Robinhood's Honeymoon part3

Story by tygerboy on SoFurry

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#3 of Robinhood's Honeymoon Series

Golden rays of sunlight crept through the windows of the honeymooner's home. As the light made its way to the bed Marion cracked an eye and looked at the room. Her wedding dress lay tossed over a chair and on top of it was Robin's green frock and belt. The brick tub had a window over it and the light showed the clear still water with bits of fur floating on the top. She rolled over and looked at Robin; he was still asleep resting with a hint of a smirk on his face. He had smudges of lipstick on his fur, on his face and chest.

Marion moved closer and inhaled deeply, she loved his scent. It was masculine and musky but not in a dirty way. As she looked at him sleeping she recalled the events of the previous day, the almost reckless love on the side of the road the hours spent once they got home.

She smiled again with a mischievous smirk as she recalled exactly how his face looked when he came into her. Her hand wandered to her crotch and she began to idly play with herself. She kept playing the expressions over and over in her head, the happy grimaces of Robin's pleasure. She began to play with her breast as she began to fondle herself more intently. She let out the softest moan as she rubbed her clit.

Robin rolled over in his sleep and muttered something. Marion thought, why am I using my fingers when I have him right here? She rolled over with him and hugged him from behind putting her muzzle on his shoulder and inhaling her favorite scent deeply. This began to wake Robin from his tired sleep. He rolled over to face her and brought his arms around to hug her.

She allowed him to hug her while they were both on their sides for only a moment before she rolled on top of him. She began to kiss him deeply placing a hand behind his head and pushing it toward hers. They kissed passionately for a few minutes before Robin spoke, "best good morning I've ever had." They locked eyes gazing at each other. Robin's eyes wandered to Marion's breasts with her perky nipples apparent.

This gave him the only warning he had before Marion reached back with one hand and grabbed his cock and began maneuvering herself on top of it. Robin jolted with surprise for a moment but leaned back to enjoy what was coming. She didn't say anything at all except one word with a mischievous grin, "morning wood."

During the previous day's exploits it had been obvious that Marion was not broken in so insertion was a bit difficult. But, now because of her arousal and the previous day they fit together like hand and glove.

Once Marion had slid all the way down Robin's cock she straddled him and sat there for a few minutes breathing steadily. She began to slowly move up and then almost drop herself down on his shaft, this made them both wince in pleasure with each slide. Marion began to quicken her pace and with one slide she broke her silence and let out a sharp moan of pleasure.

This caused her to lean forward and catch herself on the headboard. She looked down her face directly over Robin's grinning face. She began to use the headboard for leverage as she continued to bounce. She let out another sharp squeak when Robin reached up and began to fondle one of her breasts.

She closed her eyes and began to use all of her muscles to move up and down, her breathing was now fast and filled with gasps and moans. She kept this up only for only a few moments before Robin felt her silky walls clench around his cock just before she stopped and shuddered all over.

She panted for a few minutes lying down on top of Robin again letting his cock flop out of her and rest in-between her cheeks. Robin began to touch her and feel her all over working from the top of her head down to her back. Once his hands reached her firm butt she looked up at him. And they both grinned. Robin whispered into her ear, "one for you, don't you owe me now?"

Marion giggled and hid her face in his chest. She said not looking at him, "you can do whatever you want." Robin didn't need anything fancy he simply rolled her over on her back and slid into her. His arms were still beneath her grasping her back, she loved the feeling of almost being engulfed by him and stuffed at the same time.

He began to thrust as deep as he could manage with each thrust he put almost his whole weight onto her. Each thrust ended with a moan of shock from her and as he continued to thrust her eyes got wider and wider and her mouth opened in a silent scream as he pounded her deeper than ever before. This only lasted for a few minutes but they both enjoyed every second of it Robin grabbed her close and gritted his bared teeth letting out a groan of effort as Marion felt him fill her with cum. Robin rolled over his cock still pointing toward the ceiling and oozing cum. Marion rolled over and nestled herself at his side, before they got out of bed, they were tired again.

They lay there for almost an hour before they both stirred and began to get up and busy themselves with daily tasks. When Marion began to dress herself Robin put his hand on hers to stop her.

"I've thought about you for a long time and you naked for longer. Can we do without these?" he asked with a wry smile.

Marion set down her clothes and stood there with a finger to her mouth feigning being lost in thought. "I suppose" she replied, "but remember you asked for it"

Robin was concerned and excited at the same time as he watched her, or more accurately watched her tail and ass as she walked out the front door toward their carriage. As turned the corner he snapped back to reality. He still couldn't believe he had her to himself.

Marion busied herself moving in to their new abode moving things from the carriage to the house. Robin recalled their adventures in the brick tub and thought about doing that again this evening. He realized that the fire under the tub had been out for hours and there was no wood to be seen. Well, he thought, this was today's' task then.

He went outside and stretched in the morning sun. It was a sunny warm day, the kind of warmth that only makes you sweat if you move about. The refreshing smell of spring was in the air and cleared Robin's nose. He too was in his birthday suit; you can't very well make rules and not follow them. As he turned toward the woods axe in hand he caught Marion steeling a glance at him and looking away.

Robin began to gather and chop wood from a few logs leftover after the houses' construction. The sun was hot and the warm spring air sent smells of blooming flowers through the air. Soon he began to sweat and he began to think more about what he wanted. He wasn't doing this to keep warm or to cook; he was doing this so he could fuck. His mind wandered to the sensation of having Marion's wet fur held tight against his sitting in the warm waters. This kind of sex limited mobility but, the warm sensation was worth it. Plus she looked even sexier with wet fur.

At this point he had worked up quite a sweat and was wiping sweat from his brow when he caught a fascinating smell. It was musky but complex; it reminded him of Marion but in an abstract way. He inhaled deeply examining the interesting smell it had something vaguely erotic about it but he couldn't place it. As he contemplated this he saw Marion coming toward him with a cup in her hands. That was it! She was in heat it made so much sense now. As she got closer he began to stare at her body her shapely breasts and lovely legs. He felt like a pervert looking at her that way even though they were married.

She smiled at him looking him over obviously liking the look of the sweat soaked Robin. She handed him the cup of water and looked about, "hmm, it is hot out here." As Robin tipped his head back to drink he felt hands on either side of his crotch. He looked down to see Marion kneeling in front of him with a large grin on her face. She flicked the tip of his now erect cock with her tongue before she took his length into her muzzle. Robin tensed up with this sensation as she bobbed her head on his cock. She moved her tongue around his cock hitting all of the perfect spots. Instantly Robin began to breathe heavily and within seconds he began to grunt softly. "I'm..." he managed to say through gritted teeth as he tensed up. Marion immediately stopped and held the tip of his cock in her fingertips. She looked up at him and shook her head in mock disapproval.

Robin's cock began to soften slightly and his heavy breathing subsided. She began to work him again bobbing her head quickly on his cock. She began to massage his balls as she sucked and worked his cock deep in her muzzle. Again Robin began to tense up and Marion stopped looking up at him with an innocent smile. Robin looked down at her with a pleading face.

She snapped her smile into a smirk and began to work him even faster than before. With one hand griping the base of his cock and the other massaging his balls she worked him up very quickly. As Robin began to shudder and make soft grunts he grabbed her head and held it as he made one thrust into her muzzle. He let out a loud breath as he shot rope after rope down her throat. Marion with her eyes wide with surprise swallowed every drop of cum. She was surprised at his force but on the other hand she had been more than a bit of a tease.

As Robin finished shooting into Marion's mouth he went week in the knees and fell back against the pile of wood. He was sweating profusely and breathing very hard with a silly smile on his face. He saw stars across his vision and he felt very tired.

"Hey!" came a shout from down the road. Little John was seen walking toward their home at the end of the road waving at them. As he approached Marion went out to meet him leaving Robin to sit.

"Hey um.....hey." Little john said as he couldn't help but look Marion up and down taking in all of her features before he shook his head and turned his gaze away. "Uhh, sorry I thought....few days ok to come by."

"Its no trouble." She said plainly.

Little john had been wearing short pants for the weather and it was overly obvious that he had a large boner. Marion couldn't help but stare, it was surely larger than Robin's for sure. Little John turned back to her and saw her staring; he shifted in an attempt to hide it. The attempt didn't work.

Marion reached down and grasped his cock through his pants. Little John jumped with surprise and Marion recoiled. Little John shot a glance over at Robin who lazily waved his hand in dismissal saying in a raised voice, "s'okay I...s'okay."

Marion led Little John back into the house and reached her delicate hands down his pants to feel his length. Little John looked embarrassed and unsure but he just stood while Marion felt him over. She withdrew her hands and looked at him. Little John was unsure of boundaries; he didn't know what to do. Marion looked at Little John waiting for a queue.

Finally Marion reached out and tugged Little Johns pants down. She had felt his size with her pants but looking at it now gave her pause. Not only was he longer than robin by about two inches but he was much thicker. She began to work him with her hands which looked tiny on his erect cock. Little John's face went from a deer in the headlights look to a guilty grin. She stood up and walked him to the bed and motioned for him to lay down.

As soon as he was on his back Marion leapt up on top of the bed and positioned herself over his cock. She pressed his cock against her loins and got the tip in. Little John was in heaven he had closed his eyes and relaxed completely. Marion felt his girth stretching her walls as she tried to relax her muscles to accommodate him.

Slowly she managed to slide down his pole and once she was sitting on top of him she sat and rested for a moment. Little John had other ideas, he reached out and grasped her butt in his hands and began to slide her up and down on his pole. Marion's eyes went wide with surprise and sensation as this enormous cock worked in her again and again. Each time she came down she let out a shrill squeak as his cock pushed deep into her depths. She was being suspended in the air only by his hands on her rump and his pole. As she came down again she felt a shot of sensation and as she shuddered all over and tensed up letting out only one word, "OH!" as she came.

Little John stopped and looked at her as she caught her breath still impaled on his shaft. Marion lifted one leg and got off of his cock. It flopped there still hard glistening with fluid. Marion stepped off the bed and beckoned him foreword. He moved closer to the edge of the bed and Marion took his whole length in her muzzle without warning. Little John winced as her teeth rubbed against his cock it was too big. Marion used both hands to work his cock up and down with her mouth and tongue wrapped around the tip. Little John began to gasp and clench his teeth as he got close. Marion didn't change pace as she watched his arms and legs squirm and he went rigid as Marion felt the buildup in his cock flood into her mouth.

This wasn't like Robin when he sent a few hot jets into her mouth this was gush after gush of hot sticky salty cum that quickly became too much for her to swallow as it poured from her mouth. Little John continued to squirm as his orgasm continued and more and more gushed out until Marion's whole face and chest were soaked in a combination of cum and sweat.

A few minutes passed before They had regained their composure. Little John began to speak, "I...I'm sorry....I should have."

Marion just smiled widely and shrugged as she got up and went outside. Little John followed puling up his pants. Robin was still sitting by the wood pile in the same place he was in before. Marion looked at Little John and winked.

"I'll just....I'll see you in town." Little John said sheepishly as he turned away. Marion smiled and waved as he went down the road. Marion went over to robin still covered in bear spunk and hugged him tightly getting him sticky too. "We should go into town tomorrow." She said to robin. He nodded distantly. They sat by the woodpile until the sun began to go down. They held hands as they watched the sun slip below the horizon.