly shut the taps off and let the flow of water cease. The process of exiting the shower was just as ungainly as entering it, and he had the added bonus of being even more thoroughly wet now than before. He glanced at his change of clothes briefly, but passed them over with a snort. If I get into those now, they'll be just as wet as any of what I was wearing before within moments. _ Looking at the boxers again, he thought for a moment but shook his head again. _Those will get wet too, and then my damn balls will never dry. Towel will have to be good enough...

Toweling off his body as best he could, he let his damp fur poof out slightly as he wrapped his towel around his lower torso, covering up his leathery sheath so as to maintain some semblance of decency to the dingo's eyes. Despite the thick towel, his big equipment still left a rather noticeable bulge in the fabric, but he really didn't care. The dingo walked around with his sheath out in the air 24-7 anyways! Not that I've looked... Eli thought with a sly grin, winking roguishly at his reflection in the mirror. Well... Not much. The thought of what the dingo was packing between his meaty thighs had given Eli a shiver ever since he had first seen Bandit on his pasture, and the couple glimpses of the dingo's tight pucker beneath his tail had done more.

Still, it would be bad manners to assert himself on his guest, so with a grumble at his rebellious loins Eli shook his mane out a last time and left the bathroom. Hooves clopping across the worn hardwood floors, he slowly made his way down the steep staircase, hand lightly trailing the railing. There had been far too many close calls on that staircase for him to go charging down, even now. At the bottom, he checked in the kitchen briefly, but as he had expected the plate was licked clean to the point of gleaming, and the dingo was nowhere to be seen.

Craning his neck around the corner to the front room, he grinned and walked into the room at the sight of his guest lounging on the old couch. The television was on... So apparently ferals know how to use the tube too... Cool, Eli thought. "Mind if I join you?" he asked with an easy grin, gesturing towards the empty side of the couch.

Bandit's head leapt up from the couch, and his eyes widened slightly at the sight of the barely covered horse. There was no mistaking the predatory, lustful glance he gave to the stallion's barely covered package, but within an instant his eyes were back up to Eli's eye level as though they had never left. However, he did shift his haunches slightly... Something going on under there you don't want me seeing, eh dingo? Hoping he was reading the signals correctly, he gave the dingo a wink, but plopped himself down on the couch nonetheless, making sure to keep the towel tightly wrapped. Of course, keeping himself modest was not even the slightest part of it... As he had hoped, going to sitting had pulled the towel tighter across his sheath, and where it had hinted before it practically screamed of what lay beneath.

Grinning, Bandit winked back at the horse, dipping his gaze quite deliberately this time to the barely covered lump. "Looks like there's something under there, eh?" Licking his lips suggestively, he widened his grin, tail _thwapping_against the couch. "So is this a routine for you, big guy? Lure in poor, defenseless travelers with talk of free meal, and then as soon as they get comfortable you pull that beast out?"

"Well, I'll admit that this is a first for me, Bandit..." Eli grinned back, "Can't say I usually walk around the house in only a towel, but... Well, clearly I made a right call, wouldn't you say?"

Bandit raised an eyebrow, tilting his head slightly. "Well, you at least got a good start... But if you wanted to seduce me, why even bother with that damned towel?" He gave a light tug to one corner of the towel, smirking slightly. "It's just in the way, wouldn't you say? What's say we get that pesky thing out of the way?"

Eli was quick to fire back. "Show you mine if you show me yours!"

Putting on a mock look of surprise, Bandit's grin widened. "Oh, so this isn't planned as a one-ended pleasure bout? I think I can work with that..." Sitting up abruptly, he lifted a hind leg slightly to expose his heavy package, plump sheath nestled in above a pair of fuzzy golden balls. "Your turn?"

It was all Eli could do to not drool, but damn was it hard! "I... Uh... Um... Oh yeah!" Stuttering, he tore his eyes from that magnificent view for long enough to practically tear the towel from his body. "Feast your eyes, my fine dingo!" he said, immediately blushing fiercly and letting his eyes drift back below the dingo's chest. Can't believe I just said that... Getting a swelled head. Looking down, he chuckled slightly at his unintentional pun. Both heads!

The sight of the stallion's cock slowly poking free from its sheath was more than Bandit could bear. Before Eli even had a chance to say anything, he darted forwards and engulfed the horse's growing cockhead in his muzzle, bathing it with his tongue and suckling roughly.

Eli's hips bucked at the sudden contact, gasping as he reared his head back. The dingo certainly knew what he was doing... That dexterous tongue swirled all around his rapidly engorging cock head, and before he knew it he felt his member pushing hard out of his sheath. Eyes rolling in his head, he started panting hard, forcing his hips back down to the couch to still his instinctual thrusting.

Ooh, he's a big one... Bandit suckled hard on the head of the growing cock, slurping his tongue all over the stallion's smooth head and taking occasional swipes into his slit. The horse's flesh tasted... Clean, but hints of powerful equine musk peaked through the slightly soapy taste. He suddenly felt the horse's cock jabbing at the back of his throat, and with a shocked gulp he pulled back, letting the hardening pink length back out of his muzzle. What lay before his eyes was a glorious sight, all and more than he had ever hoped when he set eyes on the stallion.

Even without his touch to sustain it, Eli's massive cock just kept growing, pushing out farther and farther from his leathery sheath. A smooth, dark grey near the base by his huge balls, after the thick medial ring the colour suddenly shifted to a warm, fleshy pink, spotted here and there with darker patches. Thick veins stood out in heavy relief against the otherwise smooth skin, tracing their way along the shift shaft right up to the head... And the head! Thick, round, tapered and smooth. The big pink head tapered to a rounded point near the middle, and just below that the stallion's urethra protruded slightly, a slight amount of clear fluid beaded on the very tip. The entire massive thing bobbed up and down to the horse's heartbeat, and at that moment Bandit knew exactly what he wanted with it.

"I need that inside me..." he breathed, slightly out of breath. His own cock throbbed almost painfully hard in his sheath, but he paid it no heed for the moment. Not with that thing staring me in the eyes!

Eli blinked, trying to collect his thoughts before answering the dingo. His mind had just gone to mush the instant Bandit had touched his cock, and he was only just recovering now. "You... Are you sure?" Scratching his head slightly, he grinned slightly as he watched the dingo's eyes follow the movements of his cock like a baton. "I'm not trying to brag, but I'm... Well, big?"

That wide, feral grin wreathed Bandit's muzzle again. "You leave that to me to worry about, Eli... This ain't exactly my first rodeo!" Giving him a grin, Bandit slowly stood up, reaching a paw back to unsheath himself before he grew any further. Hopping off of the couch, he turned his rump to face the stallion and hoisted his tail as high as it could go, baring his tight pink pucker to Eli's face. "So, what do you think?"

Now it was Eli's turn to gulp. That tight hole in front of him seemed to beckon to him, calling him... He suddenly realized that he had started rubbing at his cock unconsciously and forced his hands back to his side. Collecting himself, he slowly pushed himself up, letting his towel fall to the wooden floor as his cock bobbed out strong and hard before him. "I... I think I'd like that," he said, cringing slightly at his non-committal answer. "I mean, I'd fucking love that, so long as it doesn't hurt you!" Tugging lightly at the dingo's tail, he pointed up the stairs. "Let's take this somewhere more comfortable, eh?"

Grinning, Bandit was more than happy to follow the sexy stallion up the stairs. The sight from behind was just as sexy as that from the front... With every clopping step, the stallion's swinging gait brought a hint of those dark, full balls from between Eli's legs, and every now and then he could catch a peak of the stallion's tight muscular ring beneath his tail. Man, wouldn't mind getting to try that too... Maybe later! Bandit thought with a grin.

Turning the corner on the landing, he followed Eli into his bedroom, where he promptly hopped onto the bed. "This what you were thinking, stud?" At Eli's nod of assent he flopped down, rolling onto his back and spreading his strong thighs, exposing all to the stallion. He even rolled his hips up slightly, trying to give him the best access possible. "Then come get it!"

Again, Eli was struck silent by the sight before his eyes, mouth watering slightly as his cock pulsed at full mast. Truth be told, there were few things in this world that he enjoyed more than the sight of a canine cock, fully erect and knotted, but here one was before him! It truly was a beautiful sight... Two big golden furred orbs hung down between his thighs, and in front of those... The dingo's glorious cock hung, pulsating, leaking with desire. A beautiful crimson at the tapered tip, it swelled out generously towards the middle before narrowing slightly by the base, all the while colour lightening to a pale rose by the base of the knot. And then the crowning glory of the whole thing, that massive knot... Absolutely gigantic, easily the width of his own cock if not even a little more. The thing swelled outwards on both sides like someone had stuck a pair of tennis balls to it. Thin veins traced across the whole length, pulsating with his lust, and even as he watched a thin line of pre squirted free of his urethra, splattering against his chest fur. That sight got him moving.

Diving to his knees, Eli carefully caressed Bandit's balls for a moment before plunging his head down towards the tip of Bandit's cock. Just as he opened his muzzle, another squirt came, and with a gasp he flicked out his tongue, probing at the matted fur around his mouth. Hot damn... He couldn't take any more. Leaning forwards, he slid the entirety of the dingo's long cock down his muzzle. He was astonished when the tip of it jabbed lightly at the back of his throat, with his lips pressed up against the knot. He's huge! I'm definitely gonna need this in me too... Suckling for all he was worth, he was almost instantly rewarded with a warm splash of pre against the roof of his mouth. He let the hot fluid roll around his muzzle a moment, savouring in its wild, salty flavour, before gulping it down just in time for the next. I could spend all night just doing this... he thought with a shiver, cock pulsing at the thought. But I think there's something we both want more right now...

Reluctantly pulling his head back, he moved lower with a series of trailing licks, matting the fur along Bandit's heavy balls down towards his tight pucker. And then onto the tailhole itself... Again, the dingo's musky scent, almost spicy in a good way, washed across his tongue, but it was almost more... Raw here, more concentrated. Wasting no time, he coiled his tongue up as tight as he could and with a slight push, forced it through the dingo's tight ring and into his inner passages.

At the sudden penetration, Bandit's eyes flung wide open, cock throbbing and tongue lolling out of his mouth. Spreading his legs wide, he rolled his hips back slightly against the stallion's flexible muscle, groaning. Eli's slippery appendage delved deeper and deeper, rubbing up against his inner walls and coating them with his slick saliva. All too soon, he was pulling out, and Bandit forced his eyes back down from the ceiling to see what was happening behind him.

Looming above him was the stallion's face, still licking his lips. Eli's hand was on his cock, and that gorgeous cock was hovering just above his body. The fat, rounded head stared him straight in the eye, captivating his own, and as though waiting for him to look, a fat drop of pre squeezed free of the stallion's wide urethra to drip onto Bandit's own cock. "Come on, stop teasing!" Bandit growled, pushing Eli's cock into his own and rubbing them together. The smooth, hot flesh of the stallion's cock felt heavenly against his own hard rod, but they both knew that wasn't its destination.

"If you're sure..." Eli said with a light grin, letting Bandit sandwich their cocks together for another moment before gently pulling back. Head dragging between Bandit's furry balls, he let it plop down just behind the dingo's soaked hole. "You ready, Bandit?"

Gritting his teeth, Bandit shoved aside thoughts of just how big the damned thing was. "Of course I'm ready!" he exclaimed, growling deeply. "Come on, stud!"

For but a moment, the stallion's tip rested against his muscles, and he clenched involuntarily before forcing himself to relax. The sudden warmth was accompanied by an even slicker feeling; a big glob of pre must have just slipped free. Teeth gritted, he forced himself to stare back down at his hind end, toes clenching in anticipation. He didn't have long to wait.

The initial penetration felt like his ass was being torn apart, and he suddenly saw stars spinning wildly around his head. Whimpering, he just kept forcing himself to relax, knowing that it would only make it hurt more if he clenched up. "Keep... Keep coming," he said in a husky voice, trying to keep the strain from showing. "You've already started, may as well finish!"

Incredible heat and tightness now gripped at Eli's head, and he couldn't restrain a little buck of his hips from the amazing feeling. The dingo looked like he was in pain, but despite it all his red cock remained rock hard, throbbing and squirting pre. If that wasn't enough, the dingo's slight nod was enough. "I'll go slow, at least until you're ready," Eli said, barely restraining his hips. Now it's a fight against instinct... he thought with a slight grimace. The dingo's appreciative smile made him smile though. Just until he's all stretched out. Then, all bets are off.

Pushing fowards slowly, Eli grunted as more and more of his cock slowly disappeared into the dingo's slick hole. About halfway to the medial ring he stopped again and gave the dingo a quick searching look; if anything he was already looking slightly more used to it, and just gave him another quick nod. Taking it as confirmation, he thrust forward again lightly, and groaned as he sunk in up to the ring.

Bandit's bowels clenched uncontrollably around the massive invader, but the initial pain was already fading. Unlike his mate's equipment, the stallion's cock started out massive and stayed roughly the same width the whole length, so after he acclimatized to the initial thickness he would be fine. At least that's the theory... The horse's next slight buck made his eyes bulge as the massive equine shaft drove even further into his body. "I... I want the whole thing, Eli..." he said in what he hoped to be a sultry voice, giving the horse a grin. "C'mon, show me just what you've got!"

Eli grinned. "I can do that, but can you take it?" Without waiting for an answer, he applied steady pressure, slowly driving his cock deeper and deeper into the dingo's clenched tunnel. The medial ring passed in with an audible pop, and then with a sudden thrust his balls slapped up against the underside of Bandit's tail. Holy shit, he's a pro... I definitely wasn't expecting it all to fit! he thought with a whinny, shaking his mane free from his face. He had been with a mare or two here and there, a stallion once or twice, but never before had he experienced this degree of tightness. It was like the dingo's body was fighting against his intrusion with its every fiber, but at the same time the contractions meant to drive his cock free of Bandit's body were just massaging and caressing his cock. I'm not going to last any time at all like this... "Are you ready, Bandit?" he huffed out, looking lustfully at the dingo below him.

The dingo had never been so thoroughly stuffed in all his life. He felt like if he opened his mouth, the horse's fat head would come spilling out... And he loved it. If Eli decided to stand up, Bandit knew that he probably would have been lifted up, entirely like some sort of perverse sock-puppet. The pain was pretty much gone, and for now was just replaced by a warm, full feeling, but he knew that once they actually got started that would change. Lewd grin wreathing his muzzle, he nodded excitedly to the stallion. "Gimme what ya got, stud!"

` Eli grunted as he pulled back, leaving barely the tip in before powering his hips forwards again, driving himself fully back in until his balls slapped against Bandit's tail again. The penetration was easier this time; Bandit's ass was already hugely stretched, and his impossibly tight passages were already lubed up to slippery perfection. He tried to keep his thrusts slow, but as he continued to jackhammer into the dingo he felt his instincts kicking in. Fuck. Fuck hard. Breed him thoroughly. He was more than happy to give in. Gripping the dingo's haunches in his hands, he began thrusting in harder and harder, slamming himself in and out with abandon. He didn't need to worry about Bandit; judging by the slippery pool of pre gathering by the base of his red cock, he was having just as good a time as Eli.

Long moments passed of silence, broken only by the sounds of slick flesh sliding across slick flesh, of animalistic grunts, and of the quiet slap of Eli's balls slapping up against Bandit's rear on every thrust. Bandit let his tongue loll uncaringly, not caring about the bit of drool leaking free. The whole of his consciousness was focused on the incredible feelings blasting through his body from below; he could scarcely breath without a deep groan wracking his body. The initial pain had faded away into a burning pleasure, blazing ever hotter the faster the stallion thrust into him. His tailhole muscles clenched and writhed spasmodically around the immense intruder, and every time that fat medial ring slipped past them he felt his balls pull up tighter to his body. Almost invariably, the end of each thrust was accompanied by a squirt of pre from his freely bobbing cock, and with a gasp he realized that his knot was already fully inflated, tip straining forwards and throbbing with every heartbeat. Fuck... This is incredible. This can't last too much longer! he thought to himself with another drawn out growl, thrusting himself backwards on the long shaft as best he could from his awkward position.

Suddenly, the raging pleasure blazing through Eli's cock peaked, and with a sudden sharp intake of breath, he realized he was about to lose it. "B... Bandit..." he grunted, redoubling his efforts. "I'm... I... Ooooohhh...!!"

For a moment, a grin wrapped itself around Bandit's muzzle. It seemed that his clenching had paid off! Not going to be first this time, stud! What he didn't count on though was the stallion's hand snaking down between his thighs to briefly fondle his heavy balls before tightening behind his knot, rhythmically caressing the turgid flesh and squeezing tightly. Gasping, his pleasure suddenly reached a crescendo in his cock, and it felt like there was no edging towards the climax any more... He was at his climax. Balls drawing tight to his body, he felt in that last lucid instant a sudden added pressure, deep in his bowels, as the stallion's cock head exploded in size, and just before he burst a sudden, blazing warmth spreading through his insides. Beat... You... he thought in his last moment. And then...

Eyes screwing up, he let out a wild howl as his orgasm boiled over. Hips thrusting uncontrollably into Eli's clamped hand, he felt his first shot blast free from his tip and splash across his face, splattering across the pillow behind. His whole world seemed to shrink until all that he could feel were the glorious, explosive sensations blasting through his cock; he was vaguely aware of his balls drawing up tight to his body, his tail flagging rhythmically as his tailhole collapsed tight around the stallion's cock, milking him.

All too soon, the now-familiar pressure in his bowels began lessening, and with a wet plop the stallion's semi-flaccid penis flopped out of his tailhole, followed immediately by a giant gush of sticky white jizz. Sighing, Eli collapsed down weakly on Bandit's sticky chest, grinning slightly as he felt the dingo's own jizz pressed into his fur. "That... That was amazing," he huffed out breathlessly. "I'm guessing by your mess it was good for you too?"

Bandit grinned back, feeling his still-pulsing cock twitch weakly in Eli's slightly loosened grip. "You could say that, and you... Well, you wouldn't be wrong!" Panting, Bandit twisted his muzzle up to lick the stallion's pink nose. "You know, you've got a pretty nose!"

Eli blushed crimson, thankful for the dark fur on the sides of his muzzle to hide it. "Shut up heh..." he said, scratching at the offending skin lightly. "Not my fault!"

Winking, Bandit gave him a lick along the side of the muzzle. "Not playing at ya, I just think it's cute!" He gave the stallion a lewd grin. "Now, what you're packing down below... That isn't cute, that's just a weapon heh. A weapon of the best sort..."

Blushing even more, Eli grinned back slightly. Letting his eyes trail down lower, he gasped when they alighted upon the dingo's still hard cock. "Don't you ever go... Limp?" he asked astoundedly, giving another squeeze behind the rock-hard knot. There were even little dribbles of clear fluid still leaking from the tip! Man, what's this guy's secret?! "You've got quite the package down here too, if I may say so! Are you still cumming?"

"Nah, that's just how it works for us canines... Still feels pretty damn good though!" With a blush of his own, Bandit wagged his tail slightly. "Thanks though!"

Suddenly, another thought occurred to Eli. If he's still hard, still raring to go... Maybe... "So, I've heard some stuff about ferals..." he said, trying his hardest to sound nonchalant (and failing, due to his panting). "Some say that... Uh... You can go several times in a row, basically. That true, big guy?"

Now Bandit's grin was practically predatory. "I wouldn't say that it's true for all ferals... My mate for example, he is pretty pooped after a single go. However..." His eyes seemed to gleam at the thought. "You happen to be with one who can!" Shuffling awkwardly, he shifted his way out from under the stallion and stood up to all fours, cock still standing tall and proud between his thighs. "What did you have in mind, eh?"

The sight of that bobbing cock was more than Eli could bear. Darting forwards, he ducked his long head under the dingo's chest and parted his maw, letting the dingo's hard cock slip in. Tongue dancing and writhing over the turgid flesh, he let some of Bandit's still-spurting fluids collect on his tongue before gulping down hungrily. The dingo's salty, musky cum coated his tastebuds with Bandit's unique, musky taste, and his cock suddenly pulsed again, growing rock hard again in seconds flat. I can't believe I'm ready again! Giving the dingo's rod a last lingering slurp, he pulled his lips back, cock throbbing. His nostrils filled with Bandit's musk, he clambered up onto the bed and onto all fours, lifting his long tail off to one side and exposing his tight rump to the dingo. "This... This is what I had in mind. You up for it?"

Bandit needed no encouragement. Heart pounding, he stepped up behind the stallion's crouched form and drove his muzzle in between the meaty thighs, tongue slipping from his muzzle and giving the stallion's balls a bathing. Rolling those heavy orbs along his tongue, he gave each a quick kiss before licking slowly up to Eli's thick, muscular ring, letting his tongue roam around it before finally giving a lick across it. A few more licks were all he could give before he gave into his instincts and mounted the stallion, paws curling around the horse's thick legs.

Shuffling forwards, he reached back and positioned his throbbing cock tip at the entrance to the stallion's tight hole. "You ready for this, stud?"

The dingo's abrupt mounting startled Eli, but the feeling of heat and slickness on his tailhole was more than reparation for it. Even as Bandit was asking him, he felt the dingo's warm fluids splashing across his tailhole and felt his cock throb almost painfully hard. "Of course I am... Why do you think I'm down here?"

"I just thought you wanted me to admire the view, you vain stud!"

Eli grinned to himself, sniggering slightly. "Well, there's that too... I mean, what's the point of having the stuff if you don't show it off every once in a while?" Snorting, he flicked his tail aside forcefully, pressing his hips back so that the dingo's pointy cock was pressed up hard against his hole. "But this time, I just want you to screw me! Oh, and don't hold back either... I'm no newbie to this sort of thing."

With a wild light in his eyes, Bandit gave him a quick lick on his broad back, then slowly and deliberately pushed forwards. Despite the stallion's claims, he could still clearly see Eli's eyes nearly pop out of his head when Bandit pushed in. Even with just the tip in, Bandit's cock was already spurting pre like a fountain. _I'll be nice to him and let that build up a moment... No sense in going in dry, for either of us! _ "That feeling okay, Eli?"

Eli grunted back, eyes still wide from the shock of penetration. No matter how many times I stick stuff up there, it is always a shock when someone else does it... Grinning slightly, he clenched his tailhole around the dingo's hard tip. "Feels... Great," he grunted, panting slightly. "The start is always damn uncomfortable... Don't worry about me, just fuck me already!"

At that, an evil grin spread across Bandit's face. "Your wish is my command, Eli... Just be wary of what you ask for!" Pausing a moment, he shifted slightly, moving his cock to test out the slickness of the stallion's still-clenching hole. He's ready and all slippery... Gonna make him sore for a week! It's the least I could do after what he did to me heh... Won't be walking straight for a month! Bunching his thighs, he held back for another moment...

...And then drove forwards as hard as he could, driving the entire length of his cock, half-inflated knot and all, straight into Eli's bowels.

A loud, shrill whinny escaped Eli's mouth before he could stop it. It felt like his ass had been suddenly subjected to the entrance of a freight train. I asked for it, he thought ruefully, trying to relax his muscles to lessen the sudden pain. However, in the next instant even as he was trying to get used to the massive invader, Bandit's hips winched backwards, and suddenly he was left with a strange feeling of emptiness. Even that didn't last long though; now getting into the rhythm of things, Bandit's long cock began pistoning in and out of his stretched tailhole with greater and greater speed, until his muscles gave up on trying to force Bandit's cock out and instead just clenched to it as tight as they could. He had seen dogs going at it before, but never before had he experienced the sheer intensity, the sheer raw sexual frenzy of it first hand.

Suddenly, even as the initial burning pain began to fade, a totally different sensation beckoned to him. Ah, now_this _is what I remember... he thought lustfully, cock throbbing again and again under the new onslaught. Now instead of his tailhole, it felt like his prostate was ablaze with pleasure, and with a gasp he felt a glob of pre squirt from the tip of his cock. God... Damn... Despite the dingo's relentless assault, or maybe because of it, his cock head had begun to flare out already. Letting his head fall down to the bed, he looked between his own legs and was astonished to see it already fully swollen, balls tight and drawn up between his legs. Each of Bandit's thrusts made their balls meet with an audible slap, followed by a wet slap as his swelling knot met with his still-clenched tailhole. Even faster than when he had been buried balls-deep in Bandit, he could feel his orgasm peaking; gasping and moaning, he clutched the sheets tight in his fists. "Ban... Bandit, I'm gonna..."

The dingo grinned, not ceasing his fast thrusting even when the stallion let loose a wild, shrieking whinny that seemed almost to rattle the windows. A loud splatter beneath the stallion made him pause for a moment; ducking his head down, he twisted awkwardly and managed to get the tip of his muzzle positioned right before Eli's engorged head; opening his lips he let a few blasts of the stallion's virile seed squirt onto his tongue before pulling back, neck sore from the strain. Resuming his thrusting mercilessly, he rolled the gelatinous, salty fluid around his muzzle for a moment before swallowing slowly, savouring the warmth as it trickled down his throat. The stallion's tight hole clenched even tighter on every spurt, but Bandit thanked his lucky stars that he was able to hold back. I think I could make him go once more... Oh yeah, easy!

Hunkering down lower on Eli's back, Bandit tightened his grip on Eli's hips and paused for a moment, adjusting his own hips until he was at the perfect angle. His prostate oughta be right around... The stallion's astonished moan told him he had struck true. Perfect heh... Drilling forwards again, he began an even faster pace than before, replicating the direction of that perfect thrust and driving his cock deeper into the stallion's slick hole.

His last orgasm was barely even finished, and yet Eli could amazingly feel the beginnings of one building up again, not even thirty seconds from the last! This... This is the best... Holy... Even in his thoughts he couldn't complete a coherent sentence. "Fuck, Bandit, I need the whole thing... Give me the knot! Fuck me harder!" Normally softly spoken, he ordinarily wouldn't have even thought of such obscenities, especially not at a time like that, but... There was just something about the situation making him lose all control. He grunted, groaned, and neighed like never before; no one had ever made him feel quite so amazing before; his flared cock was clear evidence of that.

Finally, Bandit began to feel the familiar tug of orgasm. Bunching his hips up, he pressed his fat, swollen knot hard up against Eli's muscular ring and shoved with all his might. One... Two... Three seconds of silence, of excitement and lust almost palpable... And then with a loud squelching POP, his fully engorged knot flung its way past the clamping ring, lodging in deep. Bandit gave another half-thrust, tugging hard against the tie; his vision swam from the intensity, heart pounding, balls aching to release...

And then in harmony the stallion whinnied as the dingo howled. For the third time that night, Eli's fat cock pulsed and squirted, sending ropes of his sticky white jizz flying through the air to peg his own chin. Bandit's knot had lodged right up against his prostate, and the pressure... The glorious pressure... The burning heat of Bandit's thin cum washing through his bowels made him shudder with pleasure, dropping to his elbows and thrusting back with abandon into the dingo's glorious rod.

Legs clamping tight around Eli's hips, Bandit thrust hard and erratically, paws dancing and skittering on the bed as his own orgasm blasted through his body. Balls drawing up tight against his body, his cock let fly the first blasts of dingo cum, drenching the stallion's inner passages until his cock was practically swimming in it. His fat knot kept it all in though, trapped tightly behind the stallion's muscular ring as it was, and so the cum just pushed deeper and deeper into Eli's body. Paws thrashing for one last moment, Bandit gave a few final thrusts and then collapsed tiredly against the stallion's broad back. "That... That was..."

"...Absolutely fucking amazing, I think is what you're going for..." Eli murmured in exhaustion, slowly laying down on his side so that the dingo was spooning up against him, cock still embedded deep and giving him the occasional spurt. "Thank you so much for that, Bandit... You really made my night!"

Bandit just smiled at him, letting his tail thwap gently against the soft bed. "Likewise, pal... You really know just how to let a guy have a good time!" The dingo leaned forwards an planted a slightly slobbery kiss on the stallion's cheek, licking away some of the dried spooge. "I think a little sleep is in order now though..."

Eyes already heavy, Eli just nodded appreciately and gave his ass a slight clench, tightening momentarily around the dingo's still-hard cock. "Can't say I'd mind waking up find that still in there..." he said with a grin, reaching around and giving the dingo a pat. "Feels pretty lovely and warm in there right now; I can't imagine it would feel anything other than wonderful in the morning!"

Chuckling, Bandit shuffled his hips forwards slightly, pushing it in slightly deeper. "Well, that's what my mate says at least..." With a grin, he rested his muzzle up against the stallion's mane. "We'll just have to leave it in and hope, eh?" Settling his head down on the soft pillows, he smiled. "Good night, Eli."

"Good night!"

The End