Sex On Fire

Story by ZukinLWW on SoFurry

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#4 of The Zoo

You learn quite a bit fighting for your life every day, and I spent plenty of years in the ring. The first thing you learn is that no one smart fights for long, they either stop being so smart because of near-constant blows to the head, or they get out while they're still intact. I'd like to think I'm one of the latter crowd. I used to be big in the rings, was famous for Thai-style kickboxing, and I even did some tooth-and-claw back when I was younger... but eventually I realized I'd only get myself killed and got out, started running a little nightclub in town. Time passed, I got older, people walked in and out of my door and my life, and I remained. I'd done the best I can with what I had, and for the first time in too many years, I was content. My club was the talk of the Zoo, with all sorts coming by to take in our shows and just bask in the atmosphere that I'd created. Yes, I'd come a long way since my old self... and then he stepped back into my life.

It'd been an uncharacteristically quiet night, and I was actually just about to close early when the door popped open and an all-too-familiar form walked into the low light. It was a face I'd hoped I'd never see again. The years hadn't changed him a bit, and as his soft, brown eyes looked up into mine... I hated him a little. He'd obviously been performing that night, as he was wearing his usual, a frilly lace skirt, high, striped socks, clunky boots and a too-tight top. Every curve was the same, every movement was as calculated as it had always been... he was exactly as I had loved him before. A Bogart quote slipped into my head, but I let it slide.

"Hello, Kael," his voice was little more than a whisper, that soft bedroom tone he used when he wanted you to do something. The worst part is that it had always worked on me.

"Alex." I didn't look up at him... I couldn't.

"I expected some old line... I'm a little disappointed. How've you been?" He was moving closer to the bar... something was wrong... was he shaking?

"What do you care?" I still couldn't raise my eyes, but my concern was growing.

"I know... I did some things that... that..."

"You walked out on me!" I couldn't hold it back anymore. Angrily I tossed the glass I was cleaning aside and I grabbed him by his shoulders, pulling him up against the bar and glaring down at him. I only barely kept my claws retracted as I searched his face and found... fear. But he wasn't afraid of me... the kid was shaking with terror and that's why he was here.

"I deserve that, I really do, but please hear me out." Those eyes were watery with tears, and his paws weakly rose to grip my arms. "I did some dumb things, but I wish every day that I could take them back... I shouldn't have-"

I couldn't take it anymore. It was all too much... him coming back into my life after 5 years of absence, and acting all contrite... with a loud growl I dove over the bar, pinning him to the ground... and kissing him deeply. That fox hadn't lost any of his power over me, and he remained the one person I couldn't resist. His initial shock softened into desire as he clutched to me, melting his lithe, featherlight body against my chest as his fingers slowly traced the striped pattern running up and down my arms. In moments I had ripped his shirt off and was attacking the side of his neck, grinding myself desperately between those long, toned legs.

"Kael..." His voice was honey in my ear as his heat radiated against me, and I found myself lost in that long, dark hair that tumbled down his shoulders. I wanted him right then more than I had wanted anything in my life, and as I easily hefted him in my arms, I glared possessively into his eyes and found them watching me with equal desire... I couldn't tell if he was sincere or if this was all just another of his lies, but at that moment I didn't care. In mere moments we were in the apartment we used to share over the club and I had tossed him onto the bed that was once ours. His eyes ran up and down my body as I unfastened the buttons running down my chest and threw my shirt off, revealing myself. It was a personal point of pride that age had not softened me in the slightest and as I laid down atop my one-time lover, the light of passion that I used to kindle in his eyes sprang again.

We embraced, our tongues madly jousting in the once-familiar territory of each others' mouths as our paws reacquainted themselves with our long-separated forms. I broke the kiss and pulled as close as I could to him, growling in his ear the way I did in those never-forgotten nights, and the fox my fox sprang into the same heated shivers of desire as he always had. I pushed away from him and set to work unbuckling those tall boots and removing them, slowly kissing up one of his calves as my paws ran up the dancer's legs to pull away the trademark thong that hid his prize from me. I easily pulled his legs up onto my shoulders and held there briefly, simply watching the fox's chest rising and falling as those delicate fingers ran through the thin fur on my chest.

"Yes, Kael... love me..." Many had joked that I kept Alex on a short leash in the years we were together, but if either of us had been the master of the other, it was him over me. I couldn't refuse a single request, nor could I even consider saying "no" to anything this lovely creature asked of me. I unzipped and removed the slacks that had become increasingly ill-fitting since he first walked back into my life and now knelt completely naked in front of my former lover. I pushed forward, watching the initial pain on his face melt into pleasure as I pressed my way into his body. As we were made one again, I reached down and tore that frilly skirt away from his hips with a roar. I would not have an inch of my fox hidden from my sight. As we waited for him to readjust to the familiar invader, I began to nibble at his chest, taking a nipple between my sharp teeth and teasing it as his paws clutched my back. The lovely creature beneath me began to squirm and whine as his claws scratched across the familiar lines they once left on my back, mere moments passing before I pulled my way out and slammed home again, eliciting a cry of joy from the feminine form wrapped around me.

I gazed down at my fox, licking my lips slowly as every scrap of civilized thought tumbled from my mind and I became a primal beast. I clamped his neck in my jaws, growling loudly as I began to pump, ramming myself into his slight body over and over again. I could hear his screams of joy as I punished him for his betrayal, and my claws ran furrows in the headboard as he squirmed and thrashed underneath me. I quickly removed myself from him and flipped him over onto all fours, slamming back into him as I tugged that thick, bushy tail out of the way. Again my jaws gripped his neck, holding him in place as I angrily used his body, pulling him back to meet my thrusts. There were no more words, simply the pure animal heat of a hunter reclaiming his prey. I heard his shuddering cries in some strange, faraway sense, but at the moment all I cared about was that I was within my chosen queen again. With a final growl I bit down harder on Alex's neck and hilted in him, my claws digging into his hips slightly as I buried my seed in the panting, whimpering fox. After a few moments we collapsed in a heap together, panting and shuddering like a pair of teenagers as we basked in each others' glory. A gentle paw caressed my cheek as the fox cuddled into my chest. "Mm... I was a fool to ever leave, my love... and it's caught up to me."

As we lay in bed, he explained what had happened in the intervening years his initial success away from the club and eventual fall, and how a ruthless pig now held the deed to his life, a lifetime contract he'd been forced into signing. He told me how the pig had used him, and forced him to sell his body to anyone with the money to pay I was told how my queen, the light of my young life, had been made into a slave and the more I heard, the more outraged I became. As his story finished, Alex looked up into my eyes, his own growing wet with tears. "Kael... I need your help. These men, they won't stop. Not until I give in or I die... they won't listen to reason, so..."

"So you want me to be unreasonable." I watched him closely for a moment, the rise and fall of that orange and white chest, the gentle play of fingertips up and down my thigh. "Of course," his face lit up with a bright smile when he heard my words, "How can I say no to you?"

Mere moments later, I was sitting up, damp from the shower I had taken (alone, I had work to do and there could be no distractions), and slowly working through how the fight could go in my head. I hoped that it wouldn't come to blows, but my motto has always been "hope for the best, plan for the worst." What roused me from my reverie was the feeling of soft, gentle paws lifting my arm and rolling gauze down my forearm and onto my paw. I smiled, my eyes still closed, as my fox continued his work. There are few things more energizing than being prepared for battle, and as my lover taped my arms and feet, then dressed me, I knew I was ready for anything that could be thrown at me. When I opened my eyes, Alex was standing in front of me, a sad smile on his face. "I can't believe you're doing this," he whispered, "after everything I did to you, you're willing to put your life on the line for me?"

I shook out my shoulders and cracked a few of my knuckles before finally answering, pulling the collar of my jacket tight. "I've been waiting for you for five years... I'm not going to let anyone get between us now." With that, I disappeared into the night. I followed familiar streets to the pig's establishment, a seedy dive on the waterfront that stank like stale beer and broken dreams. I introduced myself to the bouncer as the owner of a rival club looking to enter into a joint venture, and after a bit of negotiation, I was taken to meet the big man himself.

Alex's description had not done the creature justice at all. He was a corpulent, dirty, sweaty creep seemingly fused to the overstuffed leather chair he occupied. He was talking with someone on the phone when I entered, and I took the opportunity to size up the two men that flanked him. On his left was a rather well-built wolf, dressed in an impeccable black suit, at odds with the tribal designs shaved into his fur and the multiple piercings adorning his ears and nose. On his right, all I could see was a shadow in the dim light of the room... but it was a big shadow, a hulking monstrous figure that dwarfed me. As I sat, the swine finished his conversation and turned to look me over. "So you're the tiger that owns the club I haven't bought yet, hm?" He snorted a few times with condescending laughter before going on. "Whaddya want, kid? You got nothing I want, so what's this 'joint venture' Rocco tells me about?"

I folded my taped paws in my lap and smiled at him. "It's simple. You let Alex out of his contract and leave my club alone forever."

With that, he really started to laugh. "Oh really? First of all, that slut belongs to me. I let him get away this time 'cause my boys like teaching him a lesson when he comes back. Secondly, I own half of Bay City's nightlife anyway, what makes your club so special that I can't have it?"

"I'll thank you to watch your language."

"Listen to this guy! 'I'll thank you to watch your language.' Well, boy, I'll thank YOU to kiss my balls like that little fox of yours does every night."

"You should leave Alex out of this."

"Don't you dare tell me what to do! Lenny, teach the kitty a lesson!"

At his master's beckoning, the wolf sprang into action, running toward me clumsily. It was nothing for me to push myself up from the chair and deliver a rib-cracking knee to his midsection, doubling him over perfectly for the follow-up elbow to the back of his neck that knocked him cold to the ground. "Hm. Is that it?" I smiled at the pig as I stepped over the body of that would-be assailant. He must have seen something predatory in my eyes because at that moment I saw that timid, pleading, "I'm gonna die" prey look flash across his face... and nothing excites me more.

"Carl! CARL!" In moments I felt a freight train hit my chest and I was sailing through the air, ass-over-elbows. Whatever that big thing was, it hit HARD. After a moment on the ground to regain my senses, I stood up and got the answer to the $64,000 question. A bear. A fucking grizzly bear. Carl towered 8 feet tall if he was an inch, and he was built huge, like all the members of his species. For whatever reason, he had stopped dead in his tracks and was simply watching me. With a quick glance upward to ensure the ceiling was high enough, I charged forward and leaped at him, grabbing his shoulders and swinging myself over him. At the end of my swing, I delivered a fierce double knee to the small of his back, using all my weight and the force of my swing... and nothing happened. For my troubles, I got a swift backhand from the monster, and it reminded me of the most dangerous part of fighting bears... you NEVER feel the claws. All it took was a quick glance down to see the dark stain on my tattered shirt, dripping down my arms, and I knew I would need to end it fast. Another leap forward saw me well within the bear's reach, where he couldn't use all his strength, and then I started ripping. Tiger claws aren't long or fancy, but keeping them sheathed keeps them sharp, and mine ran like razors all over the bigger creature's form as I darted this way and that, keeping my movements random and formless. As I dodged a straight swipe, I saw my opening and took it. My paw found its way up to the bear's neck with a hard chop... the monster swooned and then hit the ground, gasping for air and clutching at his throat.

I knew I didn't have much left in me, but I pointed a bloody claw at the pig and muttered something about leaving us alone, to which he simply nodded, his mouth agape with shock.. The walk back to the club was agonizing, every step a thousand mile jaunt as I left a dusting of life behind me. The only thoughts on my mind were how bad I needed to get home... how much I wanted to see my fox one last time. Lucky me, then, that I was able to stumble in the door and back into the warm confines of my home. I was dimly aware of Alex shouting my name as I hit the ground... but my eyes were heavy, lead weights... couldn't keep them open. "Oh well... he'll be safe now," I thought as his arms wrapped around me, cradling me. "I can sleep now. He's safe." The world went black and I was floating away from the pain...

I woke up hours later, hurting something fierce and more than a little cold. My eyes scanned my surroundings and I found myself... in my bedroom? A quick glance downward revealed thick bandages wrapped tight around my chest, and a slumbering fox cuddled close to me. I couldn't help but smile as my torn pecs shook and protested, pulling my arm around the pretty boy and hugging him close to my chest. Maybe it wasn't over, and maybe it'd never be over... but for right now I was alone, with my fox in my arms... and that was good enough for me.