Estrana and the Noxwolf

Story by KormetranOmni on SoFurry

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The dense jungle air was humid and stifling, the heat haze made the trees ripple as though they were beneath an ocean.

a single Noxwolf hunter nameless and alone was bounding from tree to tree, testing his reflexes, speed and stamina while trying to break his own limits. No one knew why he trained so, he just seemed as though he had to improve himself no matter what.....

after several hours of this bounding and training fatigue and sweat caused him to slow and eventually stop, sweat trickling down his snow white fur. Noxwolves are blind they hunt by sound smell and vibration, it is how they see and survive, so when the Noxwolf heard the roar of a nearby waterfall he headed for a cooling bath that he so desperately needed.

Estrana cleaned the blood from her blade having hunted and killed a raging bursian, Estrana is a Kormetran, a red-furred lion-like race, she has long black hair that reaches her thighs and beautiful electric blue eyes that hide a powerful huntress.

she climbed the rocks at the side of the pool at the base of the water fall and sat for a moment letting the thin spray rest upon her face and body, she then slowly removed the pale mauve sarong she wore, slowly untying the sash around her waist and gently unwinding the silk from her perfect heaving breast, she slipped the lower part of the sarong from her hips slowly down her thighs, the gentle spray of the falls caressing her aching form. she slid slowly into the colling waters of the pool and floated for a moment staring at the canopy and slipped into a dream.

The Noxwolf stood atop the falls, breathing heavily he came to rest in a thick tree where he proceeded to remove his ragged vest, his muscular torso quivering with sheer exhaustion he hung his vest on a nearby branch and climbed down the falls on the vines hidden beneath the mighty torrent.

As Estrana floated in the pool, she woke to a creaking of vines and a quiet splash, the Noxwolf had entered the pool and tried to avoid unnecessary contact by hiding behind some rocks. Estrana couldn't help but feel curious about the 'anatomy' of a Noxwolf so she quietly swam up to the rocks. The Noxwolf had now climbed atop the rocks and was watching Estrana intently, The vibration of the spray of the falls upon her slender form allowed him to see her beautiful shape and body. He did not understand how this, a female not of his own kind, could arouse him so, but arouse hime she did. His sheathed penis began to throb with anticipation and slowly extended as he became erect he became somewhat uncomfortable considering he was face down on a rock. he fidgeted and eventually fell into the pool, yelping as he went, Estrana couldn't help but laugh and at the same time glance at the Noxwolf 'endowments' as she approached him, he backed away slightly expecting a hostile encounter, he did not however expect her to help him up and embrace him, as he stood there in the arms of this beautiful lioness he felt his arms move against his own volition.

he embraced her just as fiercely, the two began to kiss, it began slowly enough, the two simply kissed passionately, after a few minutes Estrana took a gamble and a feel of the Noxwolves penis, she felt it throb beneath her fingers, and began to caress it slowly.

she knelt down in the shallows in front of the Noxwolf, now rubbing him faster and more vigorously, the Noxwolf showed no objection and in fact began to relax as he realised this was far from a hostile encounter.

Estrana had a somewhat dirty thought and quickly wrapped her tongue around his throbbing penis and pulled it into her mouth, he showed no signs of disapproval, quite the opposite he sat in front of her and spread his thighs to allow a few more angles.

she began to take his penis further into her mouth, the huge shaft more of a challenge than she thought, she quietly coughed and continued.

The Noxwolf placed his hand on the back of her head as if signalling her to stop, she looked up at him and sat up. He then slowly slid his hand up her thigh, she gently parted her thighs to give easier 'access' to this snow white adonis, he found exactly what he was looking for, and proceeded to insert two of his fingers into her quivering vagina, moist and inviting he couldn't help but move his face between her legs and bury his snout as far as he could, this caused Estrana very much pleasure indeed, she squealed with delight and gasped as his pushed his tongue yet further inside her.

she gave hime the same signal he gave her, he leant back but she stayed put, he knew exactly what she wanted, he teased her at first, he rubbed her moist lips with his rock hard penis gently peaking her arousal and making her want it even more.

when he'd pushed it as far as he could he quickly thrusted his penis into her, making her gasp and moan, he carried on getting faster and faster, as his knot swelled it got harder to thrust in and out so she pushed him onto his back and rocked back and forth he could not help but whimper as he ejaculated, Estrana let out a long sigh of pleasure as she came as he did, they were tied for a few minutes. The cool waters helped him relieve his pulsing knot and the two were able to move again.

The Noxwolf gently kissed Estranas Cheek and climbed the vines behind the falls once again, this was a chance encounter the two would not soon forget.

as she watched him dissappear behind the cascading wall of water, she floated onto her back and drifted for a while before falling back into her dream world. She remembered everything that had just happened as though it were still happening. she slept and the Noxwolf, he went back to his forest training. the two never saw each other again. all they had was the memory of that most fleeting moment of passion.

well thats it for my first submission to yiffstar hope you liked it because story writing is all I'm good at, art isn't my strong point so if any artists are willing to try drawing some of the chracters in my story and future stories contact me and I'll sen you a description.

I may make a request to some from time to time so see ya around people
