A Mage's desires: Cabin Fever

Story by TimberWuff on SoFurry

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#3 of A mage's desires

Two more fall victim to the werewolf's curse.

Deep in the Evergreen forest, a hunter limps home from a relatively unsuccessful day of trapping. Only a rabbit. It should be prime hunting season, but it seems another hunter had robbed his other traps. It was unusual since no others hunters used this territory.

His name is Jack Rubin, a burly bearded rugged hunter living out in the Evergreen Forest. He greatly preferred the tranquility over the hustle of a town, and thoroughly enjoyed the privacy. He despised the way people judged him for how 'he _chose_to live his life', preferring the companionship of men over women.

Opening the door to his cabin, a familiar voice sung out, "Welcome home sweetie!"

His lover, Ben Harris, lived with him. Ben wasn't so thrilled about living, as he often complained, 'in the middle of god-damn nowhere' but loved living with Jack. Ben is not a survivalist, but knows how to cook a mean meat-pie, and that's all Jack needed... well, not _all_he needed. Ben sported a well-toned body from years of work at becoming a trained cleric for the church. He broke some of the most coveted commandments after a lusty night with a certain hunter needing a place to stay. Ben was cast from the church, but this new life had its own pleasures the church could never afford.

Ben bounded to the door from the kitchen and kissed Jack on the lips. "Oh. You're quite warm buddy. Are you feeling okay?"

Jack groaned. He hated showing weakness. "Yah, just some bugger caught my side as I was clearing a trap. Didn't even hear him coming, but his paws were huge. Stealthiest bear I ever encountered."

"Oh honey, let me clean that up." Ben's medical training was another nice bonus for Jack.

"Nah, it's fine."

"You get attacked by a bear, and you're fine? Come on now." Ben took the dead rabbit from Jack's hand, set it on the floor, and helped him over to the bed, forcing him to sit down.

"Let me see..." Ben started undoing Jack's leather vest and shirt. "Hm. It really is just a scratch. Hardly any blood."

"Told you." Jack stated sternly. He hated being babied like this.

"Still, let me get my soap."

"Can't you just magic-it?" Jack knew absolutely nothing about magic, especially medical magic, but he loved teasing Ben.

"No I can't just magic it," Ben replied mockingly, "it's too minor. I just need to make sure it doesn't get infected." He got up for the kitchen where the soap was kept.

Jack sighed, which turned into a groan. "Uhh, I feel hot mate."

Ben returned with some soap and a damp cloth. "You should lie down sweetie. God, I hope you didn't catch anything."

Jack smiled, "Only if you lie down with me." He grabbed Ben, pulling him down to the bed where now they both lay. Ben let the cleaning items drop to the floor and picked up Jack's hand. He lied there, rubbing and caressing Jack's hand, knowing he needed to treat the wound soon though.

"Uhh! Fuck man! I'm so horny!"

Jack leaned up on the bed and stripped off all of his clothes in seconds. His pants unleashing his growing cock.

Before Ben could roll over and even see what was going on, Jack was pulling Ben's clothes off causing it to tear in places.

"What's got into you?! Don't tear my clothes!"

Jack didn't respond, he got Ben's clothes off and went straight down on his still soft cock. Moaning as he rolled Ben's foreskin back and lapped at the glans.

"Good God!" Ben grunted in pleasure.

"I need you. Now!" Jack commanded. His voice lower than usual Ben noticed. Jack flipped Ben onto his stomach and pulled him up to his knees, so he was on all-fours.

"God you're rough today!" Ben said half concerned, half turned-on.

More grunting and painful moaning came from behind Ben, and Jack wasn't advancing himself yet. "Sweetie... are you okay?"

"Grrahh!" was all Ben heard from behind. He started to turn to look, but Jack's hand came crashing down on the back of his head, burying him into the bed sheets.

"Ow! Mmmf!" Ben was starting to get frustrated and felt Jack thrusting wildly around his back, rubbing his hot cock on Ben's balls and thighs. Almost like a wild animal desperate to rut.

Ben finally managed to rotate his head to the right and saw Jack's right arm supporting Jack's body.

Jack found his mark and let out a guttural growl as he shoved himself as far forward as he could, his balls slapping to a stop against Ben's.

Ben yelped in surprise, "Easy there! Goodness you're an animal today!"

There was no response, just more grunts and growls as Jack slammed his thick rod back and forth.

Ben's eyes got huge as he started to realize what was going on, and to confirm his thoughts he saw thick claws forming from Jack's hand-no, paw, it was a paw now, and red fur was climbing up Jack's arm.

Jack closed his eyes and kept pounding away. The pleasure barely enough to block out the intense pain of his face deforming. He was not a smart man, but knew something was wrong, and he couldn't stop it. His face burned as a muzzle pushed out, pointed ears formed, and his teeth grew sharp.

Ben wanted to scream, but was stunned. He muttered, "fuck... He got hit by a werewolf?" There were rumors spread among the clergy that beasts like this existed, but they were ancient tomes and all lies he figured, until now.

Jack grunted and huffed like the beast he was becoming. His rod growing redder, thicker, and meatier. His balls thickening with every thrust.

Ben finally managed to try crawling away, but felt sharp powerful teeth and drool on his shoulder. Jack let out a menacing growl. He also felt warmth seeping into his body. The tons of precum filling his loins.

Jack actually stopped his rape for a second to double over in pain as his tail pushed out from his spine.

Ben started to feel his change happening too. The pre was poison enough. He coughed and gasped as big thick teeth suddenly filled his mouth. "No!.." Ben thought. He tried to recall a counter-spell, but to no avail as Jack got his second wind and slammed into Ben again. His newly formed knot begging to get inside.

Ben closed his eyes and thrust his head up as it snapped bones and stretched muscle to become a wolf's head.

Jack moaned as his lover took on a new beautiful form. He let go of Ben's head and reached for Ben's cock. Its foreskin turning into a sheath and the glans becoming a proper wolf dick. He pushed the sheath back to reveal the slick musky red cock. He gently caressed the growing sack, filling with werewolf seed.

Ben gasping for breaths started thrusting into Jack's paw. "God this feels so good" he thought.

Jack resumed pumping Ben, his giant cock, now 12 inches easily, ramming to get it all inside Ben.

Ben pushed back into Jack's thrusts, then forward into Jack's paw. It was a symphony of sexual pleasure. He gritted as he felt Jack's huge knot slowly sink into him. With an audible suck, Jack tied and blew his massive load into Ben. Jack's new tail pumping and swishing back and forth as he feebly tried to thrust more into Ben. His thick balls bouncing against Ben's.

Jack grabbed Ben's knot and Ben lost it at that. He dumped his thick white cum right onto the bed. His veiny red dick spraying cum all over.

Gobs and gobs of the smut dripped onto the bed as the werewolves slowed their humping.

They both sit their, panting and drooling. Their consciousness crawling back. They collapsed onto the bed causing it to creak. It was not built for the massive weight of two werewolves. They moaned in pleasure as their cocks continued dripping away.

Ben came to his senses first. Attempting to speak through his new muzzle. "Sweetie? Are you okay?"

Jack just huffed. "Yah."

Ben lay there contemplating if he knew a way to reverse this, or if he could get a high-ranking clergy to help him. "God, I never wanted to go back there." Ben muttered aloud.

Jack petted Ben's head. "Shhh, it'll be okay." He knew what Ben was thinking.

Ben sensed someone staring and looked to the open doorway.

"Sweetie... We have guests."

Jack leaned up, his thick knot still stuck inside Ben and squirting dreamily. He saw two werewolves staring at them. One taller and black with strong yellow eyes, the other slightly smaller with grey-tan coloring.

Jack sighed. "I hate having guests."