Bescaled - Chapter 4: ...Fall Out An Open Window.

Story by FoxyRK9 on SoFurry

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#5 of Bescaled

A lovely story about a boy and his pet snake. I had written this long ago in high school, but I am slowly recreating it and adding pot and details not seen in the original.

mature rating for the series as a whole due to death blood, gore, vore, and swearing. Also bits of booze.

I feel out of the two story window onto the front lawn. I heard the neighbors yelling something and Mr. and Mrs. Beon came over to see the noise and they found me on the lawn where I fell. I couldn't talk, move, or blink. To them I was dead. I heard the woman scream at her husband to call the cops and the paramedics. Before all this they never cared enough to send the cops when my guardians were beating on me. As I lay here I have all the time to think, was this the best choice? If this is all a trick I am going to kill him and run off, but I am dead to the human race as of now. I would have to make stuff up. I looked up at the window and saw Redrum packing in a frenzy. he shut the window. "You idiot, how are you going to get out of this one?" I thought. It wasn't to long before the the cops and EMTs arrived. "Mom and Dad" came out and started swearing at everyone till they seen me on the lawn. The fake water works started. The EMTs pronounced me dead then and there. There were no pulse to detect (To a human) and no heart beat. I was picked up and brought into the ambulance and driven to the hospital.

I came to on a slab, surrounded by family. friends, and the police. They Interrogated my guardians heavily. My uncle was there on the side looking at me funny. It was a weird stare I never seen...Like he was puzzled. He looks up at the police officer and says "I can't believe he is gone." he teared up. "I think the government is stupid..." he continues. "How so?" says the police officer. "They put this sweet kid into a home with those two. even after multiple charges of being beaten they said there was nothing they could do. Those two kept on assaulting him and the night before he died they got into a fight because I bought the kid a pet snake. They killed the snake and then threatened him with a sharp piece of glass." He said. The police officer looked like he could put them away for life for this. As it turns out their DNA was found all over the crime scene and me. I saw the police take them away to jail. In my heart I wish I could stop them, but it was too late. I was frozen stiff and unable to talk or move.

My uncle was the only one left in my family, but the courts allowed him to take care of my funeral arrangements. He decided on an open casket service and then to be buried. The lid was shut and I heard people crying. Before I knew it, It felt like I was being lowered into the ground. I heard shovelfuls after shovels of dirt falling on the casket then there was silence. The potion Redrum gave me was wearing off and I was starting to move again. My fingers and toes became lively, my legs had feeling to them. I waited there patiently for a few hours.

I finally heard something again...The sound of shovels moving dirt. My heart started pounding. What an awful time to be discovered as not dead. The casket door opened and I saw Redrum, dirty as all hell. He helped me out of the grave and onto the ground. "I heard this is where they buried you, took me all day to find out. I got you a change of clothes." He threw a backpack full of stuff like my phone and and clothes, a few days worth of canned goods for us. He threw a dummy in the hole that looked exactly like me. He asked me to take off my suit so we can put it on the dummy then he closed the casket and buried it again. He got me a pair of jeans, some boots, and and a white tank. Thats when he titled his head and said "Lets get out of here."