CYOA: Rustwater Chronicles Pt4

Story by Ennek on SoFurry

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Choose two options from the following lists

A) Take the potion and drink it

B) Politely decline the potion


A) Ask about buying or mixing new potions

B) Ask about any business opportunities she might have

C) Ask about seeing her fine behind again

D) Just window shopping

(The voting period will be open until Sat the 17th, 11:59 pm PST)


B) "Mistress Amarith's Alchemy Lab" huh? Sounds interesting and maybe even profitable


Enek put aside thoughts of the basic supply shop, the canine tanners and their weapons, the mewlings of some girl on the street, and even the rumbling of his own stomach. This Mistress Amarith sounded like someone of renoun and possibly importance in this town. If she really was skilled enough to transmorph an entire persons race all with a potion, then surely she was capable of incredible feats. She seemed like just the person to try and get to know better, after all with success comes fortune right?

Tracing his steps back to the advertiser, who was very pleased to see him again as the jovial laughter filled the marketplace. "Ah ha ha, come back for more eh? I knew from the look in your eyes that you wouldn't be able to stay away." The large, supposedly once hippo man happily smiled widely, those large square teeth on display again.

"What can I say, alchemists can turn lead to gold right? So why break my back for a handful of copper scrap when those old stories might actually hold true. So just point me in the right direction, I daresay she's caught my attention."

Enek was sent in the right direction after expressing his interesting in meeting this Mistress for himself. The hippo-like man smiled widely once more as he waved Enek off. Down a few blocks, several twisting turns, through a few lit stone tunnels, and stopping for directions several times later Enek found the shop. The building itself was unrevealing of what might lay inside, a simple chimney stood on the room, spewing a bit a smoke into an air shaft that likely lead to the surface. "Well that explains the positioning of the place at least.." Enek mumbled to himself as he approached the front door to the building.

Taking a deep breath, Enek turned the knob to the door and pulled it open. Stepping inside of the building, it was dimly lit for the most part. The seemingly only source of light was a surprisingly well kept glass lantern sitting on a counter top towards the back of the room. Most of the room being illuminated were strange musty tomes, or dust covered vials filled with who knew what. "Er, hello?" Enek called out to no one in particular.

"Back here! I need a hand!" A muted female voice called back to him from behind a curtain covered door behind the counter top.

Shrugging his shoulders, Enek crossed the threshold to offer his assistance. The door led to a short hallway, with a set of stairs leading up while another went down, and the sounds of activity seemed to be coming from the lower level. Carefully descending the stairs, another closed glass lantern hung off the wall to brighten the stairwell. The basement floor was spread out wide and seemed to be where the real action of the building occurred. Several burners were active with vials cooking carefully above them, and one wall even held a magnificent fire place made from brick. His eyes were drawn away from the equipment around the room to instead the middle, where its only occupant was. A large cauldron sat on the floor and within it a pair of tiger striped furred legs, long tail, and shapely butt stuck out.

"What in the hell?" Enek walked over towards it slowly with a raised eyebrow. "Are you... stuck?"

The voice echoed from inside of it. "No, well.. yes technically. Another hour and I would have freed myself, but it would have been a terrible waste of a potion. So willingly stuck for the moment. Would you be so kind as to pull me out?" Her feet kicked in the air while the tail twitched back and forth until she felt his hands wrap around her legs. "I was testing a new cleansing solution when the most unusual thing happened. The sweetest smell you can imagine filled the air and I found myself attracted to just stick my head right on it. So not only did I get myself stuck, but the cleaning portion of the mixture was a completely failure too!"

Yanking her up and out from the cauldron, she popped free with a satisfying sigh as she took in a breath of fresh air. The entire upper half of the tiger-morph's brilliant stripes and apron were covered a soot black as she coughed a few times. It was no small wonder that she got herself stuck either once Enek noticed the size of her breasts. Enek liked to believe he was a gentleman first, but these just practically urged him to be stared at. She had flowing black hair that reached almost all the way to her feet, whether it was naturally that color or a product of the cauldron he couldn't guess however.

Trying to pat the stuff clean to no success, the tigress settled for the next best option and stripped off the stained clothes covering her upper half and grabbed a wash rag hanging off the side of a nearby bucket of questionable water. Hopping up on one of the tables that were cleared enough, the feline cleaned herself, the tigress' breasts openly on display for Enek but seemingly not caring. "Ahhh, much better." She met Enek's gaze and smiled. "I was about to say, you know how irritating such thick dirt can be when it gets beneath the fur... but I suppose you don't." She stretched her arms above her head and tossed the rag back into the bucket, causing a splash of dirty water. "Although I had a feeling you were human when you had your hands all.. over.. me.." She grinned playfully, her tone dripped with a seductive as she plucking a small vial from her belt that had a purple fluid in it. "Now here, be a good sport and drink this for me." She held the thing in her outstretched hand.