Natsuru and Haru's First Valentine's Day

Story by Natsuru on SoFurry

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Happy post Valentine's Day everyone. The idea of this story came to me on Valentine's Day, upon which I attempted write this in one day, but ended up writing it in four days. This is my own take on a cute Valentine's Day story, but in my own weird way. I also wrote this to show that Natsuru isn't just some badass dragon, but is also a weird dork and I think I did a good job with showing that off in here. There was also a lot more plans of their being added humor, but I decided to just tone the humor down some. Also included is the first mentioning of Natsuru and Haru's last names. With that all said and done, enjoy!

Natsuru Drake, Haru Griff, and story idea ©

Featuring Drake Lynx, who is ©

It was a very peaceful afternoon on the island known as Michi, and there was nothing better than to spend the afternoon in a restaurant with friends. At the fast food restaurant called Burger Joe's, sat Natsuru Drake the dragon, Haru Griff the gryphon, and Drake Lynx. The three friends just sat at one of the tables as they waited for their food to arrive; chatting about what they've been up to help pass the time. As they chatted, Natsuru took the time to look around the restaurant and noticed all of the pink, purple, and red decorated shapes. It all seemed so strange to the dragon; he really didn't understand it all. "Hey Drake; do you understand what's up with all these decorations", the dragon asked. "Huh, oh, why mate, these decorations are for Valentine's Day tomorrow", Drake answered back. "Valentine's Day", Natsuru and Haru said simultaneously.

Just as Haru was going to ask what was Valentine's Day all about, the restaurant owner, Joe the pig, had arrived at their table with their burgers. Looking at their meals, Natsuru and Haru noticed that the burgers were in the same shape as the decorations. "Hey, um, Joe; what's up with this shape", Haru asked; "it looks just like those decorations, so what kind of shape is this, anyway?" Joe was at first confused before he quickly burst out into laughter, "is this your first time seeing shapes or something; it's in the shape of a heart. These are my special Valentine's Day burgers." As he had listened to every word that was spouted from the pig's mouth, Natsuru continued to stare at his burger; poking at it a few times to get some kind of reaction from it. "Hehehe", he chuckled; "no offense Joe, but this burger isn't accurately shaped; it looks nothing like a heart and it isn't pulsating. Where are the veins and the arteries; maybe even some ketchup to look like blo..." Before he could complete say that word, Joe had placed his hands over the dragon's mouth; stopping him from speaking some more. "Hey, could you not talk like that while in my restaurant. I don't want to lose any guest, or have them vomiting up their lunch on my always clean floor."

With that all said and done, Joe had left to go back to the grill to cook some more burgers. Turning his attention back to his friends, Natsuru could see that both Haru and Drake were giving him a weird look and had sweat drops on the side of their head, "what?" Drake gave a chuckle as he said that Natsuru had very strange way of thinking about things. Even after what the dragon said, that wasn't going to be enough to keep the lynx from eating his burger; Natsuru and Haru proceeded to follow. "Anyway Drake; just what is so special about Valentine's Day", the gryphon asked. "Well, ignoring the historical part; otherwise it would be a story", Drake started; "but anyway, Valentine's Day is a special day where a person spends the day with someone most special to them." The gryphon nodded his head as he listened and asked if anything happens. Drake replied with saying that nothing in particular happens; unless someone plans something out in his or her spare time, and that it was nothing more than a romantic day to spend with your special one. "You could also exchange gifts with your special one too; Valentine's Day doesn't entirely mean you spend the entire day doing something special", the feline added.

Haru's eyes and beak seemed to have gotten wider and his eyes seemed to sparkle as he started imagining spending Valentine's Day with Natsuru. In the avian's thoughts, he imagined the both of them just exchanging gifts with one another, as sat out in the sunset. "Haru, I'm really enjoying this moment between us right now." Even though it was hard to tell, but Haru was blushing after Natsuru had said that, "me too, and even though this is our first Valentine's Day, I will say this by far the best time we've ever gotten to spend the day together." Natsuru had suddenly taken ahold of the gryphon's hands; making Haru let out a gasp. "Hey, Haru, how about we go even further; let's be more than just friends and take our relationship to the next level." Haru was speechless before the dragon suddenly locked their mouths together; kissing each other as the sun was setting and their eyes slowly closing shut.

Haru seemed to be lost in his thoughts, until Natsuru snapped his fingers in front of the gryphon's face; effectively snapping him out of his thoughts. "Hey Haru, are you alright; you looked dead for a moment there", Natsuru spoke out in concern. Drake had sported another sweat drop, as he wondered just did Haru look dead to the dragon. "Oh, yeah, I'm alright; just got lost in my thoughts, hehe", Haru replied; immediately going back to eating his burger with a big smile on his beak.

With time passing by the minute, the three had eventually finished eating their burgers, and were now heading for home. Natsuru and Haru said their good byes to Drake, as they were walking off in different directions to their respective homes. It was a long and quiet walk for both Natsuru and Haru; the silence was soon broken by the gryphon. "So, Natsuru; what do you think about Valentine's Day", he started off; "you think we should go out and do something tomorrow?" The dragon went into a deep, but brief thought about Valentine's Day and honestly he really didn't think much about it. Sure, he may have just now learned about today, but he couldn't really see anything special about it. Spending the day with someone the most special to you; that sounds like a normal everyday thing to do when there's nothing really to do, or if both people weren't busy. "Honestly Haru, I don't think we should really do anything at all tomorrow", he answered back; "Valentine's Day doesn't really sound all that special; it would just be us hanging out, and we do that every day whenever there aren't any demon attacks. Just like today, we were just hanging out at Joe's; eating inaccurately shaped heart burgers."

"Natsuru", the gryphon whispered; the tone of his voice sounding sad. He lowered his head as he continued walking alongside the dragon, and was contemplating about the next day. He really wanted do something special with Natsuru on Valentine's Day; something so special that would possibly change their relationship. With Natsuru disinterest in Valentine's Day; even after they both had learned about it today, seemed to have shattered all hopes for Haru. The gryphon let sigh of disappointment, which Natsuru did noticed; "I'm sorry to disappoint you, Haru. I just don't Valentine's Day as interesting; it really doesn't sound special at all." "No, it's ok", Haru replied back; still really saddened to hear that his best friend wasn't interested in Valentine's Day as much as he was right now. However, upon recalling that last bit of information from Drake; Haru seemed to have lighten up somewhat. "Even though he doesn't seem to care about tomorrow much, that doesn't mean that I can't do something nice for him" he thought as looked at his friend; "I'll surprise him; I don't even care if he doesn't do anything for me in return, I just hope he doesn't mind at all and likes what I'll do."

The next day...

"Brrraaa-rrrriiinnnggg!" The loud and familiar sound of the alarm clock echoed throughout the room, before a clawed hand had put an end to the noise. Natsuru had woken up and let a loud yawn, "Good morning Haru." The dragon waited to hear his friend respond back, but was surprised to hear nothing at all. Turning his head to the left, the dragon noticed the side of the bed where Haru always slept was empty. "Haru's not in bed; maybe he's around the house somewhere." Natsuru began to look around the house for Haru, which wasn't long since he lived in a one story house. He checked the bathroom, the living room, the kitchen, and the backyard; there was still no sign of the gryphon anywhere. "Hmm, just where could Haru be? I hope he's alright."

After washing his face, brushing his teeth, and finding some clothes to wear, Natsuru did nothing else but lay on the couch; listening to the radio. Natsuru wasn't all too thrilled with listening to the current radio station that was on, mainly because the radio host was going on about Valentine's Day. "I hope you all are having the best Valentine's with that special someone of yours", the radio host said excitedly; "better hope you're out having some fun, and not home by yourself like a loser, hehe." The last remark from the radio host made Natsuru grit his teeth; was that man calling him a loser. "And you best be spending the whole day with your special one, otherwise your special could ditch you to spend the day with someone; cheating on you behind your back, hehe." That very last remark from the radio host, really struck a feeling in the dragon. Turning off the radio, Natsuru was thinking about how much Haru wanted to do something special today with him, and how he pretty much turned his friend down.

Natsuru couldn't shake off this weird feeling inside of himself; was it guilt? Did he feel guilty about not doing anything special today with Haru? And because of that, Natsuru couldn't help but assume that maybe his friend was out spending the day with someone else; someone who in turn could end being his official special one. The dragon shook away that thought from his mind, "no, there's no way Haru would ever do that to me, but then again, I did really upset him by showing that I have no care about today." With a now serious look on his face, Natsuru decided that he would make it up to Haru; the thought about buying a gift and food for his friend sounded good to him. Going back into the bedroom, the dragon went to go get his wallet, but was shocked to see that it was gone; he couldn't find it anywhere. "Oh no, my wallet's missing. Is it possible that I lost it or dropped out of my pocket?"


Haru was out walking through the city of Michi; hoping to find some good places where he could find something nice to give to Natsuru. "I sure hope Natsuru doesn't mind that I took his wallet", he said as stared at the dragon's wallet, as well as his own; "this is all so I can surprise him in a very good way, but where exactly should I start?" Stopping for a moment, the gryphon looked around for any place that may sell anything worth buying, but all he could see were couples happily walking about, and nearly the whole city filled with decorations. "Hmm, I just may need some help with this, but I'm pretty much on my own today." As the avian proceeded to walk again, he quickly stopped himself as his ears had caught a familiar voice, "Hey there, Haru!" Turning himself around, Haru saw Drake waving a hand as the feline walked over to him. "I would say that I didn't expect to see you out, but that would be a lie, hehe. So, where's the dragonboy?"

"Hey Drake", Haru greeted; "Natsuru's still at home doing who knows what, so I'm out on my own." Drake was surprised to hear that and as Haru started to walk off, Drake followed after him, "I must say that was expecting to see Natsuru with you, especially since today is Valentine's Day. Is he sick?" Haru shook his head and replied that Natsuru is doing well, and that the reason his best friend wasn't out with him was because he had no interest in celebrating the holiday. The feline could easily tell that Haru was quite down about it, "I'm sorry to hear that, mate", he said softly; Haru reassured the lynx that it was ok. "Besides, I'm not going to let that bother me, so I'm just out to find some places where I can buy something nice for him." Drake smiled upon hearing that and commented at how Haru was quite the charmer; the gryphon blushing somewhat as thanked Drake for the compliment. "So, Drake, what are you doing out today too?" Drake answered the gryphon's question with saying that he was pretty much doing what Haru was doing; he even offered to help the gryphon out, upon which Haru accepted.

Back with Natsuru, the dragon seemed to be down by the fact that couldn't find his wallet. "Oh, what am I going to do now", he thought; "without any money, I won't be to buy something nice for Haru to make up for not spending Valentine's Day with him." With his head lowered and his eyes staring at the floor, it would seem that Natsuru was going to give up just then and there. However, a sparkle had shone in of his eyes; his expression had change to that of determination. "No, there's no way I'll give up right here. If I can't make it up to Haru with a gift, then I'll do my best to make this our best Valentine's Day ever." Thinking of where to begin, the dragon pondered what he could do that could be seen romantic, and the one word that came to mind was food. With snarky expression, Natsuru ran into the kitchen where he donned an apron and held a cooking book. Slamming the book onto the counter, the dragon just flipped through pages until he found the type of food he would cook, "It might not be as romantic, but I think this will do just fine. It's a good thing that I'm a good cook." Taking some ingredients from the fridge, Natsuru started to prepare a dish that was good enough for today.

Back with Haru and Drake, the two of them were inside of a card shop. Drake had told Haru that some people like to either buy or make their Valentine's Day cards for the person they like; writing down how the person really felt about the other. After being told about the cards, Haru was thinking about reconsidering buying a card. "These cards do seem like a nice idea, but I don't think I will be able to find one that can show how I feel about Natsuru." The gryphon felt a sudden pat on the back, and was pulled over to the lynx; Drake's arm hanging around his shoulders. "Sounds like you're just not willing to give it a shot, hehe", Drake said; "just have to have read through some of them, until you find the one that sounds most like you." After nodding his head, Haru went about reading through a few of the cards, until he eventually found one that he said sounded like him. The car in particular that he had picked out was a traditional Valentine's heart with an arrow through it, and for some creepy reason blood on the arrowhead.

"I think I may have just found the right card that represents me", Haru said happily; closing his eyes as he smiled. "Good job there, mate", Drake responded as he gave a friendly fist bump to the gryphon's shoulders. Haru then asked the lynx if he had managed to find a card too, and Drake replied that he had already found his card while Haru was thinking about not picking out a card earlier. "Wow, you work fast", Haru said in amazement.

Back with Natsuru, the dragon had turned on the oven and put in the food he was planning to prepare for himself and Haru. "Ok, that will just be in there for a few hours", he said proudly; "now then, I think I should make some kind of drink next." Looking back into the book on the counter, Natsuru had turned the page to the beverages section; hoping to look for a drink that would seem delicious to make. Coming to a page on how to make lemon-limenade, the dragon licked his lips at the thought about how tasty that drink would be to try. Checking the fridge to see if he had the fruits necessary to make the drink, a big smile was present on Natsuru's face as he was glad to see that they still had some; taking them out and placing them on the counter. "Alright, this should be easy and quick to make", he said as sliced one of the fruits; getting squirted in the eye in the process, "GAAAHHH!"

It only took a few minutes for Natsuru to make the lemon-limenade; with the only thing he didn't add was the sugar. This made the dragon wonder if sugar was really necessary for the drink, so he decided to have a taste to see if he needed to add it. He took two sips and amazingly he didn't flinch or make a sour face; maybe he was unfazed with anything sour. "I really don't see anything wrong with the drink, but the book says to add sugar, so I better do so just to make sure." Adding in some sugar and stirring the drink for a few minutes, Natsuru took another taste of the lemon-limenade, "hmm, it's alright, but it honestly tasted better before I added in the sugar." Putting the large glass of lemon-limenade into the fridge to cool, the dragon started to ponder on what next to do.

Back with Haru and Drake, the two men were now at a bakery; filled to the brim with lots Valentine delighted sweets. From heart shaped cookies to heart and cupid shaped cakes; cup cakes with pink frosting and little heart sprinkles, and lots of chocolate. There was just so many sweets; enough to rot a person's teeth and make a dentist very happy. "Ok now, just need to find a good, cheap cake", Haru said as he looked at every cake. "Probably would've been better to just to bake a homemade cake, instead of buying one", Drake said as he too was looking around the place. Haru cringed at the thought of Natsuru baking a cake; remembering all of the awful times when the drake baked sweets, and Haru suffering food poisoning as of result of eating them. Despite Natsuru being a pretty good cook, he was absolutely terrible when it came to baking sweets.

As the gryphon continued his look for a cake that wasn't too expensive, he gave a big smile once his eyes had made contact on small to medium sized heart shaped cake, with Happy Valentine's Day written on it. Looking at the price for it, the cake only costs thirty-four dollars, which to Haru was a pretty good price. "Excuse me, Mam; I would like to buy this cake." With the cake paid for, Haru and Drake had exited out of the baker, and just like the gryphon, Drake bought his own cake too. "Ok, there's still some time left; just need to go to one more place", Haru said; "care to continue to join me, Drake?" "Heh, well I've been out with you through this entire, so I might as well."

Meanwhile, while the dish that Natsuru prepared was still cooking in the oven, the dragon was using his free time to make something for Haru. Since he couldn't find his wallet to go out and buy something, Natsuru decided to make a Valentine's Day card; using his own computer for assistance. "Oh man, it sure was a good thing that we had some supplies, otherwise I wouldn't be able to make this card", he said; "And done; wasn't all that difficult." Picking up a pen, Natsuru was now about to write how he felt about Haru, but he found it difficult because he really didn't what to exactly write. He gulped and his right hand was shaking at the thought of Haru not liking him anymore upon read he feelings. "Oh man, I can't think of any way for me to write out my feelings, and now I'm nervous that I might make Haru distance himself from me." Shaking his head of those thoughts, the dragon slapped himself on both sides of his face; "Got to get myself together; I know Haru more than anybody, so I shouldn't be worrying about what may or may not happen. Just write down how I feel." As soon as he brought the tip of the pen near the card, Natsuru's ears twitched at the sound of a ding that came from the kitchen. "Oh, the dish is done; need to go take that out and then come back to write how feel."

Meanwhile, Haru and Drake had just exited out of a video and dvd rent store; with Haru renting two movies for himself and Natsuru to watch. "You sure you don't want to go back inside to rent something, Drake?" "Nah, the person that I'm going over to visit has a whole lot of movies that I can watch with him, hehe." As the two continued with their walk, the sun had set and it had become dark outside; it was a good thing the streets lights started to light up. "Wow, what a day; I pretty much spent nearly all of my money", Haru said. The gryphon had then pulled out Natsuru's wallet from his pocket and looked down at it; "and I didn't even have to use any of Natsuru's money." Drake quickly turned his head to the gryphon after hearing what he had said, "wait, so you stole your mate's wallet?" Haru quickly tried to defend himself by saying that he didn't steal it; just merely barrowed it without asking him first. The lynx responded back that he still stole his friend's wallet, and joked that he would never look at the gryphon the same way again; the end result was that both of burst out in laughter.

"I still find it hard to believe that you wanted to rent that first movie you picked out", Drake said; "you should be glad that I suggested the second movie." "What, I think it might be an ok movie for Natsuru and me to watch on this day", Haru replied. The lynx did nothing but chuckled before saying, "and if it doesn't and the both of you still have some sanity left or your brains didn't melt, then the movie I suggested will make your evening a good one." After a few more minutes of walking, the two men said their good byes once they had reached the point where they would walk off into different directions. "I have a feeling that will be a good first Valentine's day for us."

Back with Natsuru, the dragon was channel surfing through the television in hopes of finding anything good for him and Haru to watch. Placed on the small table before him were the glass of lemon-limenade, a pizza that was shaped like a real life heart, and an envelope that supposedly contained Haru's card. With everything that he had done all finished, Natsuru didn't have the look of satisfaction on his face; instead he appeared to be sad. "Man, I can't believe how late it has gotten", he said; the tone of his voice low. "I just hope Haru is ok and comes back home." With the familiar sound of the door knob turning, Natsuru quickly turned himself around to face the door; watching it open slowly and seeing Haru enter the house and close the door behind him. "Hey Natsuru, I'm back from...", before the avian could even finish his sentence, he was suddenly greeted with a firm hug from the dragon.

"Haru, I'm glad to see you back home", Natsuru happily said. The surprised hug made a hard to see pink flush appear across the avian's face; it was very rare for Natsuru to greet him like this. "Oh wow, I really wasn't expecting to have you greet me like this, hehe", Haru laughed. The dragon ceased his hugging on the gryphon and, just like he did yesterday, apologized to Haru for not wanting to spend today with him; the gryphon reassured that it was ok and that he was upset anymore. Natsuru smiled warmly after having heard and took ahold of his friend's hand; bringing him over to the couch and showing him what he's been up to. "So, Haru, while you were out, I felt guilty for making sad about today, so I decided to make it up to you. It's not much, but I think it will suffice for our first Valentine's Day." Looking over the table, Haru was amazed to see the glass of lemon-limenade, but was even more shocked when his eyes focused on the pizza. "Oh wow, a pizza in the shape of an actual real life heart. Did you make this or order it in exactly this shape?"

Natsuru gave a brief chuckle as he admitted that he did make the pizza, and went on explaining that gave each of the four chambers different topping; pepperoni for the top left, cheese for the top right, pineapple for the lower left, and bacon for the lower right. Haru's eyes never looked away from the pizza; noticing that the pizza seemed to be beat somewhat, and Natsuru explained that he may have added too much yeast. Upon noticing the breadsticks that seemed to represent the arteries, and the sauce out above it, Haru was hesitant to ask if the sauce meant to represent the blood that is carried away from the heart; Natsuru confirmed it the gryphon's question. Haru was just speechless as he continued to stare at the pizza dish, and when Natsuru took noticed of that, his ears lowered as he assumed that Haru didn't like it. "So, I take it that you don't like it, huh", he said sounding disappointed. "Oh, no, I do like it, it's just, wow; what a very weird thing cook on a day that's supposed to be romantic, hehe", Haru replied back. The gryphon then commented that since Natsuru cooked, that it was going to taste really good, despite how creepy it looked.

With the bags that he brought home still being held in his right hand, Haru gently placed them onto the table, and surprised the dragon when he brought out the cake he bought. "Oh Haru, that cake looks really delicious, but you really didn't have to go buy it for us, when I could've just baked us a cake." Haru cringed and shivered when Natsuru said that, and replied that he was glad that the dragon didn't; saying that he didn't want experience another food poisoning or possibly die, "Hehehe, I was just joking, Haru. I'm completely aware that I can't bake a cake to save my life, hehe." Haru briefly chuckled along with Natsuru, before surprising him again with the two dvds that he rented for them to watch; one looking like a generic Valentine romance movie, and the other one looking like an action movie.

Eating their food and drinking their lemon-limenade, the two started with watch the first movie that Haru had picked out. The movie was titled: Sweet Valentine Love and it was exactly what it sounded like; a very generic, lovey-dovey, romance movie. While the movie was alright for those who would take absolute joy from the genre, Natsuru wasn't at all feeling the movie. The more he continued to watch it, the more he felt bored and sick. It was on one particular scene that seem to go on for hours, which was the dragon wasn't getting excitement from the movie; the couple in they were watching were sweet talking to each other in the most obnoxious way possible. "You're the only woman for me to spend Valentine's Day with, my sweetie, snookum-wookums", the male character said. "Hehehe, oh you're so sweet, my lovey-dovey, hubby-wubby", the female character replied. The scene alone could easily describe the whole movie, and Natsuru really felt like vomiting whenever he saw more scenes like that. Whenever Natsuru saw couples acting like that, he always thought their relationship wasn't real, and that they were heavily forcing themselves to act and talk like that, instead of just being normal. However, because his best friend was the one who rented, made the dragon assume that Haru really wanted to watch the movie with him, and Natsuru didn't want to upset his friend again, so he decided to just bear with the movie as best he can.

"Wow, Haru, this movie is" Natsuru couldn't exactly find the right words to say, as he wanted to avoid telling what he really thought about the movie. "This movie is so fucking boring as hell." The dragon was caught by surprised upon hearing Haru say that, but at the same time he was actually glad to hear him say what he was thinking. "It was a mistake of mine for renting this movie, and thinking that it would be good, but it's not." Natsuru smiled as he chuckled under through his hand; Haru disliked the movie as much as he did and it was funny to see him reacting as such. "Do you want me to remove this movie and put in the other one", Haru asked; "Yes please", Natsuru answered back.

The second movie; the one that Drake picked out, was titled Valentine's Day Apocalypse; and the plot was about zombies attacking cities every Valentine's Day. The protagonist of the movie was a female panda named Saline, whose right arm was robotic, as a result of her cutting it off after being bitten by a zombie, and sad story of her watching her fiancé being eaten alive by the zombies, and not being to do anything to help him. The movie had already started and the scene that won Natsuru and Haru over was the scene using a gatling gun on a horde of zombies, "HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY, YOU FLESH EATING FUCKERS", Saline shouted. Despite this being a very odd thing for them to celebrate a holiday that was all about love, the two men seemed to be really enjoying themselves; saying that even though it's their first Valentine's Day, but also their best.

Amidst the violent scenes of watching heads being shot off and flesh being chewed on, Natsuru and Haru used that time to exchange their cards to one another. Opening their envelopes, both were surprised with how their cards looked; Haru more so because his card was in the shape of a real life heart, just like the pizza. "Wow, another accurate looking heart", he uttered out; "Just being accurate is all, hehe", Natsuru said. The gryphon commented about how weird it was for Natsuru to do something like that, but then immediately added that he always liked how weird Natsuru was. After briefly smiling at one another, the two started reading their cards; both of them blushing as they did so. "Thank you, Haru." "You're welcome, and thank you too, Natsuru. I'm really glad that we could spend this day together; just the two of us." The dragon concurred with gryphon as they returned their attention back to the movie. "Hey, Natsuru", Haru started and as the dragon turned to face Haru, he greet with a kiss on cheek from him.

"Really, Haru, was that you were going to do? You need to be more forward, like this." Natsuru grabbed the gryphon by the back of his head, pulled him into a kiss; briefly locking their tongues together before ending it. They both quietly stared at each other; the blush on their faces had become a bit darker. Natsuru held a smug look on his face, while had the look of surprise from his friend's kiss. "Happy Valentine's Day, Haru." The gryphon's expression had to that of smile; the same smug smile that Natsuru was currently giving him, "Happy Valentine's Day, Natsuru." With nothing else to do at the moment, the two of them just returned back to the movie, holding each other close.

"Hey, Natsuru, considering that we might have sex later on; you didn't do anything drastic to out bed, did you? Like, changed it to look like an actual real heart?"

"Of course not; don't you know how creepy that would like if we were to fuck on a bed that looks like an actual heart?"


Natsuru and Haru: Happy Valentine's Day, readers. Haru: You do realize that once this story is uploaded, Valentine's Day would already be over with, right? Natsuru: I know that, but I still think it's nice for us to still say this.